The Death Knell

Chapter 830 Sky Mending Plan

Listening to the light ring on his finger constantly reporting the situation, Kyle looked out the window with some solemnity. The outer space was nothing like what he could see normally.

Viewed from this angle, it looks like black sewage with floating oil and debris.

"Well, it's hard to explain this situation. All I can say is that the quality of space outside is very wrong."

As he spoke, he put the ring in front of him, but Green Lantern John just shrugged. If it were him, he wouldn't use the ring to analyze the universe. Even if there is a conclusion, what's the use of getting a lot of data?

Just like Kyle now, Lantern Ring gave conclusions and data, but no one here understood it. It was embarrassing to pretend to be B, as if he was showing off his lack of education.

John sighed secretly. Kyle's character is more sincere and real. There are always advantages and disadvantages to living a very real life.

The advantage is that people get close to you and feel good about them, but the disadvantage is that you are too straightforward and sometimes you don't think of the consequences.

John opened his mouth to break the silent atmosphere. The light outside the window made his dark face flicker: "In short, the situation outside is very complicated. People who go out must be careful."

Star Man smiled at him: "Thank you for your concern, but I can hear the universe whispering to me every moment, and now is the clearest time. However, there is a trace of noise in this beautiful music. Let's come here Just to bring it back into harmony.”

John and Kyle looked at each other and looked at each other. They also couldn't understand. Why did Star Man's behavior of changing the subject seem so high-end?

Star Man put his thumb-up hand on his shoulder, which was a gesture favored by US military pilots before taking off during World War II: "I think it's time for me to work outside the cabin. You know the multiverse will sing about our today's feat for a thousand years." Yes, right?"

"Uh...right." Kyle answered with a confused look. In fact, there are always only a few people who know about this matter.

John leaned closer to Kyle and whispered: "Learn to get used to it, he was like this when he was in Senagan."

Star Man smiled, opened a portal and jumped out of the spaceship instantly.

Although the tasks are dangerous and arduous, there is no need to keep a straight face. Relaxation is sometimes more conducive to calm and stable performance.

Kyle watched Star Man go away through the porthole, and said to the ring in his hand: "Kilowog, let go of the road, we are here."

"Understood." came the response from the green light recruit's chief instructor from the other side.

Kyle took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He found that John seemed to be watching the figure outside the window gradually flying towards the origin wall: "John, I know this person's information. He was a second-tier hero decades ago. He How can you be so confident that you can handle the matter in front of you?"

The black Green Lantern didn't know the answer to this question, so he could only curl his lips.

Star Man has sensed the doubts of others from the atmosphere in the spaceship, and because of this he must show absolute confidence. As a senior superhero from decades ago, he should set a good example.

And for now, everything is going smoothly with his plan.

Activating the power within his body, he released a huge pentagram teleportation array in front of the hole in the Origin Wall. The Lanterns moved aside and waited for a response from the other side.

The first thing that appeared was a giant. He looked as majestic as the giant on the Origin Wall, except that he was wearing gleaming green armor, and he seemed to be rising slowly from the horizon.

And soon it was discovered that he was wrapped in chains made of energy, and some much smaller figures flew out of the portal following him.

"Star Man, the new gods of New Creation have completed your commission, and we have brought you one of the remaining Omega Titans - 'Wonder'!"

Among the smaller figures, the leader is a majestic-looking bearded man. He has blue-green hair and beard, and looks like a lion.

While he quickly moved closer to the Justice League's Javelin, he used the high technology of the New Gods to convey his words in the vacuum of the universe.

He is the brother of Darkseid, the ruler of New Creation Star, and the father of New God.

Following him were Darkseid's 'filial son' Orion, Darkseid's former subordinates 'Light', 'Big Barda', and an old friend of the Justice League, the universe's number one escape master 'Miracle' Sir, there are many new Protoss soldiers from the Genesis Star.

There is no doubt about the ability of the new gods. Since Heavenly Father dares to call this name and is so old to compete with Darkseid, he cannot survive without any strength.

During the last time the Four Omega Gods invaded the earth, the 'entropy' that represented the origin of mankind was eliminated, and the remaining three giant gods left the earth and roamed the universe.

Starman's plan this time is to use them to fill the cracks in the wall of origin, which is their mission.

So he asked some allies of the earth to search for traces of the Three Titans in the universe, capture them and wait for the portal to open.

It seems that the New Gods were the first to complete the commission, because the Origin Wall is related to everyone's survival, and no one can stay out of it.

Orion flew in front of Star Man, with a wry smile under his helmet: "I hope you know what you are doing. When we found him, he was devouring a planet at the edge of the universe."

"Thank you, my friends, I promise this will work. Just wait for the other two giant gods to be in place." Star Man said with confidence. He communicated with the new gods through the strange power in his body, just like he usually does on Earth. The words were so simple: "Kilowog, are you ready?"

Star Man did not have a Green Lantern ring, and Kilowog could not communicate with him directly. However, the Green Lantern Corps responded with actions. Hundreds of Green Lanterns used the rings to form energy shackles, dragging the Colossus to fly towards the Origin Wall.

**The cracks where the metal penetrated were actually the locations of the four Omega gods.

Filling them back in was a no-brainer.

Countless ferocious-looking colossi are watching everyone. The colossi on the wall will always be activated and come down to fight with the lantern groups, and there are more colossi behind them, seemingly endless.

Now everyone hopes that this can solve the problems faced by everyone, and it would be best this way.

When the Green Lantern Corps carefully sealed the cracks in the 'wonders', they did not struggle and seemed very docile.

And no one thought about why this happened, because the second portal opened again, and the guardians appeared dragging another colossus.

The little blue man at the head is Ganser, the guardian who has retained his emotions. At the critical moment of the life and death of the universe, the guardians finally take action.

They captured the Omega Titan 'Learning' who roamed the universe.

"Very good, the second one."

Everyone in the Justice League who was able to escape the ship left the ship, and now only Barry, Batgirl, and some heroes who have no ability to move in the universe are left on the ship.

What is strange is that Deathstroke, who is known to be able to move in the universe, is sitting motionless in the spacecraft at this time, as if he has not seen the situation in front of him at all.

Ron wanted to ask him to go out with him, but Deathstroke just lazily raised his left hand, rubbing his thumb, index and middle fingers together quickly.

Martian Manhunter understands that Deathstroke requires payment. Without payment, there will be no mercenary service.

This time the death knell demanded gold and jewels as payment, but none of the rich people were there. There's no Batman, no Green Arrow, not even Diana who can dish out some gold jewelry.

Ron En had worked for the Sky Eye Society before, and he was still pretending to be a human at that time, but that was the old man. Although the salary was good, he had been retired for so many years, and he had long been left with nothing.

He has adopted too many orphans and stray cats, but raising orphans is more expensive than raising pets.

Just keeping the children alive is not enough. They have to go to school and receive education, develop their professional skills, and make equipment for them. This all costs a lot of money.

Ron once asked Batman, what kind of school should he send his children to?

Batman's answer is: "Choose the most expensive one."

So Ron, who didn't understand earth education, chose a certain private aristocratic school. Whether the teaching was good or not was another matter. The tuition was expensive, and it would definitely not be enough for several children if they didn't spend millions of dollars every year.

Nearly ten years have passed, and now, Ron is so poor that he has almost no money to buy Oreo cookies.

Needless to say, Superman and Barry are very self-controlled and will not use their superpowers to seek financial gain. Their superficial identities are that one is a reporter and the other is a researcher. They are both working-class people.

Ron looked around at everyone in the spaceship, and no one saw anyone whose apparent identity was a billionaire. He could only sigh helplessly, and led Megan to follow Hawkgirl.

Cindy held the Night Sword in her arms and breathed a sigh of relief. Su could move around in the universe without any protection, but she couldn't.

Except for asking for money as an excuse to get through, all other excuses were too blunt. She was willing to help, but unfortunately her strength did not allow it.

There was another aspect where she felt something was wrong with Barbara...

Barbara on Earth Minus 11 has always had some connection with her. She was indeed a very curious little girl, but she shouldn't be like this.

This Earth 0 Barbara, although rummaging around can be regarded as a sign of curiosity, she does not have that special sense of simplicity. In other words, she is not earthy enough, and does not have the smell of dust that makes the earth fall off.. ....

She didn't mind her own business, but checked past mission records through Zheng Lian's database, and kept records of Zheng Lian's previous actions in her mind.

At this time, she noticed another tremor in the space. She turned her head out the window, just in time to see the third portal open. Siara took Senagan's last remaining fleet and attracted the last giant Mystery.

Unlike the previous two forces, Senagan currently does not have the ability to capture these colossi. They only use the fleet as bait to lure the colossi who are full of appetite in their hearts.

When they got here, several other lantern groups swarmed up and easily caught the hungry Mystery.

The three giant gods were tied into a cross shape and filled in the crack in the origin wall. But the problem came. One of the four Omega gods died, and 'Entropy' was eaten by the other three gods at that time. Not even the dregs were left. So the origin What to do with that last human-shaped crack in the wall where the bright light is pouring out?

Cindy soon discovered that Eagle Girl flew in that direction, and everyone else looked at her with the eyes of a martyr.

Is the Justice League planning to fill her in the hole? But the body shape is too different, right?

The mercenary became somewhat interested in this. She stood up, moved closer to the window and looked out.

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