The Death Knell

Chapter 829 Crazy Struggle

At the edge of reality, in a frame that no one can see directly, an aircraft that looks like a small Italian churro with two short wings is moving forward in a bumpy way.

Perhaps the surrounding cosmic environment is too complex, or perhaps the pilot's skills are not up to par. The spacecraft is bumping too hard now, as if it will fall apart in the next second.

Barry, who was sitting in the driver's seat, obviously thought so. If people could control the plane through Yan Yi, then with the way he grinned now, he would be the ace of the earth.

"There are space junk everywhere here. If I can go back this time, remember to remind me to research an AI to assist spacecraft."

Clark stood behind Barry with his arms folded. In fact, he was more relaxed than Barry, because with the Flash's reaction speed, he could perfectly avoid dangerous meteorites. He was just a little tired.

"Concentrate, Barry. The closer you get to the Origin Wall, the more unstable the space structure will be. You know that the Javelin was not actually created to travel through the universe."

The Javelin shouldn't actually be able to fly, because it was for capturing Black Manta.

Because it's actually a submarine.

It can float to the surface of the sea and be used as a speedboat at most. After Black Manta was captured, Luther naturally would not specifically recycle Black Manta's garbage because he disdained the technical content of this thing.

But now that the Justice League wants to go to the universe, they don't have many options.

Now that the Hall of Justice is in ruins, all of Batman's cool toys are gone, and people are still missing.

After Star Man proposed a plan to repair the Origin Wall, everyone suffered from the lack of suitable vehicles. After all, not everyone can fly in the universe, and a spacious place was urgently needed as a mobile base.

Communication, liaison, logistics, a lot of things mean that they have to bring many second- and third-tier heroes into space.

They need a spaceship, but the Dome, which was destroyed by Barbatos, is still far from being repaired, and there is a big gap in technology that cannot be solved.

Fortunately, Barry remembered that Zhenglian had captured Black Manta's submarine before. It was large and spacious enough, and the materials used in its construction were very sophisticated, so there was room for improvement.

Because it had never been taken care of, it was parked at Cien Port after the last battle, perfectly escaping the nuclear explosion.

So when Star Man went to contact helpers, Superman and Flash made some magical changes to it. Flash was responsible for the software and instruments, while Superman worked hard to move bricks.

It has to be said that only the combination of Barrica and Superman can transform a submarine into a spaceship in just ten minutes.

Of course, it is estimated that only the Justice League would dare to drive such a thing into space, even if it flies bumpier than a tractor.

It's just that a person who is not very gregarious has sneaked into the Justice League. While everyone is busy and looking serious, the man in black and yellow armor is holding his night sword and leaning on the back row. Falling asleep next to the instrument.

And the bat girl Barbara not far away was touching here and there, as if exploring the principles of the Black Manta's equipment.

At the entrance of the spacecraft, Ron and Megan's uncle and nephew stood. Megan wanted to ask Ron what happened on Mars, but Ron just told lies expressionlessly and kept rejecting Megan's spiritual link. .

Megan must not understand the matter of contact with Luther.

In order to lead the way to the Justice League, who had never been to the gap in the origin wall, Hal sent Kyle Rayner, who was telling Star Man about the progress of the Lantern Corps in the past month.

Horrible corpses would float past the ship's portholes from time to time. Some giants who had broken away from the Origin Wall had been killed, and their broken corpses roamed the star sea like comets.

The dark space of the universe is like the sea in the middle of the night. They will soon disappear in the long river of history.

Starman also knew about the progress of the Lantern Corps, but he still smiled politely and listened to Kyle repeat what he knew.

Not because he was patient, but because the Lantern Corps had made so little progress.

No matter how Kyle emphasized how bravely the five major lantern groups fought and how much sacrifice they made, in front of the results, those sacrifices seemed to be in vain.

A little more than a month of Earth time has passed since the origin wall was broken, but thousands of lanterns from the five major lantern groups are here to defend the front line. They only destroyed the colossi that broke away from the wall, but failed to successfully repair the origin wall.

Not to mention that the cracks in the wall were even bigger as the total body suddenly emerged from it.

Not even three minutes into speaking, Kyle was already running out of words. The two of them looked at the scenery outside the window and fell into a confused silence.

Through the five-pointed star portal, the entire spacecraft moved forward very quickly, but during the journey, the atmosphere in the spacecraft was always weird.

They have heard about Star Man's plan, but even Barry, who is usually the most optimistic, is not optimistic about its success.

But Ron supported this operation, and it seemed that he was treating a dead horse as a live horse.

While Su Ming on Earth is wrestling with the Seven Deadly Sins, when Batman's game reaches its thirtieth level, Zheng Lian's journey will also reach its end.

In the vast universe, it seemed like a ray of light. Gradually, it turned into a line, and after the last jump, it became the entire world.

No one knows how it appeared in front of them, and no one knows where its edges are, and whether there are upper and lower edges. But the creatures in the universe, not only what language they use, but also the first time they see it, they all know its name. Wall of Origin.

Before the first living thing had its first thought, it stood here, seamless and boundless.

This is a wall that surrounds everything in the world, and it also prevents others from peeking into the secrets that may be hidden outside the wall.

Any creature that attempts to pass through the wall over billions of years becomes an integral part of it, accompanying an army of countless giants who have been a part of it seemingly since its existence.

But this was before the invasion of the Dark Multiverse. With the strong resonance of the There may be seven powers of creation that have been hidden for a long time.

For a month, the members of the five major lantern groups have used their own power to maintain the wall, thereby avoiding their own reality and becoming prey to the endless void and chaos outside the wall.

Because there is a deep understanding deep in the soul of every living thing. If the wall of origin really collapses, then everything within the wall will follow its footsteps.

For the Justice League, it was the first time for many of them to see this miracle, something they had only seen in telepathic images and holograms before.

It exuded a terrifying aura, making them feel like their eyes were burning and something was trembling in their brains.

All this told them that they were about to carry out an act that could be called a blasphemy to the entire universe.

In response, everyone reversed their gaze.

But Kendra the Hawkgirl didn't. Her eyes were fixed on the target like a raptor. She felt as if the wall was calling her, and this feeling made her want to scream.

"What's wrong?"

Ron's teleportation linked to her, and a gentle voice sounded in her mind.

During the days when Senagan was under house arrest, the relationship between the two of them developed by leaps and bounds, and an ambiguous atmosphere would appear inadvertently from time to time.

Many people think that the Eagle Man and the Eagle Girl have been a couple for generations, and they have been reincarnated as a couple every time. But in fact, the reality is not a fairy tale of a princess and a prince. From 100 BC to the present, they have been reincarnated almost seventy times. , and the number of times they can actually live together as husband and wife is at most twenty times.

There were many times when they had just met as young men and women, and before they had gained the memory of their past lives, they were found and killed by the wild man Vandal.

So in this life, it seems that Eagle Man and Eagle Girl can only be friends.

The first time Su Ming met Eagle Man, he was a blackened monster. After that, he was bedridden and working as a plant. When he saw Eagle Girl again, he discovered something was wrong between her and Ron.

When Su Ming heard the tune of "Ten Years", so many things had changed in DC in the past ten years. What was the blue bald man in Manhattan thinking?

At this time, Ron noticed Kendra's serious expression, so on the one hand, he wanted to avoid Megan's entanglement, and on the other hand, he just wanted to deepen his relationship with Hawkgirl.

"No, I'm not good. My soul seems to be boiling. I'm trying my best not to scream."

The image of the wall outside the window formed a distorted image on the visor of her helmet, and the faces of those giants seemed to be crying.

"Should I be nervous too? I also mean this is foolproof." Megan's telepathic connection suddenly kicked in, and when Ron was communicating with Kendra, she noticed it easily.

Ron turned his head angrily and looked at his niece seriously: "Megan, it is very rude to pry into other people's thoughts. Your education should not allow you to do this."

"Sorry, Uncle Ron, everyone's thoughts are so intense that it's hard for me not to be attracted. I'm just a little too excited."

Megan said sorry, but her narrow eyes swung back and forth between her uncle and Hawkgirl, and her little eyebrows kept trembling, indicating that she understood everything.

She came to the universe partly to repair the Origin Wall, but also partly to explore her uncle's love life and see if she was going to have a new aunt.

For young people, being a superhero is not only to help others and save the world, but also because it is cool, attracts the attention of the opposite sex, and makes it easier to find a partner.

And the fact is that, except for the seven giants of the Zhenglian Community who basically look for outsiders, the other second and third-tier heroes are more inclined to go one step further with their teammates from the Zhenglian Community.

The cafeteria of the Hall of Justice always looked like a dating show, but unfortunately, there is nothing there now.

Hawkgirl saw Megan's ambiguous eyes, secretly glanced at Ron, turned around and left.

Children nowadays are really hopeless, especially the children of Mars.

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