The Death Knell

Chapter 877 Sandman Castle

"This place has also been affected by the collapse of the plane. It doesn't look like it can last long."

Su Ming was walking down the corridor of the castle holding a rabbit. His figure was reflected on the black marble floor, but in the reflection, the rabbit looked much more excited than he was.

"This is my first time entering the King of Dreams' castle. It was really cool when you knocked out the castle butler. How did you grow a tail?"

The white rabbit wore a small red checkered vest. One of its two front paws grasped the gap in Su Ming's armor to fix itself, and the other held a cigarette from another world.

As for how the rabbit's feet held the cigarette and where it learned to smoke, Su Ming didn't know and didn't want to know.

"That's not a tail, it's a tentacle, which many sea creatures have."

Su Ming dodged a falling boulder and looked at the portraits hanging on the walls on both sides of the corridor. These portraits were also dreams.

It's just that unlike the bubble-like shape of human dreams, these dreams are not placed in the wilderness and float like balloons in the sun.

Instead, it is treasured in the castle and turned into a painting with constantly changing scenes. It is placed in a dark corridor and may be occasionally glanced at by the owner here.

They are dreams of other things, such as a mountain, a lake, a castle, or the universe.

Yes, for Sandman, everything is a dream, and dreams are his power.

Unfinished stories, unwritten poems, and unborn characters can all be seen here in the Land of Dreams. Everything is just a dream.

All this sounds incredible. Why would he know something that never existed?

Therefore, Sandman has been trapped in the logical cycle of "I dream of butterflies, and butterflies dream of me" for a long time. Compared with the "death" of his relatives and the "destiny" of his elder brother, he seems more uncertain and neurotic.

However, Su Ming now has a guess. The Sandman's disappearance occurred before the fall of the General Assembly. Perhaps he had already noticed that Pappetua was about to wake up at that time, so he went out to solve the problem.

After all, he was once a human being, and in the Barbatos incident, from a certain perspective, he was the one who tricked Batman and the main universe.

Perhaps because of his guilty conscience, he planned to take action personally this time. But now it seems that the problem is not solved, but he seems to be solved by the problem.

Although the Endless Family is strong, each mountain is higher than the other. As a rule, they are not the strongest force in the DC universe. A truly powerful existence does not care about rules.

Su Ming knew before that the DC world after n52 was not complete. It was no longer the all-powerful universe level of the previous 'infinite universe and infinite earth'.

Marvel, on the other hand, has an all-powerful universe-level framework, including "Men in Black" and other Marvel universes. It is now stronger than DC.

Sandman and Lucifer...are they planning to take this opportunity to upgrade the DC multiverse?

So breaking the origin wall is indeed what they wanted, but what to do next? At the critical moment of making a decision, do you expect Lucifer or God to jump out and challenge Pappetua?

It's not very realistic, and Su Ming doesn't like to put his hope in others.

To deal with the Laughing Bat was just one aspect, he came here alone, and he also had these deeper questions that needed to be answered here.

Xiao Fuorang gave him some hints and asked him to come here for 'consultation', which was actually to steal information.

The hairy animal and Lucifer were actually quite familiar with each other. After all, one owned a bar and the other owned a nightclub. They served similar customers, either sorcerers or devils.

"You are a person who has been living in a dream. I heard that you have special abilities and can distinguish between reality and dreams, right?"

Su Ming stroked the rabbit's ears and remembered the delicacies he had eaten at the night market when he traveled to Xichuan.

The rabbit didn't notice it. It patted its chest proudly: "Yes, just like these paintings on the wall, they are dreams. They are nothingness and do not exist anywhere. And a rabbit like me who is eloquent and smart, although I’m a fantasy, but I live in the land of dreams, so I’m real.”

"Hmm... It sounds like this is some kind of testing ground for realizing your fantasy." Su Ming touched the rabbit's head and recalled whether he bought chili powder in Stormwind City.

It seems not. Last time I went to buy a bag, I was in a hurry and didn’t practice cooking much.

"Maybe, but don't you think that masked men in uniforms like you are actually some kind of fantasy? It's just that you live in your own 'land of dreams'. Reality, like dreams, is only clear to the beholder and confused to the authorities."

Rabbit took a deep drag on the cigarette and said with vicissitudes of life. He also stretched out his paw to flick the ash out, looking like a boss.

Su Ming paused for a moment. What the rabbit said made sense, but he was speechless.

Sure enough, are these guys who see the rules every day all monsters?

"Okay, let's not talk about that first. What I need you to help me find should be some kind of record or password." Su Ming let go of the rabbit head and looked around quickly: "It's best to find clues to the Lord of Dreams. , if not, it would be good to find some information about the multiverse."

"Then we shouldn't waste time here. Turn left in the corridor in front. Do you see a picture frame there?"

"See, there's a... gas mask in the frame."

"It looks like a gas mask in your human eyes, but in our eyes, it is the crown of the Lord of Dreams. Put it on, and you will be the next King of Dreams."

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple, just click it on the head, and you will be promoted to the rules of the universe and become a member of the Endless Family."

"Then why has Daniel been missing for so long and you don't have anyone to take his place?"

"Because we can only live in the Kingdom of Dreams. You asked us to escape before, where can we escape? I know that in the main world I will become an ordinary rabbit and become food for you humans. Even if I wear a crown, It’s just adding some precious metal seasoning to the pot.”

Su Ming understood that there were prerequisites for inheriting the Kingdom of Dreams. First, he needed to be a human being and have a world that could serve as a foundation.

It can't be a fantasy species in the Kingdom of Dreams, and naturally it can't be a creature like the undead or a demon.

Maybe it also needs to be recognized by other people in the Endless Family. If so, that is the most difficult step.

"You seem to be no ordinary rabbit. You know too much." Su Ming looked at the white rabbit in his arms suspiciously.

Rabbit puffed out his smoke with a deep look and said calmly: "Just because I speak well and have philosophical ideas? These are not secrets here, and who doesn't have some stories?"

"Uh...well, I'm not sure I have time for Rabbit's story, but now what's the next step if I don't want to be the rule of the multiverse?"

"Similarly, take off the mask, fasten it on your face, and explain to it that it is just for borrowing it. As a human being in your main world, there shouldn't be much of a problem. After all, you and our master are from the same hometown."

"Are you sure there is no problem? If I am bound by the rules of the world, even multiverse-level rules, it will be a big loss for me. I am proficient in BBQ."

"Absolutely no problem. This is not a cursed artifact. The power you don't want is forced on you." Rabbit rolled his red eyes and said helplessly: "You just need to communicate with it. Now the Kingdom of Dreams is like this." Despite the situation, you are still everyone’s savior, and I won’t lie to you.”

Su Ming reached out and took off the mask hanging on the wall. It was very light, as if he was holding a feather in his hand.

The news came to both Strangler and Cloak that this thing was very ordinary, just an ordinary gas mask.

There is nothing unusual about the material or structure.

This is the biggest anomaly, right?

Su Ming took a deep breath, and the helmet melted away. He brought the mask closer to his face. Through the two glass eyepieces on the mask, he could see the rabbit looking up at him.


A strange smell filled the mask. It was not the smell of sweat for years, but a sweet smell, as sweet as cake.

The world you see when you put on a mask is no different, except that everything becomes a little blurry and less real.

"It seems... of no use?" he asked Rabbit.

"You need to breathe. Don't hold your breath. Relax and take a deep breath to experience the taste of dreams." The rabbit patted his chest. It was hugged to his chest and could feel that the human lungs were not moving at all.


It seemed like Darth Vader was standing in the corridor, and the sound of breathing through this mask was like Darth Vader, but he was missing a lightsaber in his hand.

No, there's a lightsaber too, and the Godslayer can imitate a lightsaber.

"How is it?" Rabbit asked eagerly.

"I saw the road, and I also saw the nightmare." Su Ming replied, but the rabbit really didn't lie. It was a good rabbit.

He had to admit that he was particularly wary of talking rabbits and cats. It was all due to the fairy tales he read when he was a child.

"Then let's find the secrets that the master has hidden. If the servants in the castle weren't all imaginary characters, they would have found the master long ago."

Rabbit put the cigarette into his three-flap mouth, adjusted to a comfortable sitting position in Su Ming's arms, and crossed his legs.

The Kingdom of Dreams is full of fantasy characters, such as the castle butler Giggs, who is the housekeeper of a swinger in a certain TV series; Abel and Cain, who are responsible for the chores, not to mention, they are brothers in the biblical story; the maid Lilith, this is the witch in Solomon's legend; even the castle gardener comes from Edgar Allan Poe's collection of horror stories.

"As a detective, I have an occupational disease that likes to find other people's secrets." Su Ming followed the white footprints that suddenly appeared in front of him.

They floated more than ten centimeters above the ground, swaying like smoke or clouds.

This may be the path Daniel once walked, and the gas mask gave Su Ming guidance. As long as he could see what Daniel did before leaving, Su Ming believed that he could deduce the truth.

"Are you a detective?" The rabbit ears swayed up and down as the death knell ran: "We actually have quite a few here. Do you know Sherlock Holmes? Or Poirot?"

Su Ming curled his lips. He was not Kudo Washing Machine. He liked to compete with others for reasoning. What did these world-famous detectives have to do with him here:

"It's a seasonal job, so I can moonlight as a detective when needed, but more often than not I'll moonlight as a homicide suspect."

"Gu..." The rabbit made a swallowing sound.

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