The Death Knell

Chapter 866 New Plan

"Ten years ago, I didn't know you, you didn't know me, we..."

In the night rain, a demonic hoarse voice was heard that had been processed by a voice changer. Hearing such a hellish tone in this weather would really make people get goosebumps.

Diana touched her arm. She could understand Chinese. There was no problem. But why did the death knell have to be mentioned for ten years?

Su Ming just hummed and squatted on the edge of the rooftop of the building, watching the embers in the direction of Wayne Tower gradually extinguish and the whole city returned to calm.

Regarding the lost ten years, only Dr. Manhattan knows where they went, but according to relative theory, Flashpoint restarted all the worlds, allowing all earths to enter the n52 era at the same time, and the rebirth was that Manhattan took away the ten years. As a result, the main world progressed ten years faster than other worlds.

Including the two years when the turning point in time caused differences in the story, that is to say, there were twelve years in the main world that happened in the main world, and Kuangxiao didn't know anything about it.

It's just that the stories of those ten years are probably only known to Manhattan. Su Ming can't find his person now. After using the Comedian's Badge, the strange space is still empty.

He knows Manhattan is there, he is quantum, he is everywhere.

Death says that he has died long ago, but maybe the acquaintance Manhattan is dead, and the quantum still exists.

Su Ming is not a physics expert. Asking him to study these theories does not mean that nothing can be studied. It is just that the input and output are not proportional. His talent is not in this area.

Professional people should do professional things, just like Batman should solve crimes, and Deathstroke should just find a way to kill the enemy and get paid.

A lot of things have happened in the past two years, excluding the ones that may have been seen through the wall...

Su Ming can use his own inference to summarize some hidden things, and then choose the most hidden things from these things as the branches of the plan.

Now that Arthur is on the team, it's guaranteed that Gotham will be flooded by small floods at all times, and no matter what Laughing's plans are, he will be tied until he removes the world's barriers and drains the flood.

As for the previous trick of suddenly disappearing in front of everyone while laughing wildly, Su Ming saw it more calmly. He was also Batman.

When he was about to disappear, even Barry couldn't see the movement clearly, let alone other people.

Speaking of Barry, Su Ming had a plan, a plan that was definitely beyond Laughter's imagination...

"Don't worry about my song. We still have a little time now, at least before Crazy Laughter launches his plan. Can any of you inform Barry for me? I need someone who can move faster than time."

"I can go find him and act quietly and secretly." Green Arrow walked over and nodded. There was also a thin metal sheet next to his temple to ensure that he would not be discovered by Ron.

"But what are you doing with Barry? I asked him how fast he could run, and he just said he couldn't go faster than time, otherwise something bad would happen."

Diana looked at Su Ming seriously. Although she didn't know what the terrible thing was, it sounded like Deathstroke was planning to play with fire like Batman.

The pungent smell of rain splashed on the shoulder armor. In the darkness, Su Ming lowered his head and took off the blood-stained yellow badge from his chest.

"This is all about it, I now need the Psycho-Pirate's 'Medusa' mask, the Speed ​​Force, a high-energy quantum generator, and a speech about family love to persuade a father to return to his son.... ..Given that I don’t have any family, I can’t understand what it’s like to have family.”

When Diana heard this, she immediately felt uncomfortable: "Don't talk about this, we are all your relatives. Although I don't know what you plan to do with this manuscript, I will help you write it. I have been educated by rulers since I was a child to write speeches. There’s nothing wrong with the manuscript, which language do you want it in?”

Su Ming's red eyepiece flashed: "English is fine, thank you, Diana."

"I'm going to get the mask of the psychological pirate for you. I thought it was related to the sea, so I kept it. It should be at the lighthouse in Cien Port now. I'll go get it."

Arthur patted his chest and said he was going to solve the mask problem, and Su Ming opened a portal for him.

Neptune shook his head, why did he just say thank you to Diana without even saying "hmm" from his side? Are you so unworthy of attention?

The Psycho Pirate can be said to be a genius psychiatrist. He was born in New York and is a villain with only ordinary physical fitness.

He was an old enemy of the Justice Society. He was later imprisoned and died of illness in the 1960s.

However, his genius lies in mastering the power of emotions. He integrates fear, greed, hatred, arrogance and other emotions into all his actions, and every move and gesture will give special psychological hints to the enemy.

Star Man was tortured to death by him back then, and it is estimated that Star Man, the second-generation Psycho-Pirate, will be shocked when he sees him now.

The second-generation Psycho-Pirate is a student of the first generation who was taken in prison. He later escaped from prison and traveled around the world. Like the first generation, he faced off against the Justice League.

He invented the Medusa Mask, which looks like a golden mirror, but when people see it, it will reflect your most vulnerable emotions and pour them directly into your mind, destroying your Sanity.

As for whether he is strong or not? You have to know that he is almost seventy years old now. Every time he commits a crime in Star City, he escapes from Green Arrow. You will know whether he is strong or not.

He also has the support of Orangutan Island, and Barry has also suffered losses at the hands of psychological pirates. However, Zheng Lian still defeated him once and took away the Medusa Mask, a wonderful technological item.

During the Flashpoint incident, something very interesting happened to this mask. It was inadvertently brought into the Speed ​​Force space by Barry, and was squeezed into the new multiverse from the Speed ​​Force plane.

How it came into Arthur's hands now, no one knows.

Su Ming is now enjoying the benefits of having teammates. As long as he says what he wants, his teammates will bring it to him. When it comes to understanding the world, Diana and the others are definitely better.

By the time Barry comes over, the Deathstroke team's ultimate four-guarantee-one lineup will be formed.

Now the problem is the high-energy quantum generator. This is definitely a large toy. Several people can only find it, but no one can move it.

Barry's movements were a little slow this time. Su Ming stood there and saw that the ripples of several drops of rain had calmed down after they fell to the ground, and then a golden electric light appeared next to him.

The ground was a little slippery, and Barry couldn't stop the car. Su Ming directly reached out and pulled him out of the Speed ​​Force.

It seems that the situation at the main force is not good. Even the usually optimistic Flash has a sad face at this time, with his head drooping like a tomato roasted by the scorching sun.

"Hey everyone, ugh..."

Su Ming hooked his neck, tightened it tightly, and rubbed his head with a smile: "Don't sigh, we have to deal with the Laughing Bat here, and we really don't have time to help you. There's no point in pretending to be sad. If the Origin Wall explodes, it will explode, but Pappetua shouldn’t wake up so soon.”

Seeing that he had been discovered, Barry smiled awkwardly: "Are we really short of manpower? Let's borrow Diana and Arthur to the Metropolis first and let us have a meeting together."

"What kind of meeting is this? You would rather believe that Xing Xia, a person with only half a brain, than ask me." Su Ming shrugged.

When Barry heard this, he curled his lips and got out of his arms with a look of disgust: "You still have the nerve to say that you asked Cindy to pretend to be you and follow us. I thought it was you. When I asked her something, she just nodded. , I thought you agreed to the decision to build the Origin Wall!"

"She came from Earth Minus 11 and doesn't understand the situation in the main world. What opinions do you want her to express? Just let her know as soon as she opens her mouth, okay? Anyway, I won't take the blame for the explosion of the origin wall." Su Ming spread his hands and expressed his opinion. He didn't have any influence on the matter: "I asked Cindy to bring my big sword just in case. At least the Justice League has not lost its members now, right?"

"No, you are also responsible. I am relying on you on behalf of the Justice League." Barry grabbed Su Ming's arm and put on the rogue look he learned from the rogue gang.

It just doesn't look like it, it looks very funny.

"When can you represent the Zhenglian Alliance? Even if you make a loud noise, the threat of the Laughing Bat is greater than that of the Legion of Destruction. Luther has just made a big move and will definitely make plans according to changes in the situation. Luther is a smart man Human, but this is the pattern of his actions, he likes to calculate everything clearly."

Su Ming opened Barry's hand with a look of disgust. The Flash's power was not on the same level as his. He patiently explained to Barry and continued:

"And the Laughing Bat is here to target Batman and the main world. His plan is in progress. You should be able to distinguish the priorities, right? If he really kills Batman, who will you Justice League take? Use your head to win against that big bald head."

"Hehe, isn't it about you..." Barry nudged him twice with his shoulder and said with a flattering look on his face. Anyway, you don't need money to say good things, but he doesn't have any money.

"I want Ron and the others to come over and kill Crazy Laughter first. It's really not good to split the troops into two groups now, but I can bear it, so don't let me change my plan. Deal with Crazy Laughter first, and then deal with the Legion of Destruction and Pappetua, this is the logical order.”

Su Ming's ruthless and firm answer broke Barry's fantasy. Before coming, Superman and Ron clearly explained for a long time that they asked him to take Deathstroke to ask about future countermeasures, and what exactly was the trick of counterfeit Deathstroke?

Cindy revealed her identity shortly after returning to Earth, and Shi Shiran left the temporary base in Metropolis and did not know where he went.

Barry's eyes rolled, and his mind was spinning rapidly.

But he is still a little unwilling to give up, mainly because the Origin Wall was defeated so miserably, and the people on earth also lost all their allies in the universe. Now he really can only rely on himself.


Su Ming covered Barry's mouth, looked up at the sky and sighed: "Don't try it if it doesn't work! It's disgusting! When the matter of the Laughing Bat is solved, I will go to the big university with you. Will everything be okay?"

"As for the money... you must also know that the Hall of Justice was bombed, and the Alliance is a little tight now." Barry conveyed Ron's opinion, which was that he was short of money and too embarrassed to ask Batman want.

Ron and Superman are both very thin-skinned people. They feel embarrassed every time Bruce subsidizes Zhenglian's funds, let alone taking the initiative now.

If they hadn't tried to create a "meetable superhero" thing and relaxed their defenses this time, the Hall of Justice wouldn't have been bombed.

Letting others pay for their mistakes is not what a first-line superhero should do.

"I'm embarrassed to ask Batman for money, but I'm embarrassed to refuse my commission? What do you plan to do in exchange for Ron?"

"He said that as long as it is something that Zhenglian has, we can discuss it."

Su Ming narrowed his eyes. What did the greenskin find?

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