The Death Knell

Chapter 820 Secret Weapon

In the red desert and ruins, two small dots of green were flying, and the sun's rays were reflected above their heads, just like beacons guiding the monsters behind them.

Under Ron's reminder, Luther's forgotten memories also came back. Although he was still running, he was once again entangled in his heart.

This truth is too shocking. Is my hatred for aliens all an illusion? No, definitely not, this is a rational judgment...

Ron's neck twisted. There were more and more monsters behind him, and the two of them had to leave.

"Lex, you are my friend, you are not who you think you are! Come with me, let's save the world!"

Mentioning this, Luther, who had been immersed in memories, woke up and fired several shots behind him to drive back the monster.

"No, Ron, I'm just saving the world, my way!"

Ahead, a five-pointed star portal appeared out of thin air in the sky, and the red horizon seemed to be suddenly cut off.

Megan finally discovered Ron's location, and Star Man's direct path to the earth was also opened. Through the five-pointed star-shaped hole, he could see his friends from the Justice League waiting for him there, Green Lantern and Hawk. All the women were prepared to respond.

"Follow me, Lex."


As Luther spoke, he took out the doorknob of destruction from his armor. A beam of red light shot out, and a red halo appeared in front of him. Opposite was the Eternal Fortress. The Legion of Destruction was waiting in the door, with its leader standing proudly. , none other than Brainiac.

Then Luther glanced at Ron and jumped into the red portal, which closed instantly.

Ron didn't even have time to sigh. Luther left. Even though his abilities came back, his plan failed. He turned into a bird and flew into the five-pointed star and disappeared.

In the same place, only a large group of giant dragons were left roaring past. They were at a loss because the prey around their mouths suddenly disappeared, and they could only roar around the place.


at this time.

After Star Man took over Ron, the Justice League decided to implement their own plan and contact some cosmic bosses for help.

While Luther was restless, Brainiac began to use digital virtual emotion technology to provide him with psychological counseling.

The game between Batman and the Joker has reached the seventh level. According to the Joker, there are still 93 levels waiting for him.

Su Ming's trio is now looking for traces of Laughter through satellites.

After all, man-made satellites were definitely not sent to the sky for fun. After leaving the nuclear explosion site, the three of them found a dense forest and got into it. They took out the satellite terminal to check what was going on in Gotham.

Yes, the key is definitely Gotham. During the Metal Incident, the final battlefield was Gotham, because Laughing is also Batman. If you want to find traces of him, he will appear in Gotham sooner or later.

The quality of the satellite was there, so only Su Ming and Green Arrow could understand the image. Diana simply found a big tree to rest on, and pulled out the Vulcan Sword for maintenance.

"Well... the Bat Plane is hovering outside the Gotham Museum of Natural History, but I don't see anyone around." Su Ming stroked his beard and said in proficient Spanish: "It should be Batman and the Joker playing in the museum. It’s a game.”

Although he was a little helpless that Deathstroke spoke Spanish in order to cosplay Zorro, Green Arrow could understand it.

Seattle is also one of the important destinations for smuggling and smuggling. Many illegal immigrants there are Latino. If you want to be a superhero in such an environment, Spanish is almost a required course.

"Don't we need to help Batman?" Green Arrow still asked in English. After all, Robin Hood speaks English.

Diana shook her head first. She put the sword in front of her and looked at it in the moonlight, but it was raining in Gotham, and the weather was not much better not far from Washington. The Vulcan Sword looked a little gray at this moment. .

"Batman has said that we cannot interfere with his and the Joker's affairs. This is a prerequisite for him to join the Justice League. If he violates it, he will leave the league."

Oliver squatted under the tree, with the folding bow already in his hand: "I remember this, but it was the agreement between Batman and us, wasn't it? We have Zorro here, and he is not a member of the Zhenglian... ..."

After hearing Oliver's words, Diana frowned and thought for a moment. Maybe she thought it made sense, so she looked at Su Ming with questioning eyes.

If Deathstroke is willing to help Batman, he will be able to quickly deal with the Joker, allowing the most powerful ordinary people in the Zhenglian Alliance to join the battle against Laughter.

Su Ming didn't even raise his head, and he wasn't interested in their proposal at all. He just kept fiddling with the satellite terminal in his hand.

What Billy Wu created is easy to use and quick to use, but it looks a bit like a PSP and is not serious at all when used.

Although it looked like he was playing a game, Su Ming's words were serious.

"Stop thinking nonsense. Do you think Batman can acquiesce in my contact with you just because he believes in me? No, he must have found some way to restrain me. I have already confirmed this through all my previous temptations."

"What? You have x metal, a light ring, and endless magical power. How can he restrain it?"

Diana became interested. She can be said to be the person who knows the most about Su Ming's strength in the Justice League. It is not an exaggeration to say that this death knell from another world is a god on earth.

After all, when she was controlled by Hecate, she had memories. She was able to drive all the newborns into the earth's crust at full power.

During the sinking of the earth, Deathstroke also suppressed the alien Poseidon and eliminated the giant sea demon. It can be said that one person brought the earth back from the brink of destruction.

A person with such strength is a death knell. The number one mercenary on earth has always been famous for his excellent tactics. When combined with hard power, he is simply unrivaled.

Su Ming gave a wry smile and shook his head helplessly: "That's the problem. I don't know what method Batman has found. Maybe if he suddenly takes out a five-dimensional prop from his belt, I will fail. Hidden in the cave are things like the Three Magic Weapons and the Spear of Destiny... Although magic and the Ten Lantern Rings are powerful, they are far from that powerful."

The Three Magic Weapons are three tokens, namely the green belluthool, the silver wheelnyorlath, and the red jarcalythos. These three tokens cannot be used. Destroyed and unable to leave the earth, it represents the eternal seal of the three demons.

When someone worships the red pot, turns the silver wheel, and rings the silver bell, he will gain all the power of the three demons within a hundred years. After a hundred years, the three demons will be liberated from the seal and return to the world.

Those three original demon kings are all demons from different dimensions. They can even be said to be the other three weaker three palaces. Each has its own hell plane. The three together should be about 50% comparable to the Upside Down Man.

And those were demons more than a billion years ago, just a little bit later than Papetua, and no one remembers their weaknesses at all.

As for the Spear of Destiny, it is the one that killed Jesus. Ordinary people will die regularly if their skin is scratched. It can also be used as a staff to guide the dark energy of the entire universe.

DC is indeed very dangerous, but only in times of danger and chaos can Su Ming have the opportunity to gain benefits.

Just like before, if Zheng Lian was not busy saving the earth and the Lantern Group was building the Origin Wall, Su Ming would never have the chance to collect the Lantern Rings. If he had to wear two at most, someone would come looking for him.

The first generation of Lanterns, the Supreme Green Lantern, etc. are all loyal thugs of the Guardians.

If Su Ming hadn't demonstrated his skills in using ten light rings last time, which made people with good intentions in the universe throw their weapons at him, and if there was greater external pressure, he would have been in constant trouble now.

Heroes emerge from troubled times. In fact, chaos brings more opportunities. The 'entropy' that is the essence of human beings in the DC world is chaos.

Cindy had already helped Su Ming get the treasure he wanted this time in the chaos.

Diana and Oliver were a little silent for a moment after hearing Deathstroke's words, because this is indeed what Batman would do.

They have lost count of the number of times when the Justice League was about to be destroyed on the verge of crisis, but they relied on Batman's intelligence and props to turn the tide of the battle.

And the implication of Deathstroke is also very clear. Batman should have some means of restraint, but what about other Batmans from other worlds...

Are you ready?

The two were silent for a while, but after Su Ming finished speaking, he still stared at the terminal in his hand. Oliver still shrugged: "Then you have a plan, right?"

Su Ming nodded and told them that just to prevent them from being blindly optimistic. Especially Diana, she must not get carried away with her enthusiasm. There are all Batmans on the opposite side, so she must act cautiously.

"First let's see if Harley can restrain her laughter. If not, we'll have to use our secret weapon."

Hangzhou put a cigarette to his mouth and lit it. Flames appeared out of thin air. Su Ming blew out a puff of smoke and narrowed his eyes.

Diana looked curious, and she moved closer: "What secret weapon?"

Oliver also became interested. He also wanted to know what weapon was stronger than the Ten Lantern Ring and X Metal.

But Su Ming just raised his head and looked at him seriously. Diana's eyes slowly turned to Green Arrow in the strange atmosphere, and she seemed to suddenly realize.

"Walter? Am I the secret weapon?"

Oliver was still smiling at first, but when he saw neither of them smiling, he couldn't stop laughing. After confirming that Deathstroke was talking about him, Green Arrow's eyes nearly bulged out from behind his mask.

Su Ming nodded affirmatively and said calmly: "Yes, you are our secret weapon."

"Stop joking, that's not funny at all. The light ring has super powers. It's hard for me to fight against one." Oliver's head shook wildly. When he first heard that he was a secret weapon, his heart was filled with excitement. It was refused.

Su Ming patted him on the shoulder, handed him a cigarette and lit it to calm down his shock.

"I'm not joking. The game with the Laughing Bat is not a poker game. Whoever has the higher number on the card wins. It's about who can hide the cards better. The game is about off-board tricks. So...and... What's better than an outsider like you?"

During the invasion of Barbatos, Green Arrow led a young team to fight guerrillas in the sewers of Gotham, right under Laughing's nose.

But he laughed wildly until he was defeated, and never thought of catching this member of the Zhenglian. There is no Batman corresponding to the Green Arrow in the Dark Knights.

Whether he simply forgot about it or didn't like it at all, Laughing never thought that Green Arrow would enter the game this time.

This is the blind spot of laughter, which can be exploited.

Do you think Su Ming brought Green Arrow into the team just for fun or to make money? Or to borrow financial resources and connections?

If you really think that way, you really don’t understand Deathstroke...

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