The Death Knell

Chapter 828 Fury

It was clear that all he had to do was agree, but Constantine had to waste time and struggle wildly without giving up the Yellow River. It was enough.

In fact, Su Ming still has one more card up his sleeve, which is to threaten Zha Kang and others to find Zatanna. Once these words came out, Constantine would rather choose to make God hate him than let Zatanna face the risk of offending God.

Zatanna is Zha Kang's biggest weakness at the moment, and it can be said that she always succeeds in everything she tries.

But once you take out such a card, it will be difficult to hire someone next time. Yes, next time if you encounter any trouble that is easy to cause thunder, Su Ming's first choice will be Constantine.

"Take away your cobwebs, let's go and set up a magic circle outside the door." Constantine opened his windbreaker and looked inside to make sure he had all his equipment.

The black net formed by the strangulation was taken back into Su Ming's body, and he turned into Zorro again: "Let's go, if you are playing tricks, I think Diana will definitely be willing to tell Zatanna, let's just say that you are big today. Stuttering shit.”

"...Won't your conscience hurt if you tell such a lie?" Constantine looked at Su Ming with a disappointed look on his face.

"No, as long as Zatanna believes it, I will only be happy. I love watching this kind of excitement." Su Ming smiled and raised the God Killer, poked Zha Kang's lower back with an eggbeater, and signaled Let him go quickly.

Constantine's mouth opened and closed like a fish, but in the end it turned into a sigh, and he walked out the door dejectedly.

"You are really a devil. Have you really never wanted to go to the hell plane to gain territory?"

"If one day I become the Demon King of Hell, I will definitely make you my flute-playing boy..."

Su Ming directly retorted. Zha Kang is always digging holes. If Su Ming becomes the Demon King of Hell and is bound to the secondary plane, then appearing in the main world will be equivalent to being summoned. The strength cannot be exerted.

Constantine didn't understand what Deathstroke meant by the boy, but subconsciously he felt that it was not a good thing to say. It seemed that he had been seen through again.

Fortunately, he was thick-skinned, so he didn't feel embarrassed if he was caught digging a hole, and continued to lead the three of them to the door of the Mysterious House.

Then, he began to draw various magic circles on the ground outside the door, one after another. The special gray ground of Limbo was plowed into small grooves. Su Ming recognized Zha Kang and summoned all the demons. The magic circles are all superimposed together through some means.

"I am going to summon the Seven Deadly Sins, and then use their special connection with Pandora's Box to locate the box. You are actually looking for the box, not Pandora, right?"

Zha Kang walked backwards and drew pictures on the ground while asking Su Ming questions.

"If Pandora 'accidentally' loses her magic box, it would be better if I picked it up."

"Your shameless look is as handsome as mine."

"Stop talking nonsense and move quickly. Let me tell you, if Batman dies this time, it will be because you are as slow as a turtle. You are the slowest in preparing the magic circle among the wizards I have ever seen."

"Huh? What does it have to do with me whether he dies or not? Besides, this magic circle is my original creation and no one else can learn it." Although Zha Kang said this, he still speeded up a little: "I still need You can find some spell-casting materials that are not available in Limbo."

"What do you want?"

"Seven black goats, a high-purity ruby, 13 large white candles from the Vatican, 300 liters of human blood, and I have other materials here."

Su Ming nodded. It was certain that materials were needed to cast the spell: "Green Arrow, please go there. The goats are from Israel. It's daytime there, so just go and buy them. You should have rubies at home. They don't have to be too good. They are consumables." Candles can also be purchased, and human blood can be purchased at the National Blood Bank.”

Oliver stretched out his hand to hold the necklace and disappeared in front of several people.

If you have money, you can really do whatever you want. Green Arrow got all these materials in just a few minutes. He was originally a person who had trouble doing anything, but now that he has been burdened with sin, his bad luck seems to be far away from him.

Constantine arranged all these materials, and then took out some materials such as toenails, human oil, animal excrement, etc. and added them to the magic circle. For a while, the door of the Mystery House was filled with stench.

The combination of these materials seemed to produce some kind of reaction, and the smell was not something that mortals could touch at all.

Zha Kang straightened up, clapped his hands, and wiped the sweat on his head with his sleeves: "Get ready, Limbo has no limitations on the earth. What you have to face is the Demon King at its full strength. Even if I summon him seven times, , but it must not be underestimated.”

Su Ming drew his weapon, and Diana also raised her shield.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Constantine lit all the candles and began to recite a long incantation.

As the spell was recited faster and faster, there seemed to be communication somewhere in the circle, and a red-skinned demon with a face that looked like the Three Palaces appeared in front of everyone.

But they just look alike, this demon is much smaller, he is only over three meters tall.

"This is rage, let me do it."

Su Ming motioned to Diana not to interfere. This demon is the wrath of the seven deadly sins. It will make people's blood boil during the battle, making it impossible to fight calmly. Diana is too enthusiastic about fighting and is not suitable for fighting with this kind of character.

Constantine has been hiding far away. He will not participate in the battle, and his injury has not healed yet.

"It's you bastard again! Constantine! I'm going to rip out your intestines!"

As soon as the anger appeared, others didn't see it clearly. Instead, they saw Constantine who was farthest away first, and immediately found a place to vent his anger.

Needless to say, Zha Kang must have provoked this person at some point. Su Ming began to wonder if Zha Kang planned to use his own hands to get rid of his enemy.

But demons cannot be killed here either. As the original demons born from biological desires, the seven of them are not ordinary brats.

Humans are not the only ones who have desires. These desires are inseparable from the redness of all living beings, unless we are determined to eliminate even single-celled organisms in the universe.

It is useless to say more. When Zorro is ignored, the rapier is also a weapon that cannot be underestimated.

Su Ming sprinted and directly blocked the red demon rushing towards Zha Kang. The stinky mouth was right above his head, and his head only reached the demon's chest.

He originally didn't want to look too carefully, but being too observant also made him see some things he didn't want to see. The problem with Fury was that his chest was like red patent leather, and there was a large piece of black heart-protecting hair that was shaped like a flame.

What kind of era is this? Even if his body type makes it difficult for him to wear a high-end suit like Lucifer, he should at least put on a cloth robe. With only a piece of animal skin around his waist, do you still think this is a primitive society?

So as soon as Zorro's figure flashed, and he danced his rapier in a standard elegant posture, a perfect Z letter was imprinted on Fury's chest.

For such a large demon, this scratch is basically like a cut on a human finger and is not worth mentioning.

But maybe it was because he destroyed his carefully maintained chest hair, or maybe because he had some emotional management problems, and he became furious again.

"You damn black bug! I'm going to suck your marrow dry!"

Well, Su Ming had never seen a target that was so easy to ridicule, even before he could talk trash. This really made a professional warrior feel very unfulfilled.

But that's fine. When Su Ming punched him in anger, Su Ming punched him steadily.

A red fist bigger than a basketball and a black fist of an ordinary person collided in the air. The explosion of bones and the pressure of wind instantly resounded all around.

A shock wave centered on the two, and the earthquake-like movement made the people and houses around them jump.

Such large demons are usually powerful. There are many ways to test the strength, but Su Ming still plans to be tougher and deter both the demon and Zha Kang, so as to avoid so much nonsense next time.

The strangulation firmly fixed the host, and the tentacles emerged from under the feet and penetrated into the ground like tree roots. After the fist fight, Su Ming still had a smile on his face, but he screamed in anger.


Su Ming shook his fist. Apart from the broken skin on his fist, his X-metal was enough to break the opponent's arm bone, while Fury only cracked the bone. This was a surprise to both parties.

Perhaps it was the pain that made the devil sober up. He took two steps back and for the first time looked seriously at the human in front of him who had not paid attention at all.

"Human Strong, what's your name?" Fury asked in unfluent Old English.

"I don't want to change my name, but I don't want to change my surname. My name is Zorro." Su Ming answered in fluent Chinese.

Everyone could see that a puzzled expression flashed across the devil's big red face. He didn't seem to understand what Deathstroke said at all, and could only shake his arms subconsciously.

Diana has become somewhat accustomed to calling herself Zorro. Although she still doesn't know why Deathstroke changed his extra identity, since he has done so, we will wait and see.

As the original demons, the Seven Deadly Sins cannot be said to be not smart enough, but their shortcomings are too obvious and they are too easy to target.

For example, once the rage goes crazy, reason completely disappears. As long as Taotie has food, he can even ignore others who are preparing to kill him.

The furious chest was expanding like a bellows, but he was obviously a little afraid of Su Ming. Through the contact just now, he noticed that there was something terrible in this human body.

There is no need to reason or judge, just rely on animal instinct.

"you are very strong."

"Yes, but your attitude is very unfriendly. We just needed your help, not a mass killing."

Angrily, he pointed at Zha Kang who was hiding behind and watching the fun: "Then you should ask him, he used magic to communicate with me, but the sacrifice was a black goat? That is something only Satan and the others like!"

Su Ming shrugged: "I know, but human sacrifice is not popular in this era. Times have changed. I'm furious."

"That's right, you should be satisfied with some human blood." Don Standing stood on tiptoe and interjected: "Why do you, a third-rate devil, demand the same treatment as the King of Hell?"

As expected, these words once again angered Fury, and Su Ming decisively moved away to facilitate the demon to pursue Constantine.

As expected, Zha Kang is still a scumbag. He should try to get rid of this two-pronged trick...

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