The Death Knell

Chapter 833 A crushing defeat

"Kendra! Kendra! Can you hear me?! The Origin Wall is becoming unstable and the cracks are getting bigger!"

Ron shouted in the psychic channel, while Luther and Brainiac were left with only the afterimages of the people after the jump and a lot of metal garbage.

Martian Manhunter already knows that the plan has completely failed, so even if Hawkgirl stays now, it doesn't make any sense.

"Don't disturb me, I'm trying to stabilize the origin wall." Eagle Girl said stubbornly, and she could naturally feel a violent tremor on her back, as if she was about to break the bones: "I know this may harm Kill me, but I might as well absorb all the energy.”

Each time an explosion occurred, although it was just a silent fire in the universe, she could feel the giant statue on the wall laughing with joy before being blown to pieces.

"I was wrong..." Star Man said dullly: "We were deceived by the General Assembly from the beginning..."

John glanced at Star Man helplessly and dragged him away quickly. He knew that the powerful source of power in Star Man's body was the same energy as the total body, but it was unreliable for the other party to let him use these powers so generously. Bar?

And Hawk Girl, having n-metal armor is indeed good, but this is the entire energy of the Origin Wall. Every colossus on it is a super strong person at the universe level. It’s not that he looks down on his own earthlings, but even the energy of one of the colossi , which is not something Hawkgirl can bear.

John has never missed Batman as much as he does now. Without him, the Alliance is like playing house under the control of Ron and Superman...

"Kendra! There is no hope. We can only try our best to escape and stay as far away as possible."

Ron flew to Kendra, grabbed her hand, and tried to tear her off the Origin Wall.

But just like a fly on fly paper, it’s easy to stick on it, but how can it be so easy to get off?

Although she was not petrified, she still seemed to be growing on the wall. The flames of the explosion were getting closer and closer, but she remained motionless.

Ron had no intention of running away alone. He was still trying his best. Even if he would be engulfed in flames a moment later, he had no intention of leaving Kendra alone.

Fortunately, Superman, who had no idea where the missile had gone before, flew back. The effect of the kryptonite radiation has passed and he has basically returned to normal. The metabolic rate of Kryptonians is not comparable to that of humans.

He just regretted that he should have used his thermal vision to remotely attack the spacecraft to test it, instead of ramming directly into it.

This was the second time that he chose the wrong fighting method in a critical battle. The last time was when he slapped the Flood away, and he and Barry almost turned into fish.

Superman took Kendra's other hand and worked hard with Ron. The n-metal armor on Hawkgirl's body squeaked as it deformed, but he finally tore her away from the origin wall at the last moment. Come down.

There was no chance to breathe at all. They hugged Kendra and evacuated quickly. Behind them, the origin wall began to collapse from the cracks. The explosion quickly spread along the wall to both sides, and half of the sky turned into a sea of ​​​​fire.

The sound was deafening, a loud sound that occurred in the soul of all living things, crossing the vacuum in an impossible way and shaking the foundation of reality.

The death of the Origin Wall, its final roar, echoes in the hearts of every creature in the multiverse, and spreads beyond.

On New Genesis, Adam's Heroes flew through space at high speeds.

One second he was still chatting and laughing with the New God, but the next second, first the people in front of him suddenly disappeared, and then even the creation star itself disappeared. He could only fly towards the earth in a hurry, while Contact the Justice League on various channels.

However, no one responded, because the Hall of Justice was no longer there. At this time, Barry put the Speed ​​Force on the Javelin to escape. He wanted to contact the Justice League in the bullet time field, which required the sonic technology of the Mother Box.

In the ghost sector, Darkseid, wearing a black cloak, sat quietly on the stone throne, feeling the throbbing in his heart, but showed a cold smile.

As expected, the chaos barrier in the Ghost Sector prevented Origin from recalling him, and then his plan could officially begin. Cyborg's team of idiots was completely at his mercy.

Even if he doesn't have super strength, his IQ still crushes those human children.

At the Rock of Eternity, Bobo and the Shadow Contract team were waiting for Su Ming's order, but when they felt a special wave coming, the orangutan suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Something wasn't right, really wasn't right, and whatever Deathstroke was doing, it had better speed up a bit.

What else could Su Ming be doing at this time? Of course it's about negotiating terms.

When the fluctuations sweeping across the multiverse hit, Su Ming had just kicked Lust away.

Su Ming just let his rage chase Constantine for a short while, but Zha Kang had a damage rebound spell on him, so apart from being hit everywhere like a ping-pong ball, he really didn't suffer much damage.

However, he just wanted to let Zha Kang know that he had seen through the provocation, and he did not really want to sit back and watch Zha Kang kill Zha Kang in anger, so after an earth-shaking confrontation, Su Ming defeated the original demon at a very small cost.

As mentioned before, Fury has no brain at all after falling into a state of rage. After a few consecutive traps are set, Fury will lie down after a few head-on encounters.

As a demon, he doesn't have any magic-like abilities. He only relies on his tendon flesh and can't even use weapons. How strong can he be even if he is strong?

After Su Ming defeated Fury, Zha Kang may have been convinced, and he obediently summoned the second demon 'Greed'.

This is easy to deal with. Su Ming directly used the orange light ring to release a large number of orange light ghosts. The battle is 'mine! ','No! be mine! ’, ‘No, it’s all mine! ’ ended with shouts like this.

No wonder Constantine said that the original demons were just third-rate demons. Their strength lies in their conceptuality, but their own strength has fallen behind.

Then came the 'Taotie', Su Ming bribed him with a huge amount of delicious food.

To be precise, he asked the Upside Down to open the door, and after Green Arrow bought several carts of roasted whole lambs, Taotie didn't care what Su Ming was going to do anymore. His body like a maggot wriggled onto the pile of food and began to swallow it in big mouthfuls.

Then there was laziness. He fell asleep when he was summoned and had no intention of doing anything. Diana dragged the sleeping demon aside and it was done.

Jealousy is an intellectual demon. He is good at inciting the dark side of people's hearts. His own strength is very average, and he was given training by Green Arrow.

Finally, there is Lust, an extremely beautiful female demon who is almost naked...

However, Su Ming still had business to do and had no intention of playing games with desire itself here. So he also knocked her unconscious. Before Constantine could take the next step, fluctuations in the universe were heard.

The metal bones in the body itched as if electrified, as if they were about to leave the body.

The strangulation, which is one with the host, is naturally unnoticeable. It immediately strengthens all the muscle fibers in the body and firmly fixes the metal skeleton.

Su Ming's eyes were also full of brilliant colors, stars, chaos, mist, darkness... At the end, a pair of yellow eyes flashed past.

When he came back to his senses, the shaking had stopped and his bones had returned to normal, but he still took a deep breath. At that moment, he suddenly felt like he was going to die.

When he looked around, all the Seven Deadly Sins were unconscious except for the gluttonous accident. Diana and Oliver looked up at the gray sky. Even Constantine, who usually had a playful smile on his face, now looked heavy.

"Our not good." He took out the Sika cigarettes in his windbreaker pocket, threw one to Su Ming, walked up to him and whispered.

Su Ming signaled him to wait a moment, because there was a resonance of x metal in the universe, and there was news from Cindy.

After a moment, he also frowned: "The Justice League's plan failed, the wall of origin began to collapse, and it is only a matter of time before Papetua's resurrection."

Diana and Oliver walked over, and Wonder Woman bit her lip and thought for a moment: "What did Batman say?"

"He did not participate in this event because the clown's behavior this time was different from usual. He had already returned to Gotham to play games with madmen." Su Ming shrugged. Zhenglian's reliance on Batman is not a day or two. Yeah, it's understandable that Diana wants to hear Batman's opinion.

But he didn't expect that without Batman, the Justice League would create such a trap.

Diana frowned and crossed her arms in dissatisfaction: "When the earth is in such a dangerous situation, he still cares about a character like the Joker? Is he crazy?"

In Wonder Woman's view, the Joker is indeed crazy, but he has neither superpowers nor magic, and his threat level is not at the same level as the Legion of Destruction.

Su Ming lowered his head to light the cigarette, took a deep breath and blew out a smoke ring. The gray sky made people feel depressed:

"Batman has always been crazy, I thought you knew that. But he made the right choice this time, because the threat of the Joker and the Laughing Man is much higher than that of the Legion of Destruction, even with Pappetua."

"I don't understand what you mean." Diana pursed her lips with a look of disapproval.

"It's just that you don't understand, because there is only one Batman in the world." Su Ming didn't explain too much, because there were some things he knew but couldn't express.

Some people know the origin of Pappetua, but what about the Joker?

He seems to appear out of thin air. There are many origin stories of clowns in comics, but whether that is the current clown and how many clowns there are in the world are all questionable.

In the n52 period, Batman sat on the Mobius chair, and the chair told him that there were three clowns on the earth, but even Batman showed a surprised expression and shouted that it was impossible.

But now that the multiverse is in the rebirth of n52, the main world has been intervened by Manhattan, and the clown has become completely confused.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

Diana rolled her eyes at Su Ming helplessly. She had seen this secretive attitude more than once. If you don't want to say it, don't say it. Why is her expression so unappreciative?

"Are you still going to say that you are the only Zorro in the world?"

"That's not true, but I think Oliver probably understands what Batman is doing, right?" Seeing Diana's unkind expression, Su Ming turned around and sold Green Arrow, asking him to attract Diana's attention.

She knew she couldn't get any information from her, so she would definitely ask Green Arrow, so Su Ming and Zha Kang could seize the time to take care of serious matters.

Oliver, who was immersed in guilt, felt that the surroundings had become very quiet. He raised his head and saw Diana staring at him like a tigress, looking like she was gearing up, even holding the lasso of truth in her hand, planning to go. It's on him.

Oliver: "???"

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