The Death Knell

Chapter 823 Weird Prediction

The second target is the questioner, or rather, the key in his hand.

The so-called Key to the Seventh Heaven, the Key to the Highest Heaven, and the Key to the Garden of Eden are all referring to it. It looks like an ordinary brass key, nothing special at all.

The sins of Pandora and Judas are almost universally known, but the Questioner is the weirder one among the three original sins. His sins are unknown to everyone, and he is the only one among the trio who does not believe that he is guilty.

But it doesn't matter whether he admits it or not. If God says he is guilty, then he is guilty. And the Eternal Parliament also knows his crimes, but unfortunately those people are now killed by Luther.

Su Ming guessed that the questioner was one of DC's best detectives, born hundreds of years before Batman. I'm afraid his crime was knowing something he shouldn't know, such as the secret of God.

But this is just conjecture and there is no evidence.

All he wanted was the key to give Oliver a suit. As for whether the inquirer had eaten God's rice, he didn't bother to care.

That key doesn't have as many functions as the Stranger's necklace, but it can transport the bearer to the gates of heaven from any corner of any universe.

And as the first key at the beginning of creation, it can open any lock in the world.

Yes, any lock, even if the current lock may require an IC card or voiceprint to open, you can still pass it by swiping it directly with this key.

This should be some kind of rule, a rule called lock-picking. After all, the key symbolizes the solution to the lock and the power to pursue the answer.

There are three generations of inquirers. The first generation is Charles Sasse, a reporter from Hub City, one of Lois Lane's suitors, and a high school classmate.

The second generation is Renee Montoya in the P52 period, a detective of the Gotham Police Department, Gordon's subordinate, a colleague of Katasis, a member of the Humiliation Team, and she is also the girlfriend of Batgirl Kate Kane .

The identity of N52's questioner is a mystery. Almost no one knows his true identity, but it is not without clues because he has a certain degree of connection with the fat black woman from the Sky Eye Society.

As long as Diana goes to the Sky Eye Meeting, she should be able to ask for his contact information. Wonder Woman still has some face.

The Questioner is the weakest on paper among the Three Original Sins, but actually has the strongest combat effectiveness. His martial arts are pretty good, almost on the same level as Black Canary.

It sounds very ordinary, but every time something goes wrong with Superman, as long as people are still trapped on the earth, he will often appear in time to save Superman, because there is no door in this world that can stop him.

The weapons he is good at are flashlights and fists. Of course, he also carries a revolver with him. When it is time to kill, he will kill without mercy.

So Su Ming's portal sent the three of them directly outside the headquarters of the Sky Eye Society in Detroit. Diana was very obedient and went in to find Amanda for information. Su Ming and Oliver leaned against the door under the strange eyes of the soldiers. Smoking outside.

Oliver was still a little worried about Amanda catching him last time, but more importantly, he had a heavy look on his face.

After wearing the crime money necklace, he always felt that he had sinned deeply. Even if he didn't know what sin he had committed, he just wanted to do something for the world to make up for it.

Su Ming said that these are all minor problems. He is a superhero to begin with, and there is nothing wrong with doing more good deeds.

Why not take this time to get familiar with the magical abilities brought by the necklace, which can also come in handy during battles.

Apart from anything else, the move of suddenly teleporting to someone's back and firing an arrow is powerful enough. I don't know if DC has a siege crossbow backstabbing trick, but he suggested that Green Arrow give it a try.

But when backstabbing and laughing, remember to replace it with N metal arrows.

The weather in Detroit is good, and you can see the stars here. While Oliver was experimenting with his abilities, Su Ming just looked at the stars calmly, silently.

"That's almost it. This ability seems to be innate. There is nothing difficult to master." Green Arrow tried out the new abilities one by one, and even he couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

"Oh? Have you tried your psychic abilities?" Su Ming turned around and asked, "It doesn't work on me, try it on them."

As he spoke, he pointed at the soldiers patrolling outside the door. Logically speaking, they should drive away the people in Zhenglian, but they also knew that even if all of them added up, they would definitely not be a match for Wonder Woman.

So when Zorro appeared in the movie and pointed at them, their expressions were strange, as if they dared to be angry but dare not speak.

Oliver follows the good example and sweats more in peacetime and bleeds less in war, so he used his psychic powers on the soldiers.

Green Arrow's eyes narrowed, and green light seemed to overflow from his eyes: "That person, he hid 300 H magazines under the bed. I didn't expect that there are still people who like paper books in this day and age... .”

The soldier he pointed out blushed. Is there any privacy left? ! What's even worse is that these books will definitely be borrowed by bastards!

Oliver didn't care about the reaction of an ordinary soldier. In fact, he saw more secrets. He just picked the most insignificant one and said it.

Then he pointed at a muscular Latino soldier: "You're wearing stars-and-stripes underwear and you're trying to get your roommate to pick up soap tonight!"

Not only was the soldier not angry, but he winked at Green Arrow, which made Su Ming even have goosebumps all over his body.

Green Arrow opened his mouth, not knowing what to say. He quickly changed his target, but the more he looked at it, the more helpless he became. In the end, he could only shake his head at Su Ming.

"No wonder only one person in this team has an H book, because the others all like men and have no interest in women..."

Su Ming signaled that enough was enough. The U.S. military was like this. It was 'don't ask, don't tell' on the issue of homosexuality. It was in a state of tacit consent. But is this ratio a bit high among the elites of the Sky Eye Society?

What does it mean to have 11 gays in a 12-man patrol? A modern 'buddy cavalry'?

He shook his head: "It seems that you have mastered mind reading. Try the precognition technique again. You should be able to see some vague fragments. Tell them and let's analyze them together."

"Is what you saw completely random?" Oliver reached out and touched the necklace, trying to activate his ability.

"Yes, maybe you can predict where the polar bear will go to the bathroom in the future, or where the laughing bat will appear in the future, but it's really random."

" this ability useful?" Oliver looked constipated. Who cares about the digestive system of a polar bear? !

Su Ming patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "From now on, I will activate my foresight every day when I have free time. It should be useful once in ten thousand times, right? Maybe it is key information? Even if it is related to a friend, it is not bad."

"That's true... but my luck is that good?" Oliver obviously still knew his luck.

"Don't worry, I don't know if you have heard of it. When you owe enough debts, you will become a super noble." Su Ming explained in a seductive way, and expressed his thoughts: "Originally, you were not lucky enough. , every time I do something, I will miss something, but it is different now. Once my plan succeeds, you will be the man who bears the sins of the world. God will never let you delay your atonement because of such a trivial matter as 'unlucky'.... ..."

"My way of atonement is to be a hero and protect the world." Oliver understood. It turned out that Deathstroke had already thought of using the power of God to counter fate. How did he come up with this move?

"That's it, keep working hard in the future." Su Ming smiled at him happily and brought the topic back: "Try it now and see what the effect will be."

Oliver nodded confidently, his face full of gratitude, he pressed the necklace in his hand and closed his eyes.

But he, who was originally smiling, gradually became serious, his eyebrows knitted together tightly, and his head tilted slightly sideways involuntarily.

Soon he opened his eyes, looked at Su Ming, and said in a heavy tone: "I saw it, I saw the future, I saw Batman crying uncontrollably..."

Su Ming took a deep breath.

Heaven's prophecies are infallible, but how could Batman cry? !

Bruce may cry, but Batman is the totem of Gotham without blood and tears. How can a totem that represents darkness and fear cry?

If Oliver said that he had foreseen that Bobo would suddenly take off his black fur like autumn clothes, transform into a handsome boy, and go to Korea to participate in the debut of a boy band and sing and dance, Su Ming would not be so surprised.

But Batman shows emotion? How can this be?

Silence filled the air between the two of them. Su Ming pondered for a while, and finally just nodded to indicate that he understood.

Before his plan is completed, Batman can only pray for himself, otherwise even if Su Ming and the others go to Gotham, and they are really laughed at, the situation is probably not optimistic.

However, he still asked without giving up: "Are you sure Batman didn't have anything like onions or mustard paste in his hand? Didn't the Joker make a 'laugh till you cry' style laughing gas?"

", I just saw Batman's face. He was still wearing a helmet. He seemed to have a mental breakdown, and tears were flowing from under the mask..." Oliver said with some worry, He didn't feel good.

He had never had the ability to predict things before, and when he used his new ability for the first time, he saw his friend. He didn't know whether he should trust his eyes.

At this time, Diana walked out of the door quickly, with a smile on her face after completing the task, as if she was waiting for Su Ming to praise her, but as soon as she came out, she saw Oliver's sad face, and she tilted her head. The expression on his face turned to confusion.

"What happen to you guys?"

The moonlight shines on her face, and she looks gentle and calm. The softness of a woman and the strength of a warrior are both reflected in her body.

Su Ming shook his head, showed a smile, and wiped his mustache: "It's okay, we are just discussing the proportion of homosexuals in the US military. Green Arrow is a little scared."

Diana's worried eyes turned into contempt, and she punched Su Ming angrily: "You are really bored. Do you still want to hear the address of the inquirer?"

"Did you ask?" Su Ming raised his eyebrows and gestured to Green Arrow not to speak.

Diana had no doubt that she had it, and she nodded proudly: "Amanda and I are both strong women, and we have a lot of topics in common. Although she was a little confused as to why I wanted to ask the questioner, she did give me a phone number. , and a general location.”

Su Ming raised his hand, ready to communicate with others: "Where?"


Diana said, because even if she is the leader of the Intelligence Organization, the Sky Eye Society, Amanda only knows so much.

The next second, as Deathstroke spoke the name of the place, the purple coelenter portal appeared again in front of the three people.

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