The Death Knell

Chapter 836 Accident

"How's it going? Have you made your choice?" The clown sniffed and smiled strangely as if he was addicted to drugs: "Answer, tell me the answer."

Batman frowned, Barbara was actually trapped in Gotham Park, so who is that in the Hall of Justice?

But when was the trenchcoat fighter arrested? Theoretically, the area around the museum was also covered by surveillance. Why didn't Alfred report this?

However, facing a laughing clown is not the time to think about these issues.

The fingers under Batman's cloak were operating rapidly on the Bat Terminal, typing to notify Afu and asking him to contact the Bat Family to rescue Barbara, while he tried to stall for time.

The others may not be in Gotham, but Batgirl Kate hasn't left, she's always here.

There is no place for her in the Justice League with Batman, and she doesn't want to play games with children, so she doesn't participate in any official activities at all and just wanders around Gotham City.

As long as Ah Fu can find a way to contact her, there will be no problem in saving the two of them at the same time.

Just when Batman was about to tell the Joker a story, he suddenly found that Barbara's picture was blocked by a big face.

Then a big eye came up, and the eyeballs moved smoothly, as if the camera was used as a cat's eye, peeking inside.

But the owner of those eyes quickly distanced himself, and in the rain, he saw the same face full of smiles.

"Ha~hey~ boys, have you seen me?"

Batman narrowed his eyes and paused with his hands: "Harley."

But what he said here would definitely not be heard by the park’s camera.

Harley waited for a while, and the smile on her face turned into confusion. She stretched out her finger to poke the camera, and added a honking sound effect to her mouth.


However, she still didn't get a response.

Her red and blue ponytail stuck to her shoulders in the rain. She tilted her head and shouted to the side: "Hey! There is no sound! Is this broken?!"

"This thing only has a microphone and no speakers. You can't hear what they say." Damian appeared in the camera wearing a wet cloak, as if he was walking out of the shadows. The two of them covered the camera tightly. , as if he was researching: "By the way, the clown put the camera in the clown doll again. This trick is too old and I'm a little tired of it."

"This is probably the 200th time, right?" Harley retracted her finger and pointed at her face, looking at the sky and thinking: "He is outdated, which really disappoints me. I don't want to kill him anymore, just let him be so boring. Live on earth."

Damian looked at the camera expressionlessly, ignoring Harley's hands stroking his head: "Joker's game is really boring, let's go find the Laughing Bat quickly, he still has some new things there. .”

"That's right. It's best for these two old antiques to die together. From now on, little Robin can just protect Gotham." Harley nodded in agreement and pretended to pick up the hammer beside her and leave.

Robin shook his head and lowered the corners of his mouth: "It doesn't matter, we don't know where they died anyway. I've been used to being alone since I was a child, and I don't need him at all."

Harley Quinn wiped the rain off her face, smiled and stuck out her tongue to lick her palms.

The rain in Gotham still tastes the same, sour, spicy, and corrosive, like popping candy on the tip of the tongue.

"Hehehe... Isn't Batman your father? Is that really okay?"

"...He's not, he's just Batman."

After saying that, Damian raised his hand, took the camera out of the doll's belly, and crushed it.

The screen turned into a grayish white.

The Joker no longer had any intention of playing the game. He cut back to the screen and faced Batman face to face. He threw the remote control far away and stretched out his hands to tear at his hair.

"Outdated? Bored? Alive? Uh...hahahahahahahahahahahahaha..."

Batman also has a headache. Damian seems to be still trapped in the mystery of his identity, which is not good. This situation may be taken advantage of.

Especially Damian's side is actually Harley. Judging from the conversation between the two, it seems that they didn't meet by chance, they were originally acting together. And behind this crazy woman is the Deathstroke...

But those things don't matter now. Batman blocked those thoughts and emotions and just stood there quietly, watching the Joker rolling around laughing on the screen.

The clown was rolling and flailing his limbs, and finally got down on his back with his back arched, hitting the ground with his fists from time to time, and letting out a dull laugh.

After a long while, he stood up, sat back on the chair, and slowly wiped his face with his hands like a cat washing its face.

"Harley, Harley little pudding, it's you as expected. Phew..." The clown seemed to be tired of laughing. The white on his face was disturbed by dust and more patterns appeared: "This joke is really real." It was so funny, it spoke directly to my heart, what do you think, Batman?”

"There's something very wrong with our world, I really don't have much time to stall here with you, come out and face me."

"You don't care about the world. All you want is Gotham. Oh, and there is a Catwoman now. However, although you didn't tell the answer just now, Harley's joke was good, so I decided to kill them all!"

As he spoke, the clown jumped up, ran to the side, picked up the remote control, and pressed two buttons in an instant.

Even though he was underground in the museum, Batman could still feel earthquakes coming from far away, and in the circus-like room, wisps of dust fell above his head.

"Ahahahaha..." The clown covered his face, moved closer to the camera, and revealed his bloodshot eyes from between his fingers: "This is fate. Maybe you have calculated a lot, but not Harley. Being with Robin makes me laugh, and every time I laugh, someone gets scared and swoosh~~~pop~~~~Batgirl goes up to the sky! Hahahaha!”

Batman is frightened and angry, Barbara...

"You madman! What have you done?!"

"Yes, anger, let me feel some more emotions... You want to see the body? It's a pity that Robin destroyed the doll, but it doesn't matter. We can also see the scene of your new friend being electrocuted. It should be familiar by now. Already..."

The clown stepped back, suppressed his smile, and gently turned the button on the remote control with his orchid fingers. The image of a bathtub appeared on the right half of the screen again.

At this time, water splashed above the bathtub, and wisps of smoke slowly rose, as if the water was boiling.

However, the bathtub was empty and the trench coat fighter was nowhere to be found.

The clown's face changed, and he showed an angry and aggrieved expression, and smashed the remote control in his hand: "Damn it! Let him run away, but it doesn't matter, Batgirl is dead, and maybe she took Robin and Harley with her. ,I am very satisfied."

"You're so perverted." Batman suppressed his anger and said coldly.

"Oh? Really? Thank you for the compliment. Tell me secretly, did you think just now, 'Ah, why did that man escape? Barbara died? It would be better if it were different.' Do you have such thoughts? ? There must be!"

The Joker licked the corners of his mouth quickly like a snake, moved closer to the camera again, laughed and waited for Batman to answer.

Batman didn't answer. This was also an unanswerable question. He even had to force himself not to follow the Joker's train of thought.

However, the clown's words were like poison.

When you need to choose, let your loved ones live and strangers die, this seems to be human nature...

He bit his tongue, and the smell of blood helped him get rid of all his thoughts. He knew that he had to catch the clown as soon as possible, and he could not let him continue like this.

In the colorful KTV-like room, only the clown's laughter came from the speakers, and he laughed so indulgently.

Because he asked Batman again, which proves that he and he are the same kind of person!


"What are we going to do? BBQ party?"

Su Ming originally planned to return to Gotham to see what was going on, so he returned directly from Limbo to the top floor of Wayne Tower. This location is high and has a good view. Batman would come here every night to keep watch.

He probably had this intention in building Wayne Tower, otherwise there would be no need to build such a tall building. You can feel the tower shaking when the wind blows. This is a sentry that cost hundreds of millions.

Su Ming has some money in Marvel, and Wilson Enterprises is considered a leading department store, but so far, safe houses around the world have not been completed, let alone spending a lot of money just to see the scenery.

Moreover, Marvel's banknotes are not usable at all on DC's Earth-0. Although they look roughly the same and are not something like the Beautiful Amazon Dollar, age is also an issue.

Many people who don’t understand think that U.S. bills are U.S. bills, and as long as Franklin is painted on them, there is no problem. However, the U.S. bills in 1955 and 2019 only have the same face value.

Since the U.S. dollar bill was created to replace gold coins, it has undergone three major revisions, one in 1988, one in 1996, and one in 2010.

U.S. banknotes before 1988 did not have watermarks or digital security threads, and had long been withdrawn from circulation in DC. Even if Su Ming took the money from Marvel, a blind person would be able to detect something wrong without a banknote detector.

Su Ming now has less than 20 million earned from Batman. This is the money he can use on Earth 0. It won't work in another parallel universe. Sometimes money is really not as good as gold.

However, DC's timeline is too late and there is no time to plan. The main part of his big plan still needs to be launched on Marvel's side, so he is asking for money from DC just to show Batman.

Acting happy to get the money, talking about the money, all in order to prevent Batman from guessing his true goal.

I don’t know how long such a trick can be kept hidden. Batman has never been stupid, but fortunately, he still bought Su Ming a few days. Then the next step will be to see how he operates in this crisis.

Thinking about something in his mind, as soon as he stepped out of the portal, he saw a fire blooming in the rain curtain in the city.

Over there is the location of the park. Gotham is indeed very chaotic tonight. There are explosions and gunfire everywhere, but there are no valuable targets in the park. This explosion looks very different.

Could it be that someone blew up a big tree for fun? This mushroom cloud is really high enough.

Su Ming and Diana looked at each other, and she supported Pandora and nodded slightly to him.

"Green Arrow, you first and me first."

Su Ming gave the order, and Oliver disappeared immediately. In order to act, Su Ming chose to be dragged by Diana and flew over.

Without even landing, he saw a large group of people in the garden. Fatty Blue's figure was easily identifiable at night, and Harley's colorful clothes were also very conspicuous.

At this time, they were surrounding a big pit, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

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