The Death Knell

Chapter 826 House of Mystery

Pandora should be the longest-living person among the three original sins. When people were still in primitive society, she was just an ordinary member of the Olympus tribe.

At that time, the gods had just been called gods, Hecate was still an invisible concept of witchcraft, humans were very fragile, and mysterious powers were rarely used.

When Pandora was still a little girl, she discovered a solid gold skull in the wild one day. The skull had three eyes and its mouth was tightly closed, as if it was staring at her seriously.

Her curiosity was aroused, and she reached out and cracked the skull's mandible.

No one ever said a magic box had to look like a box.

With Pandora's little hand, the magic box was opened, and seven powerful demons were released from it, namely, gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, pride, and wrath.

The seven demon kings who are still famous today were simply natural disasters to the primitive people at that time.

At that time, mankind was almost extinct. God quickly gave the Eternal Parliament a slap on the wrist before subduing the Seven Deadly Sins and sealing them in the Rock of Eternity.

However, no matter how good the seal is, there will be a day when it is broken. The Seven Deadly Sins have escaped for thousands of years, but they are basically shrinking in the hell plane now. If they are not allowed to get together again, the problem will not be big.

At that time, the cauldron that almost wiped out the human race naturally fell on Pandora and became one of the original sins.

Bearing original sin is equivalent to immortality. God will not let sinners die so easily, but will make them atone for their sins.

So Pandora has lived from that era to the present, and she still maintains the appearance of a girl, but she has never been idle. She has received various trainings, including martial arts, firearms, mysticism, etc.

With a long enough life, she can learn more knowledge and atone for her actions.

The magic box disappeared after being opened once. She has been tracing its whereabouts for hundreds of thousands of years. Later, when it reappeared, it triggered a series of events such as the Three-Body War and the invasion of the Criminal Syndicate.

Fortunately, the Justice League and the Society of Super Villains finally managed to defeat Superboy and the others, and Pandora was able to recover the Magic Box, and is now retired.

The most important thing is that it is sinful.

After collecting these three sets, Oliver is probably the most sinful person in the entire DC world.

If some operations are carried out next, Su Ming is sure to transform him into a very powerful demon king, one that can at least find a piece of hell plane to be on an equal footing with the current Magikon.

However, he himself is definitely not willing to be a demon king. He does not have the idea of ​​​​taking advantage of these sins, but wants to atone for his sins.

Another point is that except for Pandora, other people who come into contact with the magic box will be controlled by their minds and become lunatics who will not recognize their relatives. Only people with extremely strong willpower can resist this blackening.

Both Superman and Diana have been controlled, so you can imagine what level they were at. Pandora's Box is actually some kind of technological product, just like a Mother Box, but not entirely.

But Batman can withstand it, Su Ming feels that he should be able to do the same, and Green Arrow can also give it a try.


"Oh, all my good wine has been taken away."

Su Ming moved his shoulders and staggered out of the residential building, as if he was distressed.

Green Arrow, on the other hand, turned the golden key over and over. He was a little confused as to why it looked like brass but was emitting a strong golden light: "It's worth it. It's only 2 million US dollars."

Diana also returned to normal, and she nodded the same way: "I have already thought of whom to introduce to him. Since I have made a promise, I should fulfill it."

Su Ming shrugged. Diana spent a lot of time in the outside world, and she looked like a normal woman. However, it would be unimaginable to introduce a real Amazon from Paradise Island to the questioner.

Wait, the questioner should know this. Could it be that he is actually a jerk?

"Who are you going to introduce to him?" Su Ming opened the portal.

"One of the most powerful warriors on Paradise Island, resolute, brave, loyal, beautiful, captain of my mother's guard, general of the Amazons..." Diana proudly reported a long list of adjectives and titles.

Su Ming tilted his head and walked into the portal: "Wait, are you talking about General Philippas?"

"Hey, you know her?" Diana smiled.

"Well... I saw him last time on Paradise Island. I was very impressed..." Su Ming walked out of the portal and gave him a polite smile.

General Philippas is indeed in line with Amazon's aesthetics. He is two meters tall and weighs 120 kilograms. Under the dark skin, large muscles are as hard as bulletproof armor.

She can easily control the heaviest armor and use the heaviest weapons. Her battle cry can make enemies frightened. She is a fierce person who can enter and exit the pile of mythical monsters.

With thick lips, thick eyebrows, and facial lines that are as sharp as a chisel, he looks like a particularly determined warrior.

If Paradise Island holds an internal beauty contest, Diana may not be the opponent of the female generals, but their aesthetics can only be said by outsiders like Su Ming.

Diana didn't think there was anything inappropriate. On the contrary, the more she thought about it, the more she felt it was a perfect match. There was nothing wrong with the questioner liking to drink. It had just been proven that he drank without causing trouble, so being able to drink meant he was generous.

And compared with the fate of the stranger, the questioner is obviously smarter, otherwise Deathstroke would not be so easy to talk to.

"What do you think? She is the most powerful and beautiful woman on Paradise Island." Diana followed Su Ming briskly and solved another problem. She was in a happy mood.

"Well, it's quite suitable. I hope they can like each other." Su Ming popped a cigarette into his mouth and lit it, and began to look at the surrounding environment.

The three people who passed through the portal again now arrived at a strange place. It looked like a wilderness everywhere, except that the sky here was completely gray, and there were illusory shadows on the distant horizon. roll.

"This is...the House of Mystery?" Oliver frowned.

"Not quite accurate. The House of Mystery hasn't arrived yet. This is Limbo." Su Ming raised his finger and pointed to a dilapidated house in the distance. The place looked even more dilapidated than the last time he came here.

There are more souls stranded here.

"What are we doing here? Is Pandora here?" Diana came back to her senses and took off her hood. Although they were both in advanced planes, she still preferred the Forgotten Bar to the House of Mystery.

The main reason is that the owner here is so annoying. Constantine is like a bedbug, weak, despicable, depraved, and all the traits that Amazon hates are perfectly reflected in that man.

He also killed Zatanna's father and ate Zatanna completely and refused to admit his guilt.

The spatial location of Limbo was not stable, and the Upside Down's teleportation technique could not directly send several people into the room. Su Ming could only enter Limbo first and then find a way.

"I know you have a good relationship with Zatanna, so I want to apologize for my little sister." Su Ming shrugged, strangled his horse and ran towards the house: "But Constantine is indeed the best choice at the moment, he knows magic It’s very complicated, let him help us find someone.”

"Will he help you?" Diana flew beside him, with some doubts on her face: "I don't remember when your relationship with him became better."

"Only a fool would have a good relationship with this guy, but he owes me now."

Su Ming calmly withdrew the strangulation and landed at the door of the House of Mystery.

Looking at the mottled door panel, everything that happened in the past seemed to be still vivid in our minds. Maybe it was only a month for everyone in DC, but Su Ming himself could say that he had not been here for decades.

As soon as his thoughts changed, he raised his fist and started knocking on the door. The sound of the wooden boards hitting the door spread far away.

"Bang bang bang! Open the door! Free trade!"

There was deathly silence in the house, and there was no movement. Only the wind blew through the damaged eaves, making the sound of ghosts crying.

Diana leaned out of the window and took a look. The room was dark and she couldn't see anything.

"He doesn't seem to be here."

"Definitely. He almost died before. I sent him to hell to renew his life. He should have succeeded now, but it will inevitably take some time to recover." Su Ming shook his head and kept knocking on the door: "His enemies are everywhere The world is safe only here."

"Well..." Diana pinched her beautiful chin and thought.

"Think about it, he is despicable, cowardly, and a bitch. When he encounters danger, his first choice is to run away..." Su Ming guided her in a persuasive way on how to conduct psychological analysis.

Diana flattened her mouth and expressed her opinion with actions. She walked to Su Ming and banged the door wildly with him: "Constantine! Open the door! I know you are at home! You have the guts to lie to Xiao Zha, do you? How dare you open the door!"

As for her self-taught knocking skills, Su Ming only gave her a small space to let her perform.

Perhaps her shouts were sharper, but after the two of them knocked on the door for three minutes, Zha Kang finally couldn't resist the noise.

The door opened, and behind the door he was still leaning against the door with a greasy smile and a mangy look.

"Hi, Diana, Oliver, and this...Zorro?"

Diana glared at him and walked past him with her chin raised, as if passing by a beggar. There were many ghosts living in the walls of the House of Mystery, but at this time, they should be afraid of the queen's power, and they all shrank back. Back behind the old fashioned floral wallpaper.

Su Ming knew what happened to Constantine and Zatanna, but as an outsider it was difficult to speak, and he was not that helpful.

He hooked Zha Kang's neck and dragged him into the room. This huge force immediately revealed his identity.

"It's you?"

"Haha, it's me."

As the door to the House of Mystery slammed shut, Constantine felt as if his eyes were getting dark.

It took him a few seconds to realize that it was not a psychological effect, but that he was really lacking oxygen!

Zorro, who entered the house, instantly turned into a death knell in yellow and black armor. A familiar red light lit up in the darkness, and a ghostly laughter echoed in the porch.

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