The Death Knell

Chapter 839 One shot and many scattered

Although Bain is very big, as a martial arts master, dodging bullets is just a basic skill.

When Batman bombarded him with machine cannons, he burst out at a speed that was inappropriate for his size and slipped into the subway station.

Yes, the address given by the clown is at the subway station.

Gotham City's subway is a circular line, consisting of an underground part and a few sections of cross-river light rail. However, generally speaking, citizens are not willing to travel this way. After all, some unscrupulous gang members like to block roads in such places. robbery.

Batman took a deep breath. Sure enough, Bane would not be solved so easily, but he still didn't know who the Joker would hire this time.

He let the aircraft hover in the air, jumped out, his cloak turned into bat wings, and he flew directly into the subway entrance.

On rainy days, water accumulates in subway stations, and now there is a musty smell inside.

As his boots stepped on the water, Batman stopped, because Bane was right in front of him, and if he wanted to save Catwoman within time, he thought he had to defeat Bane in the narrow passage first.

It's never easy.


Unknown location, Eternal Fortress.

The fortress that jumped to the secret location is now soaked in a dark blue swamp, and the surrounding plants and animals indicate that they are not on the earth.

And the Legion of Destruction is admiring its trophies.

A slender human body that is ten meters high floats in a tall transparent jar. She looks like she has some human characteristics, but more of them reflect the characteristics of alien gods.

Such as the horns on the top of the head, and the light gray skin color.

She was wearing a thin skirt, but it was completely different in the eyes of Brainiac and Luther.

"Very well, Papetua obtained the entity. The destruction of the Origin Wall must have released her power."

As an AI, Brainiac showed an expression that he shouldn't have. He may not even be aware of it. He is now smiling enthusiastically.

"That's a good thing, but there are still many steps to follow, Brainiac, my plan." Luther looked at the sleeping goddess in front of him quietly and lowered his voice subconsciously.

He is not ready yet. If she wakes up now, the Legion of Destruction will not escape death.

Not only is the Justice League limited in time, but so is the Legion of Doom.

Brainiac didn't have the emotion of fear. His eyes were still shining, and he yelled crazily: "Every molecule that makes up her is knowledge! Knowledge that I don't understand! I can't even describe her in words." !”

Sinestro moved his arms. He had not recovered from the injuries caused by the last Eclipse explosion. Although Luthor pirated Batman's final machine, it was not enough for people to recover so quickly.

Fortunately, the red-faced man is an alien. His physique is far superior to that of humans. He has recovered a lot of combat effectiveness at this time, and he also has an invisible light ring that he can use.

The eclipse star was not destroyed, just hidden in other aspects.

Now that the Origin Wall has been blown up, the Unseen Light has also gained unprecedented strength, and its manifestation has become even more powerful.

Seeing Brainiac's enthusiasm, Sinestro said sadly: "That's a good thing, but if you keep shouting, several lanterns on the other side of the universe will be able to lock our position."

Luther smiled, signaled to Sinestro to calm down, and then turned to the green-skinned alien: "Okay, what you said makes sense. Now let's jump once and talk in a different place."

Brainiac could still listen to Luther's words. He woke up from his fanaticism and said, "Okay, let's go."

The clones now control the Eternal Fortress, and Brainiac can control them like his own fingers. With a change of thought, the entire building instantly turns into light and disappears with a 'sizzling' sound.


The dejected Zheng Lian had just escaped the explosion of the Origin Wall at this time. The energy contained in it was so terrifying that even the Kryptonians and Martians had no intention of confrontation and just hid themselves in running for their lives.

But now, everyone has gathered together again. They are in a safer airspace, and the explosion cannot reach here.

But everyone's face was extremely ugly. If it weren't for the fact that there was nowhere to borrow strength in space, Superman would have simply sat down on the ground.

"We failed, and the Legion of Destruction wants to see us lose."

Superman let go of Hawkgirl's hand, letting Martian Manhunter and her float before him.

Star Man seems to have regained some strength, at least able to move around in the universe. Papetua's power was so terrifying that he only now knew fear.

But it's too late.

In the previous battle, Senagan's fleet also suffered heavy losses. As the few survivors on the planet, the situation at this time was even worse.

In this case, don't expect Siara to have a good attitude towards the Justice League. The Queen of Senagan now wants to kill all these liars.

Before, Star Man pretended to be deep and spoke sharply, explaining how good and comprehensive his plan was, but now this is the result?

What Siara hated more was herself, why did she believe that guy so simply?

The bad old man is very bad!

"You all know what happened. The edge of the universe has now become a burning void. They will burn inward from the edge, swallowing everything, and countless worlds will be destroyed."

Siara said angrily in the spiritual link, she was in a terrible mood.

Eagle Girl was also very disappointed about this. She was originally prepared to sacrifice herself, but the situation she was most worried about happened, that is, she had no chance to save herself even if she wanted to sacrifice.

She tried to persuade Siara, herself in the previous life, but the other party did not give her this chance at all.

Siara's voice like a machine gun spewed out in her mind: "Now that things have happened, Senagan needs to use all means to protect himself again. Goodbye!"

After saying that, the remaining Senagon fleet launched a jump and disappeared in front of everyone.

Kendra also stretched out an arm, as if she wanted to retain them, but in the end it just dropped weakly. She shook her head and leaned into Ron's arms.

What else could she say?

It was precisely because of Star Man's plan and the guarantee of the Justice League that Siara brought the fleet to join the plan. However, Senagan originally only had a few thousand people, and now half of them are dead. It is normal to be hated by others.

Ron and Superman looked at each other and they could only sigh.

At this time, internal strife also broke out in the Lantern Group. They persisted at the crack in the origin wall for a month, resulting in numerous casualties.

The Justice League came directly to the Origin Wall with a naive plan and perhaps a beautiful vision in their dreams.

And then the wall exploded?

Although they are also responsible for destroying the Legion, didn't you take them into consideration when you made the plan?

If the biggest enemy is not taken into account, this is not called a plan at all, it can only be called gambling.

Luther, the leader of the Legion of Destruction, is also from Earth, right? Why does the earth's civil war involve the multiverse?

The Red Lantern Corps plans to rush to the Justice League spaceship to get an explanation. The Green Lantern Corps blocked the route because of Hal. Hal didn't want the Red Lanterns to hurt his friends.

Both Purple Lantern and Blue Lantern have nothing to do, but Qing Lantern advises both sides to let go of everything. This is their fate.

The several lantern groups that had been fighting side by side for a month had become scattered again in just ten seconds.

Although Atrocitus is burning with anger in his chest, he is not stupid at all. The green light can't do anything here and the red light can't do anything. If you turn against him at this time, you may not be able to beat him.

So he pointed in the direction of the spacecraft from a distance, cast off a vicious curse with a ferocious look on his face, and then left with his lantern.

Seeing the red lantern leaving, the blue lantern corps and the green lantern corps also left one after another.

Saint Walker is not angry. The blue light represents hope. Although the plan failed, it is not shameful to die chasing dreams. Now he plans to go to the universe to find new hope, such as a death knell from another world...

As the leader of the largest Madonna group in the universe, Qingnu still had a benevolent smile. The moment her plan failed, she had already forgiven everyone.

No one is wrong, it is the world.

They just need to look away, let go, and take a deep breath. Other than that, there's not much else to say. It's time for the Blue Lantern Corps to return to their home planet to recite sutras.

Carol forced a forced smile at Hal. She couldn't return to Earth yet. The Purple Lantern Corps also suffered heavy losses. She had to go to the Lantern Corps headquarters to take care of the funeral.

But Hal didn't see this farewell smile, because trouble came for several of the Earth's Green Lanterns.

After everyone disbanded, as the largest lantern corps with the largest number of people and the most losses, the Green Lantern Corps also had some internal problems.

You must know that Hal does not have the final say in the Green Lantern Corps. There is a group of little blue men above him.

"Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, John Stuart... It is the wisest choice to limit your friends to the earth and stop participating in things in the universe. I think after today, the earth There should be no allies anymore.”

Gunther's face was originally blue, but now it looked gray. He spoke to the three Hals seriously, as if he had expelled the three of them from the lamp corps.

It is estimated that if they had not taken back the light ring, these three people would have died in space, and Gunther would definitely do this.

The losses this time were too great. Almost half of the several lantern groups were lost in the attack between Brainiac and the Colossi of Origin.

The greatest harm to the universe is that all the New Gods are destroyed, and the essence of the universe is withdrawn by the origin, which is equivalent to endangering the enemy.

Gunther originally had his own plan, but Hal and the Justice League kept fighting for it, so he reluctantly tried the plan, but...

He had nothing to say. This was the result of being soft-hearted. He never wanted to see the Justice League in the universe again.

"The universe will soon end. It will also need the Green Lantern Corps. The Lanterns need to do what they are told, rather than obey the so-called banner of justice of the people on Earth."

After saying that, the Green Lantern Corps concentrated the power of the Lantern Ring to open the wormhole and returned directly to Oa, leaving only the three Green Lanterns alone watching their backs.

When things don't go well, humans are not the only ones who shirk responsibility afterwards. The current situation illustrates everything.

Star Man was so ashamed that he wanted to die, but no one in the Justice League blamed him. They only knew that they would have to rely on Earth to fight alone to save everything in the future.

Failure is not terrible, they still have a chance, the top priority is to return to Earth to see if Batman has a backup plan.

Yes, although I don’t blame the Lantern, everyone thinks it’s better not to let him make the next plan...

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