The Death Knell

Chapter 867 Flashpoint World

All he wanted was to save his son.

As if it happened last night, he once watched Bruce die in an alley, shot by the gangster who later beat him to death with his fists.

His name is Thomas Wayne, and he is also Batman.

As the war between Aquaman and Wonder Woman spreads across the globe, a stranger appears.

The man said his name was Barry, also known as The Flash, and claimed that the reality to which Batman belonged was actually an accident, and that the ultimate source began with the Speed ​​Force.

The Flash, who looks like a shy big boy, said that he wanted to go back in time to save his mother, but he accidentally got into trouble.

It took Thomas a while to believe him, because Barry told him that it was the father who was shot in Crime Alley, not the son.

All this gave Thomas hope.

He chose to exchange his life for Bruce's, so he gathered some friends and they fought side by side.

He formulated a plan and rushed into the battlefields of Atlantis and Paradise Island at the critical moment to buy time for The Flash to correct the entire world.

Seeing the golden lightning wrapped in the red uniform flying away in front of his eyes, the seriously injured Batman fell to the ground and looked at his back. He placed all his hopes on the Flash and asked him to take him to his son. A letter.

Then he waited to die, along with this nightmare reality.

Flashpoint World, Wayne Mansion.

The nightmare did not die, there was something that allowed the whole world to survive. At that time, on the battlefield, Batman clearly saw that the white light brought by the explosion was about to sweep across the world, but the blue light from nowhere fell from the sky and suppressed everything.

If the patient on the operating table cannot be saved, then he should be allowed to die instead of continuing the operation.

Thomas doesn't know what this blue light is, nor what kind of person would do this, but since their reality has not been erased, does it mean that the Flash has failed?

Did Bruce still not survive? What exactly is the Speed ​​Force?

The war continues.

Fights, floods, and the deaths of hundreds of millions.

Thomas originally had hope, but now he is just sitting in the Batcave, playing with a small remote control in his hand, leaning his elbows on his thighs and thinking calmly.

The chest of his uniform also has a bat pattern, but under the black logo, there is a red circle like a red sun, which represents blood and hope.

However, today he finally reached a dead end.

It's been a few years since The Flash last left, and Thomas has been trying to reconnect with him while finding his own way to rewrite the world.

But it was not destined to go well. His allies died in battle after battle, and now he was the only one left.

And because he had tried to destroy the world countless times and disrupted other people's strategies, Wonder Woman and Aquaman finally reached a consensus on something. They temporarily stopped fighting, and then sent their troops together to deal with Batman.

Alfred died in a battle not long ago, and now Thomas is the only one in the world who continues to fight.

But all of his current plans have been blocked. Gotham City is occupied by enemies, the universe is blocked by enemies, and they have forced him back into the Batcave.

Although the defense facilities here are good, they are only good. Facing an army of tens of thousands, Batman, as an ordinary person, is unable to turn the tide.

The remote control in his hand is the overload starter of the nuclear reactor under the Batcave. Now he hopes that Wonder Woman and Aquaman will pay enough attention to him and come in person.

This way he can drag them to hell with him, and if he can't make the world a better place, then destroy the source of it.

The siren sounded in the darkness, and the enemy had broken into the manor. There were Atlantean warriors wearing scale armor and Amazons wearing high-heeled boots.

But there was no figure of the king of both parties in the surveillance.

Batman sighed, his plan failed. He picked up the photo on the table and looked at the appearance of his wife and children.

The two triggers in the past took them away, but today, the trigger in his hand will take him to them.

Thomas pulled up his hood, sat on the chair and looked towards the stairs of the Batcave. The enemy would break in from that direction, and if the event was delayed long enough, or if the strength shown by these ordinary enemies could not be resisted, their king might be defeated. end.

He put the photo frame back on the table and lifted the heavy machine gun from the ground beside him. The ammunition supply in the Batcave was seriously exhausted, and there were still about 10,000 rounds of ammunition. He hoped that he could hold on for a while longer.

If not, then the only option is to die together and end their nightmare journey.


Just when he was ready, a familiar golden electric light suddenly appeared in front of him, like a car wrapped in golden bubbles appeared in front of him.

The familiar Flash Barry is running wildly on the treadmill on the roof of the car, and this makes all the illusory scenes gradually become solid.

It was so fast that his thoughts could not keep up with the changes in reality. Several people had already opened the car door and stood in front of him.

"Don't shoot, Dr. Wayne, it's me, Barry the Flash."

"What the hell?" Thomas couldn't accept it for a while. If Barry had successfully corrected the world, what was his reality?

Then he saw Wonder Woman and Aquaman coming out of the car, and he immediately put his hand on the remote control.

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Wayne, we are the Justice League, uh, from another reality." Su Ming raised his hands to show that he was not hostile, and Diana and Arthur also took a few steps back and leaned against the Speed ​​Force machine. superior.

The eyepiece of this bat uniform was red, like the eyes of a devil in the dark. Su Ming looked at him calmly, but trying to explain why the Flashpoint world still existed really involved too many things.

Batman looked at Aquaman. This Aquaman was obviously different from the one he knew. In his reality, Aquaman is a pretty boy with short hair and wields a five-dented sword.

The one in front of me has long wavy hair and a beard, just like a primitive actor who escaped from the museum. The trident in his hand emits a magical blue light, and it looks like a powerful artifact at first glance.

As for Wonder Woman, although she wears a red hooded cloak and looks exactly the same, her temperament is completely different. This one looks much kinder, and she stands closer to the person in yellow and black armor in front of her.

"Who are you?" Thomas asked.

"My name is Deathstroke, and I am a mercenary. Maybe I don't exist in this reality, but that's not the point. The point is the help your son needs now."

"What does this mean? Flash? No, it's a hoax, it's a cruel joke."

Barry pulled off his mask and said with a blank expression: "No, doctor, this is not a joke or a scam. What he said is true. Something is wrong."


"Well, it has been seven years since I repaired the timeline. For us, everything is back on track, but there are still people maintaining the Flashpoint world, no, maintaining the existence of the past multiverse. This is another Earth in one dimension

I don’t know how to explain it, how about you, Deathstroke? "

It was Deathstroke who proposed this plan, and Barry just borrowed the quantum equipment from the Star Laboratory, then modified a lightning car and started running.

However, Deathstroke took out the Comedian's Badge and Medusa Mask, and used the x-metal in his body to perform a series of incomprehensible operations, which really sent several people back to the Flashpoint world.

This doesn't logically work because the multiverse has been rebooted in the past, and Barry, as an insider, can see clearly.

But after temporarily converting several people into quantum forms, which is similar to the Justice League's teleporter, how many people circled back to before the universe restarted through the Speed ​​Force plane?

Barry didn't know what to say. He just felt that he still knew too little about the Speed ​​Force. This was really a power that could turn the impossible into possible.

It's a pity that he couldn't save his mother

"If you really want to explain, it's not impossible, but now is obviously not the time. Arthur, Diana, prepare to implement the plan." Su Ming breathed out, and the helmet melted from his face: "Those who want to kill Batman It’s the undersea people and the Amazons, you know what to do.”

"With me here, they can't do it." Diana held the Vulcan Sword in her hand like a flower, and Arthur also patted his chest, ensuring that the people of Atlantis were all wrapped up in him.

Before coming, Barry probably told them about the world once created by the Speed ​​Force. He heard that in this twisted reality, Wonder Woman killed Aquaman just to be with Aquaman, and Aquaman cheated and regretted it, and launched a... war

Diana and Arthur were speechless after hearing this. What kind of change is this? The Speed ​​Force is so abominable!

"The frequency of atomic vibration here is normal. This is not a parallel world or a time flow. This is our world. We are home." Oliver put away a small instrument in his hand and joined the exchange between Deathstroke and the old Batman.

"This is a ghost world, a parallel historical projection of Earth 0 in another dimension. If you insist on looking at old problems with new eyes, you can understand this as Earth Minus 0 in the Dark Multiverse."

Su Ming had too many things that he couldn't say, so he could only use rather ambiguous explanations to Green Arrow.

The actual situation is different. The truth is that he took everyone on a 'travel' through time and space with the help of the Speed ​​Force, quantum entanglement, X-metal and his own characteristics.

The Medusa Mask can react with the Comedian's Badge, because the world before Flashpoint was maintained by Doctor Manhattan, one was coordinates, and the other was energy.

Manhattan wasn't entirely sure about integrating the Watchmen universe into the main universe, so he simultaneously cut out ten years of the Flashpoint world.

Quantum has the concepts of both time and space. For him, there is not much difference between the past and the present.

If something goes wrong in the new multiverse, this is the backup Earth that can be replaced with the Earth after n52's rebirth.

It's like a computer startup disk stored in a USB flash drive. If something unexpected happens one day, all Manhattan has to do is paste the backed up system files back and then restart the system.

Once the computer looks brand new, he can continue trying.

This is the most down-to-earth explanation that Su Ming can think of. Unfortunately, there is no way to explain it. Batman on Earth 0 is too suspicious, and the more he talks about it, the more wrong he becomes.

Su Ming knew what he said to several people. When Batman asked, they would not hide it, and they would reveal some secrets when they turned around.

"Wait, minus 0? Which genius taught you mathematics? I've never heard of 0 as a negative number." Oliver looked like you're kidding me, while Thomas looked thoughtful.

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