The Death Knell

Chapter 844 Painful Illusion

The green fruit is brought to the mouth, and the dark green juice inside blooms in the mouth. It tastes like a pear soaked in sea water.

Listening to Deathstroke explaining his plan, Arthur was like a large hamster, munching on the fruit.

Originally, this thing had a long name in Atlantis, and it was a type of algae, but since it is a fruit that grows in seawater, there is nothing wrong with calling it a fruit.

He has been busy since various monsters appeared on the bottom of the sea. Now he is really hungry. His tall stature means he has a big appetite.

And where did Deathstroke get his novelty foods? Why is this crab meat so tender? You have to ask how it is done.

There is a huge advantage of Poseidonius rising to the surface of the sea, that is, you can make fire and eat cooked food.

Although there is a kitchen in the palace, it is at best a place with only knives and plates. Last time, Barry and Deathstroke were invited to eat grilled fish. Even the grill was freshly set up, as if it were in the wild.

So Su Ming talked for a long time. Only he himself knew how much Arthur actually listened.

"How is it? Do you understand now?" Su Ming looked at the strong man with long hair and beard with questioning eyes. Not to mention, Arthur's appearance looked like the strong man wearing a sword in "Game of Thrones".

"Eh? Okay! No problem, I'll take care of it!" Arthur showed a stunned expression for a moment, but soon he laughed and slapped his chest loudly.

Meila on the side covered her forehead, her slender fingers trembling slightly. If Diana hadn't been laughing beside her and said nothing, she would have really wanted to strangle her husband to death.

Only if he understands the plan is there a ghost!

But since he agreed, let's save him some face in front of outsiders.

She usurped power not because she wanted to be king, but because Arthur was really not suitable. No matter what others thought, she thought she was just a regent.

Arthur is still the king, and what he says should be true to his word.

It's just that after this plan is implemented, the citizens of Gotham will probably suffer again, but if it only floods the sewers, it shouldn't be a big problem.

This was Su Ming's plan. No matter how Kuangxiao burrowed underground or whatever plans he planned, it would all be in vain when the flood came.

Knowing that they planned to dig into the tunnel was equivalent to having Su Ming's lifeline in their hands.

As long as they are forced back to the ground and can be seen by artificial satellites, Su Ming will at least reduce their number by one person. The first target is the suspected spell caster in the opponent's team.

The caster died suddenly, how could the remaining people outrun Su Ming's team? I'm afraid I won't be chased, hung, and beaten.

Su Ming stood up, and the uniform on his body changed into Zorro's appearance again. He tightened his gloves. Is it important whether Arthur understood or not?

Just agree.

"Okay then, shall we set off?" Su Ming drew out his rapier and made a Z-shape in the air.

"Let's go now. I'll get the Poseidon Trident. You wait for me for a while." Arthur stood up and left with Mela. He was about to walk out the door when he suddenly turned around and said, "You look good in Zorro. When I was a kid, But I like the Zorro movie, and my dad will take me to see it when he has money."

Diana tilted her head and pointed at Arthur, who was wearing gold armor and green trousers: "But now... your aesthetic style has changed?"

Arthur sighed and said in a tone that he couldn't bear to look back on the past: "Later, when I reached puberty, I was almost 1.9 meters tall and weighed 325 pounds (147kg). Have you ever seen Zorro who is stronger than Ares? ?”

Wonder Woman showed a sympathetic smile, sighed and indicated that he could go get the trident.

Arthur made a 'sympathetic' look on his face and pulled Mela away. The Poseidon Trident was still in the temple. Although the gods were now disabled, the artifact could still be used. of.

The Upside Down is getting smarter and wiser, and as time goes by, he learns more and more.

He knew that after the gods lost their power, powerful artifacts were often the source of disputes. In order to compete for these artifacts, the wizards would definitely borrow more of his power and let him reap the benefits.


Batman stuffed his intestines back into his belly, took out the medical gel and quickly treated the wound. He fought with the butterfly in this dark tunnel and suffered a slight loss.

The opponent's speed was too fast, and the reaction time left for him to rush out of the darkness was too short. Even if he had night vision goggles, he would still inevitably be injured when facing the powerful half-demon monster.

What's more, he had dealt with Bain before. That old opponent was becoming more and more difficult to deal with. After using the remote-controlled batarang for the first time without achieving any results, Bain was already on guard. In the second battle, he could only fight hard. Hard power.

Along the way, there are all kinds of traps in the subway tunnels that have been demonized by clowns.

Laughing gas, bombs, automatic turrets and even bear traps all delayed a lot of time.

Fortunately, the butterfly is already at the last level. Batman used himself as a bait to let the butterfly detonate the sonic bomb at close range when it came to take out his internal organs. The sound attack made it inevitable for the opponent to avoid it.

He seized the opportunity and tore off the opponent's wings, then landed a series of fists on the moth's head, repeatedly kneed the monster in the chest, and knocked the demon unconscious within a few seconds.

There was a subway maintenance station not far away, and the arrow-shaped light signs made of neon lights around it pointed at them like a peacock spreading its tail. As the light flowed, he seemed to hear the laughter of a clown.

That guy should be inside.

The battle with Bain left him with broken limbs and severe injuries to his skull, and now his ears are ringing. The trauma caused by the Cherokee Butterfly caused him to lose too much blood, and now his vision is a bit blurry.

Although he had been injected with serum, the effect of laughing gas was also affecting his judgment. From time to time, hallucinations would flash through his mind, and he saw many dead acquaintances.

There are bad guys and good guys, they keep talking in Batman's ear, peeking out of the darkness, all with weird smiles on their faces.

Batman ignored them with reason. This was the effect of the new laughing gas. Although it would make it impossible for him to tell whether they really existed, his target was only the clown, as long as he recognized the clown.

At this time, he heard rapid footsteps behind him. Someone was running towards him. The footsteps indicated that it was not an hallucination. He immediately became vigilant and turned to look behind him.

The first thing that appeared in the darkness was a glowing face, with facial features that looked like @- @.

Batman took his hand off the flash bomb in his belt. It was the trenchcoat fighter. This was one of his own.

Sure enough, the trench coat fighter's whole body was wet, and water was still dripping from his body. It was unclear whether it was the water in the bathtub before or the rain outside. However, when he stopped in front of Batman, he was out of breath. , panting very hard.

"Bat... Batman, I, I'm coming... Phew..." He put his hands on his waist, and moved his upper body forward and backward, trying to relieve his pain. Burning feeling in lungs.

"You shouldn't have come." Batman turned away.

"Don't say that, huh, even though I almost died before, I never thought about leaving you." The windbreaker scratched his hair and put his hands on his knees: "If you need to face the clown, then You definitely need help, you don't look like you're doing well right now."

Black is a very dirty color, but seeing all kinds of holes in Batman's uniform, you can guess how many injuries he suffered.

"How did you find me?" Batman stepped forward, not refusing any additional help. All his willpower was used to suppress the pain and hallucinations, and he was in no mood to talk to the fighter anymore.

"Many people saw your aircraft. I should have arrived earlier, but my car was a little... disobedient..." The trench-coat fighter followed up and took out his hand. A pistol came out, it seemed he was prepared and felt the switchblade wasn't enough.

Batman walked to the door, but suddenly held on to the wall beside the door and gasped.

It turns out that the clown made a small door fancy to imitate the light sign outside the cinema door. This psychological suggestion caused Batman to have a stronger hallucination, and he saw his parents.

The dark tunnel is like the dark alley back then. Now, behind Batman, the scene when his parents were killed is constantly being played out.

Repeat, repeat, like a video recorder playing that scene back and forth.

The sound of the lightbulb in front of the door turning on and off was like the sound of a mother's pearl necklace falling to the ground one by one after it was torn off.

There is no sound of gunfire, but this is the scariest place. This scene, like a mime, seems to represent the inevitability and destiny of tragedy.

The trench coat warrior walked quickly to his side, slipped under his arm, and put the symbol of Gotham on his shoulders.

"Batman? Are you okay?"

Batman didn't answer. His brows were furrowed under his mask and his eyes were closed, but he still couldn't get rid of the influence of hallucinations.

The scene was still repeating in his mind, and he seemed to be able to see each pearl bouncing on the ground.

The sound of the pearl falling to the ground is getting louder and closer, and now it is like thunder!

He didn't want to see it, he shouldn't see it, and he didn't dare to see it.

He used his last willpower to control himself to focus on the pearl instead of looking at his parents' faces!

Just forcing his thoughts to shift a little bit, all his energy was exhausted, and the pain in his body erupted like a tide, and he almost fell to his knees.

But he knew very well that if he gave up the wrestling, he would be finished when he saw the weird smiles on his parents' faces.

The door called 'madness' was half opened for him at this time, no, it could be said that he had already stepped half in.

Inside the door, there was a pale face, smiling and waving to him.

At this moment, the trench coat fighter who was supporting Batman dug into his coat pocket, and a sharp object pierced Batman's side.

All the previous hallucinations and physical pain seemed to have gone away in an instant.

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