The Death Knell

Chapter 876 Luther’s victory is in sight

A man takes the greatest secret in the universe as his own, and this is what Wanda did in the past. He carefully kept the fragments of the meteorite and explored the knowledge inside.

In his long life, apart from dealing with his rival Eagle Man and Eagle Girl, he spent most of his time on the second meteorite.

The message, or power, contained in it was beyond human understanding, and he had to spend his long life deciphering it.

He needs magic, spirituality, technology, and all kinds of help, which he doesn't have himself.

For this reason, he once went to ancient Atlantis to seek help from the great hero Aryan. However, hundreds of years later, Arrian's life ended with tears of death.

Wanda gained some progress, but it was not enough. He realized the power of the gods, so he waited for thousands of years. By showing bravery and fearlessness in the ancient Roman arena, he was favored by Ares, the god of war. favor.

The God of War helped him refine the meteorite with his fury, weakening the fragment's barrier.

Later, Wanda went to find King Arthur. In addition to the Knights of the Round Table, King Arthur also had the most powerful wizard group in the world at the time, the Merlin Order.

The Archmage Merlin, the Lady of the Lake Vivian, Morgan Le Fay, and Lady Xanadu. In an era when the gods no longer walk the earth, these people are the power that can change the world.

The sorcerers turned the irregular meteorites into spherical shapes.

In the next thousand years, Wanda found many people, including scientists, artists, sorcerers, and mental patients, and the secrets of this meteorite became less and less.

But like all research and development work, the last step is always the most difficult, so around 1960, Wonder found a genius scientist who was not very famous at the time, Lionel Luther.

"I need you to lead mankind into a new era. Are you up to the task?" Wanda asked.

"Yes, I can." Old Luther held the meteorite fragments, his eyes already filled with gold.

Time flies, Lionel helps Wanda conduct various experiments, and he recognizes five of the seven powers by demonstrating the information contained in the meteorite.

Stasis force, invisible light, tears of death, life force, dimension force.

Brainiac paused Luther's memory scene. Young Luther was looking at his father in his memory. The green-skinned alien asked: "So magic or witchcraft are not the seven dark forces of creation. One of them? Not even metal?"

Luther smiled, and his plan really deceived everyone: "I never said it was, right? In fact, among a bunch of our targets, Hecate and Circe were involved, and it really led to With the attention of the Justice League drawn, now no one in the multiverse knows the truth but us."

"Not even x metal?"

"X metal is the metal that created our current world. In the future, they will not be needed. On the contrary, n metal is the road map used to unlock the power of dimensions. We need the Justice League to do this for us now."

Luthor continued the scene before him, which was the outcome he preferred, and the Justice League saw the five lines light up on his doorknob of destruction, knowing he had unlocked the five powers.

But one of them is not the 'witchcraft' that also comes from outside the origin wall, but the 'entropy' that originally existed in the universe, also called 'potential'.

Luther's research over the years has discovered this sixth power, which is contained in the bodies of humans, Martians, and so on.

So it was always in Luthor's hands and was essentially the first power he gained.

Sometimes a little negligence can be fatal. Different perceptions of dimensions are doomed to determine the outcome of the Legion of Destruction and the Justice League.

"Presumably the seventh power is Papetua itself. So we now have six kinds of dark creation power, only the power of dimension is missing." Brainiac nodded.

"My friends, as long as we wait for the Justice League to help us explore the road, we can reap the benefits." Luthor looked at the scene in front of him and replied lightly.

As for Genesis, the plan from the Bible was only used to mislead the Justice League because it overlapped with the real plan.

At this time, there is only the last half step left, and Luther has no need to hide anymore.

On a tactical level, he is indeed no match for Deathstroke and Batman, but on a strategic level, he wins.

As for how this world that is destined to be eliminated will be turned into by the Laughing Bat, that is no longer important. This is the basis for the alliance between the two.

Because the Laughing Bat just wants to win.

The Joker may have seen this clearly, or maybe not, no one could understand the madman's thoughts, but this time he was on the opposite side of Luthor, so he died.

The scene in the memory continued, and Luther was still explaining to Brainiac.

While his father was investigating these creation forces, he also discovered more and more secrets. For example, human potential is actually locked. He hopes to stimulate these potentials and make humans a more superior species.

This is Luther's plan for a new humanity.

However, the differences between Wanda and Old Luthor's opinions are getting bigger and bigger. Savage has another view on the existence of the General Assembly, believing that it will lead to the destruction of the multiverse and should be avoided at all costs.

One wants to avoid the crisis, while the other sees the crisis as an opportunity for rebirth.

After the young Luther released the Martian experiment Ron, Wanda finally found an excuse and an opportunity.

He kicked Old Luther out of the research institution "Veterans Club", wiped away all his past memories, and instilled in him false memories of an alcoholic, an addict, a loser, a violent maniac, etc.

At the same time, he also erased Luther's memory before he was eight years old, and threw the father and son into a small town in Kansas.

Wanda hid the doorknob of destruction made of meteorite fragments, thinking that no one knew anything. Who knows that Lex Luthor today found a way to travel through time and space, retrieved all the memories of the past, and knew everything .

Only then did Luther kill Wanda, form the Legion of Destruction, and launch a series of plans.

Everything is to continue his father's unfinished business and allow human beings to be reborn and become a better version of themselves.

As for whether he is a god in the new world, he doesn't care.

Because only fools can proclaim themselves gods. No matter what the origin of gods is, it is humans who put these beings on the altar.

Everything Luthor did may seem bad now, but in the new world he really built, people will understand his painstaking efforts.

He has been fighting for the rise of mankind all his life. If the plan goes well, the new humans will be the strongest creatures in the universe.

The old humanity, which is decadent and backward and will only hold us back, will disappear along with this multiverse that is doomed to destruction.


Normally, at this time in the past, Clark Kent would be sitting in his home or room in the Hall of Justice, turning on his computer, checking emails, and staring at the flashing cursor in a daze.

Who says Superman wakes up refreshed? Like humans, he always yawns when he wakes up too early and wants a cup of coffee with more sugar.

But not today, the impact of the flood was too serious, and the Hall of Justice was also destroyed by the Laughing Bat.

After the Justice League held its review meeting last night, everyone dispersed again to settle down with their families. He is now living with Lois and his son Jonathan Kent on his mother's farm in the Kansas countryside.

It's not difficult for Superman to renovate a small wooden house that was damaged by floods. He doesn't need to hide his superpowers in front of his family. After coming back last night, his hometown took on a new look within a short time. As long as his family is okay, he can say anything. .

But early this morning Martha was in the kitchen preparing her apple pie, making so much noise that it was hard for Superman not to hear it.

The caramel smell of heated apples and cheese made him feel in a trance, as if everything that happened in the past was a dream.

But he soon came to his senses. In the past few days, the difficulties encountered by the Justice League were not illusions.

This inevitably made him feel very anxious, and a string suddenly became tense.

"Clark, are you awake?" Louise closed her eyes and nuzzled into his arms. It was still too early and they had never gotten up so early.

And everything after yesterday’s flood was exhausting, both physically and mentally.

"Yes, Martha got up earlier than us." Clark rubbed his hair, picked up the old-fashioned plain glasses from the bedside table and put them on. He suspected that like Batman, his false identity had begun to invade his normal self. .

He has become accustomed to wearing these glasses at all times.

"We don't have to go to work today, remember? The newspaper office was flooded." Louise still didn't let go and put her hand on Superman's strong chest: "What time did you come back last night? Four o'clock?"

"I forgot, it was probably midnight." Clark kissed her, got up and put on his uniform: "But I have to deal with the Justice League now. You take care of Martha and Joe at home."

"Really..." Louise sat up reluctantly, grabbing the quilt and scratching her hair. The sunlight outside the window made her look like she had a golden edge: "Can't you let Batman do it for you for a while? ?I mean, an hour or two.”

"Sorry, honey, the bad guys won't give us time to sleep back."

Clark smiled and shook his head. It wasn't that he didn't want to get along with his family, but Ron's psychic communication had been sent, and Batman had arrived in Metropolis.

"Okay, be safe, that lunatic Luther always makes my skin stand on end." Lois nodded obediently and watched Superman open the window and fly out of the room.

Flying in the sky, the first ray of sunlight shone on the red cloak, making Clark feel a familiar power. He turned over while flying rapidly, letting the sunlight bake his chest, the emblem of the letter S.

"Okay, Ron, I'm on my way, but I may take some time to solve the difficulties of the civilians in front of me, so it should take a few minutes to arrive."

However, before Ron could reply, Batman's voice appeared on the channel, and Clark suddenly felt like he was enveloped in darkness.

"I'm Batman and you only have one minute."

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