The Death Knell

Chapter 843 Borrowing Strength

I don't know if it's an illusion, but there's always a fishy smell in Penguin's mansion, which makes this luxurious ice and snow palace seem a bit philistine.

"Now that the Laughing Bat and the others have escaped, what's our next move?" Diana put the Vulcan Sword back into its scabbard and looked at Su Ming, who was spinning around as if looking for something.

There is nothing special in the Penguin's treasure house. No one keeps money at home in this era. The treasures here are all things that have special meaning to the Penguin but are worthless to others.

For example, portraits of members of the Cobot family from past generations, or other toys with age.

"Actually, I know that Laughter plans to go underground, so I already have a solution. Now I also know that in addition to Laughter, there is also a Batman who is good at thermal weapons, a spellcaster Batman who can use dark energy, and a The ones wearing leather shoes probably look like these four people.”

Su Ming raised his head and stretched his neck. There was nothing valuable around him. Such a big boss didn't even mention saving some gold at home. He was really stingy.

Oliver pulled down his hood, looked around, and raised his hand to take down a wooden toy on the shelf, but he didn't know what it was.

This wood sculpture is already patinated, which shows that the Penguin often plays with it.

"It seems to be good news. At least there are not more than twenty Batmans standing against us."

"I have cut off the connection with the Dark Multiverse. Although their teleportation within the earth can be used, at least there will be no reinforcements for Laughter in a short period of time, and other teleportations should also be cut off."

"But as Diana said, bats burrow into the ground like mice, and Gotham's sewers are notoriously complicated. We don't have a map in our hands and it's really troublesome. One step behind, and every step behind."

"This only means that you have never caught a field mouse. Do you know who among the Justice League is the most restrained against the Sewer King?"

Su Ming smiled and talked a lot with Green Arrow, but Diana still couldn't think of anyone who could help the three of them catch Laughing out of the sewer.

In her opinion, the most likely person is Ron, but the Laughing Bat must have prepared a mental shielding device. As long as they understand the principle, many people can make it.

Is it possible to rely on Barry to go through all the sewers? But although the Speed ​​Force is easy to use, it may not be easy to use if the opponent is Batman.

Su Ming did not explain any more, but raised his hand to open the chamber-like portal, which was like a mysterious passage of living creatures that sent them to a place that Diana had not expected.

"This is not..." She looked at the endless sea in front of her. The sea surface was dark black at night, and the sound of waves reached the ears of the three of them.

Su Ming put away his rapier and put his hands behind his back. The salty sea breeze blew his cloak. He nodded: "Yes, although I am a little tired of the sea now, but in this case, we need the Sea King."

Oliver smacked his lips, and while the man and woman looked at the sea, he turned around and looked behind him, looking at where he was standing now.

"This is Poseidonis. So, I'm really not used to it appearing on the sea level..."

"Let's go, let's talk about seeing the scenery next time, go find Arthur first."

Su Ming turned around and walked towards the city. Although only a small part of the city's repair work had been carried out, for example, where the rocket spire originally stood, there were still several bottomless holes filled with sea water.

However, the palace above the third step has been almost repaired. Even in the middle of the night, there are still many people busy repairing defense facilities.

Poseidonius has defensive towers and walls, but the last time the sea level rose, the fortress was breached from the inside.

As the Queen of the Amazons, Diana still had some dignity. After she took off the hood that concealed her face, several people could pass through without hindrance.

Her eyes fell on the strange buildings not far from the city. Those soaked in the sea... seemed to be pyramids?

I didn’t even notice those buildings when I rode a rocket here last time, maybe because my vision was limited underwater.

But why does it feel like there are special eyes coming over there, staring at her... Are there people living in those temple-shaped buildings?

She also looked back, but she didn't see anything. The building over there was dark, and her eyesight might not be as good as the other person's.

But since the other party has no intention of coming out, Diana can't go there just because the other party looks at her. Maybe she is a guest of Atlantis, and she now represents Paradise Island, and everything she says and does is... pay attention.

She raised her chin, retracted her gaze, and walked up the golden stairs without squinting. The moonlight shone on these steps, and a faint light reflected on the three of them.

Perhaps after being notified, officials from Atlantis soon came out to greet her. Although she seemed to be about the same age as the elders of Paradise Island, at least the old lady from the sea tribe was smiling and seemed very enthusiastic.

Su Ming looked up and down at the old man who came out. This short old man wearing a luxurious purple robe must be Mela's close confidant, Grandma Setia.

This old lady is Poseidonis's housekeeper. Su Ming didn't meet her the last time he came here to eat. During the invasion of Barbatos, Su Ming also visited Paradise Island. Those old women were not as kind as Setia.

"Welcome, Queen of the Amazons, your arrival will make our Burrow shine."

Setia slowly bent down and saluted Diana, and Diana quickly reached out to help her up:

"Thank you for coming to pick me up, Mammy, but now I'm here to ask for help, where is your king?"

Mammy stretched out her hand and led several people to continue walking into the castle. At the same time, she corrected gently but seriously: "Her Majesty the Queen is currently on the west coast, and her husband is also there."

Diana laughed dryly. She had forgotten about Mela seizing power for a while, which was a bit embarrassing. But they have a good relationship as a couple, so it shouldn’t be a big problem who sits on the throne...?

"Are you going to deal with other matters? You should be back soon, right?" She brought the topic back to business.

Mammy led them to sit down in the reception room of the palace, and soon a maid brought a special product from the bottom of the sea. This green fruit looked like some kind of seaweed.

"Poseidonius used to rely on the Justice League's quantum communication system, but now that system has not been restored. We can only use more primitive methods, which is to communicate through marine creatures. The Queen's answer is that the number of monsters in the water is now huge. It has been reduced, and maybe it won’t be long before the fleets scattered along the coastlines can be recovered.”

"Do you have the coordinates for the specific location?" Su Ming smiled apologetically and added a word, because if he knew the coordinates, it would be more convenient to go directly through the portal.

Mammy smiled and shook her head at him: "I think it would be difficult to let aquatic animals help transmit information. It is really beyond their intelligence to let them understand the coordinates."

Su Ming nodded. He had nothing more to say. The old man couldn't tell the details of the action. He still had to wait for Arthur and Mei La to come back.

Oliver just smiled apologetically. He was now the consumer boss. He was in a state of being taken away and stripped of his equipment. Deathstroke had nothing to say, and he had nothing to say.

And grandma couldn't do physical work, and she couldn't help with the construction outside, so she simply worked in the reception room and chatted full-time.

Although diplomatic activities are also her responsibility, she is also very curious about the Justice League and can be said to be very easy to deal with, but only Diana, a queen who received an aristocratic education since childhood, can keep chatting with her with a smile on her face.

Su Ming, on the other hand, whispered to Green Arrow about the taste of the strange green fruit. He didn't like fish anyway, so this thing was a bit fishy to him and not sweet enough.

Then Green Arrow began to tell him about his painful past on Purgatory Island. There was no kelp around the broken island, and he was so hungry that his eyes were green.

Speaking of tropical islands, Su Ming remembered the new varieties of pineapples and the days when they drank pineapple juice to their heart's content. Then the two of them began to quietly study whether pineapples could make wine.

About half an hour later, a wet Arthur and a refreshing Mei La walked into the living room.

"Hahahaha! My friends, why do you think of coming to Poseidonius as a guest?" Arthur smiled boldly, shook hands with Green Arrow, and stared at Su Ming for a long time. After he showed his face, he He recognized him and gave him a warm hug as well.

Mela, on the other hand, smiled and shook hands with Diana, waving her hand to signal her to leave first. They had business matters to discuss.

Mammy bowed knowingly and left. After a while of greetings, the five people took their seats again.

"We need your help, Arthur." Su Ming took off his Zorro disguise. After the black creature twisted and changed on his body, he put on a black suit.

Arthur twisted his long hair like a towel, with a puzzled expression on his unshaven face: "You need my help? Of course that's no problem, but I really can't think of anything you can't do that I can't do." made."

Neptune has seen the various abilities of Deathstroke, especially the light cannon that broke through the sky when the Ten Rings were united into one. The huge Death Siren was vaporized without a trace. What kind of power is that?

Although he was happy to help, he really didn't know what he could do.

Su Ming started to take out snacks from his backpack. Although the good wine was given to the inquirer, there was still some ordinary wine, so he took out all of it. Even if he is a guest, he must bring some gifts.

"I need you to help me create a tsunami with the Trident of Poseidon."

"Ah? It can be done...but why?" Arthur saw Mei La winking at the side.

Mela objected to launching a tsunami because the earth had just been flooded, and if Atlantis launched another tsunami, its reputation would be completely ruined.

But Arthur didn't want to refuse, but wanted to ask clearly.

Green Arrow sat on the sofa and leaned forward: "We want to catch mice."

Arthur and Mela both had black question marks on their faces: "???"

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