The Death Knell

Chapter 874 Disobedient Bat

"Has there been any news from your master these days?"

In this colorful world, everything is painted with brilliant colors. Whether it is animals or plants, everything here is painted with a smile by an unknown existence.

At this time, the huge crack in the sky is getting bigger and bigger, and the shattering of the Origin Wall has a more serious impact here than in the main world.

The last time Su Ming came here was just for borrowing money, but this time he came to investigate the information about the 'Nightmare' at the suggestion of Xiao Fu Orang.

Now that he can enter and leave the Kingdom of Dreams, he no longer needs Diana to hit him on the back of the head. The integrity of the Kingdom of Dreams is getting worse and worse. The concept of magic can easily pass through this fragile barrier and send the agent to the Kingdom of Dreams. Come here.

Of course, the billing for such mobile services is not cheap at all. It is equivalent to five thousand fireballs. Fortunately, this is the price of a round trip.

At this time, Su Ming was standing under a tree, talking to an apple with a human expression on the tree.

The Kingdom of Dreams has always been safe, so Su Ming came in alone this time, but almost as soon as he landed, he saw a chaotic scene.

"Our master? Didn't you see it! Oh my God, our country has become a battlefield. Look at us like this, how should I escape?"

This tree looks like something in a child's painting. The tree is not very tall, about a head taller than Su Ming. There are only a few branches in the large crown, and the apples grow directly on the thick branches.

There are only five or six fruits on a tree. Although each one has the same facial features as a human being, this number is too few.

"Uh...why are you running away? You are an apple, who would kill an apple?"

Su Ming touched the trunk of the tree. It felt elastic like a sponge. The tree smelled very fragrant, a smell that was both mellow and reassuring.

This is the rule of the dream kingdom, which is to prevent small animals such as rabbits from hitting the trees and die, and to keep everything as beautiful as a fairy tale.

Although there is no concept of death here at all.

The Sandman is also a member of the Endless Family, and his death status is similar to that of the Gothic Girl. The other party's rules do not apply in the Kingdom of Dreams.

There are also dark fairy tales. For example, Abel and Cain will continue to kill each other indefinitely, but even if the elder brother is cut into minced meat, he will not die.

Apple with long features looked at Su Ming with disdain: "Where did you come from? Can't you see the chaos not far away? I mean those...monsters, they are here, kill Each other? By the way, death, why die? How do I know what death means? "

Su Ming leaned on the tree trunk and poked his head out to see not far away: "The Kingdom of Dreams is reducing its dimensionality, and it will slowly fall into the multiverse. Now the rules of death have begun to apply here, just like she did in the DC Universe. The rules are just like common sense, and the concept of death will naturally appear in your mind, if you have a brain."

"You have no brains, but aren't you scared? What should I do? The battlefield between angels and monsters over there is about to shift, how can I escape?"

The apple swayed on the branch with some urgency, as if planning to escape for its life, facing death for the first time and understanding death. This fear made it panic.

But if it was really drawn by some naughty child, then the child who drew the tree obviously didn't want the apple to fall to the ground. The handle connecting it to the branch was thicker than Su Ming's thumb, and it was obviously not something that an apple could break free from.

"Can't you be like those dignified captains who tied themselves to the rudder of the ship before it sank and sank with the ship?" Su Ming watched the crazy angels and their kind getting closer and closer in the distance. He was waiting for the opportunity, teasing the red fruit in his mouth.

"That was also done voluntarily by the captains. I am different! I was forced to be tied to the tree."

"It's no different. Captains rely on boats to make a living. If you lose the boat, there's nothing to live for." Su Ming retracted his head and adjusted a comfortable position against the tree trunk: "You rely on the tree trunk to transmit nutrients and protect you from wind and rain, but When a disaster approaches, you think of abandoning the fruit trees and running away. Could it be that you are a filial son of the Land of Dreams?"

The apple screamed, and the other fruits on the tree had a similar reaction: "I understand what you are saying?! We shouldn't understand! We are not the same here, we are born as fruits, Forever as fruit. Didn't you realize that this is actually a pine tree? It would be a mistake for us to appear in it! Who painted us?!"

"What happened to the pine trees? You have taken the place of the original pine cone, so be grateful."

Su Ming shrugged. Of course he knew this was a pine tree, but nothing was impossible in this world.

Teapots can talk, rabbits can drive, flowers smiling at people is not a metaphor, even the wind is a translucent old man blowing air...

At this point, Su Ming punched the old man next to him and knocked him away. He kept puffing his face and blowing into his neck. Isn't it disgusting?

"Let's not discuss this anymore! Take me away!" Apple yelled.

While the two were talking, the battlefield of angels and others was already approaching. The aborigines of the Kingdom of Dreams were dead and injured, and all those with legs ran away.

"Anxin, I almost understand what's going on here, don't panic, sit tight."

After speaking, he raised his hands, and the strangulation helped him reveal the middle part of his phalanges. Rings emerged from the void, and various colored lights illuminated his face.

The light attracted the attention of some enemies, and some angels flew over here. The apples on the tree also closed their eyes tightly, as if they were afraid that death would be too painful.

"The Lord commands you to obey!"

"Didn't your Lord teach you some new words?" Su Ming clasped his hands and assumed the posture of an Aquarius Saint: "Cationic city-breaking cannon!"

Thick white light spurted out from between his fingers, briefly crushing the vast space in front of him like an energy rolling pin.

When the white light dissipated, the angels that were flying densely in the sky disappeared, and even the others that were still fighting with them in the distance also disappeared.

The surrounding flowers, trees, buildings and roads, everything originally owned by the Kingdom of Dreams, are all safe and sound.

Not only that, some small animals that were injured before were baptized by white light, and their bodies were now intact as before. They stood up patting their clothes.

"Lord of Dreams! What kind of power do you have?" Apple opened its eyes in surprise. At the moment when the light lit up, it seemed to feel courage and warmth, as if it had The mind is connected to the world.

Before Su Ming had time to answer it, a lot of newly rescued animals ran over. The fastest one was a parrot. It was wearing clothes, so it couldn't fly at all, but it was also the fastest with its legs.

"Thank you, hero, for saving us."

"Thanks, haha......"

"Thanks to you, good man!"

A large group of various anthropomorphic animals gathered around, all talking words of thanks. Su Ming was so noisy that Su Ming couldn't hear anything.

"Be quiet! Listen to me!" The host of the Strangler Gang turned into a loudspeaker in front of them. Su Ming loudly stopped their thanks: "I am not a good person, nor a hero. I saved you because of the same reason. I need your repayment. The rift in the sky has not yet been repaired, and enemies are pouring out from there all the time. One of your animals must voluntarily stay and tell me everything I want to know!"

The animals were quiet for a while, but soon became noisy again. They all wanted to stay and help this human, but there was only one person on the other side, so the competition was fierce...


"Master Bruce, you..."

In the Batcave, Alfred looked at Batman who was pulling the needle out of his arm.

He put the bath towel on the table aside and said helplessly. He knew that his young master must be restless and planned to go out and continue the mission.

"Alfred, I injected the antidote and I feel completely fine now." Bruce walked to the uniform storage cabinet, and the automatic dressing system was putting his uniform on him.

"Whether you have recovered or not requires a comprehensive physical examination, rather than judging by your feelings." Afu stood outside the glass jar and started complaining again: "And you can't adjust the speed of the intravenous infusion so fast, 600ml in five minutes? Just Even the Russians can’t stand it.”

"I'm not Russian, I'm Batman."

Ah Fu hummed noncommittally, and then said: "You know that Master Thomas's order is to let you sit at home obediently. Maybe we can play pool?"

"That's what he said." Batman stepped out of the machine and started stuffing props into his belt one by one: "But I don't intend to listen to him. All children will not listen to their parents."

"I thought you would be an exception, Master."

"I'm not. He did prove that he is my father, but at the same time, he was brought back by Deathstroke. I can't rule out the possibility that he was deceived by Deathstroke now... I believe Thomas, but I don't believe him decision."

"It seems that I didn't teach you the meaning of trust when you were young, right?" Afu sighed and handed the Bat Hook Lock Gun to Bruce.

"That was supposed to be my father's job." Batman took the grapple gun and picked up a few tubes of laughing gas antidote from the table: "But fortunately, I'm smart enough to doubt anyone. This is considered What a blessing among misfortunes.”

Ah Fu curled his lips and said, "I think he is not worried that someone will cheat you out of your money and let you stay at home, but because he wants to protect you."

Batman walked towards his aircraft and climbed onto the seat skillfully. With the sound of machinery, he was lifted into the cockpit: "I am no longer a helpless child in the alley, and everything I do is now In order to prevent others from being as helpless as I was back then, fortunately I have you to help me, are you ready to take off?"

"As always, Master, as always." Ah Fu smiled: "But you don't need to remind me, you know you can't let Master see you in the city, right? He has taken over Brother Eye's monitoring terminal, if I use any small means They will all be discovered by him."

Batman glanced at Ah Fu through the cockpit glass: "Actually, I also believe in others. At least I believe that he and Deathstroke will deal with the Laughing Bat, so now I plan to go to Metropolis to see where Superman and the others have activated the Weird Bat. EN Group Atmospheric Research Laboratory.”

"One of the backup bases of the Justice League." Afu nodded.

"Yeah, I think they're going to need my advice now that the Origin Wall is shattered, and I think we'd better return Star Man to the Justice Society."

Batman pressed the thruster button, and Alfred had already opened the passage at the top of the Batcave. The dark aircraft sprayed blue flames and disappeared from the horizon in an instant.

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