The Death Knell

Chapter 848 Critical Moment

The rainwater is still falling under the influence of the earth's gravity, and blends with more liquid on the ground. The crackling sound sounds like someone clapping in your ears, or like the roar of pearls falling to the ground.

The Joker laughed beside Batman, rubbing the barrel of the gun against his head, and squinting his eyes comfortably as if to relieve an itch.

"Why are you so serious? Why don't you smile?"

He wanted to see Batman go crazy.

However, how could Batman laugh? His heart had died with Selina's death, and his brain had almost stopped functioning. The past and present overlapped infinitely, and he was immersed in his own darkness.

The Joker put his head between the faces of Batman and Catwoman, looking at Batman with wide eyes, holding the revolver in both hands, as cautiously as a servant:

"Do you still recognize this gun? This gun is the one that killed your parents back then. I spent a lot of effort to get it. Today my fiancée also died with the same weapon. Are you happy? Ah? Hahaha. ......."

Batman's pupils were dilated, he was seriously injured, and he was hit by the clown's new laughing gas. The pethidine that the clown injected into him was also specially formulated with special ingredients, which is a fast-acting analgesic but has a mysterious staying power.

Now he has completely fallen into the world of hallucinations. In addition to his deceased relatives laughing around him, he can only see a gorgeous but abnormal picture.

A bat flew past him, but he heard it talking rapidly to itself.

"Oh, darling, oh, darling, I'm too late."

It said this, while flapping its wings, it took out a pocket watch from its vest and looked at it.

How can a bat wear clothes and a watch? Batman was very curious.

He jumped up and chased the bat, but it didn't stop at all and flew straight into the rabbit hole under a big tree not far away.

Following the black trajectory in the sky, he quickly lay down and looked into the dark cave. The cave was pitch black, and the only sound that came from the cave was: 'Hehehehehe...'

Such laughter.

There seemed to be a door with a smiling face painted on it in the darkness. There was no lock on it and it looked like it could be opened with a push.

He found that he had become smaller, or that the small hole in the ground had become larger. He was now standing in front of the door, and various kinds of relaxed and cheerful laughter came from behind the door, like a paradise.

Two voices began to argue in my mind.

"Come into this wonderful world, where there is no pain and no darkness."

"Look back, Gotham still needs you, and the world needs Batman."

However, the voices urging him to leave became smaller and smaller, and his hand rested on the door uncontrollably.


The Joker pouted and Batman didn't react, which wasn't fun at all.

He wanted Batman to hit him, hit him where it hurt the most, make him feel the pain, and of course, he wanted Batman to kill him most.

When they met, Joker said he was here to help, and that was one of the few truths he told.

It's just that the way he helps is hard for others to understand.

He pulled Catwoman's body out of Batman's arms and threw it into the standing water, while Batman was still kneeling on the ground, holding the air with his hands.

The clown rolled his eyes, cleared his throat, and used the rain to comb his hair to make the curly hair that looked like crispy noodles look more docile.

He pretended to be reserved and accepted the invitation, slipped into the space, and lay comfortably in Batman's arms.

"Smile, Batman, smile quickly, am I not funny? Hahahaha..."

However, there was only heavy rain here except for them, and now Batman fell into chaos again, and the entire stage became a one-man show.

The Joker put his head on Batman's lap and closed his eyes comfortably. He reached out and naughtily touched the huge bat emblem on Batman's chest, as if he wanted to take it off.

"There used to be an old madman named Nietzsche. He said: 'You have fought with the dragon for too long, and the dragon has become too long, more powerful, more evil, more profound, and more beautiful at the same time.' Do you know him? He also said, 'When you stare into the abyss, you can only see the abyss looking back.' Do you remember it?"

Batman: "......"

"I am used to treating all things and experiences with kindness, cheerfully, and lovingly accepting everything I encounter. But you are always so serious, always so aloof, and noncommittal about anything. My God ! In many cases, you are too depressed and become the dregs left after the sublimation of virtue!"


"If someone wants to get love and hate from you, even if he tries his best and provides everything he can...but do you feel it? Maybe, you always don't show it! Just like you If you don't love deeply, you don't hate deeply! As hypocritical and fragile as you are in this regard, this is a problem."


"I won't be surprised, because your love is unnatural and your hate is incomplete. Hey, 'not speaking' is a kind of hard work. Your patience always tastes a bit showy, exaggerated and artificial. But I Your sincerity is completely based on your subjective judgment, do you feel it? Only when you are completely peaceful and quiet like now, you are real and natural."


"Your soul, which reflects everything but always feels dark to you, must not know how to affirm or deny... They don't understand you. You never like to give orders, and you never want to bear the burden. With so many responsibilities, you will live in crime alley forever, but now the gun is in my hand."

The Joker was very dishonest. While pulling the hair of Catwoman's corpse with the muzzle of his gun, he used his fingers to outline the shape of the totem on Batman's chest.

He closed his eyes and had an intoxicated smile on his face. He just said what he wanted to say, whether Batman heard it or not was none of his business.

After lying there for an unknown amount of time, the Joker opened his eyes and saw Batman still looking at him motionless.

The raindrops falling from the dark sky around him gradually grew larger and shattered on his shoulders and head. Rain that smelled fishy and chemical was good rain.

While counting, the Joker fired four more shots at Catwoman's body, with the last bullet still in the revolver.

He dug in his pocket, took out a handful of military-grade morphine, and inserted it near Batman's wound without looking at the amount.

He then thrust the revolver into Batman's hand and pressed the muzzle against his chest.

"Then I choose to give it to you now." Seeing that Batman seemed to be half asleep, the Joker decided to back him off again: "Kill me quickly, yes, pull the trigger, kill me! Hahahahahahahaha Haha! It was me who made you successful!"

If a person wakes up in a tense environment, he will often jerk away. Batman is no exception at this time. He is also made of flesh and blood. Without willpower, he is most vulnerable.

"When you wake up from the dream, when Alice wants to catch Mr. Rabbit, your little finger will pull the trigger, yes, kill me like that, just like a robber killed your parents, I Just like killing Catwoman, you can do it, it's very simple."

And then, the Joker will win and Batman will become real.

Similarly, this is also the battle plan that the Joker thought of. When he and Batman are in the same body, the Laughing Bat must not be their opponent.

The Laughing Bat from the Dark Multiverse? What does it mean in front of the new Laughing Bat in the main world? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.......

After saying that, he twisted his body and adjusted his position so that the bullet would avoid his ribs, break his heart, and allow the toxins in his blood and life to evaporate perfectly and be ingested by Batman.

He's going to be part of Batman.

But the bat had better fly faster. It's going to be cold in the rain all the time. He doesn't like being in the rain and will catch a cold.

Just as the Joker was humming a tune and waiting for Batman to wake up, he saw the skin on his face twitch under the mask.

oh? Coming?

The clown narrowed his eyes happily and puffed out his chest.

"Boom! Bang!"

Gunshots rang out.

But the clown was not hit. There was only one bullet in the gun and it would not make two shots.

Batman's shot only hit his own leg, and the Joker was knocked away before Batman subconsciously clenched his fist.

His purple suit slipped far away on the ground, and the top of his head seemed to be flattened. He covered his head and staggered to his feet, just in time to see Harley retract her golf ball-like movements.

Harry put Dorothy back on his shoulders and sighed with some disappointment: "Oh, ground ball."

It turns out that at the most critical moment, Harley and others arrived in time, and the little madman always appeared in the critical place at the critical time.

For her, there is no need to move fast, as long as she shows up on time when she is supposed to show up.

She is always on time.

The way to achieve a surprise attack a hundred meters away from the end of the street was also very simple. She asked Crushing to lift herself up, and then threw her towards Batman and the Joker who were hugging each other.

Crush inherited the power of the wolf, and Harley is also very slim.

Although she looks like a teenage girl, it is a bit weird to easily lift an adult and throw it away like a cannonball...

But this is Gotham.

Everything that happens in this city cannot be seen through normal eyes.

Halle's daily gymnastics exercises allow her to adjust her posture and grasp timing in the air, just like a trapeze performer in a circus. This is just a basic skill.

When she flew over the clown's head, she swung a big wooden hammer. Dorothy was a cork hammer. Rather than using it to kill people, Harley preferred it to be a musical instrument. She just liked the big wooden hammer to hit others. That thump-thump-thump sound in your head.

So Dorothy's hits hurt, but were rarely fatal.

If she wants to kill someone, she can use bombs, guns, or poison. She's not Wonder Woman, so why would she use cold weapons?

As if Harley knocked away a wedge under a beam, she knocked the Joker straight out of Batman's arms like a wooden stake, and slid far away on the rain-covered ground.

This principle is a bit like Newton's pendulum. Harley transmitted the force to the Joker through the big mallet, while she stayed in place and made an emergency stop. Then she saw Batman shoot her in the thigh.

Okay, this welcome was a little too warm, and Harley was a little embarrassed, but it’s not just a day or two since Bats liked to harm themselves, she just stuck out her tongue and licked the corner of her mouth. Gotham was indeed interesting.

Just in time, the Joker and Batman seem to have finished playing, and now it's Harley's turn~!

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