The Death Knell

Chapter 827 Famous Lao Lao

"God, how did you know I was here?"

Constantine was dragged away by Su Ming like a zombie. He was not afraid of meeting people in Zhenglian at all, but he was worried about meeting a character like Deathstroke who acted wildly but had a clear goal.

In order to gain benefits, mercenaries cannot kill anyone. The death knell in another world will not kill people at will, he will only make life worse than death...

Su Ming gave a perfect answer to his question: "First, you don't believe in God at all. Second, I have a brain."

Zha Kang rubbed his dirty hands on his windbreaker, covered his face, and let out a long sigh.

"You are here to trouble me..."

"Look, look, my dirty friend, a real smart guy."

Su Ming took his arms off Zha Kang's neck and hugged his shoulders, but this guy was so smelly, it was like rotten Thai food spilling out from under his skin.

Not only was the whole body very greasy, but it also smelled like a dying person, like the smell of urine mixed with the smell of death.

In response to Deathstroke's answer, Constantine just smirked with a "hahaha" and kept squirming his shoulders at the same time, as if he was trying to use the grease on his windbreaker to get Su Ming to let go.

"You're back from hell, huh? How's the harvest?" Su Ming really seemed like a friend, dragging Zha Kang to the reception room and sitting down around the ridiculous tablecloth: "Where's your butler? Don't you serve tea even if you don't open the door? "

There was a brown stain on the tablecloth, and it looked like someone had placed a baby on the little table and the baby was incontinent.

But this stain looks a bit like a bat. Is it a coincidence?

"He went back to his hometown to visit relatives. His relatives in hell miss him a little."

Constantine covered his heart and showed a moved smile.

This is family affection, so heartwarming.

But Deathstroke's red one-eye turned to him, and his cold voice exposed his lie:

"You sold him? Right?"

"The word betrayal is not quite accurate... Well... I just let him deal with some of his crises independently, and he will have to face them sooner or later, right? Haha... .”

Constantine showed no shame at all. He even raised a finger and waved it in front of his face, correcting Su Ming's statement.

"Independence, I like this word." Su Ming tilted his neck hard, as if eating sour fruit, and made a tut-tsk sound under the mask: "The second half of the sentence is also right, there are some things you will always meet. Yes."

"Hehehe..." Zha Kang wiped his sweat, that's not what he meant!

"You are quite sensible. If someone tells me in the future that you are a XX, or a XXX, the number one XXX in the world, I will not believe it at all, not at all!"

Su Ming told lies as truth. Regardless of whether others believed it or not, he believed it himself.

If you want to deceive others, you must first deceive yourself. At this time, a full-coverage mask really has an unparalleled advantage.

"Seriously, you shouldn't have come to me. I can't help the whole body. I don't know what it is." Constantine spread his hands and looked at Su Ming sincerely.

He also wanted to take the opportunity to make tea to escape, but Green Arrow had already brought the teapot over. Diana was guarding him like a thief, and the mantra lasso in her hand seemed to be sliding unconsciously on her fingertips.

Dozens of tentacles erupted in an instant, sealing the entire table around the table like a spider web. The magic floating cloak also floated up, swimming around Constantine's neck like a snake choosing a place for its lower mouth.

Su Ming stretched out his hand, and a flame appeared in his hand. He heated the beautiful porcelain pot and boiled water.

"Go on, keep making it up, see if you can convince me."

Constantine leaned back on the chair, and the old chair made a strange squeaking sound: "Listen, you don't need to scare me with the Upside Down. I'm not afraid at all. Really, you can imagine the tattoos on my body." There are all kinds of counter-curses, this is my fortress."

"Oh, thank you for reminding me to peel the skin." Su Ming just made a warm voice.

"Listen, I played hundreds of rounds of mahjong in hell to win my life back. It's true that you asked the cursed Barbie doll to send me to Maizi, but that doesn't mean I owe you."

Constantine scratched his hair, and the dandruff fell like snow.

"Ah, ah, ah, stop here." Su Ming shook his head at him, "In the eyes of normal people, that is called life-saving grace, and it also means that you owe me."

"Huh? Is there any?" Constantine looked around and talked to him as if nothing happened.

But Diana and Oliver are undoubtedly in the same trenches as Su Ming, and the poor exorcist doesn't get any support from them.

After Oliver took off his hood, he gave Kang a sympathetic look, while Diana's gaze was completely 'death stare'. She even began to doubt that the previous behavior of chasing Constantine and the others was really caused by Heka. Are you in control? Or is it your own subconscious behavior?

Su Ming directly pulled out the God Killer and placed it gently on the table: "John, stop beating around the bush, our time is limited."

"I told you! I can't help you with the integration, and don't come to me to deal with the Legion of Destruction. I don't want to deal with that woman Circe at all." Zha Kang spread his hands and lay on the table like a salted fish. superior.

"Maybe you can try the unicorn blood yourself." Su Ming threw back Zha Kang's trap. At the same time, he lowered his mask and stared at Constantine with one eye, without any intention of laughing: "But I don't mean it because of this." Come on, I need you to help me with another thing.”

Constantine took a deep breath. He knew that there was no way to escape today. Even if it was the House of Mystery, the death knell of the Reversed Man behind it would be able to tear it down.

"Okay, remember, don't do anything that's too difficult, don't do anything that's too dangerous, don't do anything that's too embarrassing, don't do anything that's too perverted, don't do anything that's too gay..."

Constantine lay face down on the table, raising his fingers and then bending them down one by one.

"No, it's not as complicated as you think. I hope you can help me locate Pandora." Su Ming grabbed his finger and stopped him from continuing.

Zha Kang raised his head like a puppet: "Pandora? Is it a new restaurant? Or..."

"Yes, he is the one you imagined, the biggest sinner." Su Ming nodded towards him.

Constantine's reaction was unexpected. He leaned back on the chair and began to untie his belt, shaking his head crazily as he did so:

"What position do you like? I would rather you explode my anus right now than use divination to help you find Pandora. Do you know what sinners who use magic to explore God represent?!"

Su Ming nodded and raised the God Killer in his hand: "Electric egg beater, okay, you can get in position."

Seeing the gleaming golden artifact, and especially hearing the buzzing sound the God Killer made when it rotated, Zha Kang unsurprisingly flinched.

"Really not, this is definitely something I can't do." Constantine tried to be sincere again, but his eyes were spinning wildly, like dice in a bone cup: "You know that God and I and those things of Satan, which certainly do not please God.”

Su Ming nodded, as if he was convinced, but just handed the eggbeater to Strangler, and grabbed Zha Kang's arms.

While smiling and nodding, indicating that he believed in him, the golden weapon was stretched under the table controlled by Strangler.

As a newcomer in the magical world, Oliver maintained the consistent style of smart people, which is to talk less and listen more.

If you express an opinion casually when you don't understand something, you will definitely suffer.

He decided to do what he did best, which was to be treated like he didn't exist. But when the terrible weapon approached Zha Kang's anus, Oliver turned his head and closed his eyes. It was so cruel.

On the other hand, Diana bit her lip, with a smile on her lips, as if she was waiting for the blood of Constantine, the treacherous man, to be spilled on the spot. It was this scumbag who betrayed Xiao Zha.

"Stop, stop, can I help you?" Constantine may not have been frightened by Su Ming's weapon, but he saw Diana's bloodthirsty eyes.

He may not understand Deathstroke's habits in another world, he just knows that it is not easy to mess with, but he knows Diana's temper, and he is definitely happy to see Deathstroke avenge Zatanna.

There is no difference between righteousness and personal hatred for Amazon, both are worth taking action.

The eggbeater stopped, and Su Ming also brought his face close to Constantine's face: "This is your last chance, otherwise you really need to use chrysanthemums to pay off your debt."

"You don't have to go that far, I have a plan, really." Constantine took out his two hands with force: "There is no need to make it so bloody..."

"My pet likes blood the most, and Diana can prove it for me."

Su Ming jammed his wrist bone, and Wonder Woman nodded unhappily, indicating that Strangler's bloodlust was real.

Constant took a deep breath and smiled politely: "But it doesn't like shit. My stomach is full of shit. I'm a very dirty person and it doesn't taste good at all."

Diana also nodded to Su Ming with a look of disgust. Constantine was indeed telling the truth. In fact, she felt that she should take a bath with alcohol after coming into contact with Constantine to avoid being infected with the 'scum virus'.

"Okay, tell me your way." Su Ming let go of his hand and shook his fingers with some disgust. Just now, he stroked his wrist and actually pulled off a dirty hand: "But in order to prevent you from escaping, my cloak will follow you. you."

Constantine sighed. After all, he still couldn't escape, but luckily, he avoided the matter of the General Assembly and the Legion of Destruction. He cheated and exaggerated to avoid losing too much. It seems that he has succeeded now.

As for why the three Deathstrokes are looking for Pandora, he is not blind. The crime money necklace is so obviously hanging on Green Arrow's chest.

But that's none of his business. He knows a lot about the overall situation, but there are some things he will only tell Batman...

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