The Death Knell

Chapter 869 The Dark Knight Returns

As Bruce trains to become Batman, he travels around the world to learn their skills from many people.

He found that across cultures, humans had similar views on the heart, including viewing them as a storage place for emotions.

Whenever someone talks about how sincere a certain emotion is, people will always hold their chests and say it ‘comes from the heart’.

But from a certain perspective, this does have some scientific basis.

When emotions such as happiness, joy, tension, etc. burst out, the heart needs to supply more blood to the brain, so obvious that people can feel their own heartbeat.

The same goes for fear.

When people face guns, they always like to cover their chests instead of equally fatal weaknesses such as their throat or nerves.

Just like that night in the alley, when the man pulled out the gun, Bruce remembered his father's hand in front of his small chest, like extra ribs filling the space. .

The gun went off and Bruce thought he must have been hit, so his heart stopped.

But it only stopped for a moment. After the gunshot, the father's hand disappeared.

Bruce's heart beat faster, the fear under the bat's wings captured him, and the world became different from then on.

He felt that his whole life had passed away in that moment when his heart stopped.

"Master, he is dead."

Alfred was dressed like a doctor, and the clown had been lifted onto the final machine. The computer-controlled robotic arm alone was not enough. Alfred had to put on a sterile cloth coat at Bruce's request to try to remove the clown from the machine. Get it back from death.

"No, he can hold on, he has the Dionysian factor, he won't die."

Batman shut himself away in the darkness, and a large number of syringes injected colorful liquids into his body.

Those are all antidotes to laughing gas, and there are more than ten kinds of them.

He could only feel that madness was like a weed in his heart, spreading rapidly at a terrifying speed, and a strange smile always appeared on his face.

Ah Fu's hand holding the laser scalpel trembled. He was not used to hearing the young master's tone with a strange smile, as if he was mocking something.

"With all due respect, young master, the Dionysian factor is not a magic weapon that can avoid death. The clown's brain waves have disappeared, and his body temperature has dropped to 22 degrees, the room temperature of the Batcave. He has even become incontinent..."

"I said he can hold on, save him." Batman just replied with a smile.

"His chest is full of poisonous blood. Damn it, I can't see anything clearly. Even if the midnight doctor is here, he can't save a lifeless poison canister."

Ah Fu squinted his eyes and tried his best to distinguish the bright red in front of him, but long-term contact with toxins caused the clown's internal organs to show strange lesions.

His abnormality is not only reflected in the internal organs. The madman's brain scan shows that his skull is entirely filled with left brain. The right brain has shrunk to the size of a walnut and is wrapped inside by the left brain, like an ice cream covered in chocolate meringue. .

If ordinary people were in the same physical condition as the Joker, they probably wouldn't be able to even giggle, let alone cause trouble in Gotham.

"Then start the suction machine to draw blood. You can think of yourself as the midnight doctor." Bruce's answer was still so simple.

"The time is right, the person is wrong." Ah Fu complained. Although he was confident in his medical skills, there was still a gap between him and the best doctors: "This is just a corpse, I can't do it."

"Draw blood quickly! Alfred! You are wasting time!"

"...Okay, I listen to you, young master, but I still have a suggestion. If you want to resurrect him, it's best to find a magician. If you want him to be buried, don't look at it. It was too miserable to die there, now it’s time to find a priest to take over my job.”

"Or I can find a mummifier, take out all his internal organs and put them in jars, put the body into a cat-shaped gold coffin and put it on display in the bat cave, hehehe..." The weird sound Rumblings came from behind.

"Sorry, what did the young master just say?" Ah Fu was stunned.

"No, Alfred, I..." Batman came back to his senses and bit his tongue.

"Stop talking, Master, those antidotes are useless, right?" Ah Fu turned around and looked at Batman, who was covered in needles in the darkness.

"...I'm sorry, it's hard for me to control my emotions and thoughts right now, they're so overactive...The antidote works, I've used all the varieties I have on hand, it probably drives me crazy The time has been postponed for a week.”

Batman returned to his usual tone and answered the butler's questions seriously.

Ah Fu opened his mouth wide, and for the first time he showed a rude look: "According to your habits, this date should be exaggerated several times. To be honest, Bruce, tell me, when the heavy rain stops, you will see the sunrise. Is it you or the clown?!”


Batman was silent. He really didn't know the answer. What Afu said was not wrong at all. The antidote was designed to deal with laughing gas, and it really had no effect on the clown toxin.

The reason why he could control himself not to laugh out loud and lie down on the clown's corpse to dance was all due to his willpower and restraint.

But he couldn't say how long this restraint would last.

"I'm fine, save him first. I know you want him to die, but you can't kill him. We are facing a more serious situation now. If we want to defeat the Laughing Bat, we don't need the help of some madman, but we must persevere. In my heart, don’t kill, just let them feel fear.”

"Okay, I'll try again, the final machine, electric shock defibrillation."

Afu turned around and closed his eyes. Bruce was already going crazy because he was trying to save a cold corpse.

Bruce just doesn't want the Joker to die, so the Joker always has hope of living in his heart. He emphasizes the no-kill principle, which is more for himself.

He was afraid that he had forgotten this.

Can a dead person be revived through surgery? Obviously not. If Ah Fu had such medical skills, he would definitely choose to save Selena first, instead of this clown who laughed and had wide eyes even after death.

Paranoia and madness, these dark characteristics have expanded infinitely in the young master. No matter who he is, come and help him.

The prayer in the old housekeeper's heart seemed to be answered. A squirming door appeared out of thin air under the shadowless lamp not far from the operating table.

It shook a few times quickly, and several people squeezed out.

The leader was the black and yellow armor. A flash of red light lit up in the darkness like a will-o'-the-wisp, followed by the golden Vulcan sword and the trident emitting blue light.

"The Justice League is here, Master." Ah Fu breathed a sigh of relief. He could finally find a chance to get out of his hopeless job.

"He is Deathstroke, not a member of the Justice League." Batman bit his fist in the dark and said vaguely. He had an urge in his heart to perform a stage play with Deathstroke.

But he suppressed this thought forcefully, because it was simply unreasonable.

It's just that he doesn't know how long he can maintain such judgment. His vision has begun to blur.

Ah Fu gave Su Ming an apologetic look. In the old housekeeper's opinion, although this death knell used various excuses to disguise himself, everything he did was undoubtedly for the survival of the world.

Such people can be called heroes, but they are also heroes in the dark and will not be understood by others.

Many people have seen Deathstroke's cunning and greed, but have not seen his original intention, forgetting that everything Deathstroke has gained is meaningful only if the world still exists.

Like Batman, he has chosen the path of order. Although the paths are different, they are both sad journeys that are not understood. He just has less restraint on himself and seems more optimistic.

"Get out of the way, let me take a look."

At this moment, Ah Fu heard a familiar voice. Although he had not heard it again for decades, it was impossible for him to forget that voice.

In the darkness behind Deathstroke and the others, a Batman once again walked out of the door. His shoulder pads were tilted upwards like horns. On his chest was a pattern of bats above the rising sun, and his eyepieces emitted a terrifying red light. .

But Ah Fu was not afraid. Instead, he was a little excited. Anyone who could act with the Justice League must not be a bad guy, so wouldn't it be...?

"Master Thomas, is that you?"

Thomas wiped his mask back, revealing an old but gentle face. His snow-white hair and beard did not hide his face. Although decades of time had caused many changes in him, Afu would definitely be able to recognize it.

"Long time no see, old friend, I may have heard about you. I have worked hard for you these years."

"No, this is what I should do. Oh my god, am I dreaming? Master, this is really..."

Ah Fu threw away the scalpel with some incoherence. The only happy thing happened in a series of misfortunes. Thomas Wayne, the patriarch of the Wayne family who had been dead for decades, was back!

Thomas reached out and put his hand on the clown's neck, then turned to look at the device readings on the side, and the smile on his face disappeared.

"He was dead, rigor mortis."

Afu wiped his tears and nodded: "Yes, I know, but Bruce insisted on saving him."

"He asked you to rescue a body?"

Thomas' eyes searched for his son in the darkness. He imagined what his son would be like when he grew up and what the scene between the two would be like.

But I didn't expect it to be like this.

"Well, some things are hard to explain clearly. Well, Master Bruce, aren't you going to talk to your father?" Ah Fu organized his words and changed the topic to a more normal direction with a dry smile.

Seeing the exchange between the three of them, Su Ming pulled Arthur and Diana back a few steps without leaving a trace, and whispered to Diana: "Oh, it seems someone is going to be unlucky."

"???" A puzzled look appeared on Diana's pretty face.

Green Arrow had already retreated to the wall. Combined with Deathstroke's previous lie, you knew what Thomas would think when he saw the scene in front of him.

They had to stay far away to avoid being splattered with blood. The archer still had to gracefully hold the three warriors in front.

By the way, I forgot that I am a consumer boss again, eh.

Bruce walked out of the darkness. He was completely confused and even thought he was hallucinating.

But when he saw Ah Fu communicating with his father, Barry beside him also explained to him the actions of the previous people.

Bruce knew that this was really his father, that the Flash's character was guaranteed, and that no one else could fake the Speed ​​Force.

He had received a letter from his father and knew that in that wrong timeline, he was the one who died and his father became Batman.

But that doesn't matter anymore. Now his father is fine and alive in front of him.

Although it is not the best of times, there are still a lot of troubles on the earth, but if we can see him, there will be no regrets for Batman.


"I am your father!"

Just when Bruce was about to say something, Thomas jumped over the clown's operating table and punched Bruce in the jaw.

Bruce's feet lifted off the ground like a rocket. This heavy uppercut sent him spiraling into the sky and flying far away, knocking all the equipment behind him to pieces.

Diana, who was beside Su Ming, subconsciously shrank her neck and grinned because she couldn't bear to watch this scene, and shrugged, as if to say: 'Look, I knew this would happen'.

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