The Death Knell

Chapter 873 Unknown cause of death

Although the police officers of the GCPD have very average professional capabilities, they will suffer casualties if they catch ordinary gangsters. Once they encounter a high-level crisis, it will be more difficult to do anything.

However, their professionalism is really beyond words. As soon as Su Ming and his party walked out of the portal, they happened to see some police officers carrying the bodies of their colleagues.

"Not bad, Director Gordon, these young people under your command really have iron-clad discipline." Su Ming waved his hand to greet the police officers who were obviously startled by the sudden appearance of several people, and commented with interest. A few words.

Gordon took off his glasses and wiped them. He was not happy because of Deathstroke's praise. On the contrary, he thought of those police officers who had sacrificed their lives.

"They're all good lads, it's just me...sigh."

Su Ming patted him kindly and comforted him sincerely: "There is a saying in the East that people with white hair send people with black hair. Since it is a common saying, it means that this kind of thing happens often, and it is the same all over the world, so you always You'll get used to it, doesn't it feel better just thinking about it?"

"..." Gordon stared at him angrily without saying a word.

"Oh, it seems that you have adjusted, let's get down to business." Su Ming was unmoved by this and went straight to the forensic workroom: "Director, please go and inform the forensic doctor. I remember that the forensic director of the Gotham Police Department is My name is Dr. Fit, right?”

"I'm going to call someone." Gordon turned around and walked outside to find someone: "But you, the Justice League, had better keep an eye on Deathstroke and don't let him do weird things to the body while I'm away."

This time it was Su Ming who was speechless, and his words sounded like that kind of person.

Thomas ignored the banter between the couple and Deathstroke, and went straight to the autopsy room. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the body of the cruel knight, lying on a metal table wearing a frayed uniform.

The light of the shadowless lamp illuminated him completely white, and Thomas subconsciously felt uncomfortable.

Batman still shouldn't be out in the sun.

And when he saw the cruel knight's face, the discomfort became even more severe. This Bruce from another world looked exactly like his son.

He laughed at himself in his heart, but that's it, this is the normal form of an alien from another plane.

After knowing that his son was still alive, Thomas no longer minded facing such a scene. In the past, he also had a common problem with Batman, which was to be immersed in the hallucination of the death of his loved ones.

And now he's recovered.

My waist is no longer sore, my legs are no longer painful, and it is no longer strenuous to look at three bodies of 'Bruce' in a row.

Several people from the Justice League also filed in behind him. Arthur and Su Ming helped put three metal tables together for easy comparison.

"Barry, come and see."

Su Ming called the Flash to come over and take a look. Although he was an expert in physical evidence, he had also been to the scene with his colleagues. If he had never seen pork, he would have seen pigs running, right?

With the help of the Speed ​​Force, the speed of the autopsy work can be guaranteed.

Barry walked over with a grin on his face, a look of reluctance on his face: "It's just this time. Don't let me see corpses in the future, especially Bruce's corpse."

"Doctor Thomas, you will be in charge of the Cruel Knight, I will be in charge of the Mayor of Gotham, and you, the Flash, will be in charge of Happy Dad."

Strangulation instantly transformed him into a white coat, and he also transformed into a mask and gloves, and the God Killer turned into a scalpel.

Of course there is no problem with Thomas. He is a surgeon, a Batman, and a part-time forensic doctor who is also the best among them.

Only Barry was unable to complain, what the hell is the name 'Happy Dad'? Deathstroke's ability to give others nicknames is a bit too miserable.

However, he still picked up the scalpel and stood next to his table.

"Come on!" Arthur applauded and cheered. This kind of delicate task was never his responsibility.

Su Ming turned his head, and the blue sterile cloth mask made his voice muffled: "This is not a competition, just come on and come on. Besides, are you a cheerleader or a strong man with a beard?"

Diana: "Ahem!"

"Sorry, seeing such a tense and serious atmosphere, you divided the work into three parts, I subconsciously thought it was a competition." Arthur showed a simple smile.

"It's not a game, it's not a game, guys." Su Ming turned his head and focused on the corpses again. Looking at the pale skin and their frozen expressions, he raised the golden knife in his hand: "We started from the basic physical signs Go, 3, 2, 1, GO!”

Before his golden knife touched the skin, Barry's voice came from behind: "I'm done checking."

Thomas raised his head. He moved faster than Su Ming, but he also looked helpless at this time: "The Speed ​​Force cheated."

Su Ming took off his mask and made way for Barry: "Come on, come on, you come to check, you are really wasting my feelings."

Barry took Su Ming's position with some pride. Sometimes there was nothing he could do. The Speed ​​Force was so easy to use.

The black and yellow armor once again wrapped Su Ming's body, and he walked back to Diana quietly.

Plan passes.

Doesn't Barry now resist examining the body at all?

After all, Barry is also a forensic pioneer. No matter how many corpses Su Ming and Thomas have seen or how many people they have killed, their movements are not as fast as Barry's.

What everyone wants to check now is not a routine item, and ordinary forensic knowledge is not of use. They can only see if the Speed ​​Force will find anything, because neither the Strangler nor the Magic Floating Cloak found anything abnormal just now.

Director Gordon came back with Dr. Fett. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a group of phantoms flashing around the corpses, and one after another they were all examined.

Then the Flash suddenly appeared in front of them, pulled out the previous incident report and read it again, then went upstairs to borrow a computer and typed it again, and everyone had a copy after printing it.

knock off.

Su Ming took the still somewhat hot report and flipped through it. His expression could not be seen behind the red eyepiece: "Except for the cruel knight, the cause of death of the other two people is unknown?"

Thomas also lowered his head and looked at the report: "I thought the mayor of Gotham would fall to death, but the injuries were caused after death."

"The Cruel Knight's heart was dug into a hornet's nest. Can we rule out unknown causes of death?" Oliver didn't know why he chose to squat by the door. His sudden voice even startled Dr. Fett.

"It's a pity, it's not that his life quietly passed away before you killed him. It was Laughter who decisively abandoned him, otherwise a Batman would not die so easily."

Barry quickly washed his hands at the sink, using every disinfectant he could find.

"How do you know? I obviously shot him to death with a bow and arrow."

"Well, a special use of the Speed ​​Force. Enter the Speed ​​Force plane and catch up with the past time. As long as you don't interfere with the development of things, you don't have to worry about flash points..."

Halfway through, Barry glanced at Thomas sheepishly, because his mistakes had caused the old man to suffer too much.

Moreover, it is unclear whether there will be any sequelae when Deathstroke brings Thomas to the main world.

He himself had never thought that the Speed ​​Force could be used in this way, that it could be compatible with X metal and quantum, and play a greater role. Therefore, he naturally could not guess the consequences of doing so.

Regarding this matter, Su Ming actually had no idea. What he did was actually just charge the Comedian's Badge with all the means he could think of. It was Manhattan who sent them to the Flashpoint world.

As for the side effects, that is something that needs to be considered later. For now, let’s solve the problem of the destruction of the earth first.

At this time, the old forensic doctor brought by Gordon finally found a chance to interject. Perhaps he was a little excited to see the Justice League. His face was a little flushed, his speech speed was obviously accelerated, and his voice was still trembling.

"Yes, regarding the cause of death, I haven't checked the two new ones yet, but the previous one..."

"Happy daddy." Su Ming added with a smile to prevent the three Bruce Waynes from being confused.

"Ahem...the body with facial muscle spasm from before." Dr. Fett still did not adopt the death knell's statement, because it seemed to lack some respect: "His cause of death was definitely not any of the common ones we see. I guarantee it with my thirty-seven years of experience in the industry.”

"Thank you, Dr. Fett. Please give us some time to discuss now. Someone will ask you other questions later." Su Ming nodded towards the forensic doctor and pushed the old man out of the door. Seeing that the old man was not eavesdropping, he looked at Barry : "Then the conclusion you came to just now is also the same, right? Their souls seemed to have left their bodies in an instant?"

Barry scratched his head through the hood and said with some uncertainty: "Maybe the soul was taken away, but it could also be some kind of timed curse. I can only be sure that this death was not caused by the Speed ​​Force."

Diana tugged on her hood. She was used to covering her appearance in front of outsiders because she wanted others to remember her for her martial prowess rather than her appearance.

She raised her chin slightly: "That sounds like the devil's trick."

"Ah, I have similar thoughts. After all, they are all experts at playing with souls." Su Ming tapped his fingers on the metal table in front of him, and cold light flashed on his fingertips: "But as far as I know, although demons have the ability To do something like this, there must be a prerequisite.”

"The premise is that the deceased made a contract with the devil before his death." Diana nodded and put her hand on the hilt of the sword: "Look at them, it's like every Bruce's wish has been fulfilled."

Barry hit his palm with his fist: "It seems to be true. When a Batman trades with the devil in exchange for his wife and children, the devil realizes his wish. This is what Deathstroke said... .Happy dad, but the price is that one day his soul may be taken away by the devil."

"But if necessary, it is not impossible for Batman to make a deal with the devil." Oliver stroked his beard, he thought thoughtfully: "In the past, if a devil appeared in front of Batman, he would use Batman to negotiate a deal. In exchange for Selina and the Joker's lives, the delirious Batman might actually agree."

Thomas sighed: "This does sound like the Wayne family's style. You will pay any price to achieve your goals."

"Then the 'Mayor of Gotham''s wish is probably to make Gotham full of order and light, so he has succeeded. Look at the smile lines at the corners of his mouth, and look at the center of his eyebrows. The most recent scars on his body are at least two It was ten years ago, which means that this Bruce has not been Batman for a long time. He probably exchanged his soul for the prosperity and peace of Gotham, but the repayment deadline has recently come."

Su Ming touched his chin and told his observations. The time flow rate between Earth 0 and these parallel universes is different, otherwise Bruce would not have appeared at such an old age.

And as long as there is a time difference, Kuangxiao will have the opportunity to lay out a plan.

"So what did the Cruel Knight get in exchange? Is it just an opportunity to kill Gordon?" Oliver couldn't figure it out.

"Devils' transactions are basically scams, or else they are just fleeting things. Misinterpreting other people's wishes is what they are best at." Su Ming began to prepare to release the portal. If the devil is involved, he needs to discuss it with Xiao Fu Orang. : "Besides, if we hadn't appeared unexpectedly, this might have been more than an opportunity."

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