The Death Knell

Chapter 864 The Difficult Bat


The sound of the elevator arriving attracted the attention of almost all the top-floor guards. Did Mr. Wayne plan to watch the sunrise today? But the dark clouds outside have completely covered the sky, and today the day may be even darker than the night.

However, after the elevator door opened, a row of more than a dozen batarangs flew out. These batarangs looked different from before.

If the previous batarang looked like a crescent moon, then the current batarang looks like a double-edged ax without an ax handle, which is thicker and more deadly.

Before the guards could react, a dozen people fell down in an instant, and then a dark figure flew out of the elevator with loud laughter.

Wayne Tower's backup power supply facility has been activated, but it is limited to elevators and the most basic weak lighting. Bruce doesn't want Wayne Tower to shine like a torch in the dark when there is a power outage around the world. This will bring a lot of trouble. question.

And this consideration just gave another Bruce Wayne a chance.

In the hazy darkness, only a set of white teeth could be vaguely seen, showing the shape of a smile.

There were also two sharp long knives used for deboning cattle, which were controlled by a terrifying martial arts to quickly harvest human heads.

Heads and blood flew everywhere, and the laughter soon stopped.

"A guy like this is really inexperienced..." The Laughing Bat wiped the blade of his knife on the corpse, and then wiped his shoes: "Well, it's almost time, 3, 2, 1... ..."

"Ding ding ding ding..." The Laughing Bat suddenly turned around, its two knives dancing like a meat grinder, and the dazzling light of the sword blocked more than a dozen black arrows.

Looking at the green arrow that suddenly appeared behind him, the Laughing Bat shook his head, climbed down suddenly, and dodged a white beam of light. He slashed at the green arrow with his two swords, but he rolled away in the opposite direction, shockingly fast. , instantly disappeared into the darkness.

"The same move cannot be used against Batman a second time. Whether it's a cold arrow in the back or the energy cannon of the Ten Rings, once you have used it, it will no longer work."

His voice seemed to come from every corner of the room, and the Laughing Bat fired a miniature loudspeaker at some point.

Su Ming and others had just arrived here and launched an attack as soon as they came out of the portal. However, they didn't know why the Laughing Bat calculated the time so accurately and completely avoided the attack.

And what he said was absolutely correct. Green Arrow's Flash Backstab was anticipated, and even Su Ming's Ten Rings were restrained.

The Ten Rings-in-One Beam, which was as thick as a skyscraper last time it was used, now looks like water sprayed from a water gun.

"Lights out procedure, am I right?"

Su Ming secretly threw out his cloak and signaled to Zhuangzhao to find someone, while he looked around and talked with Guangxiao, trying to delay some time.

"Ah, haha...Although the Dawn Lantern is a waste, the ability of the Lantern Ring to turn off the lights does inspire me. Although the way the Lantern Ring uses energy is somewhat beyond human understanding and difficult to copy, but I It’s an exception, guess why?”

Su Ming signaled Diana and Neptune to get closer. The three warriors protected the Green Arrow that had just flashed back, not giving Crazy Laughing a chance to defeat each one.

As for the issue of laughing wildly, Su Ming decided not to take that joke.

"Because I am Batman!" Kuangxiao shouted with a loud laugh. At this time, the cloak flew back to Su Ming's back. It swung twice to indicate that he found nothing.

The strangulation also flowed back to the host body from the ground. This room was only about 200 square meters, but it didn't even smell the smell of bats.

"How did you do that?" Su Ming became more vigilant, knowing that laughing wildly would become tricky. Crazy Bat should have been keeping an eye on Bat and targeting him, but currently his plans are all aimed at himself.

The voice of the Laughing Bat still came from the room: "Ah, I have to thank my bald ally for giving me the opportunity to install a backdoor program in his little army computer. He cares about you very much, so I just borrowed it Your information.”

"Haha, it wasn't just now, it was a long time ago, right?" The God Eater in Su Ming's hand began to extend rapidly and turned into a huge soft sword: "Before the cruel knight attracted our attention, you had already sent other men to prepare. It’s a tool to deal with me.”

"What subordinates?" A voice of laughter and surprise came, and soon turned into laughter: "We are all Bruce, and we are all good friends. I am also very sad about the death of the cruel knight, woo woo, but ...Batman always finds a way to resurrect others, doesn't he? Just like your Batman, I guess he is also planning to resurrect Catwoman?"

The enemy is Batman, or Batman is prepared. At this time, the enemy is in darkness and we are in the dark. This is likely to be a trap.

But it would not work to evacuate directly. The Laughing Bat came here for the 'Final Smile' system. If Su Ming retreated now, it would be equivalent to giving up all the initiative in the matter.

Su Ming narrowed his eyes and shouted loudly: "Come out and let's go one-on-one. You can choose to sing, dance or play basketball."

"Huh?" The maniacally laughing voice paused, and he seemed to be so angry that he was speechless. It took him a long time to come back to his senses: "Do you think I forgot about the last time we danced and you plotted against us? Even though I was just there at the time. It’s just a test to see if you are a traditional warrior with conviction.”

"Oh? What's the conclusion?"

Su Ming made a tactical gesture, signaling Green Arrow and others to get behind him.

The Laughing Bat was clearly deceived at the time, but now he's still being tough, but he's quite saving face?

"You are just a mercenary, like a vulture or a hyena. You only like to take advantage of others' danger to eat carrion or besiege the wounded." Kuangxiao replied loudly with a smile.

"Tsk, tsk, that's really ugly to say." Su Ming was noncommittal. He would not be angry because of such a level of verbal attack.

"Or do you prefer Luther's statement? He said that you are an RPG player who only knows how to rummage through boxes. He is still unwilling to face reality and fight you head-on. He thinks that you will run away with benefits, just when it is most dangerous. You will leave everyone behind. By the way, you have a way to escape the limitations of the origin wall. Do your friends know about it?"

The Laughing Bat changed his explanation and asked Su Ming for confirmation, his tone full of teasing.

"Nonsense!" Diana protested first. If Deathstroke was that kind of person, he wouldn't be able to stand up every time in such danger.

Arthur also agreed with her. They all saw Deathstroke save the world with their own eyes.

"It depends on whether they believe you or me!"

Su Ming swung his weapon violently, and the God Killer, which had been stretched to the extreme, was swung out like a whip, and a golden plane suddenly lit up.

With the blessing of huge power, everything blocking the path of this light layer was neatly cut into upper and lower halves, and several people around him got down in time, allowing this aperture to cut through a complete 360-degree space.

The top floor of the entire building paused for a moment, and then with a clicking sound, it slowly slid down in the direction of the force.

Just like cutting through bamboo with a knife, the broken bamboo joints slid downwards and fell to the ground with the heavy rain. Fortunately, there was only a parking lot around and there were no pedestrians today.

But even so, a large cluster of soil was splashed, and there were sky-high water splashes.

"Hehehe... A wonderful sword, like a samurai cutting tatami rolls. No matter you are angry or something, but I thank you for helping me achieve my goal, so bye? Hehehehe... ....”

"The Final Smile has been activated, final conditions detected."

Before several people could recover from the loud noise after the roof fell from the sky, and before they could wipe the rain off their faces, the sound of wild laughter and a cold computer voice prompt sounded almost simultaneously in the building.

"Hmm, it's exactly the same as my final smile system. I don't want to use this system to spread any poisonous gas. I just want to make sure that you don't have the means to detoxify it. Haha... Originally, it took more than a dozen steps to remove the final smile. Complicated steps, but there is an easier way, that is, Wayne Tower or Batman himself encounters an irresistible doomsday, such as now, um, irreversible external damage."

The main control computer of Wayne Tower also made a sound at the right time.

"Countdown to self-destruction, 10, 9, 8..."

"Originally, the self-destruction system should only work when no one is in the building, but except for the old blind man, everyone else killed you for you. No need to thank me, I'm really gone this time, bye, hahahaha.... ..”

Su Ming took a deep breath. This time he was tricked by the Laughing Bat. When the other party's intelligence was almost the same as his own, the problem became complicated.

This guy is a calm lunatic, and the clown's poison makes up for most of his psychological flaws.

'My mother's name is Martha', or re-enacting the 'tragic scene', which are useful to most Batmans, have no effect on the Laughing Bat.

The clown in his soul will make Kuangxiao face all this without any fluctuations in his heart, and he even wants to laugh.

The last time he chopped off Laughing's head was partly because he didn't understand Su Ming at that time, and partly because he knew he wouldn't die.

This time it was different. Not only did Su Ming pay more attention to him, but the other party also paid more attention to this death knell in another world.

But now is not the time to think about this. Su Ming raised his hand and released the portal: "You go!"

After saying that, he rushed to the broken window and jumped directly.

The cloak took him falling at a high speed, smashing the door and reaching the bottom of the elevator. Su Ming grabbed the blind old man, then kicked off the wall in the air and turned back, rushing out.

Finally, before the last second, Su Ming rushed out of the flames holding the old man in his arms.

The entire Wayne Tower exploded violently in the rain, but at this time, the direction of the directional explosives had been calculated by Batman, and it was towards the sky.

So everyone in the next round could see that the majestic building that was originally like Optimus Pillars sprayed a large amount of debris into the sky like a gun barrel, and with a terrifying loud noise, it instantly turned into a pile of ruins. .......

"Tsk, if you include the systems in the building, the loss is probably less than 300 million US dollars, which is just a small amount of money to him." Arthur patted Su Ming on the shoulder and comforted him. In his opinion, this building can be said to be It was killed by Deathstroke.

Green Arrow swatted his hand away, this was pure bullshit.

Even if a few people didn't come to deal with Laughing, or if Deathstroke didn't strike that sword, wouldn't Laughing blow up Wayne Tower?

In order to shut down the Last Smile system, he still thought of borrowing Deathstroke's hand at a critical moment, which shows that he had already planned to detonate it.

Green Arrow saw it clearly, but now they could only watch the fire gradually extinguished by the rain on the roof of a building not far away. The thick smoke mixed with the dark clouds in the sky, making the sky turbid.

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