The Death Knell

Chapter 840 Return to the restaurant

Cindy has been notified of the fake Batgirl in the Justice League. As for whether to kill Jane Doe, it's up to her own judgment.

Both of them understood how the Laughing Bat got into the Hall of Justice. According to their guess, the Laughing Bat still defeated the Joker, but this is normal, after all, the Laughing Bat is also Batman.

All the goals that Nameless Doe should achieve have been achieved, and even killing her now will not help.

Since the Joker just wanted to play with Batman, Cindy decided to keep her nameless and would not let Zheng Lian and others know about it. She just secretly negotiated a condition with her.

Such a mercenable shapeshifter might be useful later.

If the guess is correct, after the Justice League returns to Earth, this woman will take the opportunity to run away. Seeing the origin wall explode, she probably has no intention of making money.

Anyway, Su Ming's attitude is like this. As long as he is not provoked, he doesn't bother to care about Zhenglian.

From a certain perspective, the Joker even helped Su Ming. If Batman is defeated by him, will Zhenglian's command power be...?

Green Arrow had previously foreseen the scene of Batman bursting into tears, but he didn't know what the specific situation was. But if that scene happened, it would mean Batman's mental breakdown. Even if others asked him to continue leading the Justice League, he wouldn't want to, right?

Even if Harley and everyone else is sent out, it's impossible to keep up with Batman's "Spirit". The biggest possibility for those people is to pick up the pieces.

For example, after the Joker has dealt with Batman, he can then capture the Joker and kill two birds with one stone...

Of course, there is a possibility that the clown might lose his temper, and the clown might kill himself due to convulsions. But this time, Su Ming was more optimistic about the clown.

After breaking away from the Legion of Destruction, the Joker should have made up his mind.

Su Ming observed the museum for a while and asked about Harley and Damian's findings. He was thinking about it along the way.

Joker's game may seem bland and unremarkable right now.

But that should all be an illusion.

First, use familiar scenes and methods to anesthetize others, such as the cliche hostage choice, the cliché human choice, being surrounded by innocent citizens, etc. First, come up with some tricks you have played before.

Everything is so ordinary, familiar environment, familiar props, familiar tricks, familiar laughter...

Very familiar, right? Batman will definitely fall into this habitual misunderstanding.

And when he uses his old plan to deal with these problems, the Joker will let Batman win again and again, keep winning, keep winning...

Although Batman will not bloat, Joker will take psychological factors into consideration. That white-faced madman must prepare at least fifty levels of various mini-games for Batman.

Batman is also destined to win all the previous levels, but at the end... BAM! A brand new version of Batman that has never been played before!

By the time he reacted, it was already over.

This is a trap for thinking inertia, so that people face sudden changes after a series of old tricks.


Pandora still knew her justice well and gave up the magic box without even asking for any reward, provided that it was returned to her after use.

Su Ming has nothing to do with that. The stuff is for Green Arrow. What does it have to do with me, Zorro, after using it?

So he had just taken advantage of the station's awning and opened the portal to send her to the Rock of Eternal Marks. Xiaofu was very familiar with her, so he left it to his secretary to receive the guests.

The Seven Deadly Sins were sold to Satan. According to theory, there is still one last thing in Pandora's Box, and that is 'hope'.

After getting the thing, Su Ming immediately asked Oliver to open it, but the mouth of the golden skull was empty, and there was no hope at all.

Although they had guessed that it might be a ball of light or a conceptual aggregate, the three of them couldn't help but curl their lips when they saw it was empty.

Sure enough, fairy tales are all lies.

The rain shows no sign of letting up, and the three people who left the large group are now huddled under the awning of a bus station, observing around a terminal.

I just saw the Bat Flyer flying towards the subway station. Although I could only see a black shadow of unknown meaning in the image, Su Ming and Green Arrow could identify it, so Diana took it seriously.

"So, the clown is at the station? Let's go there too, right?" she said eagerly. When everyone else was busy fighting, she didn't even have a chance to take action. It was suffocating her to death.

"No, the clown is just an ordinary person. We have sent out more than a dozen people." Su Ming put away the terminal, leaned on the plastic steel plate behind him, and lit cigarettes side by side with Green Arrow: "In addition to what we said, then It’s just a waste of resources, you have to trust Batman.”

Diana thought about it and realized that this was true. In fact, as long as Harley and Charis were around, it would be difficult for the Joker to deal with it.

The strongest mercenary is now in front of him, who else can the Joker hire? So like said, she should trust Batman.

She held her chin and thought for a while, then sat down beside Su Ming honestly, and then began to wring the water out of her cloak.

"Then what should we do next? We can't just wait at this small station for the Laughing Bat to arrive by car, right?"

Oliver took the cigarette and brought it to his mouth with wet fingers: "The satellite didn't see any trace of the crazy laugh, but I feel that he will definitely come to Gotham. Why don't we wait in the sewers first?"

Su Ming rolled his eyes. If he had a plan to go into the sewer, it would be for concealment. If he went in without a plan, it would be just for selfishness. How could a pure man like him go into the sewer for no reason?

Arrow is so dark, and after putting together the three-piece set, the whole thing seems to be autistic.

"Actually, we still have some clues now. Don't you think Gotham is too lively tonight?" Su Ming sat on a bench at the station and gestured with his chin to the fire that erupted from time to time in the city in the distance.

"Bombings are very common, right?" Diana didn't think there was anything wrong. Gotham was often like a fireworks show at night, with explosions and gunshots never stopping.

Su Ming smiled and smoked, looking calm and relaxed.

"From a criminal psychology perspective, bombers and arsonists have some common characteristics. Do you know what they are?"

"They all may have anti-social and ** mentality, and razing buildings that represent the wisdom and industrial crystallization of human society to the ground can satisfy their crazy desire. At the same time, whether it is explosion or arson, flame is the characteristic of destruction. Always conspicuous, both types of prisoners want their behavior to be noticed."

Oliver is still very insightful at critical moments. His profile is almost FBI-like, and he basically says what Su Ming wants to say.

Diana tilted her head to listen and nodded reluctantly. Is this important?

Su Ming smiled and took out several cups of hot tea from his belt. The three of them drank tea one cup at a time while looking at the rain: "This is Gotham, and it is the Gotham that survived after the earth was flooded. Now there are frequent bombings in the city. Where do they get their explosives from?”

"Military explosives such as C4 and RDX should be strictly controlled by the government. I have been cracking down on criminals who try to smuggle military explosives into Star City. Gotham should be the same, right?" Green Arrow narrowed his eyes. He probably understood.

Su Ming raised his glass and clinked it with him: "That's right. Batman has stricter controls on military explosives than you do. In Gotham, the only industrial explosives you can get from the black market are the big red firecrackers."

Diana also nodded. This time she knew. Her beautiful eyes were as wide as a cat: "Even if the TNT is properly preserved, ordinary detonators, detonating cords, radio devices and detonators cannot be used unless specially prepared." water proof......"

Su Ming poured the black tea down his throat, felt the body temperature and height, and sighed comfortably.

"That's it. How many waterproof explosives can you find in Gotham that has been flooded? And who are they showing explosions to now? You must know that this is Gotham, and explosions will only attract Batman... "

"The Laughing Bat brought explosives from the Dark Multiverse. He wanted to use the explosives to lure Batman out." Diana almost broke the handle of the tea cup, and the liquid inside shook violently.

"Yes, Gotham is Batman's city. Generally speaking, he will never allow demolition criminals to destroy this city. But Laughter probably didn't expect that. He also prepared a game and put himself and the Joker at the same time. In front of Batman, Batman still chose the Joker to deal with him first, so Laughing must be in a bad mood now."

Su Ming told a cold joke and pointed at the sky to let the two of them watch the rain.

"Great, we finally have a clue... Well, what should we do next? Catch a few bombers?"

Diana raised her neck and drank the tea quickly. Her white neck squirmed a few times, but she seemed to remember something and her movements slowed down again.

Su Ming stood up to toast and smacked his lips twice.

"There's no need. It's too troublesome to track down the clues from the end. We all know whose hands were involved in Gotham's arms business in the past. Go to him directly. A local coward is better informed than a few of us outsiders, right?"

"You mean Penguin?" Green Arrow stood up.

Su Ming threw away the teacup and stretched out his arm to Diana: "Then, Your Majesty, would you like to go have a late-night snack with me?"

Diana smiled and shook her head, but she still put her little hand on his arm. Isn't it bad to eat Penguin's two free meals in a row?

She lowered her head and played with the ends of her hair, while Green Arrow beside her could only sigh. He was full. It was really tiring for the two of them to flirt without anyone else around.

The portal opened again, sending the three of them directly to the entrance of the Iceberg Restaurant, but the atmosphere here was very different from a few hours ago, looking dead.

The door that was once pried open by Su Ming has now been broken, and the dark entrance is like a big mouth with missing front teeth. All this means that something has happened.

Diana, who was still smiling, alertly drew out her weapon and shield, while Green Arrow also took off his folding bow. Su Ming took a deep breath and led the way into the Iceberg Restaurant.

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