The Death Knell

Chapter 875 The Story of the Legion of Destruction

"You're watching her, Luther."

Brainiac walked to Luther and stood side by side with him. There was only a tall transparent pipe in the dark hall. The colorless liquid in it completely immersed Pappetua. From time to time, weak bubbles came from her. With her feet rising, she looked like she was asleep.

But just like a person immersed in a dream, she would sometimes open her eyes slightly, and the world-destroying flames in her eyes were as hot as the sun.

"Yes, observe destruction and then learn, I need this motivation." Luther replied without looking back. Although this alien robot is not bad as an ally, he does not understand human thoughts.

Sometimes greed is the driving force for human progress, and Sinestro should know this better than other aliens.

"I suggest you don't do this again." Brainiac's electronically synthesized voice echoed in the room: "Your primitive biological photoreceptor will be burned by this powerful force."

"Eye." Luther turned and left: "If you are willing to learn human language, you will find that many things have simpler expressions, more direct solutions, and are more... lovable argument."

Brainiac simulated a smile, which seemed a bit sarcastic: "There is nothing praiseworthy about the human race. On the contrary, based on my investigation of dozens of years on earth, I found that the collective strength of mankind will There is an inverse proportion as the number of people increases.”

Luther sneered, and he took bigger steps. The high-tech corridor restricted his footsteps very closely:

"That's just because ordinary people always have difficulty understanding the ideas of geniuses like me. They will use all means to prevent smart people from excelling and want to make you become like them. This is collective consciousness. Simply put, it is human beings Always on the path to self-destruction, and I’m not going to go down that path.”

"So you should cooperate with advanced intelligent life forms like me. We are the hope of the future of the universe." Brainiac said calmly, and he gave up his simulated smile: "In the words of the earth, it is 'holding back' Kick them all away."

Luther smiled and patted Brainiac on the shoulder casually: "Don't get carried away. If one day I find that you are not so smart, you will know how noble human beings are..."

"Well, this is a human joke, right? The contradiction is very low-level." Brainiac smiled at the right time: "You know that I will always represent the advanced wisdom that is difficult for humans to reach, and the advanced life form that is difficult for humans to surpass. , even among your entire clan, you and Batman still have value worthy of my recognition."

Luthor shook his head. He turned and walked towards a door in the corridor. Inside the door was an enhanced copycat version of the final machine: "The threat from Batman is always there, but his opponent is not us. That miserable clown will haunt him." , even if he dies, this entanglement will last forever."

"Our satellite saw Batman heading to Metropolis. It's funny. Kryptonians and Martians need to rely on Earthlings when they have no other options. Isn't this a better joke?"

Luther lay down on the final machine and put a headband connected with many wires and instruments on his bald head:

"If you want to learn bad jokes, you should go to Deathstroke. He is the best person on earth at this. Now we just need to wait in the dark for Papetua to wake up, and then we can continue our next plan, regardless of the Justice League. What are you doing, they can’t find it here.”

Brainiac walked to the machine and inserted a wire into the back of his head to connect himself to the system. There were many Brainiac clones around him who began to perform various operations: "Do you still think that the death knell of the parallel world is not a threat? ? He has ruined your plans more than once."

"He captured the traitor Manta Ray, injured Sinestro and Grodd, and maybe just killed the Joker, but if you think about it carefully, is my plan really damaged? Those guys under me I noticed the little moves and didn’t stop them, do you know why?”

"Because they are smoke bombs." Brainiac immediately replied: "They are the old enemies of the Justice League. Every move they make will attract their attention. Your personal plan is still proceeding normally."

Luther lay on the machine with a very peaceful expression and folded his hands on his chest: "It is enough for me to know that there will be no fundamental conflict of interest between him and me in the future. When Genesis comes, if you don't want to be buried with the old era, just watch Is he smart enough?"

"Then why did you send Sisser to take risks to help the Laughing Bat and use Hecate's remaining power to punch holes in the world's protective magic? You activated the death knell. This is not consistent with what you said before. Consistent.”

"Oh, you are not very smart now." Luthor showed a sarcastic smile: "If we don't separate him from Batman, how can the Justice League give us a chance? The deal with the Laughing Bat is fair, Dark The Order brings to the multiverse a future species of 'others', powerful and cruel whetstones. We just have to wait for the 'Sixth Day' to come, instead of maintaining every previous day."

"Do you think God exists? God? I don't think so. The so-called God is just a more powerful existence."

Luther didn't answer. Discussing theology with artificial intelligence?

A large amount of strange data and symbols flowed through Brainiac's eyes, and he activated virtual reality to realize Luther's memory. This human being had some information that he wanted to share with him.

A vision for the future and the power to realize that vision.

The surrounding environment turned into a world of ice and snow, and a figure wearing an animal skin was struggling to move forward in waist-deep snow. The moisture he breathed condensed into frost, and his beard and hair were all condensed together.

"A Homo sapiens, the race of people who lived in Europe after the Neanderthals became extinct, could use tools and, importantly, fire. Fire is regarded as the beginning of human civilization."

Brainiac said calmly that he didn't understand why Luthor was showing him this.

"You're right, this is a savage." Both Luther and the alien were floating in the air, watching everything from the perspective of bystanders: "But many, many years later, he gave himself a name, It’s called Wanda Savage.”

The wind and snow continued, but the two people high in the sky could see where the savage was heading.

There was a deep pit in the snow in front of him. The pit was emitting terrifying heat. Perhaps the falling meteorite attracted Wanda, who was a primitive man at the time. He wanted to see the incomprehensible fall from the sky. What exactly is the thing.

"A golden fragment, it looks like some kind of metal." Brainiac analyzed.

"Keep watching." Luther nodded.

The savage finally reached the crater, but his legs and feet were so stiff from the cold that he rolled down to the bottom of the crater.

The high temperature melted the ice on his body, and he rolled and crawled away from the red magma zone, but his eyes were always fixed on the object emitting strong light in the pit.

The golden color was so dazzling and bright, and it seemed to contain something he desperately longed for.

He waited impatiently for the lava to cool down, and was also worried that other humans or beasts would come to fight for it. Winter was a difficult hunting season, and he was already very weak.

But until the heat gradually dissipated, there was no second moving thing in the white field of vision.

Wanda boldly stabbed the golden object with a stone knife, and after finding it harmless, caught it with her hand.

And in the next moment, golden energy poured into his body like a torrent.

They transformed him and made him a more advanced creature.

Have a stronger body, stronger intelligence, and endless lifespan.

His originally black eyes were dyed gold, and he felt his own changes. He seemed to understand what happened in an instant. He laughed wildly in the ice and snow, and he understood that the difficulties of survival in the past could no longer trouble him.

"Well, the history of Wanda Savage's fortune is like this. This is not the first comet fragment Wanda has found. There was a meteorite that changed him before. He just wants more. Obviously, this first meteorite has changed him. Two pieces are bigger and better.”

Luther sneered, and the scene in front of him froze. He looked at Wanda's face and said to his ally lightly.

Brainiac raised a hand, closed the distance, and carefully observed the interaction between metal and humans.

"It's very interesting. This may be a fragment of the Wall of Origin. It should be specially treated N metal. This explains why he is so fascinated by various meteorites and N metal."

"This fragment fell to the earth in 44,000 BC, but it does not mean that it also came from that era. At present, we know that the energy of Papetua can help people or objects travel through time and space, and become immortal, just like It behaves the same way in Starman.”

Luther pointed to the fragment and continued:

"So I believe it comes from the future, our future, that the great power of creation can be used by me, using Senagon technology to recast the future of the N-metal origin wall. At least by then, the door will be a simple passage, not today's sticky Fly board..."

"Fly board?"

Luther smiled: "Ah, I almost forgot, there are no such nasty things as flies on Crux."

"I know about flies. I know that humans hate these creatures and wish they would be exterminated. But you are just talking about it. There is a way to do it, but no one does it." The alien said this in a gentle tone. There was nothing humanly disgusted about the expression.

"Superman is as annoying as a fly, but I won't kill him. You know? Sometimes humans need flies. They form a part of our lives, and scavengers are indispensable in the cycle of energy."

Luthor replied casually, dusting off the non-existent dust on his anti-Superman armor.

"A fragile cycle and balance, but we will change it if your plan goes well." Brainiac looked down calmly.

Luther folded his arms and floated in the air: "Yes, the flies, bats, and ooze monsters are all here, and our big players are also dragged into Gotham. The Justice League will definitely take that step, I'm sure."

"Very well, allies, don't forget our agreement, now let's get on with it."

Brainiac calmly agreed with Luther's words, because his calculations also showed the same result.

The two bald heads looked at each other and smiled, and the scene in front of them began to flow again.

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