The Death Knell

Chapter 849 Meeting with Madmen

After lowering his arms and standing still, Harley saw Catwoman on the ground, staring blankly.

It was actually because the rain had half submerged her, and she was wearing all black, so it was really hard to tell at night.

Harley curled her lips and shrugged, looking away. Her relationship with Serena is good, but only good.

The fact is that Harley's character is very familiar and she has a good relationship with women. Whether it's Dai and Zac from the Justice League, or villains like Leopard Girl or Queen Bee, she can always talk to them.

Although Catwoman, she, and Poison Ivy are known as the Phantoms of Gotham, and the three of them went out drinking and shopping together, in fact, except for my good friend Ivy, none of the other women mentioned above would die if Harley. Will be sad.

Life is already very tight, why not smile more? Why should you be sad about other people's affairs?

Hee hee hee......

And right in front of him was the clown who had been hiding, and this time he finally caught him.

The Humiliation Squad and the Teen Titans surrounded the area, and Ivy's poison ivy also blocked the intersection. The clown could only run away before the ghost could be found.

Harley can't wait to hear the music the Joker plays.

The last time they met was before she was sent to the Suicide Squad. She used Batman's power to block him. In the end, she secretly intercepted him and threw the clown into the cauldron, adding celery, marshmallows, chocolate and... Orange flavored liquor and other ingredients.

But it turns out that trying to make mushroom soup with clowns is a bit of a mistake.

The pot was too deep and there were too many ingredients. The clown added a grenade to the soup and escaped with injuries.

Harley was caught by the arriving Batman and sent to Arkham, where she later met a fat black woman and was forced to work.

In the Tianyanhui Prison, with the help of Da Ming Dead Shooter, Harley understood what it means to have a rat's excrement ruin a pot of soup, and deeply admired the Eastern sage who said this.

Since then, she has fallen in love with reading, which is a good thing, right?

The clown shook his head and wiped the sewage from his face with his sleeves, confirming again that the Harley in front of him was not an illusion. He himself sometimes had hallucinations, and he was usually quite high.

After seeing not only Harley arriving, but also the Humiliation and Titan teams surrounding him, he shook his head helplessly.

"Harry, Harley, you stinky woman ruined my business again! Bitch!"

Everything was going so smoothly, but there was only a little difference before Batman would kill him, just a little bit!

Why does Harley show up? ! Shouldn't she be in jail and being used as a tool by the fat lady from the Heavenly Eye Society? !

Damn it! What went wrong? !

The clown couldn't figure it out. He walked around in the rain with his head in his hands, spitting out sweet fragrance as he walked. He not only scolded Harley, he even scolded himself.

Because his little mouth was smeared with honey, all the minors present were eye-opening except for being crushed. It turned out that he could scold himself like this. He was worthy of being a clown. It was so dark!

Black Wally teleported behind Damian and whispered: "It's really dark in Gotham. I feel a little sick to my stomach. Can I take a day off?"

Before Damian could answer, he snorted out of his nostrils with disdain: "Where are we now? He's still a boy, let's go home and feed him."

Wally immediately retorted: "You want to eat something that's not available yet? Oh, by the way, you don't even know who your mother is."

"You're looking for death!" Crush punched him directly, but she obviously had no experience in dealing with speedsters. Wally kept running around her, spouting trash talk, making her fight with the air.

Damian took a deep breath. The name of the Teen Titans team is poisonous. Whoever inherits this name will make the team brainless.

The Joker and Harley are still confronting each other, but now they are fighting first. What does it matter? His young heart suddenly felt so tired, but he knew that more troublesome things were ahead.

Batman is in a very bad situation right now. Not only is he seriously injured, his mental state is definitely not normal.

Ever since Damian saw Batman for the first time, he had never seen the man so confused and dazed.

This is an emotion that should never appear on Batman.

Maybe Bruce Wayne will have various emotions, but Batman will not. He is a totem of Gotham, a symbol, and should not and cannot have emotions.

These are the conclusions of Damian's own observations, but he has received full training from the Assassin's League and has the true inheritance from his grandfather and mother, so he believes that he will not be wrong.

If an assassin can't even detect words and emotions, then he is unqualified.

He ignored his teammates who were still fighting, walked straight to Batman, struggled to take the pistol out of his hand, and then struggled even more to try to use his small body to lift Batman up.

At the critical moment, it was still up to Fatty. Billy Wu put down the Paper Man Wife in his hand and rolled over to help. The rainwater flowed from his high-tech armor, glowing with a rounded light.

The fat man, who was very strong, took too much of the pressure off Damian, but when the two of them dragged Batman away, Batman turned his head and kept looking at the body soaked in the rain.

Barbara sighed and planned to help Batman pick up the body. Although her relationship with Selina was very ordinary and they had not spoken a few words in several years, she was kind-hearted and could not watch someone she knew lying dead on the street. .

Seeing Barbara move, Charis curled her lips and signaled Bonecrusher to help her with a wink.

‘Even though it’s the body of a thief, if Barbara wants to move it, just move it. Hum, for the sake of the death of someone in the Bat family today, I won’t persuade her to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side for the time being. ’ This is the thought in Xia Ruisi’s mind.

The next time we meet, we will still be enemies.

Both the living and the dead were carried away. Neither the Joker nor Harley seemed to care. On the contrary, every time the Joker cursed, Harley smiled and nodded, as if she had listened to his words.

But her little hand loosened and tightened on the hammer handle, tightened and loosened again.

"Why don't you understand? Harley Quinn! I'm helping Batman! Only I can help him!" The clown was frothing at the mouth and jumping around, causing water to splash everywhere.

Harley tilted her head and picked out her ears with her little finger, flicking them in the rain: "Huh? When I was useful before, you called me Little Pudding Sweetie. Has the world changed now? You called me stupid X You bitch! Then today I will let you know not to underestimate women, especially if they are crazy women! Hahahahaha..."

"Stupid! So stupid! If I don't let Batman kill me, who will deal with the Laughing Bat?! You?!"

Harley took the sledgehammer off her shoulder and weighed it in her hand: "We have a new death knell, who cares about the Laughing Bat? Haha, that's not my problem! By the way, you haven't seen Dorothy for a long time. Right? She really wants to say hello to your pretty face now, hehehehehe..."

Seeing Harley rushing over with a sledgehammer in hand, the clown covered his head and spat.

"That's the problem. We all have different preferences for literary works. We have never been on the same page..." He whispered, taking out a dagger and a grenade.

And through the sound of rain and wild laughter, Harley didn't know how to hear his chatter clearly, and shouted crazily: "That's right! Little Harley is no longer the girl from Kansas!"


"It's just another ordinary day."

Arthur was soaking in the water, looking up at the Deathstroke and Green Arrow, which were being pulled by Diana, and looking at the dark horizon in the distance. From time to time, explosions of fire lit up in the city, but they flashed in the heavy rain. destroy.

Today's Gotham is indeed the same as before. Even though it just experienced flooding during the day, it doesn't seem to have much impact on the gangs.

After leaving the palace, Deathstroke returned to Zorro's appearance, saying that he wanted to make him laugh wildly, but Arthur subconsciously felt that it was not that simple.

But he just patted his head and gave up thinking.

Deathstroke can do whatever he wants. He is not a member of the Zhenglian, so there is no need to inform others of other plans.

Su Ming nodded after hearing this. His voice was still very clear despite the sound of the waves: "It seems so. We passed by Gotham before, and it was like celebrating the New Year in the city."

"New Year? I know this, it's an Eastern festival, right?"

Arthur's hair floated like waterweed on the sea, and his face showed joy. It was no wonder that he had read so many Chinese books and could finally understand the topic of the death knell.

"That's right, it's just that I don't want to spend this New Year with the lunatics in this city."

Su Ming smiled and shook his head. In fact, he didn't like to act with a large army. A dozen people were on the road together and couldn't even hide. If Kuangxiao smelled it, he would definitely escape.

And Arthur is also a tool man. After launching the tsunami, he will be tricked into returning to Poseidonis...

Su Ming's team has two warriors and a magic archer, so what's the use of a human shield? If he wanted to find a human shield, wouldn't he look for Martians? At least he has one more psychic skill.

The one in the worst situation now is Superman, not only being restrained by Luthor, but also having an old enemy, Brainiac.

And even Kuangxiao must have something to deal with Superman. Su Ming suspected that he had obtained the green kryptonite in the main world before.

"Then why don't you come to Poseidonis for the Chinese New Year next year? I'll try to get a few more of the fish from last time." Arthur said without any doubt that he had it.

But after he finished speaking, he found Diana staring at him with empty eyes, which made him feel very nervous.

Strange, did you say the wrong thing? No, I haven’t heard that Diana is a fish conservationist...

He buckled down and decided not to look at Diana anymore, just pretending that nothing happened.

Although he has always lived on land, society has become increasingly strange recently. Animal conservationists, plant conservationists, all kinds of things have to be protected.

Arthur feels that in the future, everyone can only survive by basking in the sun or eating people. After all, everything is protected except humans themselves.

Seeing him lowering his head to paddle, Diana withdrew her gaze. She had long discovered that Deathstroke liked Chinese culture, so of course she would go to Paradise Island for important festivals like the New Year.

Su Ming was still looking at the dark city in the distance. Gotham was lying on the coastline like a giant beast. He was thinking about how to go next.

Forcing Crazy Laughter up from the ground is just the beginning. We have to try our best to catch them all in one fell swoop. This requires careful planning. I don’t know how the Joker and Batman are doing, but I don’t have time to look at satellite images. The flood will definitely not drown them, so let’s leave it at that.

First, notify Cindy to come and be on standby. You have to get rid of all the baggage of Zhenglian...

Anonymous disappeared after returning to Earth, and no one knows what he did there...

Zhenglian has moved to a backup base in the metropolis, and is currently holding a review meeting...

All kinds of thoughts passed through his mind, and he lowered his head and said: "Do it, Arthur, the wave must be big and fast, and you can't give Crazy Laughter time to react."

Arthur raised another luxurious white-gold trident, patted his chest in the water, and gestured to wrap it up on him.

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