The Death Knell

Chapter 821 Green Arrow Upgrade Plan

It's been a while since Green Arrow felt like he had such a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. When was the last time the Justice League put such a heavy responsibility on his shoulders?

six years ago?

Anyway, his position in Zhenglian seems to be that of a marginal person, lower than Neptune who can only talk to fish.

And recently I heard that Arthur's ability is not only the ability to talk to fish, but also the super ability to contact all the sea races in the multiverse. It is called the power of life, and it sounds very high-end.

So after Deathstroke said it was all up to him this time, Green Arrow's first reaction was to refuse. He felt that he was not strong enough and had made too many mistakes in the past, so he could not take over this important task.

However, after listening to Deathstroke's explanation and calming down to think, he admitted that this was indeed a reasonable tactic.

Laughter seems to have been looking down on Green Arrow, and this kind of neglect is definitely fatal at some point.

In the past, Guangxiao ignored him, but today he is unable to reach his heights.

So in Diana's confused eyes, you can see that Green Arrow seems to have been brainwashed with magic, and the eyes behind the mask look like 'duang! Duang! ’ The ground lit up.

Green Arrow suddenly gained confidence, it was so inexplicable.

But now that Deathstroke has a plan, Diana doesn't have to worry. She doesn't care what cards the enemy has, she just needs to know when it's her turn to kill and who to kill.

"Have you figured it out?" Su Ming hooked Oliver's neck, and the two simply sat under the roots of a tree and smoked cigarettes, like brothers.

"So, your goal has always been to deal with the Laughing Bat?" Oliver calmed down and started to smoke.

"You can say that." Su Ming looked at the gap in the leaves, where only dark clouds could be seen: "Luthor did not regard me as an obstacle at all. What he hates most are aliens."

The current situation is like this, earthlings versus aliens, lunatics versus psychopaths, and people from other worlds versus people from other worlds.

Oliver followed Su Ming's gaze and looked up at the dark night sky. Su Ming could feel his breathing gradually calming down.

Oliver said: "The Laughing Bat wants to prove to everyone that he has won, but we still don't know what the so-called 'win' is, and there are no judgment conditions."

"I can probably guess a little bit." Su Ming stretched his legs and moved his back: "What he probably wants is to defeat Batman as Bruce Wayne."

"It's like a tongue twister..." Diana's beautiful big eyes turned into dead fish eyes. Why did the topic suddenly jump to a place she didn't understand?

Unfortunately, there was no little Fu orangutan to explain. Even though they had just separated, she already missed the black-haired animal.

Oliver was thoughtful, and his fingers were like small rakes, slowly combing his beard: "As a flesh-and-blood Bruce Wayne, he defeated the bat, which only symbolizes will and totem..."

"So before he defeats Batman, we, the audience, are basically still alive. Even if he attacks someone, it should be kidnapping and not killing." Su Ming added in a timely manner: "Just like last time, he also killed Bat first. Xia was kidnapped into the Dark Universe, and then he attacked everyone in Zhenglian... except you, Green Arrow."

Oliver rolled his eyes. He could understand it without the last sentence, so there was no need to emphasize it!

"But you defeated the Dark Knights one by one last time. I don't think Laughter will make the same mistake this time." Diana finally understood. Is it still a matter of split personality anyway?

Su Ming spread his hands, put the PSP on his lap, and slowly moved his wrist:

"No one can never make mistakes, not even me. No matter how good the Laughing Bat's plan is, he will inevitably encounter unexpected things, because there is another person among his opponents who is completely unpredictable... ....”

"You mean the clown, that guy is really creepy." Oliver took a deep drag on the cigarette, bared his teeth, and felt uncomfortable as if he saw that smile: "I remember Hal once watched the clown's tricks. He actually laughed, and from then on I always felt that Hal had some mental issues.”

Su Ming moved his shoulders and hit them twice as if there was a burden on them: "Captain of the Green Lantern Corps, there is a lot of pressure from all parties. I would not be surprised if he suffers from depression."

"By the way, what is Hal doing now? I haven't seen him recently." Oliver suddenly remembered his good friend.

"He is taking a few lanterns to fill the cracks at the Origin Wall. He will probably be back soon." Su Ming flipped his wrist and conjured three more bottles of wine.

It has been a month since the Origin Wall was broken, and several lantern groups have also spent a month there. Even if Star Man has a plan now, Su Ming is not optimistic that they can do it.

I don’t know who did the feat of sealing Pappetua into the wall back then, but it is definitely not something that the current Lantern Corps or Starman can do.

Starman's brain has Pappetua's energy, which gives him abilities far beyond what he used to be. He seems to be a little swollen.

"Okay, I should understand the general plan, so what's the next step?" Green Arrow raised a new question. There was a plan, but he was still blind to the specific details.

Su Ming distributed the wine bottles to the three of them, opened a new portal, and gestured to drink while walking: "Do you know Blood Field?"

"Field of Blood...are you talking about the Bible?" Oliver looked confused. This topic spanned a bit.

"Even if Kuangxiao ignores you, the gap in strength still exists objectively. Our current goal is to strengthen you to +15, which will beat Kuangxiao in terms of intelligence."

Su Ming solemnly made an invitation gesture in front of the portal. The portal was squirming like a chamber in an animal's body and it was impossible to see what was on the other side.

"But what does this have to do with the Bible?" Green Arrow held the wine bottle but did not open it, because he had experienced the portal of Deathstroke. When he walked in, he would be turned upside down, inside out, and his intestines would feel like they were about to be thrown out.

"Because the strongest assassin is recorded in the Bible." Su Ming smiled slightly, very much like Zorro's aristocratic demeanor.

Green Arrow already understands.

The so-called Field of Blood is the burial place of Judas, the greatest traitor who assassinated Jesus.

Just like what is recorded in the Bible, after betraying Jesus, Judas regretted carrying the thirty silver coins. The Gospel of Matthew records that he thought it was the money Jesus had exchanged for it, and that it was full of blood and sin.

He wanted to return the money to the people who bribed him, but the Jewish priests said that the money has been given to you, and the sins flowing in it have nothing to do with them.

When Judas saw that the priests refused to pay, he felt even more regretful. He threw the money in the Jewish temple and committed suicide when he left the house.

The money was indeed sinful, and the priests did not dare to take it back, so they used the thirty pieces of money to buy a potter's field and buried Judas there, trying to pretend that nothing had happened.

But the sin on that piece of land was so heavy that not only was there no grass growing on it, but the ground turned black, as if it was soaked in blood.

The people of Jerusalem called it Achdamath, which is the field of blood.

The myth is like this. The truth is no longer important. Su Ming believes that the Jesus of the past was nothing more than a clone of God, and Judas, who died back then, has also been resurrected.

Yes, the Phantom Stranger who is now regarded as a hero is Judas. There are only twelve pieces of the thirty coins left. They were made into necklaces and shackles by a part of God - the "Voice of Heaven", and were put on the Stranger. on the neck.

It has been thousands of years since his resurrection, and he has been atoning for his betrayal back then.

The silver coin necklace was full of sin. Zha Kang once described it as "a sin that all the devils of hell combined cannot afford."

Su Ming previously learned about the following situations: Sandman disappeared, Lucifer disappeared, and the body of God mutated.

These changes in multiverse existence have caused damage and turmoil in the world, making the entire DC world in danger, like an egg standing on the wall.

If Su Ming's ability to travel was controlled by someone who didn't understand DC, seeing the world in this state, he would have hid as far away as possible, found a safe world to shrink down, and waited for the wind to come back.

But Su Ming doesn't like to back down. He is not a hero, but he will not back down in troubled times.

Not for any glorious reason, but because of some good opportunities that only chaos can provide.

For example, Su Ming's x metal and light ring, such as the reverse contract, and now, if you want to get the sin money necklace without being targeted by the boss, this is the best opportunity.

If DC were not in such a dilapidated state now, outsiders who want to punish money would definitely be killed by God with a finger. That is the real Supreme Creator God, equivalent to Marvel's TOAA.

This is one of the reasons why Su Ming is not afraid of Papetua, because he knows that the spicy green man is not a creation god at all, but at most a multiverse-level ancient boss.

In other words, she is on the same level as a monitor and an anti-monitor. Even if she is stronger than them, there is no qualitative change. At least humans can still resist.

And now, God is not at home...

Whether that stranger's necklace was guilty or not is another matter. Anyway, Su Ming didn't believe in God. He only saw that it was a very powerful magic item.

The necklace will enable the wearer to call upon the power of heaven, and provide the auxiliary abilities of single-body teleportation, prophecy, magic dispelling, illusion, and mind control.

The first step in the plan is to strengthen Oliver so that Green Arrow can use the power of God to fight Su Ming's enemies.

In exchange, he had previously promised Green Arrow to let him return to the Big Seven, so even if Su Ming had to lift him, he would still carry Green Arrow in!

Of course, by then Green Arrow will be strong enough, and it would be better for him to go in by himself...

The power in the sin money is also curse and sin, and its effect can be achieved by Su Ming by turning people upside down. Therefore, he does not intend to use the sin money himself, and generously distributes it to Green Arrow.

The necklace is only the first step. The next targets include the inquirer's 'Key to Eden' and the 'Magic Box' in Pandora's hand.

To deal with the three original sins, you can defeat them or negotiate terms. Collect all the sinful tools in their hands and give Oliver a 'three-piece guilty suit', allowing him to become God's messenger in one step. This fighting power is enough.

Once Green Arrow becomes stronger, there is no need to worry about him betraying him. On the one hand, Oliver emphasizes loyalty. On the other hand, these props bring magical abilities or souls. Su Ming is immune to all of them, so it couldn't be safer...

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