The Death Knell

Chapter 868: Passionate love for my son

There were dense footsteps above the Batcave, accompanied by the sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets. It seemed that the army had dismantled the alarm clock, discovered the hidden secret door, and was now breaking in.

Su Ming just let Diana and Arthur block the road, while he looked at Green Arrow and Thomas calmly: "Just think about it and you will know that it was taught by the physics teacher, right? It is often used in electrical principles, and in conventional circuits , the current changes greatly before and after the switch, and the analysis of this instantaneous process must use negative zero, which represents the value corresponding to the moment when it approaches zero infinitely."

"Because you think the Speed ​​Force is electricity?" Oliver pinched his eyebrows.

"I don't know what the nature of the Speed ​​Force is. I only know that its external form is electricity. Isn't it enough?" Su Ming spread his hands.

Barry pinched his chin, looking at the top of his head and then at the ground. As the person most familiar with the Speed ​​Force, he still couldn't figure out what Deathstroke did when he took out the small badge and X-metal.

However, he still did not forget about business, leaving the theoretical research for later.

"Dr. Wayne, you must come with us quickly. Although we don't know how long this world can last, this moment of infinitely approaching zero will not last forever. Your son needs your help, right now."


Thomas was about to answer when an explosion occurred above everyone, followed by many figures filing down the steps not far away.

They held weapons in their hands and rushed over with wild shouts: "By order of King Arthur of Atlantis and Queen Diana of New Paradise Island! Prepare to die, bats!"

The leading female warrior rushed out of the diffuse smoke. Before she could regain her footing, a shield with an eagle on it came towards her and slammed her back. The people behind her were knocked over and turned into gourds on the ground. .

When the smoke caused by the explosion fell, they all saw Diana standing majestically in front of them, the sword and shield in her hands glowed with a faint golden light, her face was serious.

"Who pretended to pass on my orders?!"

"Her Majesty the Queen...but, we...this is not..."

The female warriors on Paradise Island looked at each other. They never thought that the person who stopped them would be Her Majesty the Queen. What was going on?

"There is no but! Withdraw the troops, sisters, go back to Paradise Island and to your relatives! Don't bleed any more needlessly!" Diana took a few steps forward and completely overwhelmed the female warriors with her momentum. Give them time to think.

She had heard Barry say that in this reality she was a shrew, so she had to act arrogant and unreasonable in order to achieve the effect.

Arthur also caught up from behind her, and his trident slammed to the ground with a dull click. He also assumed the posture of a king and shouted like a lion: "Warrior of Atlantis You guys, withdraw your troops, this is also my order!"

"...Who are you?" The soldiers of Atlantis didn't recognize him at all.

"???" Arthur had a black question mark on his face. Why did the same thing work for Diana, but not for him?

Su Ming, who was not far away, curled his lips. This was such a huge difference. Could he ask Barry to cut his hair and shave his beard instantly?

But Arthur was just speechless for a moment. He had his own way. He had the power of life in his body and could communicate with all aquatic creatures. He also had the Trident of Poseidon in his hand, which represented the kingship and divine power of the Seven Seas. He had a way to make Ya Atlantis retreats.

He pulled up the trident from the ground and raised it high above his head. The blue light on it became more intense, and the nearby water vapor turned into crystal clear water droplets. From the armor of the Atlantis warriors, Drill out.

Without the seawater stored in the armor, the Atlanteans who were out of the water had no fighting power at all. As soon as Arthur raised his hand, they all lost their fighting power. They knelt down and panted like fish out of water, as if they were kneeling in worship. King of the sea.

"I am Arthur, the King of the Sea! The Lord of Atlantis! The King of the Seven Seas! If you don't want to die in vain, retreat immediately!"

No one can object to what he said. This is Arthur's style. Anyone who is not convinced can just win.

"Take them and throw them all into the sea!" Diana immediately gave the order to the Amazons. They were obviously frightened: "Leave my sight now and don't come back again! Let's talk to Batman ourselves. "

"As you command, Your Majesty."

The female warriors looked at the man calling himself Arthur with some curiosity. Is this man really Arthur? Calling himself Neptune is so courageous and manly...

But this should be the Queen's new man, and it's a pity that I have no part in it.

Although the female warriors had various thoughts about Arthur, a muscular man with explosive hormones, they still strictly followed the orders of their queen.

They picked up the Atlanteans who were about to suffocate on the ground in twos and threes and left quickly.

The Bat Cave, which was extremely noisy just now, has now calmed down. Even the furry animals that were startled now chose a new position and hung themselves upside down again.

"It's solved. This can buy us at least two hours, but before that, we have already left." Su Ming crossed his arms and took out a bottle of wine from his belt: "Mr. Wayne, If you need to go up there and pack, you can go now.”

Thomas glanced at him, took off the bat-shaped hood from his head, and straightened his snow-white hair: "I never said I wanted to leave with you."

"But you didn't refuse, right?" Su Ming pushed off the cork with his thumb and handed the bottle to Thomas: "Bruce is in big trouble now. His fiancée was killed by bad guys. He still wants to commit suicide. We all There is nothing I can do, I can only think of a way for you to take a look."

"If you can leave, why didn't you take me with you last time?" Thomas took the bottle, smelled it to make sure it was not poisonous, and then pointed to Barry beside him.

"Because he lacked something last time." Su Ming flicked the blood-stained smiley face emblem on his chest, and showed the x metal from his finger bones to the old man: "I can't take you away if I'm not fully prepared. Now this is your only chance, don’t you want to see what your son will look like when he grows up? Don’t you want to meet his ex-wife and children?”

"He has an ex-wife? Now he wants to commit suicide because of the death of his fiancée? This is illogical." Thomas didn't drink. He handed the bottle to Oliver. He was a surgeon and very self-disciplined. Alcohol would make his hands tremble.

Taking the bottle and checking it was just another way to make sure these people meant no harm.

"Some people are different, you understand." Oliver glanced at Deathstroke, but decided to help him cover his lie: "This dead woman means a lot to Bruce."

"I understand, I'll go with you." Thomas sighed: "To be honest, I hope Batman can be as good as me. Bruce shouldn't become Batman. He should be an ordinary person and spend more time with his wife and children. For me, don't be Batman for Martha, this pain shouldn't be for my children."

"This... is hard to describe. When you return to our reality, you will find that things are more complicated than you imagined. There are also your sons in other worlds who want to kill your real son. Those in other worlds Batman is not technically your son, wait, that sounds like a tongue twister..."

Barry jumped on the world treadmill and made a gesture of getting ready to start. As he spoke, he seemed to be getting into it.

"Stop talking so much, let's go!" Thomas lifted his cloak, and almost no one could see clearly that he had already sat in the car and even grabbed the passenger seat.

I looked indifferent just now, but now I am more anxious than anyone else. This is really...

Su Ming hadn't had time to recite the speech written by Diana. Just talking about Bruce's current situation made Thomas, who loved his son so much, unable to control himself.

Not all Batmans don't kill, and not all Batmans who kill are crazy.

Thomas Wayne is a sane and ruthless Batman, and the absolutely unexpected reinforcement of the Laughing Bat.

Even if the Laughing Bat once climbed over the wall and saw the Flashpoint world after n52's rebirth, he could only see nothingness.

He definitely didn't expect that Su Ming would rewrite the history of the Flashpoint world by using quantum acceleration in the plane of the Speed ​​Force. This plan, which is separated by one layer, is definitely in a blind spot.

The Red Death is dead, and the Dark Knights have no one who can handle the Speed ​​Force.

Besides, Thomas Wayne has a miraculous effect on other Batmans, ‘I’m your daddy! ’ Whoever listens to this sentence will be unlucky. It can be regarded as the most terrifying type of flag.


"The scenery on the road is not good." After closing the car door, Thomas looked around at the unfamiliar environment. He always felt that there was something dark hidden under the dark sky: "And this is not Gotham."

"This is Midtown. We borrowed the quantum equipment from the Star Laboratory here." Barry panted and slid down from the roof of the car, his legs as soft as noodles: "And the cosmic treadmill can seat five people, God, It’s definitely overload and my liver hurts.”

"The Flashpoint world collapsed behind us. The collapse of a history that shouldn't exist is certainly not a good sight. There are lightning and space-time fragments outside the window." Diana arranged her hair. She was still thinking about Paradise Island: "I don't understand. This badge sends us to the past, but makes that reality disappear before our eyes. What is it for?"

Barry's girlfriend brought him a high-calorie drink, and he drank it down: "I heard Wally say that someone stole our time just to hurt us. It must be the same this time, the bad guys did it The reason for bad things is because they are sick, here, here is sick.”

Barry put down the cup and tapped his temple with his finger.

"No matter what, let's go back to Gotham first. I want to see Bruce." Thomas still carries the pistol that once killed his wife and son with him. This is his main weapon.

"No one can figure out the problem of the Speed ​​Force. Don't dwell on that. But Barry, you and Wally both owe us an explanation. Only you speedsters and Deathstroke know about that damn past? What's going on?" Oliver withdrew. Lowering his hood, the eyes under the green brim turned to Deathstroke: "Now we focus on the task at hand, what do you say?"

"Of course I brought Mr. Wayne back to meet Bruce. We will discuss our affairs later. I have probably guessed some of Batman's next plans, but the risk is too great. I must insure him."

Su Ming looked at the few people seriously. Although sometimes he did things unscrupulously, the bottom line of human nature still had to be there. He stretched out his hand to the open space aside:

"Portal, Batcave below Wayne Mansion."

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