The Death Knell

Chapter 835 Problem

Business is business, and the past festivals have not affected Satan's judgment. As a veteran devil, he has a weird calmness and calmness.

As for the addition given by Constantine, Su Ming had no objection. After all, Laughter and the Joker were both in Gotham, and something was bound to happen this time.

Satan will only do business when ordinary people are desperate, and his influence on Su Ming will not be reflected on the battlefield.

By finding Pandora directly through Satan, Constantine also threw away the pot that might have offended God.

Generally speaking, all parties are satisfied. As for whose interests have been harmed, it is probably only the people of Gotham.

However, the psychological endurance of the citizens of Gotham is still quite strong. Why is death not death anyway? It's not bad to sign a devil's contract before you die and enjoy the glory for a while.

After Constantine and Satan carefully signed the contract, a young woman with a painful face was sent by Satan's demon army.

In a place like Limbo where there are almost no restrictions, Satan is much more powerful than the outdated Seven Deadly Sins. He just took out his cell phone and made a call, and his men quickly got the matter done.

"Is this...a smartphone?" Su Ming always felt a little awkward.

"Yeah, you think I'm too old to use a mobile phone?" Satan said with a smile.

"How does it work?"

"It's a demon, it just looks like a cell phone."

Satan seemed to be in a good mood. He waved his hands and asked his men to leave Pandora behind. He turned around and disappeared as if he was sinking into the ground. However, in the end he looked at Constantine and Su Ming with a smile, which gave people a very bad feeling.

Constantine sighed. He knew that this was just the beginning of trouble, but now he could only get through it now.

"I have something else to do, you can talk about it yourself."

After saying that, Constantine took out a key, twisted it in the air a few times, pushed open a non-existent door and walked away.

Pandora, who had obviously been tortured by the demons, was squirming on the ground like a wounded animal, and the gray ground was covered with her vomited blood.

After seeing Satan and Zha Kang leave, Diana and Green Arrow came over. Neither of them wanted to have anything to do with the devil.

Diana because of her disgust towards demonic creatures, and Green Arrow because he is not good at things in the magical world.

Although she couldn't bear the fact that Constantine and Deathstroke used a devil's deal to find Pandora and caused her a lot of harm, Diana knew that sometimes justice needed to be done by any means necessary.

She walked over and helped Pandora up, letting her lean on her shoulder.


Pandora's eyes were complicated. The last time she fought side by side with the Justice League seemed like yesterday, but why was she using such means to find herself out now?

Neither she nor the magic box should appear in front of the world!

Diana felt a little guilty. She looked at Su Ming and then slightly avoided Pandora's gaze: "I'm sorry, but we really need the power of the magic box."

When Satan sent people to capture her, she must have resisted, but in addition to being immortal, her physical fitness is about the same as that of a female special forces soldier. One of the legs of those high-level demons is thicker than hers.

Her weapons are two pistols, which are like mosquito bites to a rough-skinned demon.

So those who resist are defeated. This is how the demons behave.

Seriously injured, she gasped and pushed Diana away, staggering to her feet: "Impossible, you know what the magic box represents, Wonder Woman."

Of course Diana knew that she had experienced the Three-Body War and the Syndicate invasion, and she had also been controlled by the Magic Box.

But as the only woman in the Justice League and with an Olympus background, Pandora had the best relationship with her at first.

Diana really couldn't bear to be tough now. After all, Pandora also had the world in mind.

So she turned her attention to Su Ming and asked him what to do.

Su Ming will not make it difficult for Wonder Woman. At this time, it is most suitable for a mercenary to be a bad guy.

"It doesn't matter what she says, I make the decision here." Su Ming waved to Diana to stand behind him while he came to talk to this poor woman.

"Who are you?" Pandora wiped the cold sweat from her face and tried her best to endure the pain on her body, but in her vision blurred by sweat and blood, she could only see a strange person.

Su Ming sighed. He was a person who had not kept up with the times. He didn't even know Zorro.

The dark clouds on the horizon are constantly rolling. No matter what the situation is, they have no time to waste: "No need to ask me who I am, but the multiverse requires you to hand over the magic box. You can make conditions."

Pandora frowned and she looked at Diana, but Wonder Woman just nodded affirmatively.

Seeing Diana's affirmation, Pandora's attitude turned to doubt. She subconsciously held down a corner of her robe, because the golden skull was hung on the belt with a rope.

Purple tear stains were painted under her eyes, which made her eyes look deep.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Su Ming spread his hands in front of him to ease the atmosphere: "You should also feel the fluctuations that passed through the universe just now. No matter where you are, the roar is ringing in your heart..."

"Yes, Pandora." Diana held her hand and said apologetically: "Maybe you don't know what happened before, but now the wall of origin is broken and our world is in danger."

"Wait..." Pandora waved her hands repeatedly. She covered her waist and abdomen and moved to sit on the doorstep of the House of Mystery. She breathed out softly: "I have been living in seclusion in Eastern Europe. I didn't know about it until the last time we met. If the existence of the multiverse is unknown, can anyone explain to me what the Origin Wall is?"

Hearing her statement, Su Ming sighed deeply. Was he really in Eastern Europe? It should be Antarctica...

However, he still gave Diana a wink and motioned for them to return to Earth first before explaining. He just happened to take a look at what was going on in Gotham first.


Batman naturally noticed the impact, and he was watching the Joker on TV at the time.

When the invisible wave hits, the clown jumping crazily in the picture seems to have been pressed on the pause button. He paused, his mouth wide open, only his eyes still moving.

At that time, Batman also felt palpitations for a moment, and he quickly thought about what happened.

The silent pantomime between the two lasted for a long time. Batman seemed to be just standing in the messy room silently watching the clown's performance, with the kidnapped hostage lying in the corner behind him.

"Oh? Hoo ho ho ho!!! Is it coming?" The clown broke away from the pause with laughter. He seemed to have heard some joke and was overjoyed: "Oh, oh, little bat, it seems Luther is ahead. Quite a few.”

"What do you know?"

Batman moved his wrist secretly. Before he entered this room, there was a killing machine, and the hostages were tied to it. Batman cracked the mechanism and rescued the people.

There was a twisted look on the clown's face, and he tilted his head: "Are you begging me? Huh? Hahaha..."

"..." Batman naturally wouldn't answer such a boring question.

After laughing for a while, the clown tried to calm his breathing and exhaled exaggeratedly.

"Luthor, I don't care what he did. He is too boring and destined to be a loser...Batman, have you ever secretly thought in your heart that when I leave the Legion of Doom, I should help you kill them?" Kill them all? Have you ever thought about it, just... secretly? "

"No one deserves to die."

Batman replied coldly.

The clown's head was shaking. He thought he would have a different answer this time than before.

"Even if he is about to destroy the multiverse, shouldn't he die? How about I kill him for you without you having to do anything?"


Batman was silent again, he had never thought about this problem.

In other words, he forced himself not to think about this problem.

But when the darkness hidden in his heart was brought out by the clown, he could only give a negative answer, and he would not let the clown get his wish.

But the clown didn't care at all. He shrugged helplessly: "I knew it would be like this, I knew it, I knew it, but I won't let you die from the destruction of the universe. No way... It's a pity. We don’t have much time left, and I still have so many games I want to play.”

"This is not a game at all, and you know it." Batman completely hid his body under his cloak. Although the so-called game was already halfway through, Batman was also suffering from various tortures.

Not just physically, but mentally as well.

The Joker seems to have been inducing himself to kill, or letting him kill, criminals during the game.

What does this imply?

"Yes, it is indeed a bit boring. Can you always find a perfect solution? This makes my gaming experience very poor." The clown pretended to lower his head helplessly, rubbing his eyes as if crying.

But at first it looked like sobbing, but his shoulders shook faster and faster, and gradually the fake cry turned into laughter. His pale face was so obvious in the dim environment over the TV.

"Hahahahaha, although I ruined a lot of things by digging a dungeon under the museum, if you don't like it, I can let you skip the level. Do you know what skipping means? As long as you answer my questions correctly. , how about I let you directly challenge the most interesting last level?"

"..." To be honest, Batman doesn't want to play a single level.

The Joker guessed what he was thinking and immediately turned to the camera so that his face occupied the entire screen. Batman could see his yellow teeth.

He said softly like a whisper: "You know what? Catwoman has been saying that you will come to save her. I don't believe it. I feel that she may not be able to hold on for that time, hehehehe... "

"You can come if you want to play. There is no need to imitate the Riddler. It will only make me despise you."

"Oh, do you know how happy I was when I knew he was hung in front of the police station with bat hickeys on his butt? I thought you really had a sense of humor and could laugh at life. Unfortunately, I was only happy for a second, and then I knew it was definitely not you, it was the guy dressed like a little bee, what a shame."

The clown said it was a pity, but looking at his face twisting like a cramp, you knew he was actually very happy.

Batman interrupted his nonsense: "What are you asking?"

"Ah? Just some small questions, very simple..." The clown raised the remote control in his hand, and the image on the screen changed again: "What if only one of Batgirl and your new friend can survive? You Who to choose?"

Images of two people appeared on the screen. On one side, Barbara was trapped in a tree. The red explosives buried him like a hill, with only one head exposed.

On the other side, the trench coat fighter who had promised to wait outside the door but was taken away unknown when was being soaked in an old bathtub, with a cable that had not yet been powered on was soaked in the water at the same time... ..


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