The Death Knell

Chapter 825 Questioner

Creaking stairs and cracked walls. If something were to happen here, Su Ming felt it would be something bad.

This is the kind of place shown in TV dramas, where there are always evil spirits living there and there will be bloody murder scenes.

A ghastly, damp, indescribable smell of decay filled everyone's nostrils.

The so-called detective agency is just a house that has been simply renovated. A door with frosted glass has been replaced, and some cheap tape splicing letters have been pasted on it, and it is now open for business.

As for whether the questioner has a PI qualification certificate, none of the three people think that he does, which means that all the evidence he obtained in solving the case is illegal.

So if you want to bring the bad guys to justice, you can only rely on the 57-caliber justice in your pocket.

The cheap black frosted glass door was not tightly closed, and a small crack revealed the faint light inside. Su Ming glanced at the two people behind him, then pushed the door open and entered.

However, the moment he stepped through the door, he immediately stepped back and carefully looked at the sign and slogan on the door to make sure that he was not wrong.

"What's wrong?"

Diana asked in a low voice, while the fake Zorro tilted his head and said nothing more, but motioned for the two of them to follow.

After walking through the door, Diana understood without Su Ming's need to answer.

Green Arrow covered his nose and his face seemed to turn green: "Okay, I thought we drank enough, but obviously I haven't been to the brewery."

Yes, Su Ming thought he was in the wrong place as soon as he walked in. The air in this small room was full of the smell of alcohol. In a place like this, it always felt like lighting up a cigarette would explode.

At first he thought he was at a liquor dealer's place, but only after exiting did he confirm that he was right.

It has to be said that the questioner obviously has an alcohol addiction problem, which is enough to require him to be admitted to Arkham for treatment.

The room is so big, you can see the window when you open the door.

Behind the desk in front of the window, a man wearing a faceless mask was sleeping soundly holding a wine bottle.

How to sit on a chair and put your legs on the table so that you can sleep on your back without falling down or kicking the candle on the table. This is definitely impossible without exercise.

And the questioner did a great job.

Dealing with a drunkard is not the most logical choice.

The smell of alcohol makes even an elephant drunk. Even if the questioner were Batman, he would be unconscious by now.

But after several people entered the door, before Zorro could start to 'rob from the rich and give to the poor', the questioner's breathing rhythm suddenly changed. It was not known whether he had regained consciousness, but Su Ming knew that he was awake.

And if he guessed correctly, the other person's hand that wasn't holding the bottle had already touched the pistol in the pocket of his windbreaker.

"Ahem! Don't be nervous." Su Ming raised his hands to show that he was not a gangster who took advantage of the night to rob. "On behalf of the Justice League, I'm here to negotiate a deal with you."

Diana and Green Arrow looked at him with contempt. When did this guy represent the Justice League?

However, considering that these people are now grasshoppers on the same line, they did not expose Su Ming's lies.

Perhaps because of the appearance of Wonder Woman and Green Arrow, the questioner slowly took his legs off the table, covered his mouth with a cross-finger gesture, and sat firmly behind the desk.

His voice was hoarse and dry, like someone who had just walked out of the desert, with a distinct sense of grit.


After saying that, he looked at the three people quietly, with the mask without any facial features facing the door, waiting.

Su Ming smiled and nodded, pulled out the desk chair and sat across from him. This made the questioner have a flash of doubt in his mind. Why was this stranger the one who obviously had the final say among the three?

But he quickly figured it out, Zorro is shit, this is the death knell of that other world!

Only Deathstroke's past achievements and rigorous planning can ensure that the proud Amazon Queen and the clever Green Arrow are willing to obey orders.

But he couldn't figure out the reason why Deathstroke did this. If he could distinguish Deathstroke himself, then as long as Zorro was still traveling with these two people, he would never be able to hide it from the eyes of Laughter or any Batman.

Strange behavior, the reason is unknown, but it is none of his business.

Although he wanted to help Zhenglian, he did not do so as a sinner.

He has to admit that the current situation is somewhat beyond the upper limit of his abilities. Not every ordinary detective can fight against multiverse threats, and there is only one Batman in the main world.

So he saw Deathstroke sitting down and just waiting quietly, waiting for the other party's conditions.

After all, the appearance of these three people meant that they could not be refused and the conditions could be negotiated, but they could not be avoided. He believed that the Justice League was here for the survival of the world.

Seeing the other party's attitude, Su Ming was very pleased. It would be best if he could cooperate: "We urgently need the key in your hand. You know which one I'm talking about."

He kept taking out various drinks from his belt. Bottles of drinks with different appearances and colors were placed on the table, and they quickly filled up the limited space.

Among them were Skywalker's products, as well as those he brought from the Wizarding World and Azeroth, and even the fine wine Elminster gave him was taken out.

If the other person likes wine, then he will do what he likes. Maybe the key is priceless, but Su Ming is sure that the wine he takes out is equally valuable in the D world.

At least for alcoholics, fine wine has infinite appeal.

The questioner took a slow breath, turned his eyes to Green Arrow, and noticed the necklace around his neck, the silver coins shining in the candlelight.

He understood what Deathstroke wanted to do, and he admired the timing of this visitor from another world.

He's so bold and careless, it's really creepy.

"Borrow? Or exchange?" The questioner still asked in a hoarse voice. This thing was given to him by God through the hands of the Eternal Council. It is better to make some things clear.

Su Ming smiled, took out a bottle of Skywalker Supreme 30-year-old wine, unscrewed the cap, found two almost clean cups from the table, and poured a cup for both the questioner and himself.

The brown wine gurgled against the bottom of the glass, and the light reflected from the glass immediately rippled. He whispered back: "I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to see that key again in the future."

As expected, the questioner stretched out his hand and held the cup in his hand. He didn't even need to lift his mask when drinking. His mask was obviously a special piece of equipment.

"Do you know who is behind us?" He seemed to be asking an irrelevant question.

"The voice of heaven, the wrath of heaven, the body of heaven, the hands of heaven? It's all the same to me. The one who is often called kind, but not kind at all, has been in some big trouble recently." Su Ming insisted. He toasted to the questioner in a calm tone: "We all know what can be found in the Sunless Sea, and the one who convicts you is just one of the two."

The questioner moves his chin and can be seen savoring the drink: "For an outsider, you know a lot."

"Many people say this, but I firmly believe that I am not guilty." Su Ming also took a sip. Although it was his company's product, he had to admit that the aged wine was too strong.

The questioner's shoulders shook, and a smile formed on his face.

"That's good, we can indeed reach a consensus." He took out a shining golden key from his chest, put it on the table and covered it with his hand: "I don't care about this thing, with or without it, I am who I am. But since it’s still mine, I want to add a few extra conditions.”

"Of course, just ask, I like to make deals with smart people." Su Ming touched the brim of his hat with his finger.

"It's actually very simple, at least for you, it's a piece of cake." The questioner finished the drink in the glass and took the bottle.

"Wait, let me guess." Su Ming held out a finger: "You accepted my offer, but you still want Green Arrow and Wonder Woman to give something each, right?"

"As you said, equal exchange, this is indeed my style. Each of you must have a reward that I am satisfied with."

"That's fair, please continue." Su Ming nodded.

The questioner almost didn't think about it: "Oliver needs to give me some dollars to improve my current living conditions. And Diana needs to introduce me to a girlfriend. I have been single for too long."

Of course Oliver had no problem, it was just US dollars, just a string of numbers, and he believed that the questioner also knew that the entire universe only had a lifespan of half a year. He was expressing his confidence.

Because money is of no use in the end of the world. He wants money because he believes that the Justice League can turn the tide.

However, Diana looked a little embarrassed. Even though she was the queen, it was impossible for her to introduce her sisters to someone who didn't even know what they looked like.

She simply couldn’t imagine when the little sisters asked her, ‘What does that person look like? ’, my expression was so embarrassing. But Amazons like strong warriors, let alone just masked, even if they really don't have a face, it's not a big problem.

So after hesitating for a while, she nodded, and the check in Green Arrow's hand had been written for a long time.

Seeing that all three people agreed to the conditions, the questioner very generously pushed out the key from his palm and turned his palm over: "Deal, it's yours."

Su Ming picked up the key from the table, threw it to Green Arrow, stood up and shook hands with the questioner.

"Wise choice, I like smart men like you."

"Sorry, I like women. Can Diana's promise be fulfilled soon?"

The questioner kept shaking his head and told a cold joke. Su Ming smiled and pointed at him as a farewell. Now there is still the last step, Pandora's box.

And when he was about to leave, the questioner stopped him again and asked in a very serious tone: "You know what the three original sins mean, right?"

"Well, I know it very well, maybe better than you know the three original sins themselves." Su Ming took out a roasted quail from the bag and threw it to the questioner.

"Then you should know what the magic box means." The questioner took the appetizer steadily, but still looked at the three of them seriously.

Su Ming turned and left: "Seven Deadly Sins? Multiverse Portal? Demonic Mother Box? I understand. Just sit tight and drink slowly, waiting for the good news about the Justice League saving the world."

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