The Death Knell

Chapter 819 Luther and Ron

The so-called eternal universe is not a parallel universe. Star Man calls all spaces outside the Origin Wall the eternal universe, believing that it is where the gods and Titans of the past lived, and is the origin of DC as a whole.

The information that others currently know is limited to the fact that there is a dark power of creation outside the Origin Wall, and it is also the place where Pappetua was once sealed.

Before all creatures were sane, Papetua was sealed outside. Only the forces inherited from ancient times would have any information about her.

But that is already the old almanac.

The nuclear explosion did not hinder their communication between the two people who were connected through X metal. After Su Ming heard Cindy relaying Star Man's words word for word, Su Ming almost laughed out loud.

Are the rest of the Justice League going to follow Starman's plan?

Although he is the senior member of the Justice Society, it is understandable that the younger heroes respect him, but have everyone forgotten that he only has half a brain?

Only half of the brain means incomplete, or simply brain-dead?

Su Ming would never listen to any of his words. It was still uncertain whether Luther had done anything to Star Man, and even his own condition was not trustworthy at all!

However, after learning that Cindy had successfully acquired the key props and her identity had not been revealed, he motioned to Cindy to follow and see the excitement. If something went wrong, he could contact the Waverider at any time to run away.

Now lurking, Su Ming needs to control the movements of the Zhenglian, and if the prediction is correct, Batman should be doing the same thing through Megan.

But the more important thing in his eyes is the clown. From a certain point of view, Laughter has lost once, but the clown has never lost.

This angle is called belief. Although it is invisible and intangible, it is undoubtedly an aspect that has a huge influence.

Regarding the so-called eternal universe, Su Ming's view is completely different from everyone else's. After all, he has swam in the Sea of ​​Origin several times. Apart from chaos and formless thoughts, there is nothing for a long distance outside the Origin Wall.

Therefore, he suspected that even if there really was such a place called the eternal universe, it would probably not be in the same dimension as him.

As we all know, humans are three-dimensional creatures, while cartoon people on paper are two-dimensional. Fifth-dimensional creatures such as Troublemaker are beyond the entire universe. Not only can they create things with their thoughts, but they can also travel to Marvel to play.

Su Ming couldn't tell which dimension his state was in. He only knew that he could cross the Sea of ​​Origin, but most characters in DC comics could not escape the constraints of the Wall of Origin.

If they really want to gather information, the Justice League should find a way to pick someone off the Origin Wall and ask them.

For example, Darkseid, his father Khan, or the giant who looks particularly like Galactus, they should have a deeper understanding of the Origin Wall.

Instead of listening to the voice in Star Man's head and acting, although the power he possesses is strong, it is Papetua's power, not his.

In Su Ming's view, the so-called eternal universe and Papetua's seal are more likely to be the origin wall itself, rather than something outside the wall.

But these were all conjectures, and the information was not enough to support his judgment. He hoped that Ron's trip to Mars would bring back some more useful information.

However, Su Ming currently has no plans to join up with others in Zhenglian. Green Arrow and Diana are enough.

The fake Zorro intends to force him to laugh wildly. He cannot be allowed to develop uncontrollably, and at least his position must be locked.


At this time, Ron, who had "high hopes", was being hunted by "Quinar" on Mars with Luther.

The so-called Quinal is a space dragon in the language of Earth. When Vandal planned to use the moon to change the earth's orbit, Ron transformed into a huge Quinal and smashed the moon.

Mars is currently Quinnar's lair, which is why this planet is so dangerous.

These terrifyingly powerful creatures are as powerful as Superman, but do not have all the weaknesses of Superman. They live inside the planet and feed on emotional energy to strengthen themselves, especially memory, desire, and regret.

The most important thing is that although they are hundreds of meters long, they are social creatures.

At this time, there were dozens of Quinards chasing Luther and Ron. With his transformation ability disabled, he could only escape with Luther.

Luther's father, Lionel Luther, is a member of the secret organization "Veterans Club". They invented the famous "Neural Shield" decades ago, which is very effective against those with telepathic abilities.

The principle is to form an attitude with the same frequency as the telepath, so that the psychic ability does not work. If there is some access to this technology now, it can be purchased on the black market around the world, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Just like the size of a button, it can be effective when worn close to the body. Su Ming's X metal shielding principle was learned from this prop, which interferes with the frequency of the soul through vibration.

Like Marvel, there are always ways to deal with people with psychic abilities, but DC's method is cheaper and more effective.

But when it comes to who makes the best and most authentic jammer, there is no doubt that it is Lex Luthor.

His craftsmanship far exceeds the version circulating on the black market. Not only can it be used by a single person, but when paired with the Anti-Ron Armor, the position formed can cover a huge range of hundreds of meters.

In addition, Luther also invented the 'mind shielding drug' just in case. This special drug will turn the frequency of human thinking into that of a plant. No psychic ability can do anything to plants.

If Su Ming's metal skull hadn't made him immune to psychic powers, he would probably have created some kind of magic like 'Occlumency' by inverting people, and the effect would definitely be stronger than Harry Potter's.

Now, because Luther's craftsmanship is so good, he has combined the shield and the main power source of his battle armor into an integrated design.

So when the two of them were together, Ron's psychic abilities and shape-shifting abilities couldn't be used, and the two of them could only be chased around by the space dragon.

It looks like dozens of police dogs chasing a thief, except that these police dogs have wings, fangs and scales, and their adult bodies are larger than a gymnasium.

"Damn! What is this?!" Luther cursed as he ran wildly. He would not use a weapon to repel monsters that chased too close, but although the weapon was good, it was a pistol after all.

"This is Quinal! I brought Jarlo here to help me hide it from Quinal when I was thinking about the problem, not to deal with you!"

Ron led the way and ran wildly. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had used his legs to rush.

After Luther stunned Canluo with electromagnetic pulse just now, the existence of the two was completely exposed to Quinnar's perception.

Because both of them were reminiscing about the past.

Quinal's telepathic ability is much sharper than a dog's nose. There are only two food on the planet, Ron and Luther, so all the Quinal will soon come to eat.

"A creature with telepathic abilities?" Luther complained as he ran. Although his armor had almost infinite energy, the armor he wore today was an anti-Jon armor and had no flying ability: "You should have been earlier. Inform me that there are so many monsters on Mars besides you."

Well, although this armor is also mixed with green kryptonite powder, it is obvious that these monsters are not afraid of kryptonite.

The two were in front, and the monster was behind. There was smoke and dust billowing all the way behind them. The huge size made the ground feel like an earthquake. The stench from the bloody mouth really made it difficult to breathe.

Ron was not angry at Luther's statement: "Yes, they feed on emotions, memories, longings, and regrets."

"Ha, so they can have a feast on you, because your heart is always full of regret." Luther immediately made a last strike. Ron regretted the death of his wife and children all the time, and it also caused him to fear fire. Psychological problems: "And you are like bait, now leading them to chase us."

"We can escape separately, and I will lure them away." Ron said loudly, looking seriously at the bald head running alongside him.

Luther turned around and fired several shots viciously. He had no intention of leaving. Instead, he looked at Ron with an angry face and yelled: "It's too late! Because I regret giving you five minutes before! Now I feel the same in my heart." It’s all regret!”

When Ron heard this, he took the time to smile and said what Luthor said to Batman in his mind at the time.

"With teammates like you, who needs enemies?"

"..." Luther glared at him and continued running.

"Your actions are supported by armor, and my physical strength can still keep up. Why don't you talk about your memories while running?" Ron made another suggestion, because he was also very pressed for time.

Luther narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand and pulled the trigger back without looking back. The mountain-like monster had a hard time missing the target, and yellow beams of light shot into the abyss-like mouth.

The giant green dragon paused slightly in pain, and in just a short moment, the two of them were out of danger again. However, this dragon was soon surpassed by its own kind, and the other dragon once again opened its mouth forward.

Luther knew that it was basically impossible to escape the pursuit with his legs. He had weapons in his hands, and Ron knew the terrain. The two of them acted together, and exchanging intelligence during the escape was the most reasonable choice.

"Tell me, it's best to hurry up. I'm still in a hurry to destroy you Justice League."

So Ron told the story of his childhood. During his childhood, he accidentally entered the ancestral grave and fell into the turbulence of time and space, and was accidentally captured by humans on earth.

The person who caught him was the Veterans Club, and the person in charge of the alien project was Luther's father.

The Mind Shielder, a genetic hybrid monster of Martians and humans, was developed from Ron, when Luther was still a genius child with thick brown hair.

Because Ron was very young at the time, and Luther was not very young either, the children's world was relatively simple. Luther didn't care that Ron was an alien, but secretly communicated with Ron in the jar through some means. , became friends.

In the end, due to the limitations of technology at the time, it was impossible to go far in the research on aliens. After all the experiments that could be done were completed, Luther's father decided to destroy the Martian.

Luther naturally didn't want his father to destroy his friends, so the genius child made some tricks on the equipment. When the researchers used the equipment to break down the Martians into protons, they actually teleported Ron into the universe and obtained freedom.

Because Luthor knew how dangerous the Earth was, and that there were also organizations lurking deeper than the Veterans Club and the Eternal Council, he cried goodbye to Ron and warned him never to come back again.

After this incident, Luther was discovered by his father that he had interfered with the organization's experiments. In order to protect him, Luther erased his memory and shouldered all the responsibilities.

Thanks to its past achievements, the club did not kill his father, but used poison and hypnosis to destroy old Luther's scientific research talent, erase all his key memories, and threw him into a small town in Kansas.

So Luther Sr. changed and became an alcoholic and a madman who abused his son, because he always felt that his memory was incomplete and he couldn't remember anything important, which made him crazy.

The same goes for Lex. He only remembers that he forgot something about aliens, and he can't remember it. This also paved the way for his extreme hatred of aliens in the future.

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