The Death Knell

Chapter 831 Skeleton Fleet

After the Omega Titans arrived, Kendra's N metal wings resonated with them in some way. It unfolded uncontrollably, revealing magical patterns and emitting a strong green light.

Before coming here, Starman actually had a secret conversation with Hawkgirl.

In view of the fact that during the time when the four Omega gods invaded the earth, the four gods caused a wave before the death of entropy, and his special energy wave was like a photo, imprinted on the eternal soul of Eagle Girl.

During the subsequent trip to Senagan, when Starman retrieved part of Kendra's previous life soul from Siara, those energies formed a map to higher dimensions on the wings.

It seems complicated, but to put it simply, Kendra, who has the same energy as entropy, is the only choice to fill the gap in the current origin wall.

In other words, Starman plans to use Hawkgirl to build a wall.

No matter how powerful a creature is, everyone knows the consequences of contacting the Origin Wall.

Turned into stone.

There will be neither death nor life in the future. In the future, she will be fixed in the universe forever, looking at the vast sea of ​​stars within the wall.

However, if the origin wall is not repaired, everyone will have no future.

So after thinking for a moment, Hawkgirl decided to make the sacrifice herself.

This is what happened now, after the three Colossi were in place, the others watched Hawkgirl fly towards the Origin Wall, because everyone knew what she would face.

Even Barry, who has always been optimistic, looked sad at this time, because they had no choice but to watch their teammates turn into statues.

"Kendra, are you really ready?" Ron's spiritual link entered Kendra's mind.

"It's not bad. I put on the N metal armor that Star Man designed for me and you made for me. It's very comfortable. I thought it would be very cold in the universe."

Kendra said pretending to be relaxed, the black armor wrapped her up, and she flew towards the gap in the origin wall like a big bird.

"Do you know the correct location?"

"Yes, it's strange, as if that location is calling me. It's my first time here, but I know what to do in my heart. In all aspects, this is a special seat to enjoy eternal life, haha ..."

Kendra did not pause, because although the huge wall felt very close, it only looked close, and the actual distance was still quite a distance.

"Kendra, you know there is absolutely no need for you to do this and sacrifice yourself like this." Ron's face was still expressionless, but there was obvious pain in his eyes.

After the death of his wife and children, it took him so many years to get out of the shadow of the past and fall in love with a woman. However, before she could express her feelings, she was about to sacrifice for the universe. This feeling was indescribable.

Children like Megan didn't know the specific plan at all. When she winked at the two of them, Kendra left quickly because she knew she had no future at all.

Maybe this is the only way at the moment, but...

Kendra just looked ahead firmly: "I have no choice, Ron, no choice. If my own sacrifice can save the multiverse, then do it. Repair the Origin Wall and re-seal Luther's power. Keep the ancient gods out of our world forever."

Ron's thinking paused for a short time, and he didn't know how to refute: "No, Kendra, maybe there is another way, as long as we find Batman..."

"This is the most effective method at present, the optimal solution to the problem. He will support my decision." Kendra interrupted Ron. She had already made a decision and would not waver again: "I once died. I have lived countless times, but never like this time, living gloriously forever.”

Ron sighed: "...Okay, I want to show you something."

Then he used his psychic abilities to drag Kendra into the spiritual world, an environment like the Justice League's psychic conference room, where everything was touchable, as if it were real.

It’s just that this spiritual world is broader.

"What is this? Ron?" In this world, Kendra did not wear cold armor, but the clothes she wore every day. Standing in a warm room, she felt very relaxed.

Ron's mental projection appeared in this world at the same time, and he motioned for Kend to follow him:

"This is a spiritual world made up of your favorite landscapes from all your reincarnated souls. It can give you a paradise. I built it from the fragments of your dreams... The creatures on the wall are still conscious and consciousness, although I do not wish to come to this, but if you are determined, before we return, I will allow you to enter a trance state and live spiritually in this paradise forever."

Just outside the room was a spacious balcony, with a view outside that was indeed every view Kendra had ever loved.

Under the setting sun, an eagle flew across the sky.

Magnificent pyramids, the Nile River with golden waves, buildings in Paris, France, small towns in the Wild West, dense alien rainforests, colorful seas of flowers, and so on.

All are shaped by Ron's spiritual power, and they are all real in this world.

These scenery from different eras and geographical locations were carefully put together by him, and they looked so beautiful at this time.

Kendra had tears streaming down her face, and she looked at everything with blurred eyes.

"I'm sorry, did I go overboard? I just..." Ron saw her tears and rubbed his hands in confusion.

Kendra shook her head slightly, turned to look at him, rushed up and kissed his lips.

It tastes a little salty and a little sweet.

"Wait..." Ron's eyes widened, he pushed Kendra away and frowned.

Kendra bit her lip and retracted. She looked at Ron seriously. At the end of her life, she decided to speak her mind:

"I know, I know, you have had a wife and children, and I have spent many lives with Carter, but this time is different. The ending of this life only belongs to..."

Ron quickly waved his hand and explained: "No, it's not this kiss, but there are enemies from the outside!"

It turned out that just as the two were kissing goodbye in the spiritual world, in the starry sky not far away, a huge space fleet suddenly completed the jump!

There is almost no need to identify them. As long as you see the skull-shaped spacecraft occupying every inch of your field of vision, you will know who their owner is.

"Impossible! If he died, he died in my arms!"

Clark had the biggest reaction. Brainiac was his old enemy. However, from a certain perspective, he felt a little empty after Brainiac died.

The alien AI had been entangled with him for decades, but in the end it died inexplicably due to a hacker attack by the Sky Eye Society. This was an anticlimactic ending.

However, now it seems that Brainiac is not only not dead, but also alive and well.

The planet Cru exploded, turning it into a ghost star field. But Brainiac did leave a back-up in the universe. Not only was he resurrected, he also formed a terrifying fleet that was more powerful than every previous invasion of Earth.

Ron exited Kendra's spiritual world and flew to Superman's side. He linked his spirit to everyone present to facilitate communication.

At the first moment, everyone in Zhenglian heard Barry's complaint: "You mean he's 'dead'? Then the question is, he is a program with a green shell. No one knows the extent of his technology. We judge him to be dead." standards do not apply to him at all!”

Ron struggled for a while, but still didn't say that he had seen Luther on Mars, nor that he had seen Brainiac before.

But he knew that his childhood friend had already made a decision, that is, to work with the alien AI and bring a fleet to deal with the Justice League!

There is no need to doubt this, because when the densely packed skeleton spaceships complete their jump, countless red lasers will be emitted from their eyes.

Many Lanterns were caught off guard and spun around, their lives unknown. Some of them were even more unlucky, being knocked into the wall of origin and turned into stone statues almost instantly.

Now the Zhenglian Alliance and its allies are in a very bad situation. In front of them are the giant statues that are constantly resurrecting and flying down on the Origin Wall, and behind them is the huge Brainiac fleet. They are sandwiched in the middle like hamburger meat, and are attacked from both sides.

However, the Lantern Corps are all professional troops, and their reaction speed is still very fast. They launched a counterattack within two seconds of being attacked and fought with the spaceships.

In just the blink of an eye, the vast space was plunged into a three-party melee. Explosions and rays of various colors flooded everywhere, and everything fell into chaos.

"We are outnumbered!" Kyle used a light ring to fire green rays and destroyed a skeleton battleship, but it was just an ordinary replica spaceship. There are tens of thousands of such spaceships: "They are all replicas! This is to disperse Our power prevents us from discovering that Brainiac is here in person!"

Superman quickly selected a target among tens of thousands of spaceships and flew towards it. The red and blue afterimages streaked across the starry sky, and his voice came from the spiritual link.

"I have fought with Brainiac hundreds of times. I found his mothership and hit it in one second!"

After speaking, Superman raised his fists above his head, and using the speed of flight, he crashed into a seemingly ordinary spaceship.

However, this blow, which was usually enough to penetrate the planet, only left a small crater on the mothership.

Superman realized something was wrong the moment he touched the spacecraft, but it was too late to change direction. He was hit by the backlash of the kryptonite that had already been integrated into the outer shell of the spacecraft. His whole face instantly turned green and he was thrown far away.

Luthor cooperated with Brainiac. He used the technology of making reactive armor to create "Kryptonite Ceramic Armor". The moment Superman attacked the outer shell of the spacecraft, a green kryptonite ray burst out in the opposite direction, turning the Kryptonians into soft feet. shrimp.

In the control room of the mothership, Luther and Brainiac were staring at the complex, which was emitting a strong blue arc and beating violently, as if it would fly away the next moment.

It comes alive.

Luther looked up at the ceiling. The damage to the casing had overloaded some lines, and there were some electrical sparks in the control room.

"Maybe it's not a good idea to bring the Alliance here." After receiving psychological treatment, Luther strengthened his belief, and he and Brainiac were completely on a united front.

"Kryptonians can't attack our spaceship, and your Martian friends probably don't like the flames after other spaceships explode." The alien AI replied calmly, and he didn't even sway when the spacecraft was attacked.

Under extremely high temperatures and pressures, helium and hydrogen will undergo a nuclear fusion reaction, just like the sun, which will form a dazzling flame with huge energy.

On each spacecraft, Brainiac asked the clones to install such facilities, so that after the spacecraft exploded, countless small suns would be left in space, so that Martians who were afraid of fire would not dare to approach them.

There is no need to delay for a long time, just a short while and the problem will be solved.

As for the Lantern Warriors? What is that? Nothing more than a bunch of space nomads.

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