The Death Knell

Chapter 847 New Trick

Batman has never been amused by the Joker's tricks.

Maybe there was one time when the two of them laughed loudly in front of a fatal joke, but that time it was the clown who won, because he could not think of any way to vent his grief except laughing.

But not this time.

When the Joker was performing his antics, Batman threw all the Batarangs, then took a running start and ran on the wall, using his cape to glide towards the Joker.

The clown reacted belatedly. He raised his hand and was about to shoot, but the previous batarangs not only refracted on the wall and the ground, but also collided and deflected with each other.

A dart flew from behind him, passed through his crotch from the blind spot, bounced up and pierced his wrist.

"Ah? Hahahaha!" The gun in the clown's hand fell to the ground, but he put his hand in front of him, stretched out his hand to pull out the batarang, and watched the blood spurt out like spring water: "I have a gift! I have a batarang. Yeah! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so


His answer was a heavy and powerful shoulder bump. Batman had already flown to his face, and then pressed him down. His casserole-sized fists shot left and right, beating the Joker like a bobblehead.

"Bang bang bang!"


"Bang bang bang!"

"he he he he he........"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"


Not only did Batman beat him hard, but the Joker just lay on the ground and let him do what he did. Every time his head was hit to the side, he quickly turned back and continued to watch Batman with a smile.

Even though his face was covered in blood and his orifices were flushed, he was still smiling.

Batman sat on him, grabbed the collar of his suit with both hands, pulled him up and hit him with his head. The bat mask was made of special materials and was very strong. And with hundreds of pounds of weight pressing on the chest, anyone will be suffocated and comatose due to difficulty breathing.

Thinking of the Joker beating Selina, Batman couldn't help but hit her harder and harder.

After several collisions, the clown's laughter finally stopped.

Batman felt the dark memories tumbling in his heart and the severe pain in his body, panting violently and suppressing them with willpower.

He still controlled himself.

He let go of the clown, fell off him, and sat on the cold ground aside.

But perhaps the impact between the back of his head and the ground made the clown wake up. He lay on the ground and vomited blood while talking intermittently.

"You... thought you won? No, it was me who won, hehehe..."

After saying that, his head tilted and he fainted. Blood mixed with saliva left the corner of his mouth, leaving a shining and winding trace on the dark ground.

It looks like a smiling face...

Batman frowned and thought about it, but as always, the Joker shook his will and almost made him lose control several times...

But Batman didn't give up his principles, he didn't lose to his desires.

He sat quietly and watched the clown lying there. His injuries were too serious, and the injuries to his bones and internal organs made it difficult for him to move.

However, he still stood up and carried the unconscious clown. He planned to take him back to the Batcave and imprison him in the dungeon on the bottom of the Batcave.

The Joker is too dangerous, and his past experience has proven that sending him to Arkham is useless. Batman dug a special room near the underground river below the Batcave and used all the technology of the Justice League, just to Give the clown the ultimate enjoyment.

The energy barrier system from Crux can prevent the Joker from escaping from prison, while still allowing him to talk freely with Batman outside the cage.

Senagon's N metal makes the prison unbreakable, the spells of the mages impose occult defenses, and there are flowers and trees provided by Swamp Monster in the cell, which not only regulates the atmosphere but also serve as a surveillance function.

The clown's escape last time was just an accident, but it won't happen this time.

He put the colorful weirdo on his shoulders, covered the wound on his abdomen with his other hand and gasped for breath. The effect of the analgesic faded unexpectedly quickly, and he had to hurry up.

However, when he was weak, the short journey seemed extremely long. Batman tried his best to see clearly ahead, but his feet were a little jittery.

Fortunately, as he persisted, the entrance to the subway station was getting closer and closer.

From a distance, he saw the light outside. It was the Windbreaker's car, and in the car window, it was Selena's worried face.

They didn't leave, they just stood guard outside when there was a way out. Thinking of this, Batman couldn't help but feel a warmth flashing in his heart.

Through the curtain of the heavy rain, Selina naturally saw Batman. She opened the car door and walked out of the passenger seat. She wanted to run to Batman, but was held back by the trenchcoat fighter who appeared behind her.

"Batman! Is that you?"

The windbreaker put his hands to his mouth and rolled them into a trumpet and shouted loudly, his voice piercing the cover of the rain.

It's a good habit to be vigilant, but Batman knows that there is a bastard who likes to pretend to be him and fool around in Gotham.

"it's me!"

Batman also answered loudly, but he was not used to speaking loudly. Speaking at this time caused a sharp pain in the injured area, and his vision was blurred when he was distracted.

The trench coat man and Selina both stood in the rain and did not come over. He asked again: "Have you defeated the clown?"

Batman carried the Joker and slowly approached the two of them. The water outside the subway station had spread over the roadside, and he seemed to see a sea.

"Yes!" he said.

The windbreaker lowered his hand and nodded his head up and down.

Rain rolled down from the brim of his hat, and as the two of them got closer and closer, the man in the trench coat shrugged as if he was relieved.

"Then I'm relieved, you are really a hero!"

He let go, letting Selina run towards Batman, her eyes filled with equal parts joy and worry.

She was happy that everyone was safe, but also worried about Batman's injury. Although she was agile, running in the rain wearing high heels was a bit difficult.

Batman held the Joker on his shoulder with one hand, and fumbled in his belt with the other hand, intending to return Catwoman's tail to her.

Not only was he caught by the clown, but the tail on his uniform was also stolen. This was too careless for a snitch.

"Your tail."

"No, it's your tail."

He could think of Selena's blushing face and denial. Maybe this was an opportunity to get back together.

She is really like a cat, arrogant and naughty, and sometimes just unreasonable.

But she is the woman he loves most.

However, as she ran, he suddenly saw a tail behind her uniform. This sense of absurdity immediately made Batman realize that something was wrong.

And it's too late.


Only a gunshot was heard. Selena's body shook a few times, her legs softened and she knelt forward, clutching her chest and splashing a large amount of water.

Behind her, a wisp of green smoke slowly rose from the gun in the windbreaker's hand.

The bullet pierced her heart and entered her chest from behind. The rain instantly diluted the blood in her palms. She never closed her eyes, her face still retaining the complicated expression she had when she saw Batman.

Batman, who was still holding a leather tail in his hand, suddenly stiffened. He watched her fall in front of him, and he was as powerless as he was in Crime Alley.

His eyes moved mechanically towards the trenchcoat fighter, who was holding the gun in his hand and playing with it, and even leaned towards the muzzle of the gun as if to look at what was inside.

But he could no longer react. The sudden stimulation completely defeated his will. The tragic memories that were forced into the depths of his mind came overwhelmingly, and he was beaten to pieces by the huge black waves.

He dropped the Joker from his shoulders, staggered over to Catwoman, and held her in his arms.

He wanted to reach out and hold her wound, but the blood gushed out like a fountain along with the rain. He held his chest and back but couldn't stop the flow of liquid. He could only feel the warmth on his knees.

And the heat is still passing quickly.

There was no heartbeat, no pulse, and the pupils were dilated.

His trembling hand slowly reached towards her face, but that person would no longer respond to him.

At this time, hysterical laughter came from beside him. The trench coat fighter was laughing so hard that he couldn't stand up straight. He rolled on the hood of the car: "Haha! It's so touching. Batman won again. "

Batman heard the laughter but didn't react. He just squatted on the ground and looked down at Catwoman's face.

The trench coat fighter took off his hat and threw it away, then took off his trench coat to reveal the purple suit underneath. Then he pulled off the mask forcefully, revealing a pale smile.

The Joker jumped onto the curb, happily danced Singin' in the Rain to Batman's side, rested his head on Batman's shoulder, and also looked down at Catwoman.

"It's so tragic. Her heart is broken and it will never get better, hee hee hee..."

Batman's heart was filled with darkness, and he had completely lost the ability to receive information from the outside world. He couldn't hear anything the Joker said, and the only sound that echoed in his mind was the sound of the gunshot.

The clown put his mouth close to his ear, reached out and poked the wound on his waist, and said word by word: "Hey, Batman, do you want to continue the second round?"

"..." Batman was just as silent as a sculpture, the rain melting his silhouette into the darkness.

"How about I tell you about my new trick? Do you want to hear it?" Regardless of whether Batman wanted to hear it or not, the Joker still told him excitedly.

Windbreaker? It never existed, it was just a clown disguise.

He did dress up like this in the past and did some things that heroes love to do, but it was all for today's layout.

Yes, he had been preparing since he heard that Catwoman planned to marry Batman.

Although he used some small means to prevent the marriage from consummating, he knew that as long as Catwoman was alive, Batman would have no future.

For Batman, he must kill Catwoman!

However, a group of impostors from the Dark Multiverse came later, causing the Joker to shelve his plans. Although there were some uncertainties, it also provided him with more opportunities and time to perfect the plan.

This time he first sent John Doe to disguise himself as Barbara to attract Batman, and at the same time sent her to use lies to drag down other people in Zhenglian.

The Joker himself pretends to be a trenchcoat fighter, and 'encounters' Batman, casually killing bad guys together and cultivating basic trust.

Because Batman had heard about the trenchcoat fighter's righteous deeds in Gotham before, and everything he saw with his own eyes was in line with the intelligence he knew before, so the two soon acted together.

The Joker couldn't be happier. He went out for a drive and had Batman quietly accompanying him. It was like a dream!

He wanted to laugh many times, not to mention how hard it was to endure it all the way.

Afterwards, he used some tricks to lure Batman to the museum, then left with excuses and turned back into the Joker to talk to Batman. Then he detonated the bomb on Barbara's side, diverted all Batman's possible helpers, and lured him to the museum and the subway station. Go in the direction of the distant park.

At that time, the picture he played to Batman, the image of the trenchcoat fighter in it was also him, but the right half of the screen was not a real-time surveillance, but a video that had been recorded long ago.

The old broken color TV, the room with messy lights, and the previous misleading of real-time monitoring made Batman mistakenly believe that the trench coat fighter was locked in a bathtub somewhere.

Then he gave the address as the Joker, lured Batman to the subway station, and sent Bane to hold him back. While the Giant and the Bat were dealing with each other, Chrysalis flew to Washington to pick up the man who had just returned from the universe. anonymous.

Bane has completed his mission very well. There is no chance of him defeating Batman, but he can still do it if he delays it for half an hour.

Chrysalis sent Nameless, dressed as the Joker, and the captured Catwoman into the final restaurant, while the Joker turned back into a trenchcoat fighter, and after Chrysalis was also defeated, he caught up with Batman from behind.

Anonymous seems to be crazy because she imitates the clown's way of thinking, but the clown doesn't care whether she is crazy or not. Why not smile more?

So the play was staged smoothly. Everything in the museum was just a preparation to paralyze Batman, just to make Batman think that everything was over, and suddenly there would be a plot twist!

This is why he chose the subway for the final stage. As we all know, the subway ring line does not only have one entrance, but each platform can enter the underground, just like a rabbit hole...

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