The Death Knell

Chapter 837: Friend and Enemy

The familiar smell of gunpowder smoke, scattered wood and soil like a nebula around, a group of people pointing around the big pit, their voices obscured by the rain.

Green Arrow was the first to arrive, recognized the Teen Titans and the Shame Team, and after thinking there was no problem, he got out from behind a tree not far away.

The humiliation team's behavior is somewhat similar to his. Although these people are more extreme, it's not like they can't be discussed.

After obtaining the sin, he witnessed Deathstroke and Constantine dealing with various demons, including confrontations and negotiations. He knew that he had been involved with the magic world, so he would inevitably need to make various compromises in the future.

It is inevitable that after receiving benefits, you will also pay a price.

It's just that Barbara, who was rescued, was arguing quietly with the fallen knight. Although she couldn't hear clearly what they were saying, she could tell by looking at their body language that it was not a good thing.

The fallen knight held her chest calmly, as the rain turned her purple cloak to black, while Barbara seemed to be very excited, and from time to time she would stomp her feet and slap her thighs to enhance her words.

Yes, Barbara was rescued, and there were too many smart people in this group.

Damian, Billy Wu, Harley Quinn, Emiko, and Charis and Prodigy.

While Su Ming was busy preparing and Zheng Lian was in complete defeat, Ha Li was taking them to eat ice cream in the city.

It didn't matter that the boss wasn't in the store, so he broke in directly. Harley never knew what it meant to be polite. She found the ingredients and the ice cream machine, and picked out the ones that hadn't been soaked in sea water. She quickly made the ice cream.

No way, she likes places like circuses and amusement parks. In the past, as long as she was not locked up in the lunatic asylum, she would go to Gotham Park every day. Therefore, she is not only good at making ice cream, but also popcorn.

Logically speaking, neither the Teen Titans nor the Fallen Squad would allow such a blatant robbery, but it was Harley who carried out the robbery, so that was a different matter.

The Teen Titans know that Harley is hanging out with Deathstroke, so as long as she doesn't kill anyone, they can pretend that nothing happens.

The old Deathstroke tortured the older generation of Titans to death. The Deathstroke in this other world is much stronger than that old man.

So after Damian entered the store, he took out a pile of money from his belt without saying a word and pressed it on the counter. He paid for the raw materials and door repairs.

Not to mention the Humiliation Team. They are a team of anti-heroes. As long as they consider themselves one of their own, their requirements for moral standards are not that high.

Not to mention that Dr. Quinzel was their guiding light before going crazy. Although the team was only a patient support group in the past, they all owed Harley a favor.

Isn't it just money? Xia Ruisi also took out a pile of money from her belt and pressed it on the counter. Next time the shop owner comes, he will be able to replace the gold-plated ice cream machine.

With Harley's lively atmosphere, everyone sat down and chatted in the store. Charis explained the situation in the city, and then Damian also exchanged some information about the world's general environment.

Afterwards, a group of smart people sat at the table and ate ice cream. Billy and the prodigy got along quite well. They had a lot of otaku topics between geniuses. Although the prodigy seemed a bit gay, a fat man with blue skin was always weirder than a gay black guy. ?

Damian's job is to guard Bait Harley in Gotham, while the Shame Team wants to kill a few more criminals at night.

But for some reason, after eating a few cones, everyone's goal became to kill the clown under Harley's gag.

Damian actually refused in his heart because he knew what would happen if he killed the clown. The clown virus was really no joke.

But if there is anyone in the world who is safest from killing the Joker, then that person must be Harley.

She is already crazy enough. Even if she is infected with the clown virus, how crazy can she get? Not to mention that she probably has antibodies. After all, she is the one who has been with the Joker the longest.

It's just that Dami's purpose is not to kill people. He wants to catch the Joker with his own hands. He has never caught the nightmare of Gotham with his own hands.

Every time the Joker appears, Batman will not let the Bat Family intervene. At most, he will do some logistical support tasks, such as rescuing hostages or cleaning up the mess.

Now, it looks like the chaotic situation is an opportunity. Deathstroke will deal with Laughter, and the Teen Titans plus Humiliation should be able to deal with the Joker.

As long as Laughter and the Joker are caught, Gotham's remaining villains will be dealt with.

Charis had the same idea. If it weren't for the deterrent of the Joker virus, they would have found Harley after she broke up with the Joker.

But the clown cannot be killed. If the existence of the virus was just a legend before, now everyone knows about the appearance of the Laughing Bat.

Batman in another world was infected by the Joker virus and turned into the Laughing Bat. Charis was nothing like turning into the Laughing Knight. Rational thinking is quite good, and she still has it useful.

No one knows what the clown virus is. It may be some kind of disease, but it may also be some kind of energy or curse.

Its nature and transmission methods are unclear, so let Harley decide. Anyway, it doesn't matter which criminals you deal with. Now that we have so many people, it won't be a big problem to deal with the clown.

As for Poison Ivy, Harley does whatever she says and she spoils Harley rotten.

So when Harley walked out of the ice cream shop and ran and danced in the rain, everyone's target had become the clown.

Although no one said it accurately, in the eye contact between Charis and Damian, they already had an agreement.

Charis originally planned to call a car over, but Hallie said that eating too much ice cream at night would make her gain weight, so she wanted to go to the park to do some exercise and do yoga.

Damian couldn't restrict her actions, because he knew that if he wanted to deal with the other party's madman, he should not restrict his own madman. Deathstroke also said that he should only watch the bait.

The Humiliation Team had no objection. It was too difficult to find the Joker, so why not follow Harley and let the Joker come to them?

So a group of more than ten people went to the park in the middle of the night.

I didn't meet anyone who didn't open their eyes at all on the road. The average gangster would have been scared to death when he saw the humiliation team. You know, if you fall into their hands, stealing a bicycle is a death sentence. It's so f*cking scary.

Therefore, most of the criminals who were still active on both sides of the dark streets fled, and everyone reached their destination smoothly.

When they arrived at the park, the red hill made of a pile of explosives immediately attracted everyone's attention, and then they saw Batgirl's head exposed on the pile of explosives.

Charis and Barbara were both enemies and friends, so of course they had to save people in this situation, and Harley noticed a red and white clown doll sitting on the bench not far from the tree. On the chair, the belly was cut open and a camera was stuffed inside.

Typical clown approach.

Harley is crazy, but she also has a plan.

She and Damian blocked the camera and said a bunch of irritating things to the clown while everyone else went to rescue Barbara.

The clown has a problem. When what others say arouses his interest, he will not interrupt. He will listen to the end and then make a choice to laugh or not.

As a comedian, listening to other people's jokes completely is a professional accomplishment.

This is a weakness that only Harley knows about.

Maybe Batman knows it too, but he never chooses to tell jokes to the Joker. He has no sense of humor at all and wastes this advantage.

This is a park. Ivy casually threw a seed under her feet. Within a few seconds, a vine as huge as a subway sprouted out of the ground. It swallowed all the explosives with its huge mouth and spat it far away on the adjacent road.

Others, at her request, rescued Barbara on the condition that no trees be harmed.

Before she could speak, dynamite exploded in the distance. Charis sneered and began to sneer at Barbara.

It is still an old topic. Justice without killing is incomplete. Even if we want to purify the entire earth, justice must be achieved. Life and blood are the most powerful examples.

And all of this is inconsistent with Barbara's views.

Disputes between Charis and Barbara on this issue would happen every time they met, and usually it would turn into a full-blown argument. Barbara's eloquence skills were average, and her brain wasn't as fast as Charis's, so she always couldn't speak up.

The most important thing is that Charis doesn't know if it's intentional or not. She often spits out sweet things, mocking Director Gordon and the Bat Family, and devaluing the no-kill principle as worthless.

Barbara's attitude towards criminals is similar to Barry's. Anyway, if she doesn't kill, she won't interfere if other heroes kill them.

For example, among the other members of the Birds of Prey team, Night Owl, Huntress, Katana, and Black Canary, which one of these people has no life in their hands?

Especially Night Owl, who used to be the talon of an owl, could not stop hundreds of lives in her hands. Her combat power was focused on her assassination skills. Now as long as she is allowed to participate in the operation, it is impossible for her not to kill people.

The katana is simply a killer with a clairvoyance. People just expect to use the sword to kill people and then talk to their deceased husband, so they can't stop killing people.

But Charis was so annoying. Every time Barbara slipped out of the house to patrol at night, she would often be humiliated. Charis always had to persuade Barbara to change her stance and kill people.

"Barbara, your brother and I are good friends, join us in killing criminals."

"I won't kill anyone, you can do whatever you want."

"No, you're not doing that right. Killing is the only solution once and for all. Killing is good. Come on, I'll teach you."

"I have principles."

"Your principles are wrong. What I said is right. You must kill the criminals, otherwise you are my enemy!"

Barbara breaks down every time. Whether to kill or not is a matter of opinion. There is no right or wrong. Wonder Woman and Batman are both heroes.

But Sharis is absolutely wrong to force others to change their principles.

So not only Barbara herself, but also the Birds of Prey team have fought against the Humiliation Team countless times.

The point of view of a group of women's dispute has gradually shifted from the principled dispute between not killing and killing, to the philosophical level of whether justice can only be achieved by giving up principles.

And now, another dispute is about to take place.

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