The Death Knell

Chapter 822 Done

The rotten black ground formed a circle. Not far away, you could still see lush plants and farmland, but here, as if cursed, there was only black soil.

Rubble, desolation, the smell of blood, a cross stood alone in the land that was still dark under the sun. The poor tombstone was dilapidated, standing there crookedly and looking at the trio.

"This is it, the field of blood, the burial place of Judah."

With a cigarette in one hand and a drink in the other, Su Ming said casually to the two people around him that if depravity was a sin, he would be guilty of a serious crime just by looking at him.

Oliver bent down and touched the ground. The black soil was as hard as rock, dry, and had a special cold feeling.

"I don't know what happened here, but I have a feeling in my heart that if I had to use any word to describe this land, it would be... guilty."


Su Ming raised the bottle and took a few sips. He smiled and shook his head slightly. What crime could the land be guilty of? It's nothing more than the traitor's flesh and blood buried here.

Judas’ sin was actually against God.

This land was just angered. After death, Judas was resurrected and worked for God for free for thousands of years. This sin seems to be endless.

If he was strong enough, he wouldn't have to suffer this. To put it another way, it was because Tai Cai offended the boss again and ended up with a tragic end.

God is like an eternal family, pretending to be a mortal who comes to earth to experience life, and Judas also allowed him to experience the greed and betrayal of mortals. Isn't this great?

You must know that thirty large silver dollars were not a lot at all in those days, and a beautiful female slave was only worth a small silver dollar. The Jewish priests spent a lot of money to bribe Judas.

Human nature has never been able to withstand the test. The clown knows this best. Judas just made a choice that a mortal might make.

As a result, Jesus died, and God couldn't play anymore. He returned directly to the highest heaven and turned Judas into a stranger, torturing him for so many years.

Strangers, inquirers, and Pandora are known as the three original sins, and their original sin is too much food.

Logically speaking, their paper strength is not bad at all, but they just can't display it. Su Ming has read Stranger's comics, and his reaction during the battle is simply blinding.

For example, if his enemy uses magic to strangle his neck, it stands to reason that a normal person would find a way to break free, right? he does not.

A small theater began to play in his heart at that time. First, he had a wave of memories of those years. He thought about the feel of the hemp rope when he hung himself, then recalled the look in the eyes of the goat whose reins he took away, and then recalled those years. Blood stains on silver coins.

A few seconds passed. He struggled for a while and found that he couldn't get away. Then he began to think divergently, remembering his sins, and using dialectics to study whether he should die.

Once this set of inner drama is over, generally speaking, if there are teammates, he will have been rescued, because he died by hanging back then, and now his sequelae is that he falls into a daze after being strangled.

When he fights, he uses a set of magical martial arts, which is to concentrate magical energy into his fists and spread them about one meter away. Unfortunately, he basically doesn't know martial arts, and his close combat skills are far inferior to those of Kama Taj's mages.

He has a good friend called 'The Demon Hunter' Surtin, who is the father of Teresa, the bartender at the Forgotten Bar, so this time he came to the cemetery to 'negotiate terms', and Su Ming had no intention of bringing Bobo here. .

Su Ming wiped his mouth, brought the cigarette to his mouth and took a puff, and said to Green Arrow as if he had seen through the world: "In e-sports, food is the original sin."

"???" Green Arrow was confused, why couldn't he understand this?

Su Ming waved his hand, threw the bottle away, and signaled Green Arrow not to care about these details: "Okay, let's prepare for the ritual of summoning the stranger."

Diana always felt that something bad would happen. She pulled her hood to cover her shoulders and hair, and whispered like a thief: "Do you know magic rituals? Summoning others is not like summoning demons. You need the other party’s consent.”

"No problem, can't we just let him come to us?"

Su Ming answered her calmly, looking very confident.

Summoning a heavenly creature like Stranger is like dialing the other person's phone number. If you don't know his phone number, you can't contact him directly.

Constantine is very familiar with Stranger. If it were him, he would just arrange a five-pointed star circle, add incense candles, and slaughter a goat as a sacrifice to drive the circle.

Yes, this is a way to summon demons. Zha Kang deliberately did this, and the stranger would appear in front of him with the same anger as eating Zha Kang's whole family alive.

But a supreme mage like Su Ming, ahem, can only use external moves.

He rummaged in his bag, took out a large piece of green stuff, put a small LCD screen on it, and pressed a series of numbers.

Didi didi...

Green Arrow's eyes gradually became sharp, and he seemed to see the truth.

"Wait, isn't this C4?"

"Yes." Su Ming nodded.

"Do you want to..." Green Arrow looked confused.

"Yes." Su Ming gently threw the explosive with a set countdown towards the grave.

The green plastic explosives were spinning in the air, and the red LCD numbers on them seemed to be changing slowly in slow motion.

Diana sighed, there must be something wrong with doing this, but Deathstroke should have his own reasons, and she chose to believe it. Now she just wants to deal with Laughter quickly and make him pay the price for destroying the Hall of Justice.

boom! ! !

The three of them turned their heads slightly to avoid the wind pressure caused by the explosion. The gravel flew and the smoke filled the air. Su Ming turned around and waved his hands gently in front of his face, looking at the place where the explosion occurred.

The original tattered cross had disappeared, replaced by a large pit. Naturally, there was no coffin or anything like that in the pit. When Judas was buried, it was just wrapped in rags.

The shroud is now his uniform, transformed into a new contemporary blue trench coat.

Su Ming tilted his head and felt it. He didn't feel that he was being watched, and no traces of magic were found on his cloak.

"He's quite calm. Now that the earth is so unstable, he seems to have shrunk again." Zorro squatted next to the pit and said in a helpless tone.

Diana sighed and watched the black smoke rising from the pit: "How about we find Zatanna? The Stranger has a good relationship with her for some reason."

"No, do these things and don't show up with anyone who has a good relationship with Stranger. Do you need to avoid it?"

"No, I'm with you." Diana replied affirmatively, gesturing for Su Ming to continue. She saw him starting to dig into his pocket again.

Su Ming smiled at her, took out three cigarettes from his bag, lit them, and stuck his backhand into the black soil in front of the tomb.

Then he motioned the two of them to retreat, closed his eyes, clasped his hands together, and an otherworldly aura exuded from him.

Diana and Green Arrow looked at each other, not quite understanding what Su Ming was doing, and then heard Deathstroke chanting Sanskrit.

"Namo Amitabha Night, Duotagadu Night, Duodikadu Night..."

Yes, the death knell recited the mantra of death at the grave of a stranger, and sent him to the bliss of the West in front of the grave of a Christian. This behavior is no less than a dance on the grave.

Before he could finish reciting the two words, a figure wearing a blue windbreaker appeared in front of the three of them, and shouted angrily: "Shut up! Infidel!"

"Brother?" Su Ming put down his hands and looked at the stranger with a smile: "I thought how long you could stay in your fantasy. How are your wife and children doing recently?"

Diana turned away from him and looked at the birds in the distance, while Green Arrow forced out an awkward smile and smiled at the stranger.

"Who are you?!" Stranger looked at Diana and then at Green Arrow, but he couldn't remember when such a new character appeared in the Justice League.

"Diego de la Vega, you can call me Zorro, I am Batman's friend." Su Ming took off the big-brimmed hat on his head and saluted like a European court swordsman.

The Stranger looked down at his grave, and the blue light in his eyes was about to burst out like thunder, but considering that the other person was Batman's friend, he still endured it.

"Get out of here, Blood Field is not the place you should be."

"Don't rush people away." Su Ming took out the God-killer rapier from his belt: "I'm here to negotiate terms."

The stranger raised his hand, and a magical aura restored his grave. This place is the proof of his sin. He has repaired this place countless times: "I have nothing to talk to you."

He turned around and prepared to leave. He didn't want to pay attention to an ordinary person at all.

Mortal things will always make him physically and mentally exhausted, because the journey of atonement seems to never end, and the cause of all this is his sin as a human being.


Just before the stranger could react, the black cloak behind the man who called himself Zorro suddenly flew over and rolled him up tightly.

He tried to use teleportation to escape, but the cloak was not only extremely powerful, but also seemed to cut off all his magic power, leaving him stunned for a moment. He had never seen anything like this before.

And just when he was stunned, he saw Zorro whip out his whip. The black whip seemed to be able to extend indefinitely and automatically find its target. It extended to a dead branch dozens of meters away and circled around, then turned back on its own. came back and formed a noose around his neck.

Zorro pulled hard, and the stranger immediately lifted his feet off the ground and flew towards the big tree. He hung like bacon under the tree, swaying in the wind.

The familiar feeling of suffocation came, and the stranger suddenly froze. He couldn't help but think of the swing hanging under the tree, which was his lost youth.

Put your feet off the ground, feel the gravity, and it gradually becomes difficult to breathe...

Although he no longer needs to breathe at all and can move freely in any universe, this is his psychological weakness. He still maintains the emotions of a mortal, so naturally he cannot avoid this weakness.

Su Ming walked straight to the tree, raised his head and showed a disdainful smile, his mustache twitching.

He reached out and pulled off the stranger's necklace. Just holding this thing in his hand felt like he owed the world. Even X metal could not isolate this emotional impact. It had to be said to be a top-notch artifact.

He threw the necklace to Green Arrow with his backhand and watched him put it on. Then Su Ming turned the God Killer into a frying pan and hit the Stranger hard on the back of the head.

"I said I would negotiate terms! Do you still want to leave?! Euler, Euler, Euler..."

The corners of Diana's mouth kept twitching, and she squinted her eyes as if she was afraid of blood splattering on her face, looking so unbearable.

Anyway, Stranger couldn't die, so Su Ming didn't hold back at all. He didn't withdraw the strangulation until he slapped the opponent's head as flat as a pizza, leaving Stranger lying on the ground motionless.

"Huh, let's go, next step."

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