The Death Knell

Chapter 846 Dinner together

Batman immediately bent down to check on the trenchcoat fighter.

But the man in the windbreaker didn't have any other poisoning reaction, he just seemed to be in severe pain.

The clown also stopped laughing at the right time, holding on to the chair while panting and saying: "Don't be nervous, this toxin will only cause abdominal pain. If you are the one drinking the soup, it will be fine, but he doesn't seem like you." I can bear it. But also, most people can’t bear stomach pain, hahahaha..."

Batman probably figured out what was going on.

He had been injured before and was poisoned by a new type of hallucinogenic laughing gas. If he drank the soup that would cause severe pain, his willpower might collapse.

It's just that the clown didn't expect the appearance of the trench coat fighter. From the moment this man escaped from the bathtub, everything was out of the clown's control, and he really had the courage to come to help.

But now that the trenchcoat fighter blocked the attack for him, the clown's plan failed. But it is precisely because of this that the clown finds it funny and can't stop laughing.

Batman took out military-grade morphine from his belt. He didn't prepare much of this kind of stuff because he didn't usually need analgesics, but he still gave the trench coat man a shot of the only thing he had in stock.

The effect was not fast, or the clown's poison was very powerful, and it took the trenchcoat warrior a long time to get up.

During this time, the clown just pulled the apple from the suckling pig's mouth and chewed it.

Seeing the man in trench coat standing up again, he clapped a few times.

"Not bad, your performance is not bad, the way you cry is heart-warming, hahahahaha..."

Batman remained expressionless: "That's enough, Joker, you asked me to come to you, so I came. Now let Catwoman go."

"Oh, I forgot what you said." The clown put a gun on Catwoman's head and said with disgust: "Go to the bat, you are useless to me."

Although Catwoman felt a little relieved after hearing this statement, she did not forget that she had a remote-controlled and timed dual-mode bomb around her neck, and even a mechanism that would explode if her heartbeat was too fast or too slow.

She kept silent to prevent her heart rate from fluctuating.

As a snitch, her psychological quality cannot be said to be weak. Although she likes to talk to herself when stealing things, it is just because she is bored.

The Joker asked her to return to Batman, can she go back?

Everyone knows how the Joker treats useless people, and I'm afraid the Joker will detonate the bomb as soon as she returns to Batman. Even if it can't blow up Batman, it can at least splash blood on his face and drive him crazy.

So after thinking for a moment, Catwoman just looked at Batman across the table and shook her head slightly.

"I do not go."

"Huh? Huh? Not leaving?"

The Joker stuck out his tongue and licked the corners of his mouth like a reptile. After hearing Catwoman's answer, he first pretended to be very surprised, and then laughed again.

Smiling, he suddenly used the hand holding the gun to backhand punch Catwoman in the face.

The clown was not very powerful, but the handle of the gun still made Selina tilt her head to the other side, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

"Still not leaving?"

The Joker kicked Catwoman again, laughing and punching her.

Poor Selena was like a boat in a storm. She was beaten forward and backward on the chair. Even if she tried her best to hold her head, the clown's weird fighting skills were unable to prevent her.

The Joker shrugged and wiped his eyes with his wrist. As if he was moved, he sniffed hard and said to Batman: "Oh, it seems that she is unwilling to leave me. You are all the same, and you are reluctant to leave me." Am I right? Hehe..."

Although he knew that the Joker did this to blur the boundaries between Bruce and Batman, Batman still couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. Veins popped up on his forehead under the mask, and his fists were clenched under the table.

"That's enough! Stop playing these tricks. What do you want?"

The clown shrank back as if he was frightened, with an aggrieved expression on his face: "Oh? I'm sorry, are you angry? Why are you angry? Smile? Huh? Hahahahahaha... .”

He started rubbing Catwoman's chin with the muzzle of his gun, as if teasing a cat, but neither the bat nor the cat had any intention of laughing.

The windbreaker just held his stomach and leaned against the back of Batman's chair. His mask looked extremely weird in the dim room, and the fluorescent green looked like the eyes of some beast.

"Defuse the bomb, let her go, I'll stay with you." Batman thought of a countermeasure, and secretly took out EMP's batarang from his belt.

As long as Selina believed in herself, didn't move when the darts were flying towards her, and didn't panic to make her heart beat faster, he would be sure to save her.

"Are you willing to die with me? If you don't kill me, I will drag you to death with me."

To Batman's surprise, the Joker generously took out the remote control from his pocket and deactivated the bomb in front of everyone. The small light on Selina's collar immediately went out.

The Joker kicked Selina out and sat in her place. He waved his hand tiredly, signaling her to get out, and at the same time threw the remote control in his hand to Batman in a shooting posture.

Although Catwoman wants to subdue the Joker, he still has a gun in his hand.

The Joker's fighting skills are very weird. Although he has not received any training, with his miscellaneous toys and self-mutilating style of fighting, he is one of the few people on the planet who can compete with Batman.

Of course, when he wants to fight, more often than not he would rather be beaten by Batman than fight Batman.

Selina has been in Gotham for so long, so she naturally knows what the Joker is capable of. She gritted her teeth and quickly ran to Batman.

Batman held her hand: "Are you okay?"

Batman first checked her injuries, then the collar, and was instantly relieved. Although he wasn't sure why the Joker gave up his trump card so easily, the Joker has always been elusive.

He put away the remote control. It was difficult to disassemble the collar that had already cut off the remote control. He left here first and asked her to go back to the Batcave to find Ah Fu for help.

"I'm fine." Selina hugged his neck and nodded affirmatively. These were just superficial injuries.

"Take her out of here." Batman said to the trench coat warrior. There might be an ambush from the Joker outside, so the trench coat warrior shouldn't have much trouble dealing with the clown gang.

Selina wasn't the kind of person who couldn't tell the difference between priorities. She wouldn't say anything like "if I don't leave, we'll die together." She just nodded towards Batman and looked at the trenchcoat fighter.

"be careful."

Batman nodded silently and focused his attention on the Joker again, and Catwoman in black quickly disappeared into the corridor outside the door together with the trench coat fighter.

"We are the only two left now. It's a rare opportunity to be alone. When was the last time we had a meal face to face like this?" The clown raised the wine glass on the table, swaying the liquid in the glass in the candlelight, watching the coquettish red light shine in it. Shadows are cast on the white tablecloth.

The last time the two of you had dinner together?

That was when the Joker placed chairs on four pressure-sensitive landmines and forced Batman to sit on them and be fed. The Joker not only wanted Batman to eat the eyeballs of unknown creatures, but also tried to make him laugh...

Thinking of this, Batman checked his chair again to confirm that there were really no landmines under his feet. At the same time, he counted the time to make sure that Catwoman and the others were far enough away.

There was no need to eat the rest of the meal, even though the clown still had a revolver in his hand, but that wasn't a problem.

Batman suddenly exerted force, grabbed the tablecloth and lifted it violently. Under the flickering candlelight, barbecue, red wine, and fruit all flew into the air.

Covered by the white cloth and food, Batman jumped on the table and rushed towards the Joker, but the Joker naturally shot without hesitation. He knew that guns were not a threat to Batman, but the sound of gunfire was more suitable for fighting.

Batman was always in a state of high concentration. Everything around him seemed to slow down in his eyes, like slow motion, flying bullets, spilled red wine, and all he could see was the pale smile.

He grabbed the roasted suckling pig that was slowly falling in the air and used the little pig as a cover to block the flying bullets. He grabbed the flying large iron plate with his other hand and deflected another bullet towards the wall. .

Moving quickly, everything was in his calculations. He charged with terrifying momentum, and the black bat wings spread out behind him.

He made a sliding shovel on the table, and hit the clown in the chest with his big foot, kicking him and the chair away.

"Hoo ho ho! Hahahahahaha, yes, yes, that's it!"

The clown's eyes widened. He rolled over and then got up. His purple suit was immediately stained with filth, and there was a dark footprint on his chest.

But he smiled wider.

He took out a knife from his pocket and rushed straight up to fight Batman.

Batman punched him in the head, and the Joker's head burst into red like spilled tomato sauce.

But the Joker didn't mind at all. He laughed even more and held Batman's fist, watching the heavy punch fall on his eyes and feeling the pain as if his eyeballs were exploding.

He put his hand into the suit, and then the small flower on his chest spurted out a stream of green water. Batman quickly moved away, and the liquid splashed a cloud of white smoke on the ground.

The clown took the opportunity to take out a detonator, lit it, and threw it at his feet, laughing as the fuse became shorter and shorter.

Batman immediately rushed up and knocked him down, and the two of them rolled away a long way.

"Boom!" The clown dubbed the explosive with his mouth, and then laughed wildly: "Hahahaha!"

The explosive was fake. When it exploded, it just exploded into a large ball of colorful paper.

But the Joker knew that Batman would come to save him, so he took the opportunity to stab the bat in the belly with a knife. He kept the knife in his hand, and it was like Batman had hit him.

The hit area was torn apart by a clawed butterfly, and the Joker's knife directly cut through Batman's intestines.

The Joker rolled and crawled to distance himself from Batman, his tongue stuck out of his mouth, and he looked at the blade of the dagger with a wink.

"Oh, I cut off your intestines. I'm sorry, but what is this? Undigested corn? Did you have Mexican food for dinner? I haven't seen Alfred in a long time. It seems that even old dogs can do it. Learn new tricks, hey hey hey hey..."

Batman inserted his hand into his abdominal cavity and used emergency techniques to tie off his intestines first. This would probably buy him a few minutes to defeat the Joker before his body went into shock.

"..." He took out several batarangs, each with various effects. He narrowed his eyes and calculated the angle of refraction.

The Joker continued to chatter as if he didn't notice anything: "I'm curious, why is the thing that Bruce Wayne ate in Batman's stomach? Shouldn't you be two people? Ah? Two people!"

After saying that, the clown gestured one hand with one hand and two with the other, danced a weird dance, and even started spinning around in circles, clapping his hands and laughing.

This is so interesting. Batman learned the magic of moving objects through walls and transferred Bruce's food to his stomach. Isn't that funny?

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