The Death Knell

Chapter 838 The troops are divided into two groups

However, with the arrival of Wonder Woman, Barbara and Charis still did not fight.

Because Diana also brought two ‘outsiders’.

Neither of them wanted to make their conflict known to everyone.

If you show contradiction, you will be taken advantage of by someone with malicious intentions. This is also a weakness.

For example, Superman and Luthor, The Flash and Grodd, and Wonder Woman and Ares are all famous enemies.

Once someone wants to deal with them, it is easy to go to their old enemy to take advantage of the situation. It is always not good to escalate the situation.

Whether they are the Bat Family or the Humiliation Team, they are all the kind of people who are used to acting in the dark. It would be very uncomfortable if someone uses a magnifying glass to study them.

The sound of rain covered up the disagreement, and Barbara just turned around to thank Poison Ivy. Poison Ivy said that she was also a member of the Birds of Prey, and it was natural for her to save Barbara.

Harley jumped up and lay on Barbara's back, asking her to go to the spa together next time.

Barbara could only agree with a dry smile, but in fact, after the water flooded the earth, she did not want to have anything to do with hydrotherapy for a short time.

"Xiao Dai~~~~"

Harley didn't notice Barbara's embarrassment, or she noticed it and pretended not to notice it. With a long drawl, she quickly ran up to Diana and jumped into her arms.

Harry, who was soaked all over, felt cold all over. Diana rolled her eyes helplessly, grabbed her twin tails and pulled her away: "Why are you here?"

Harley's little hands were still wrapped around Diana's waist, wrestling with the heroine with exaggerated movements. Upon hearing this, she nodded Zorro with her chin.

"He asked me to come to Gotham. I didn't mean to do anything bad. By the way, eating ice cream? I did it."

When she escaped from the Sky Eye Society, it was Deathstroke who turned into Batman and fished her out. Now two people appeared next to Diana. One was Pandora, whom Harley knew, and the other guy who was inexplicably dressed in black must be Deathstroke.

After saying that, Harley called Poison Ivy to bring her a cone, so a walking pitcher plant like plant came over and opened its mouth with ice cream inside.

This is Harley's mobile refrigerator.

Although Diana loved ice cream, she had just eaten it not long ago, and now she couldn't eat it in the rain.

She turned her eyes to Su Ming and sighed softly.

"Why did you ask her to come to Gotham? What are you planning?"

"Everything I do is to save the world."

Su Ming said innocently, looking so sincere.

What he said made sense, and Diana was speechless.

Indeed, Deathstroke has saved the world twice, but after each crisis, Deathstroke's strength has grown crazily. Except for Hawkgirl and Barry, everyone in the Zhenglian has stayed still, and everyone has encountered various hardships.

She suspected that this was Deathstroke's arrangement to let Zheng Lian bear all the costs and reap the benefits for himself.

Diana has no problem with this. The stronger this man is, the happier she is...

But she hoped that he could change the opportunity to get benefits. Just like now, there are troubles everywhere. It would be okay to give up some plans to get benefits first, and then even let her accompany him to get them later.

Su Ming took out an underwater fish attractor from his backpack and placed it in front of Harry. This small thing was bought from Stormwind City. It would rotate on its own in the water to attract fish, and in the rain it would spin like a windmill.

Harley's attention was indeed attracted by the red and white toy. She took the fish lure and started playing with it.

"There is no special plan this time. What I want is in Luther's hands, but for the safety of the earth, we have to deal with the Laughing Bat first."

Su Ming explained to Diana that the Laughing Bat had no value now. Apart from catching him to study psychology, the benefits he could get from him were not proportional to the cost.

In this case, it would be better to get him out of the game quickly. The Legion of Destruction is the big problem now. Batman must be liberated from Gotham first and let him rise to the front.

Diana looked at him deeply. The rain slid down her face in the night, and her snow-white skin color and rolling water drops were all illuminated by the flash of lightning.

"That's good, what should we do next?" She looked away and looked at the red and white toy in Harley's hand.

"We don't know the location of Laughter yet, so we can only wait and let them get rid of the clown first." He walked towards the crowd, splashing water with his footsteps.

Oliver pulled up his hood and took a deep breath. He would never get used to the smell of Gotham.

And Emiko walked through the rain curtain, looking at her brother, waiting for him to come to her side.

"Assemble." Su Ming said to everyone, with a cold tone in the cold night: "Batman and the Joker should be in the Gotham Museum of Natural History now, because I saw the Bat Flyer there, but the museum can't dig much deeper. Gotham's complex sewer system is far away. Can any of you pinpoint the Joker's location? Raise your hands now."

Except for Harley, everyone else looks at you and me.

"Do you know exactly where he is?"

"My guess is that no matter where he is, the last time Batman wanted to get married, he would have been unhappy. If I were him, I would definitely capture the bride to play games."

Harley held up her hands and laughed as she replied that this was the most likely thing to happen.

Su Ming also knew the answer. Whenever the Joker appeared, it was always for Batman, and Catwoman was always a hidden danger.

But at present, this information is useless for locking the specific position, so the combo of Green Arrow teleportation and backstab cannot be used. Can we only use the old method?

"Harley, take them and continue your mission. I have other things to do with Wonder Woman and Green Arrow."

Barbara came over. She didn't want to act with the humiliation: "Can I come with you?"

Su Ming sighed and shook his head slightly. He had finally made up for Green Arrow's shortcomings and couldn't lead an ordinary person around.

Barbara has no advantage against the crazed Dark Knight.

"Sorry, I think you'd better move with the main force."

"But..." Barbara took Diana's hand, her red hair sticking to the blue stand-up collar.

"That's just a personal grudge, isn't it?" Su Ming whispered.

Barbara looked awkward: "Do you know the Fallen Knight? How do you know?"

Of course he knew her, and knew what Sharis would do: "Don't worry, the Fallen Knight wants to kill you with her own hands, and she won't let you die in the hands of others."

"Uh...that sounds even more unsafe." Barbara smiled bitterly.

"Tell her to suspend the war for the sake of justice. She will understand. She is not crazy."

"Okay." Barbara curled her lips and waved her hand towards Diana: "I hope today is not my last night."

Su Ming asked again: "When was you caught by the clown?"

Barbara covered her face: "As soon as we separated, I was caught as soon as I returned to Gotham."

Su Ming nodded, indicating that he knew there was a fake.

Diana just smiled at her and broke away from her hand: "Go, we should get busy."

"let's go."

Watching Harley drag Barbara away, Su Ming gave orders to the two people around him, then quickly left in the opposite direction of everyone and disappeared into the night again.


Batman is now running wild in the sewers because the Joker gave him a location and a countdown to Catwoman's life.

He installed a collar around Catwoman's neck, which is not only a time bomb, but will also explode when the heartbeat exceeds or falls below a certain value.

He didn't say what the value was, because it wouldn't be fun if he did.

That place is not far, and it is faster to go through the sewer, because the Joker has blocked the way Batman came, and there is no way he can even think about returning to the original route and taking the aircraft.

Some of them are already underground when they reach this point, so they just need to find the nearest manhole cover along the sewer and return to the surface, and let Afu operate the aircraft to respond.

"Afu, can you hear me?"

"The signal is not very good, Master, maybe you should buy a new Bluetooth headset."

Ah Fu complained calmly, which also made Batman gradually calm down.

"Did our surveillance see what was happening over there at the explosion point?"

"Based on the comparison of the time when the vibration occurred, the explosion occurred in the park. Unfortunately, the backup network did not cover that area. In the past, that was the area responsible for monitoring satellites."

Batman walked forward quickly, his cape raised high behind him: "Let the Brother Eyes start hacking into the artificial satellites. If there are Sky Eyes who know how to do it, I will kill them. The imaging effect is good."

"Ms. Waller will be very unhappy." Although Afu said this, he was not slow at all, his hands on the keyboard were like Beethoven playing music.

Considering that he is also wearing the Bat Riot Armor, this difficulty should be higher.

Batman did not hesitate: "Do it and I will pay her double the money."

"Well, it seems that she is sure to make this money. She has already locked into the Sky Eye satellite signal. It will take a little time." Ah Fu complained again.

"Very good, prepare the aircraft and wait for me near the middle of 12th Street in Area E."


Batman looked around at the surrounding environment, and the dark sewers were full of stench. Things that looked like human bones were still soaking in the sewage, and a pale white luster passed before his eyes.

After finding the manhole cover at a high place, he shot out the hook, but after pushing it twice, it didn't open, so he had to take out another plastic explosive.

Time may have been tight, but he still drew a bat under the manhole cover.


Batman ejected from the sewer, and the twisted manhole cover and all the debris pressed on it flew out. The Bat Flyer was not far above his head. He shot out the grappling hook again and got directly into the cockpit.

Switch to manual control, the thruster is at maximum, and then it hurtles in one direction.

He had to catch up.

The aircraft is very fast. He just tried to contact the Bat Family but got no news. The location mentioned by the Joker has already arrived.

The aircraft with blue flames coming out of its tail was actually very conspicuous in the dark night. There were already people waiting for him on the ground.

That's Bane.

I saw that he had repaired the pipe behind his back and returned to his huge size. He grabbed an animal in his hand and knocked it on his knee. The sound of the bones breaking could be heard even inside the aircraft.

Bane flicked the blood-vomiting monster away, raised his hands and roared at Batman in the sky, constantly waving to Batman to come down and show off.

The giant stood on the dirty street, the aircraft's searchlight locked on him.

But he acted like he was standing in a wrestling ring with everyone watching, making all kinds of taunting moves.

Batman looked at him coldly, pressed a few buttons on the control panel with his fingers, and then pulled the red trigger under the joystick all the way.

Just because he doesn't kill people, it doesn't mean he doesn't know how to use thermal weapons. Have you ever seen a .50-caliber rubber riot-control cannon? It used to be used to demolish buildings, but it won't be fatal to Bain.

A sound like tearing cloth sounded instantly, and two dragons made of water splashes on the ground quickly flew towards Bain.

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