The Death Knell

Chapter 871 Relaxing Interlude

"Is this okay?"

In the dim Batcave, with the dim light from the screen of his brother's eyes, Green Arrow walked to Deathstroke's side.

At this time, the mercenary just looked quietly at the direction in which the three Wayne family members left.

"I don't know, Oliver, you know, the most unpredictable thing is the human heart. I have done what I can. As for what happens next, it depends on Batman."

Su Ming sighed, changed his uniform into a suit, turned and walked upstairs.

"Sometimes I think you are a very complicated person. Maybe they don't notice it, but I can feel that you seem to have a very special feeling for us." Oliver followed his footsteps and watched the black leather shoes fall off step by step. On the steps.

Su Ming touched his beard and took out a cigarette from his arms: "Who can tell? Sometimes I can't see myself clearly. This probably means that I am getting closer to Arkham."

"Hey, what are we talking about?" Barry appeared next to Su Ming with lightning and put his arm around his neck.

Oliver smiled: "Deathstroke did a good thing just now, but now he is a little confused."

"Ah? What's so confusing about this? Isn't he always doing good things?"

Barry looked puzzled. From Earth Minus 11 to the main world, from the invasion of Barbatos to the awakening of Pappetua, he has been beside Deathstroke in every incident. He knows how much he has paid for this world in the darkness. How many people were indirectly saved by him?

If there is such a thing as a dark hero, he feels that his brother Deathstroke is more qualified than Batman. At least he will not put Gotham first all the time. It is clear that when the global crisis comes, he will be needed everywhere. A helper.

Oliver raised his hand and put his hand on his neck and pulled it left and right: "This is probably a bystander's answer, haha."

"Do you know that super soldiers have super hearing? What's more, is it really okay for you to talk about me from afar next to me?" Su Ming turned around helplessly and sighed.

Indeed, retrieving Thomas is not a way to maximize profits, and it also exposes his own trump card of time travel. It looks like a loss no matter how you look at it.

The most beneficial way for Su Ming is to find the Pale Knight alone. The clown-turned-Batman, a madman with a bottom line is much scarier than Batman.

Just thinking about how the half of the face exposed under the pointed-eared mask was pale, dazzlingly white under the moonlight, you will know how those criminals felt when they saw the Pale Knight.

However, Su Ming still chose the thankless method and used his methods and intelligence to go to the Flashpoint world.

It was unclear whether this would be able to suppress the maniacal laughter, but once again he found that his heart still tended to help Batman.

In fact, this is not the first time that this problem has been faced. Su Ming has chosen to side with Zhenglian so many times in the past, which has exposed the crux of the problem.

If he just wanted to get benefits, he could actually help Luther.

There are no shortage of benefits that should be obtained, and there are not so many restrictions and rules on Luther's side.

It's not like following the Justice League. If you want to kill someone, you have to hide it from Barry. If you want to do some dirty tricks, you have to appease Diana. It takes extra energy all the time.

Perhaps the impact of his previous life on him was much deeper than he originally thought.

I hope this won't be a weakness.

However, no one is perfect, at least not in reality. Su Ming does not ask himself to be a moral model or a perfect person. He just wants to live a more comfortable life.

When I first came to DC, I fought to survive. Now the reason for fighting is to live a more comfortable life. As expected, I have fallen...

"Stop studying me and get ready to go to the restaurant for a meeting. Green Arrow, can you cook?"

"Oh? Is it so abrupt to change the subject? Haha, well, if you don't mind eating pancakes in the morning, I'm good at it." Oliver passed him and disappeared into the air in a flash.

"Pancakes..." Barry smiled, rubbed his belly, and went upstairs with Su Ming: "Did you know? Eating pancakes for breakfast has a specific meaning. It means 'Thank you very much for last night'. This was before What Iris told me was... wrong."

Barry quickly covered his mouth and looked around like a thief. Only Diana looked at him from behind with great interest, while Arthur didn't seem to understand.

Su Ming rolled his eyes. Because of Flashpoint, Barry's wife Iris has now become a colleague, and his former first love girlfriend Patty has now become his real girlfriend.

But Barry still remembers what happened before Flashpoint, and he always seems to be talking about something outrageous.

"Oliver is not a woman, and I don't need anyone to thank me." Su Ming patted his head, and what Barry said sounded a little awkward: "If you have nothing to do, go help Green Arrow lay the plates and whip the cream. , the Batman family will be back soon."

"Let's go now." The golden light flashed, and Barry took the opportunity to slip away.

Diana walked to Su Ming's side and looked at his resolute face. She thought for a while: "Don't you have anything to say about the world of Flashpoint?"

"There are some right things mixed into the wrong timeline, and there's nothing to say about it."

Su Ming shook his head. He couldn't explain how he knew the extremely secret information. What Diana wanted to ask was not about Flashpoint, but how she became like that in that timeline.

"Okay, what should we do next?" Diana felt relieved when she saw that Deathstroke didn't seem to care much about it, and talked about the difficulties she was facing.

Su Ming pushed aside the big clock that was blocking the way, found the restaurant and walked in. He first pulled out a chair for Diana to sit down, and then sat next to her.

The electric light brought the plate, and the knife and fork were still wrapped with electricity.

"Barry, black tea."


In order to silence several people, Barry was working very hard now, but this was the first time the Speed ​​Force was used to make tea. Speeding up the interaction between molecules made Barry sweat profusely.

Diana patted Su Ming and said, "Stop teasing him. Have you ever thought about what Kuaixiao plans to do next?"

Su Ming picked up the tea cup and took a sip. He closed his eyes in the heat.

"During our last fight, he said that destroying the Last Smile System was to cut off our means of detoxification. I'm not sure if this was some kind of misdirection."

"Oh?" Diana put her hands on her chin, lying on the table and turned to look at him.

"If he still intends to spread some kind of virus, then Gotham actually has a set of 'The Last Smile' built by the Court of Owls. It sounds ancient, but trust me, those owls can live well in the pyramids of BC. Okay. This system must be working properly."

Su Ming turned the plate in front of him and took a look at the gold-plated pattern on its edge: "If Kuangxiao intends to use this system to spread poison, we should find a way to find the owl's secret base and block Kuangxiao."

"But? I know you're going to say but next." Diana saw through everything again. She reached for the sugar bowl in the center of the table. The rain on her cloak had not dried yet.

"But if Kuaixiao deliberately said that sentence to mislead me, and if his actions were not spreading poison, we would have fallen into a trap by tracing the matter of Final Laughter. He might have used this time to defeat us by launching other means."

Su Ming moved the tea cup over and watched Diana pick up two sugar cubes and put one in each cup.

Diana stirred the tea in the cup with a small spoon, her heroic eyebrows squeezed together: "We still don't know who the third person in the Laughing Bat team is."

"I can't think of it. If we follow the normal thinking, a more reasonable team should have long-range and melee combat, and both magic and technology. It doesn't matter whether it has superpowers. It's just the icing on the cake. But for a team For a team composed entirely of crazy Batman, common sense does not apply." Su Ming spread his hands and took back the cup.

Arthur just sat silently on the other side of Su Ming. He tried to add some wine to his morning tea and was not interested in any analysis or planning.

"You said we found Thomas, who is also Batman. Is there a Batman who is not Bruce Wayne over there?" Diana's eyes became sharp, and she seemed to have discovered some blind spot.

"It's a pity that there is no evidence to prove this conjecture." Su Ming had already thought of what she could think of.

Diana was discouraged and lowered her head to drink tea, while Su Ming continued to tell Arthur jokes about corn, because no matter what, this was still Gotham.

When it comes to knowing the city, no one knows it better than Batman.

No matter what Laughter plans to do, Batman has a higher chance of guessing it. Not to mention that Bruce is now infected with the clown toxin and his thinking is more 'open'.

Wait until the father and son sit down and listen to their opinions. This is why we came to the restaurant.

Since there is a meeting, it is better to solve the problem of eating at the same time. This is the custom of the Chinese Dynasty, talking about things at the dinner table.

In view of Thomas' return, Afu should not be too strict today.

After a while, the two Batmans came back talking in low voices, and Alfred had already changed his clothes and came over to take the pot from Green Arrow's hand.

It seems that the clown's body has been 'disposed'. How exactly it was done can be guessed by the relaxed smile on his face.

Several people quickly put the pancakes into their mouths. Su Ming had only one comment on this, and that was that it seemed that Oliver had made this thing for Dinah a lot before.

The taste is unexpectedly good. You must know that Green Arrow has almost lost his sense of taste after surviving in the wild for so many years.

They originally planned to talk about laughing madly during the meal, but Thomas and Bruce sat side by side across from Su Ming, and Ah Fu stood behind them holding a white towel.

Every time Su Ming opened his mouth, he could feel Ah Fu's 'death gaze'.

It wasn't until several people drank the juice after the meal that Ah Fu left with satisfaction, and Su Ming and Oliver could chat with the two Batmans about the matter in front of them.

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