The Death Knell

Chapter 850 Flooding the Golden Mountain

On an already bustling night, the citizens of Gotham huddled in their homes in fear.

Everyone’s mind and habits are different, and their choices when helpless are also different.

Those who are more fanciful will hide in bed and cover their heads with quilts, making a turtle shape, praying that a hero will come to save them, and waiting for dawn while shivering;

As for those who are realistic, they have already picked up the weapons hidden under the floor of their home, leaning against a bunker such as a sofa or coffee table, breathing heavily to guard against someone breaking in.

The crisp sound of broken glass, followed by the buzzing of alarms, someone honking the car horn, accompanied by gunshots and explosions, this is the daily routine of Gotham at night.

It sounds a bit exaggerated, because in fact the frequency of accidents is not that high, but when these things happen, the citizens of Gotham seem to have experienced it countless times in their dreams, and they are very used to it.

It's just that among the sounds of today's daily performances, there are unfamiliar voices.

It sounds like thunder, but if you think about it carefully, it sounds like galloping horses. At this time, people with faster minds will suddenly be surprised.

Damn it, it’s a tsunami!

The sound was low and continuous, as if a group of monsters like Godzilla were constantly approaching, and at the same time, their stomachs were growling with hunger!

As for which unlucky guy will be swallowed up, only God knows.

There was a flood in the morning and another one late at night? Who can withstand this!

However, when the smart people packed up their belongings again and ran to the roof of the residential building to wait for rescue, they discovered...

This tsunami seems to be unexpected... small?

I expected to see a scene like the end of the world and the Milky Way upside down, but I didn't expect it to be like artificial waves in a water park swimming pool.

If you are close enough to the coastline, you can see the waves in the distance coming fiercely, but when you reach the offshore area, they suddenly weaken very strangely. As a result, the water level in the city rises, but no buildings are damaged.

The people on the roof looked at each other, but even if they didn't understand why, it was a good thing, right?

Su Ming was also satisfied with the results.

Although Arthur is usually reckless and stupid, after telling him the requirements of the battle plan in detail, he never loses his temper.

Holding the Trident of Poseidon in his hand, his control over the sea is indeed worthy of the title of King of the Sea, showing that his control over the sea water is truly extraordinary.

It turns out that Zhang Fei can also play with embroidery needles in addition to the Zhangba Snake Spear.

The water comes in quickly but enters the city very gently, which is a good move.

"It should be almost done. Today's heavy rain helped me a lot." After finishing his work, Arthur touched his beard. It was not swollen at all, but told the truth.

The current location of the four of them is on the roof of an abandoned factory near the coastline. This should be the property of Xia Ruisi's family, but it has not been used for many years.

Su Ming fiddled with the terminal under his cloak. If the heavy rain provided convenience to Arthur, the dark clouds in the sky hindered him.

Satellites are sometimes not as useful as drones because many drones have all-weather characteristics, while satellites can easily be blocked by clouds or sand. Not to mention that Green Arrow’s second-hand satellites are still decades old. The color of the front goods was originally unclear.

While Green Arrow and the three of them were chatting, Su Ming could only try his best to distinguish the traces of the Laughing Bat from patterns that looked like pandas or camels.

Just like ourselves, they are also four people, and if one of them is not careful, they may be exposed.

That's why he asked Cindy to take the Night Sword to Zhenglian, because Kuangxiao also had various metals in his hands and could sense the location of N metal.

Su Ming's current armor was made from strangulation. There is no N metal on his body now, because the magic floating cloak provides enough magic resistance, and the armor only needs to focus on physical defense.

So his Icon Armor Strangler version is entirely made of vibranium. With the Leopard God turning a blind eye, he got vibranium and heart-shaped grass from Wakanda, and naturally he will not forget to give them to him. Eat some by strangulation.

Heart-shaped grass has no enhancing effect on the symbiont, and Strangles also said it was unpalatable.

However, vibranium has some effects. It can imitate it, but its ability to imitate the molecular structure is limited. It cannot make a soft uniform like the black panther. It can only maintain the original uniform of the icon, with half breastplate and chainmail.

Vibranium is not the hardest material in the Marvel Universe. The processed Adamantium alloy is even harder. However, the original vibranium has the property of absorbing kinetic energy and is also called Nirvana Steel.

Not only is the physical defense sufficient, it also makes up for the previous weakness of being unable to withstand blunt force impact.

While looking at the terminal in his hand, he was still thinking about the time to call Cindy back, at least until he killed a Dark Knight in a surprise attack.

Otherwise, if Cindy comes too early and is discovered by Kuangxiao, she will be alerted.


Diana turned her head and Green Arrow and Arthur stopped talking as they heard Deathstroke make a confused twang.

"What's wrong?"

Wonder Woman walked closer to him and leaned over to look at the terminal's display, but even without the rain on the screen interfering with her vision, she still couldn't tell what the distorted and undulating image represented.

"Not sure yet, let's go over and take a look." Su Ming raised his hand and pointed to the ground: "Teleport gate, exit of the subway station in the middle of Gotham City's 12th Street."

After walking out of the portal, they saw the Teen Titans and the Shame Team carrying the 'bodies' of Batman and Catwoman, slowly moving forward in waist-deep water.

Batman's godless eyes stared at the dark cloudy sky, as if he was making a silent accusation, while Catwoman not only refused to die in silence, but also had red blood flowing down her body.

"What's going on? Someone died without even seeing it?"

Seeing the bitter expressions on the faces of the members of Titan and Humiliation, Su Ming felt something in his heart. Batman can go crazy or become crippled and demented, but he must not die.

Without Batman to deal with those messy things, Zhenglian would be just a decoration, and Su Ming wouldn't be able to do voluntary work.

Su Ming looked around, and besides seeing Harley and the Joker fighting in the water like a 'water fight', there was only Poison Ivy and Ivy looking very relaxed.

Huge vines cling to the buildings at both ends of the street. With the support of the green of all things, she is now very powerful. She can easily activate plants that she could not even imagine in the past, and she can also control them to form beautiful shapes in complex shapes. of net.

That's right, it's as neat as a fishing net, with a cluster of red flowers dotted in the middle of the mid-air net.

She was leaning against the wall at this time, and the vine above her head stretched out a big leaf, covering her from the rain like an umbrella.

"Hey Ivy, what's going on here?"

He walked over quickly, the sound of water rushing was loud, but Ivy just looked at Harley who was laughing wildly during the battle.

"Catwoman is dead, and Batman was fooled by the Joker. I can only confirm that it was not poisoning. I need to find a doctor for the specific reason."

"But the doctor is fighting." Diana pulled down her hood to prevent the rain from blocking her vision, but she could already see that Harley was starting to go crazy again.

Poison Ivy curled her lips and shrugged, and a vine pointed not far away: "Yes, as you can see, the best psychiatrist is over there, fighting with her former patients like street gangsters. "

"Arthur, I leave the clown to you. You must attack him secretly and knock him out from behind."

Su Ming turned around and gave the order. Arthur glanced at Batman with a worried look on his face and nodded silently.

He raised the trident in his hand, opened his mouth and let out a silent roar. A stream of hard water appeared under his feet like a surfboard, and the water on the street pushed him towards the clown quickly.

The Joker, who regretted that the plan was not completed, was talking trash back and forth with Harley. He really didn't notice the sudden arrival of Su Ming and others. Arthur swung the weapon in his hand and hit the Joker directly on the back of the head with the handle of the gun.


The clown made a short sound that sounded like laughter, then fell down with a splash, causing a splash of water.

And Harley didn't care whether he could knock it down or not. He raised his big hammer and smashed it like rice cakes.

"Hee hee hee! Hee hee hee!! Hahahahaha!!" She put her foot on the clown's back and gently stroked her ponytail. Yang Tian let out the three-part laugh of a classic female villain.

"Ahem! He's going to die, that's about it." Su Ming stopped her, drove her aside, and fished the clown out of the water.

Although concussion and pulmonary hydration can be considered serious injuries, these injuries are nothing to the clown.

"Wait, there is another clown here?" Arthur fished out another identical clown from the bottom of the water, except that the belly in his hand was bulging, and it seemed that he had been drowned.

Su Ming drew out his rapier and quickly made a Z-shape. The 'Joker' in Arthur's hand was like a cicada taking off its shell. A mummy-like figure fell out of the skin and fell into the water.

"That one of yours is a fake. It's called John Doe. He's a famous chameleon killer in Gotham."

"So, she came here for the Joker's money... But without Batman's plan, it would be difficult for us to save the earth, so why do we need money?"

Arthur immediately threw away the fake leather in his hand and wiped his palms on his body in disgust.

Su Ming looked at the clown in his hand again. After washing it in the water, it was as white as bacon with hair growing on it. This was the real thing: "Many people don't know what we are facing. Is the world going to be destroyed or is it going to be destroyed?" A secret, remember? Even people who know this are divided into two types. They look at the problem from completely different perspectives. Which two types do you think they are? "

"Needless to say? Of course it's a man and a woman!"

Arthur showed a confident expression, and his furry and wet beard revealed the answer immediately.

Oliver immediately covered his face, "Will Deathstroke ask you something that you can tell just by looking at it with your eyes?"

Su Ming smiled and shook his head. Arthur was so frank and cute sometimes, but Catwoman's body hadn't cooled down yet, so it was a bit inappropriate to tell a joke here.

"Well, we'll talk about whether it's right to divide people into men and women later, but that's not what I'm talking about. There are two types of people now. One kind thinks that saving the world depends on Batman. Without Batman, the Justice League will be in disarray. The other kind is more optimistic about the Justice League. , think that there is someone else who can protect our earth without Batman; do you think you are the former?"

Arthur inserted the trident into the asphalt road with a click, raised his hand to touch his beard and thought for a moment: "That's right, now that we have your help, it seems that it doesn't matter whether we have Batman or not. Besides, the rest of us are not trash, right?"

Su Ming smiled and nodded at him, although he could only agree with half of this. He had singled out the useful people, and the rest of the Zhenglian were of no use.

By the way, Batman is being targeted now. Although it was the Joker who did it, this routine seems a bit familiar...

Ban the Bat first, then Ban Superman, and then defeat Zhenglian one by one. Is this all part of Laughter's calculation?

In this way, Cindy can't be allowed to come over. She has to be kept together with Zheng to form a deterrent. I have to find the water rat quickly. It depends on who moves faster and is more sinister.

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