The Death Knell

Chapter 865: Flaws always appear unintentionally

"The situation is slightly unfavorable for us. I didn't see how Laughter escaped from sight and left just now. What about you?"

Diana put away her sword and pulled her hood. She looked at the smoky ruins in the distance and said with an ugly expression.

Her dynamic vision is very powerful, which can be proved by being able to see Leopard Girl's extremely fast running. Leopard Girl is known as a speedster who does not rely on the Speed ​​Force, and she once scratched Barry out of the Speed ​​Force with her claws.

But even so, Diana still didn't see how she disappeared from the eyes of several people while laughing wildly.

She only remembered that a few people came here through the portal from the Batcave. The moment the door opened, Green Arrow and Deathstroke had a round of fighting with laughter as fast as lightning, but they were unexpected.

After that, the maniacal laughter disappeared, as if it had never been there before. Through a bunch of miniature loudspeakers, he led a few people to the path he planned.

This feeling is very bad.

Green Arrow also tugged on his cloak. He didn't want to get caught in the rain like Arthur. If anyone had ever been closest to laughing wildly, it was him who flashed behind the opponent and planned to shoot a cold arrow.

But Laughing is not a cruel knight. He is much stronger than the average Batman without falling into madness and hallucinations. Green Arrow cannot do the action of blocking so many arrows, let alone slashing forward while people retreat. Action, it simply conflicts with common sense.

So he sighed and shook his head at Diana: "I'm sorry, I didn't see anything either."

Before Wonder Woman could speak, Arthur on the side quickly wiped his beard and took two steps back with his trident: "Don't ask me, I didn't see anything."

Diana and Green Arrow pouted angrily, they never thought to ask Arthur.

Wonder Woman walked to Deathstroke's side. He was currently comforting the blind old man, as if he didn't care about the temporary defeat.

The rain showed no sign of stopping, and the dense lines of rain made everything hazy. Even the embers in the ruins of Wayne Tower looked a beautiful dark red.

Water droplets continued to slap against the black and yellow armor, and the water flowed from the gaps into the ground against his skin. He pulled up a corner of his cloak to protect Bill from the rain.

"Don't be afraid, old man, we are the Justice League."

"Justice League...what happened just now? Is Wayne Tower..." Bill was in a trance, his ears were still ringing, so he spoke loudly, He tried to grab the uniform of the person next to him, but he only touched cold metal.

"Wayne Tower exploded and you were the only survivor."

Su Ming tried to put it as simply as possible. Don't worry that such an old man would not be able to accept it. He has lived to this age in Gotham. What kind of battle has he not seen? Oh, no, it must be something I haven’t heard of?

"You must be a man of steel, right? Your whole body is made of iron. I've heard people say that about you. But Mr. Wayne is still in the tower. Please save him." Bill grabbed Su Ming's arm and begged eagerly. road.

Su Ming glanced helplessly at Diana, who was walking over. She seemed to be trying hard to suppress a smile. As soon as she came over, she heard that Deathstroke was recognized as Cyborg, which was really interesting.

Cyborg's body is made of promethium metal and has a red electronic eye. Deathstroke is also wearing a promethium metal uniform and has a red tactical eyepiece...

It sounds a bit similar. Maybe next time you can dye Cyborg a color and let him pretend to be Deathstroke to scare people?

Diana's mind no longer knew where to go.

Su Ming didn't bother to correct the blind man's statement. They had already guessed that Laughing would use Bruce Wayne's identity to sneak into Wayne Tower, and the description of the only witness now proved this.

"Don't worry, he's fine. He left beforehand." Su Ming patted the old man's shoulder. The man was very thin and looked like he might be seriously ill. "Can you tell me what happened earlier tonight?"

However, the answer disappointed Su Ming. Not all blind men had secret intelligence or superpowers. What Old Bill said at most only verified the conjectures of a few people and did not provide any new evidence.

Green Arrow shook his head at Su Ming from a distance, indicating that it was pointless and that he had to hurry up and make a plan.

"Thank you, Bill. Your information is very helpful to the Justice League. If you have any difficulties in the future, please contact me Cyborg. If you go to the Hall of Justice, you will charge it to my account. If any electrical appliances at home are broken, please ask Mr. Wayne to call the Justice League." I'll fix the phone for you, and..."

Su Ming generously made a lot of promises for Cyborg, which made Diana roll her eyes. Deathstroke was addicted to pretending to be someone else.

"By the way, where do you live? We'll take you home."

"I don't have a home anymore, Wayne Group is my home." The old man smiled and waved his hands to indicate that the others could go about their business: "Put me in the supermarket near Wayne Tower, and you can go deal with the bad guys. "

Su Ming looked at the ruins over there. How could any supermarket be open in this situation today? So he thought about it and opened the portal to send the old man to the Rock of Eternity. It was safer there and Bobo was with him. Maybe the orangutan could ask for some additional information.

The moment before entering the portal, Old Bill turned around: "There are no outsiders here, right?"

"No, what's wrong?" Su Ming thought he remembered some information: "I am the only one here, Cyborg, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow and Aquaman, all members of the True Alliance."

"So you all know Batman's true identity?"

"Well, of course."

"I also know, haha, Batman is actually Mr. Wayne, I've known it for a long time."


"The sound of footsteps, the pace and strength of a person's walking are difficult to change. Although my eyes are blind, my heart is not blind. I know he is Batman, and he is also running for Gotham today. He is really a big man. Good people, you must take care of him more."

Su Ming sighed secretly. This was really sad. He looked at the old man's proud expression, feeling that he had kept Batman's secret...

I decided not to tell the story about the old man admitting the wrong person today, and let him remain in the dark.

"Thank you for keeping him a secret. It's been a big help. I will send you to a safe place to stay temporarily. Someone will take care of you there. You will come back when we deal with the bad guys."

"Okay, haha, come on." Old Bill walked toward the door tremblingly. Suddenly he remembered something and turned back: "Is Mr. Wayne a little forgetful recently? Is he too stressed?"

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Su Ming raised an eyebrow.

"When I opened the door for him downstairs today, he asked me: 'How is your grandson doing out there?', but my grandson passed away in an accident in the past. In order not to embarrass Mr. Wayne, I didn't Correct him, he’s so tired, pathetic.”

Old Bill said with emotion. He could probably guess what the masked man's double life was like. He had watched spy movies in the past when he had eyes.

No matter how prosperous a person with dual identities looks, they are still trapped in an endless hell.

Su Ming's eyes flashed: "Well, let me ask you, when did your grandson die and why?"

Bill bowed his hands, his old hands were like dead branches: "This is already a thing of the past. That was one year when they came back to Gotham to see me, and they happened to encounter a disaster. There were two heroes, and they turned bad. , one is called the Son of Gotham, the other is called the Daughter of Gotham, they..."

"Thank you, I understand, have a good rest." Su Ming interrupted him and sent him into the portal. He had obtained enough information and knew the weakness of the Laughing Bat.

"Huh? Why don't you let him finish?" Diana asked. She didn't understand the conversation between Deathstroke and the old man at all, and she had no idea what it was.

If Su Ming was asked to explain, he really couldn't explain this to Diana because it involved things outside the fourth wall.

The Laughing Bat said that the Final Smile system in Wayne Tower is the same as his.

Wayne Tower was built after the Night of Owls, and Batman obtained this information after fighting the court, and he built his own version of the Last Smile.

And Laughing Crazy did the same thing on his own earth.

Up to this point, their experiences were identical.

The deaths of the grandchildren that Bill mentioned involved the incident of the Sons of Gotham. Those two young people had a deep desire for justice and power, and they were taken advantage of and ended up on the road to death.

They have a very high starting point, with flying, super strength and other abilities that others only dream of, but they still want more.

So they were used by the Sky Eye Society and Hugo, and Bane also intervened. Batman originally planned to train them into successors, but their minds were obviously not strong enough to meet such a request.

One of them dies, the other goes crazy.

This is just some general experience. They caused a lot of damage to Gotham and Midtown at that time, and many ordinary people died.

But that's not the point. The point is that the Laughing Bat doesn't know about this, which means there is a difference between his earth and the main world. This is the turning point of time.

"Detective Comics" is DC's trump card. No matter how other stories are restarted or the settings are changed, Batman's story has never changed.

From a spectator's perspective, it can almost be treated as a dc timeline against which other events can be measured.

And in which comic issue did the events of Gotham's Sons take place?

"DC Rebirth: Batman" is what happened after Doctor Manhattan wanted to merge the Watchmen universe with the main universe, causing a loss of ten years and changing the world.

Gotham Children is the first big event that happened in Gotham after the world changed.

In other words, the Laughing Bat's memories of what happened in Gotham after his rebirth are all different from his memories. There must be an opportunity to defeat him in the stories of the past two years.

The Laughing Bat may have made up for its knowledge of Death Knell in another world from Luther, but Luther and Su Ming don't know each other well...

Su Ming only needs to find the difference between the main world and other worlds after n52's rebirth, and knock him to the ground with a maniacal laugh that contains misunderstandings. This time, he needs to find a madman and throw him into the sun.

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