The Death Knell

Chapter 842 Crime Scene Investigation

Along the way, the eyes were full of corpses lying on the ground. In the dark and damp corridor, blood was endlessly fermenting, and there was a smell like the rainy season.

The situation in the corridor is different from that in the hall. Many people here were obviously killed by laughter. Many scary smiling faces were painted with blood on the walls, full of clown style.

There were only footprints of entry, but no footprints of departure. The three of them were always vigilant, just to prevent being attacked.

However, it was quiet in the corridor. In comparison, the sound of wind and rain outside the door could be heard more clearly.

There was no one in the back hall at this time. All the chefs here left after cooking for Su Ming, so they were able to escape the disaster now.

The kitchen was a little messy, but much better than before.

Penguin's office is just a decoration most of the time. He likes to rest in his 'mansion' most of the time.

That's right, his mansion is underneath the Iceberg Restaurant, where he lives in the world's largest ice cellar, a world of crystal clear ice.

The nickname Penguin was originally a mockery of his disability. Due to polio, he had one leg long and one leg short, and he always walked with a limp.

After he became the boss, in order to confuse the origin of this nickname, he deliberately imitated the lifestyle of a penguin, wearing a coat all the time and living in an ice cellar.

These actions led the uninformed to believe that he was a psychopath, just like the other lunatics in Gotham.

In fact, he is not crazy at all, he is just a businessman.

He himself was actually extremely cold, but when he came out to work in the underworld, his face and dignity were the most important things. Even though he was still shivering under several quilts every night, he still insisted on living in the ice cellar for more than ten years.

In fact, the only people who really need to live in the world of ice and snow are Mr. Freeze, such as Captain Cold, Killer Frost, and Penguin. People whose code names are related to ice and snow are actually quite afraid of the cold...

Behind the kitchen of the Iceberg Restaurant, there is a passage leading to the ice cellar, and a series of bloody footprints on the ground shows that this is the direction of the Laughers.

Unlike ordinary cold storages, the little penguin builds a king-sized door. The crystal door is as tall as a fairy tale castle, and frost clings to the door to form snow-white crystals.

The warm breath exhaled by the three people gradually appeared in the air, and the chill seemed to cling to everyone's body along their calves.

"Seriously, if you were asked to choose how to die, would you rather freeze to death or roast to death?"

Su Ming pushed the frozen door. Under the half-open crack of the door, the sound of cracking frost resounded. He walked at the front, chatting with Green Arrow behind him with great interest.

Deathstroke started, Green Arrow was in the middle, and Diana cut off the back. The formation of two warriors to protect the archers made Green Arrow feel the VIP treatment that it had never enjoyed before.

"Ask me? If I really want to die, I will choose to freeze to death."

"I thought you wouldn't like ice and snow after living on a tropical island for so many years." Diana chuckled, while still remaining vigilant.

Green Arrow held the bow and arrow and shrugged: "The corpses of people who freeze to death are more realistic. At least you can see how I died. But the corpses of people who died due to high temperature, drought and dehydration are often shrunken and shriveled, unable to provide any useful information." It doesn’t have any value clues and it doesn’t look good.”

"Beautiful..." Su Ming laughed. How can a grown man's corpse be beautiful? "Do you want your zombie to become an eternal monument?"

"If possible, I would rather have a normal cemetery." Green Arrow also replied with a smile, but there was helplessness in his eyes: "But when will vigilante fools like us die, where will they die, and how will they die? , but it’s not something we can decide on our own..."

Perhaps Green Arrow has considered this topic countless times. As an ordinary person, he has been on the edge of life and death countless times.

"It won't be us who die today."

Su Ming answered him affirmatively.

Then several people entered the ice and snow palace, thinking they were getting into an ice cave.

However, the decorations inside the ice cellar are even more luxurious than the restaurant outside. The large crystal chandelier is larger than the fountain outside the Hall of Justice, and every corner of the crystal furniture is carefully carved, reflecting the golden light emitted by the God Killer. It is beautiful. Gorgeous.

Everything here is magnificent. If the country in "Frozen" really existed, then the scene in the palace would probably be like this.

It is really just like a palace, with a reception room, a small restaurant, a study, a guest room, and other rooms. Penguin has carried forward the style of the rich to the extreme. The bathroom alone is more than fifty square meters.

If it weren't for the cold here, the bathroom would need to be heated by a fireplace. I guess this would be a top-notch experience wherever it is placed.

However, the one who is supposed to enjoy all this probably won’t be able to enjoy it anymore.

There are many bodies of bodyguards in this ice and snow palace. It can be seen that they were well prepared when Laughing and others invaded. However, it was of no use. Facing several Batman teams, no matter how elite the thugs were, they could not do anything. It's just the bottom of Gotham.

The person they wanted to protect was currently lying face down on the big bed of ice sculptures. The bright red blood dyed a large area of ​​the white bear skin mattress red, and the Penguin's face was extremely pale against the red ice edges.


Su Ming reached out and touched the Penguin's neck. Not to mention the lack of pulse and body temperature, the corpse's neck was a little brittle.

Green Arrow and Diana also gathered around. Oliver pinched the penguin's skin and shook his head: "If we want to save him, we are probably an hour late. The temperature here is very low, and the body has not had time to stiffen." Frozen solid.”

"His fatal injury was only a bullet hole in his head. There were no resistance wounds or signs of torture on his body." Su Ming tore the body and the mattress apart with force, let the penguin turn over and faced up, and said while inspecting: "He handed over He wanted what Kuaixiao wanted, but they still killed him."

Diana looked back at the way they came, and touched her shield-covered arm uncomfortably: "This is already a war. Crazy Laughter knows this very well. Leave no hostages, no survivors. This is covert action." The standard procedure, but I don’t understand, this should be a closed environment, how did they leave?”

The footprints beside the bed were not complicated, and they did not leave in the opposite direction. They disappeared as if they had suddenly evaporated after killing the Penguin.

Su Ming took off his cloak and asked it to search for traces of magic. He wiped the Penguin's eyelids vigorously, but the dead man refused to close his eyes, and the eyes could not be closed.

He sighed: "Well, the Penguin is Batman's precious collection. He often sends clockwork penguin bombs to Batman. It's a pity. Our Dark Knight will definitely be very angry."

Green Arrow rolled his eyes, put away his bow and took a breath in his hand: "If someone can help me kill my old enemy, I will definitely thank him."

Su Ming tilted his head and looked at him: "Others never had this chance, so you killed your old enemy yourself. The only people you let go were those who couldn't stand up to the challenge. Who in Zhenglian would go all the way to Star City just to deal with a block?" Super villain?"

"That's true." Oliver shrugged. Although villains always appeared one after another, he never gave them the chance to become old enemies. Most people died in the first battle: "But I have been dealing with the Nine Rings for so many years. No one came to ask if I needed help."

Diana patted him on the shoulder and consoled him: "This shows that we trust you, and you have not asked for help. Otherwise, if you shout 'Superman Help' when you encounter difficulties, he should arrive immediately."

"Forget it, I can't afford to call Superman for help in front of the enemy. I can't afford to lose that person." Green Arrow shook his head desperately. If he really did this, how could Superman kill someone there?

While the three of them were chatting, Su Ming had completed the autopsy and searched every pocket, only finding a handkerchief, a little change, and a gold lighter.

"Really, Penguin was such a failure as a human being. He didn't even leave any death information before he died. At least he left a few words to tell how many enemies there were." Su Ming took the lighter in his hand and played with it, looking at the little boy. Huo Miao complained.

Oliver scratched his head. This was not a detective series. The deceased was shot in the head and was still tossing and turning. He had to write clues on the ground with blood before he died.

In real-life murder cases, it would be good to have one in 10,000 cases leave a death message.

He bypassed the huge ice bed and went to the other side to get the Penguin's black umbrella. This is a famous weapon. If you put it here, there will be another Penguin. It's better to take it and prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.

This umbrella is both bulletproof and can be used for hand-to-hand combat. It can not only fire bullets, but also electric shock darts and tear gas grenades, among other functions.

At this time, the cloak flew back to Su Ming's shoulders, pulling him to a room. After entering the room that looked like a vault, it turned one corner into an arrow and pointed to the ground not far away.

"Are you talking about teleportation?"

The collar of the magic cloak shook up and down, indicating a nod. The enemies obtained something here, and then released a group teleportation in the room.

But that is not magic, but a special skill driven by dark energy. It senses the traces of energy residue, but cannot trace it.

"So, there might be a spellcaster in the new Dark Knights, uh, maybe a warlock?"

Su Ming touched his beard. He had heard of dragon blood warlocks, but never heard of bat blood warlocks...

Forgetting all that, now that it was confirmed that the Laughing Bat had entered the main world of Gotham, Su Ming used the Upside Down Man to contact Bobo and asked him to activate the earth's protective array and cut off the road to other dimensions.

This will at least ensure that the Laughing Bat cannot obtain more reinforcements before the magic circle is cracked. Su Ming and others only need to defeat them within this time.

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