The Death Knell

Chapter 832 Plan failed

The Origin Wall Starfield, which used to be extremely silent, is now as lively as a boiling pot. However, the bright lights of various colors brought by the battle have illuminated the countless giant statues on the wall colorfully. m.

Various debris was flying in the air, including the remains of skeleton battleships, corpses of various Lanterns, and fragments of the Origin Wall Giant, all of which filled this small space to the brim.

Brainiac had a plan long ago. His fleet jumped directly in front of several large lantern groups, and then launched a close combat, dragging everyone there.

The skeleton spaceship is different from ordinary spaceships.

According to common sense, space battleships are either equipped with naval guns, or they are equipped with carrier-based aircraft or mechas. After all, the combat distance is measured in light years.

But Brainiac went in the opposite direction. In addition to the two equally powerful energy cannons in the eyes of his skeleton spaceship, the main attack method was the mechanical tentacles extending from the bottom of the spacecraft.

These tentacles are made of some kind of secret alloy. Even if Superman wants to tear them off, it will take some effort. When fighting other spaceships, as long as they are entangled by these tentacles, they will basically be instantly cooled.

Thanks to Brainiac's genius technology, skeleton battleships can enter the atmosphere. These tentacles are very useful whether they are demolishing buildings or killing people.

It's just that there are tentacles emerging from under the skull... I think I've seen it somewhere?

"Let's stop the enemy! Star Man, take Hawkgirl to continue the plan!" Hal had already flown over and took over Kyle's command.

Kyle is a brave warrior who can always set an example by himself and fight on the front line to boost morale.

However, his command ability is a shortcoming. He has never systematically studied the theory of air combat. After all, he was a cartoonist before becoming a Lantern.

Willpower and imagination are a good combination, but lights, rings, and objects are not enough to change the direction of the battle.

After hearing Hal's words in the mental communication, Star Man and Kendra naturally did not delay. The two quickly passed through the complex battlefield and arrived in front of the Origin Wall as soon as possible.

Looking at the huge human-shaped depression and the terrifying statues densely surrounding it, Kendra took a deep breath.

She nodded to Star Man, flew to the wall alone, then turned around and spread her wings, leaning against the wall like a butterfly.

The wall seemed to be sticky, sticking her directly to it. Even if she regretted it now, it was already too late.

The five-pointed star pattern on Star Man's chest began to glow brightly. He looked at Kendra seriously: "Are you ready?"

"I think it's hard to say whether I'm ready for this kind of thing." Kendra was completely wrapped in armor, and the energy in the metal and wings temporarily protected her from being petrified: "But, just treat me as ready. Alright."

"Kendra, your sacrifice will be remembered by everyone. This is not easy, but we just might succeed." Star Man's long hair began to fly up and down, and the energy in his body gradually changed from blue to purple.

"At least it's possible."

Kendra glanced at Ron from a distance. The Martian Manhunter was currently struggling to stop the skeleton fleet, but the miniature suns left behind after the explosion of the spacecraft made him miserable.

It seems that the paradise mentioned before is difficult to achieve...

Because Kendra's face was hidden behind the helmet, Star Man was unaware of her gaze. He slowly raised a hand: "I will begin to draw out the entropic energy in your body. The Origin Wall will feed on it and will surround it." As you begin to close down, many hardships will come to an end."

"Do it." Kendra gritted her teeth.

"This will be painful, please forgive me." Star Man's hand emitted purple flash points, hitting Kendra's armor, causing her to scream.


Although I was mentally prepared, the pain, as if my soul was being slowly ground by a millstone, was beyond expectation.

Kendra screamed, but Star Man did not relax: "The energy has been channeled, hold on, it's almost..."

However, just when Star Man was about to use all the energy in his body to activate the Origin Wall, a very inconspicuous metal grappling hook in space secretly struck him, like a small octopus, and it latched onto the back of Star Man's head.

"Neural control system wiring..."

Star Man heard Brainiac's voice, and immediately realized that he had lost control of his body. He mobilized the energy inside his body, but turned around and shot Pappetua's energy towards the Skeleton Mothership. .

The ordinary-looking spaceship opened its mouth and sucked the energy beam into its mouth like noodles.


In just a moment, Star Man regained control of his body, but it was already too late.

Star Man successfully reached behind his head and crushed the device. However, the next second, he seemed to be connected to all life in the universe, and this huge consciousness overwhelmed his mind.

But soon, all these perceptions were swallowed up by darkness.

He suddenly lost all his energy, and could not even breathe in space. All the power that did not belong to him had been taken away at this time.

When Star Man used Pappetua's power to channel the entropic energy out of Hawkgirl's body, Brainiac's mind-control robot manipulated his incomplete brain and handed over everything.

During the trip to Mars, Luther learned from Ron what happened on the Senagan planet, and naturally also understood what the aggregate was and how to use it.

Are Martians too naive to think that so-called friendship in childhood will limit human behavior?

Lex Luthor doesn't.

There were times when he wavered, but with Brainiac's help, he stopped.

They have learned that as long as there is a share of Pepatua's own energy, it is the introduction to activating the total body, and victory is in front of them.

Star Man escaped from Luthor, but where could he escape to? hehe.......

The doorknob in Luther's hand is still short of three dark creation powers before it is fully activated, but that is no longer important.

He and Brainiac completed the overtaking in the corner. There was no need for Zhenglian to overtake the door handle, nor did he need the power of Dark Creation to activate the door handle of destruction. As long as Star Man took the initiative to donate all his Pappetua energy. Accept it.

As of now, the doorknob is just a simple weapon. They have activated the synthesis. All they have to do is wait for Papetua to wake up and push the door open from the other side.

The complex emitted an increasingly strong blue light, and even Brainiac had to raise his arms to block it to avoid burning out the visual sensors.

For just that microsecond, Brainiac thought that it must be the scene of the Big Bang. A piece of matter the size of a needle tip, accompanied by indescribable energy, expanded into an infinite and constantly expanding universe.

But soon, those energies swirled and solidified into a certain shape, which was a pair of eyes burning with the power of creation.

There was clearly visible anger in it, as if it was about to burn everything down.

Her legion, her warriors, the giants on the Origin Wall burst into ecstatic shouts, her energy activated them, and their eyes also glowed with their own brilliance.

If the Origin Wall that stood quietly before gave people a majestic feeling, then now, when the billions of giants on the wall all have their dense eyes lit up, an atmosphere called fear instantly envelopes everyone. people.

Ron finally understood why the giants called him an abomination when he and Clark first came into contact with the Synthesis.

This has nothing to do with him, but because all living things in the current multiverse are abominations.

Everyone present was dumbfounded. When the phantom of the eyes peered into the universe through the gap in the Origin Wall, the shocking glimpse left the New Gods with no resistance at all.

"Starman needs help!"

Perhaps because she was leaning against the Origin Wall, Kendra did not see the phantom of those eyes, so when she saw Star Man struggling to lose his energy, she shouted in the psychic communication.

When John came to his senses, he immediately flew over and used a lamp and ring to create a balloon, protecting Star Man inside.

However, the rescued Star Man seemed stunned, his eyes were dull and his face was gray.

The plan failed. His series of actions allowed the Legion of Destruction to win, and the multiverse was about to end...

The battle stopped, Brainiac's fleet jumped away in an emergency, and panic gradually appeared on the faces of the remaining heroes.

"We must concentrate all the essence of the universe, but how can she materialize now?!" The little blue man Ganser had a look of fear on his face. He floated in the universe and panicked and said to the Heavenly Father beside him: "I thought we There will be more time!”

Papetua, the First Creation, for all time her name exists only in whispers of awe, even as she leaves an indelible mark on reality, the Wall of Origin.

She is the Forger of the World, the Great Mother of the Monitor, and the Anti-Monitor. She shaped the multiverse into a self-sustaining perpetual weapon before all living things were born.

The Heavenly Father's condition was even worse than that of the Guardians. His whole body began to become hazy and blurry, like a shadow in the mist.

"Gunther...I can feel the origin calling me back, we are shifting phases, our existence is losing shape."

The power of the New Protoss comes from the Origin, and when the Origin wants to take back their power, they are completely defenseless.

Perhaps before, Heavenly Father did not know what the origin was, but now it is obvious that the origin is Papetua, the first creation in the multiverse.

He looked at his hands, which had gradually faded away, and he knew it was irreversible.

"May the Origin be more kind to you and your end is coming..."

After saying that, he turned into a ray of light and dissipated in the universe, and the New Gods all suffered the same fate. It was just that Papetua accidentally opened his eyes in his sleep, and the Apokolips Star and the Genesis Star became It's all empty...

Probably among all the New Gods, the only one who escaped this disaster was Darkseid, who had long been aware of everything and took the initiative to hide in the ghost star field.

Seeing the collective demise of the New Gods, Gunther, who was accustomed to seeing big scenes, was also dizzy. He loudly issued a warning: "Notify all nearby Lanterns within one million light years to retreat! The boundary of the universe will be torn apart! Origin! The wall is going to explode!”

As his words fell, deep in the Origin Wall, under the bodies of the giant statues, the explosion of fire lit up densely.

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