The Death Knell

Chapter 834 Satan

Diana thrust the Lasso of Truth into Oliver's hand and asked him blankly why Batman would deal with the Joker first.

But where does Oliver know why?

However, Diana didn't think so, and Deathstroke said Green Arrow knew! Instead, she felt that Green Arrow was actually able to resist the effect of Mantra Lasso, and that this strength had grown too fast.

When she first met Superman and Batman, she asked them to grab the Lasso of Truth and tell the truth.

Superman told everything about his real name, home address, daily hobbies, dogs at home, and social security account number.

And Batman, when asked the above question, simply said: "I'm Batman."

From a certain point of view, I really didn’t lie...

Things like willpower are really elusive. Even Green Lantern Hal can't compete with the Lasso of Truth.

Diana couldn't help but glance at Oliver. Although they were old friends, he was performing very well now, and the changes were really big.

Su Ming did not resolve the misunderstanding, but walked towards Constantine who looked solemn.

Constantine was squatting on one knee on the ground, holding a cigarette and playing with a small magic circle. He didn't know who he was communicating with.

Most of the time, this scumbag is playful and smiling, but once he gets serious, there are really very few wizards in the DC world who can compete with him.

Sika is a cheap cigarette with a special pungent smell, and in the smoke, Su Ming squatted beside him.

"Do you understand clearly?"

Constantine shrugged and did not tell who his insider was. Instead, he spat a mouthful of black phlegm to the side with some depression: "The Justice League always wants me to wipe their butts, but magic is not omnipotent."

He completely forgot that most of the time this mutual help relationship was the opposite of what he said.

Su Ming had no intention of correcting himself and slowly blew out a puff of smoke: "Does Batman know?"

"The fluctuation just now made my heart beat out of my throat." Constantine stood up, smoking a cigarette with a numb expression, but looking at the frequency of his inhalation, it was obvious that there was no solution: "Now you should Who doesn’t know about thinking about the multiverse?”

This is the truth. The trembling just now came from the soul level. It is estimated that the vegetative person woke up.

"First settle the matter at hand and get Pandora's location. I'll deal with Kuangxiao, and then you can help Zhenglian." Su Ming pointed in front of him with his fingers holding a cigarette.

"Tch, I won't take the initiative to help them. At least I have to pay a large sum of money and send a beautiful woman to beg me." Zha Kang rolled his eyes.

Su Ming looked at him sympathetically: "You know, only Zatanna will come."

".......we'll talk about it then."

Constantine's expression remained unchanged as he walked into the magic circle and began to drag the bodies of the Seven Deadly Sins, stacking the unconscious and sleeping demons together, and then placed the gluttonous one with the roasted lamb in his mouth on top.

Then he changed the sacrifice, reshaped the magic circle and started chanting the spell. His summoning spell was not released very fast.

I don't know if he drank too much, but his spell sounded a bit tongue-in-cheek. For an art that requires precision, it is estimated that only Constantine's spell casting can work.

Yes, his summoning spell is an alternative. It only needs to be linked to the hell plane and spread the news to the ears of the target.

‘I, Constantine, come and bite me! ’

It's that simple. As long as he shows his identity, it doesn't matter what other harassing language he says. The target demon will naturally come out and try to tear him into pieces.

It is also for this reason that Constantine's summoning array always has a backup plan. It may be surrounded by a purple light array, or it may be a reverse teleportation array.

But now it sounds like Constantine's trash talk was long enough. He continued for nearly half a minute, and no similar syllables appeared.

And as the flames rose in the magic circle, the demon that appeared was not beyond Su Ming's expectation.

With his feet covered in black mud and holding a civilization stick in both hands, the old man with a smile stood in the magic circle following the blazing flames.

Black water like smoke flowed out of his trouser legs and instantly submerged the magic circle. The magic circle made of blood on the ground was broken after a few sparks were sprayed out.

The old man tilted his head, a trace of ridicule flashed in his dark eyes.

"Tsk, tsk, isn't this the god of gambling Constantine? What's wrong? Have you missed my noble character so quickly?"

Constantine sighed. If possible, he really didn't want to contact Satan. This old guy was definitely not as harmless as he seemed.

In the past, if I hadn't been clever, my soul would have been taken away by the other party so many times.

However, at this moment, he was not familiar with Magikken or Izanami, and he didn't want to find an extradimensional demon king like Sannomiya or Neiryu. After much deliberation, the most suitable one was really only Satan.

Constantine waved his hands with a smile on his face: "It's just luck that's on my side."

"It doesn't matter, I noticed at that time that you were cheating, and the fact that I didn't expose you shows that I was happy to see it happen." Satan raised his hand gently and waved it, his old skin was covered with wrinkles, and he took a step forward Walking towards the two of them: "The more fraud you make, the more valuable your soul is. I can wait."

"If you take me as a tonic, you probably won't be able to take it. I'm the one who will go to heaven after death." Constantine smiled without hesitation.

Satan still smiled and shook his head, looking at him with a determined expression on his face: "Now heaven has turned into a stinking ditch. The crazy angels will not let you take pictures. The multiverse has a maximum lifespan of one month. , are you ready with your last words?"

"You are definitely not the heir to the inheritance." Constantine raised an eyebrow and blew out a puff of smoke: "But it sounds like you have found a way out?"

Satan stood in front of the two of them, raised his head and looked at Constantine with a smile: "Ah, this is a business secret, but you are right, I have a way out."

Constantine looked straight at him, and the smile on his face gradually faded: "Sunless Sea, right?"

Satan just smiled and said nothing, and took a deep look at Constantine.

When he mentioned this, he naturally didn't want Constantine to foolishly be buried with the multiverse. This soul that was so bad that it oozed pus could only be his.

If you want to avoid the multiverse-level reshaping, there are only a few places where you can do it, such as heaven, such as the Sunless Sea, and such as the plane of the Speed ​​Force.

Other places, including Limbo and Hell, pocket dimensions, and secondary planes, will be completely destroyed.

As long as Constantine survives, then in the new universe, Satan can successfully make a comeback as long as he obtains his soul. This is a fixed deposit.

Even if he can't get his soul, Constantine will trick the so-called 'friends' around him to death and give away their souls.

Therefore, when the world is very likely to restart, it is more in the interests of Satan to let Constantine survive with an extremely dirty soul, and he does not mind giving this mortal a little hint.

So Satan turned his attention to Su Ming. He was not deceived by Zorro's appearance, but directly recognized the death knell. He said with a smile: "You are here too, young man. I was very popular in the last transaction." You take care of it."

"Please put my account on him." Su Ming turned his hand and pointed at Zha Kang beside him: "He taught me this last time."

"Hey!" Constantine interrupted helplessly. Although he didn't have to worry about the debt, taking the blame was not part of the deal.

Satan was still not fooled. He smiled and shook his head slightly: "My men have been observing you these days. You are very interesting. But when the multiverse is destroyed, the big man you sent to hell will definitely be dead. By then, I will come to you with the contract."

"Who knows for sure, maybe I will be wiped out before the destruction of the multiverse." Su Ming shrugged with a smile.

The last time Barbatos invaded, the Devastator was thrown to Satan by Su Ming, and he should be in his hell now, and Satan has never given up trying to kill him.

Satan had no intention of arguing. He just nodded to express his understanding and looked at Constantine again, not even looking at Green Arrow and Wonder Woman not far away.

Their souls are too noble to be of any value to demons.

"Okay, scumbag, you asked me to come here when my business is at its best, isn't it just to eat?"

"Of course, I want to negotiate a deal." Constantine pointed to the seven sins aside and crossed his arms very confidently: "You help me catch Pandora, and I will trade these seven for you. You will make a lot of money."

Satan smiled, showing his fangs. He raised his hand and touched the silver wire on his head: "One for seven, it is indeed a good deal, but what use do I have for these seven trash? They don't have their own territory. It’s outdated and ignorant, and although it represents the original evil in the world, it has no value to me.”

Today's demons all play the soul chip system, focusing on buying and selling, just like businessmen.

The original demons are more like conceptual monsters. What they want is not souls, but emotions or thoughts that are more difficult to measure.

Satan sees no value in the Seven Deadly Sins other than providing some meat.

Constantine threw the cigarette butt away and smiled. He knew it was time to show off his sales skills again.

"That's true, but they have another value. Each of the seven deadly sins represents an emotion. You know what the seven-colored light represents, right? There are some things that we humans can't do, but veteran demons like you can."

Satan's expression remained unchanged and he was silent for a moment: "Not enough."

"Don't be too greedy. I don't have to do business with you." Constantine crossed his arms.

"But you came to me first, and I'm not easy to get rid of." Satan responded with the same smile, but the black mud had begun to spread rapidly.

Constantine wasn't lying at all, if Satan could rob, he wouldn't be Satan.

Transactions are the rules that Satan abides by. Even if the transaction is accomplished by any means necessary, the subject is still the transaction.

Zha Kang pinched his nostrils, flicked a piece of booger away with his fingers, and rubbed his hand on his windbreaker: "Then I'll give you a piece of news to top it off. Many people in Gotham City will be desperate next."

Satan narrowed his eyes and showed a weird smile. He looked up and down as if he was admiring Zha Kang, and his smile became bigger and bigger.

"make a deal."

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