The Death Knell

Chapter 879 The function of dreams

From the sunny but war-torn Land of Dreams, to suddenly returning to Gotham where the rain was pouring and the sky and earth were dark, the dizziness caused by the teleportation seemed to be more serious.

Even if he relied on the power of the Upside Down to teleport in an unstable space, Su Ming took some risks.

Rainwater with the smell of chemicals hit his armor, and the humid air was filled with cold breath. Barry rushed to his side and supported the shaking Su Ming.

"What's wrong buddy? You seem a little weak."

Su Ming patted his hand and signaled him to let go of his arm: "I'm fine, I'm just a little lost in a dream. When I come back here, I feel like I'm just waking up from a big dream."

"Oh, that's good, but where did you find such an old-fashioned gas mask? I quite like your original helmet." Barry pointed at his face.

Yes, the crown of the Lord of Dreams was 'temporarily loaned' by Su Ming, because it is still needed in the current matter, and this kind of prop that can distinguish fantasy across dimensions is needed.

"I went to find Daniel, but he wasn't home and I asked the housekeeper to lend him his mask, which helped us."

"Okay, I thought you went to some biochemical battlefield, but our mission is already somewhat clear, right?" Barry asked with a smile.

Su Ming waved for everyone to come closer: "Of course I found some clues, although they are more about Papetua's inside story, but I got some inspiration, and the problem here has been solved."

"Tell me, I never thought that the death of my Martha would cause so many hidden dangers to Bruce. Just now Wonder Woman told me about the Dark Knights and Barbatos."

Thomas pressed the handle of the gun, his whole body and bat cape hidden in the darkness, and his tone was more emotional than Bruce.

He's more of a human being than a Gotham totem.

Su Ming looked at the people who were looking at him expectantly. They were now in a dark alley, a crime alley. Thomas asked to revisit the place.

Considering that some of Kuangxiao's group might come here, we all simply laid an ambush here, but the traps could not catch prey at all times.

"I saw those crazy angels again in the Kingdom of Dreams. Diana knew that they were the same ones we met in Hell last time. They were trying to persuade the residents of the Kingdom of Dreams to surrender in a bandit-like way of 'join or die.' The other species we encountered in the main world also invaded there, and they seem to be able to get through the cracks in the sky."

"The last time I passed by the Kingdom of Dreams, I saw the horrific scenes in the sky. It was like reality had torn apart a beautiful dream." Diana now has a new understanding of nightmares. She used to think that she would not be afraid of nightmares. .

"Yes, angels come from the 'Seventh Heaven', the home of God, and belong to the highest dimensional level, so they can smoothly 'fall' into the dream kingdom of lower dimensions. So what about others? A rabbit told me about fantasy All species need their own dream country, so where is their 'dream country'? Note that if they want to fall into the dream country, the local dimension they live in should be higher than the dream country."

Diana became more and more confused as she listened. What dimension? What did the rabbit say?

The key moment was to look at Oliver. Although Su Ming didn't see him when he came back, the man in a dark green cloak was actually not far behind him.

At this time, he spoke with an accent like Robin Hood: "I know the Endless Family. They each have their own territory, such as the 'Garden of Destiny', 'Land of Death', 'House of Desire' and so on. These are quite A high-level independent plane, attached to the entire multiverse.”

"Okay, your intelligence is much better than Batman's. Sure enough, it's because he has too many helpers that all matters in the magical world are handled by Batgirl Kate?"

Su Ming gave him an admiring look, but it was blocked by the gas mask, and his eyes could not be seen clearly behind two pieces of cloudy glass.

Oliver couldn't help but smile bitterly. If the members of the Green Arrow family were not of great use, would he be able to do everything by himself? He also wants to relax!

So he gave Deathstroke a helpless look, looked around at the other people present, and said to them: "As far as I know, there are not many places that are higher than these planes."

Su Ming and Barry put their arms around each other, and the Flash's neck seemed to have a magnetic force. He always felt comfortable putting his arms around him: "For example, in the Speed ​​Force plane, if Barry finds the right path, dares to fight hard and doesn't care about the consequences, he You can rush directly into the territory of the Endless Family from there..."

"Wait a minute, what am I going to do there?"

"It's just an analogy, and only you can do it. Wally and the others can't, because you generate the Speed ​​Force when you step. You are a generator, while Wally and the others use electrical appliances and consume the Speed ​​Force."

"...Could it be that the Black Death is me who ran into the world of death...?"

After saying a few words, Barry fell into deep thought. After so many years, he still hasn't figured out what the Speed ​​Force is.

"Besides the plane of the Speed ​​Force?" Diana decided it was more convenient to ask directly.

"God's old rival, the Sunless Sea, the home of the giant ferocious beast. The plane level there is almost the same as heaven. However, I don't think the giant ferocious beast has such a good temper. Its behavior can be summed up in four words - God's Hate worldly people.”

Su Ming first mentioned a possibility, and then denied it himself. It seemed to Diana that he was teasing her, so she pretended to be angry and glared at him.

"Can you just say it's possible?"

"Well, the answer is hell. The hell created by Lucifer after his fall to heaven has the same high level as heaven. Although his existence is the acquiescence of God, his power is actually firmly ranked in the second batch under God. There is no doubt that It’s higher than the Endless Family.”

Su Ming looked at her little hand twisting the edge of the cloak, as if it was about to move to his waist in the next second. He gave up the intention of showing off and gave what he thought was the answer.

However, this answer is a bit unbelievable. Many people present have been to hell. There is no special feeling there. Apart from the smell of smoky sulfur, it is as chaotic as a wet market, smelly and dirty little devil. Running around the streets.

Diana took a breath, and the skin under her neck visibly undulated: "I don't know if you are right, but it is difficult to connect this with the Dark Knights."

"Simple, just let a Batman create a hell plane." Su Ming answered with a smile. Isn't this question easy to explain?

Although the DC world is not as vast as Marvel at this stage, it will not be difficult to create a plane anchored in the multiverse once it has enough power.

As for how to get such power... Batman always has a way, right?

It doesn't matter whether you transform a certain world into a hell, or turn yourself into a devil to seize other people's territory. At the worst, you can find a female devil to show her face, or you can change your gender and undergo plastic surgery to seduce a male devil...

Su Ming can think of a lot of ideas almost without using his brain. If Batman becomes interested in the occult, he will be able to think of a lot of plans soon.

Oliver shuddered, he felt the death knell in the night rain, as if he was thinking about something particularly dark?

But the rain was too heavy, and the other party's gray gas mask eyepiece was full of rainwater. He couldn't see anything, so he could only classify the previous heart palpitations as an illusion.

Thomas had been listening quietly and only now asked the question: "So you are saying that there is a Bruce in the Dark Multiverse who turned himself into the master of a certain hell plane through unknown means. Through this Roads invade our multiverse."

"There is only this possibility, because some of the characteristics of 'other species', such as being summoned, such as blood sacrifice rituals, such as cult worship, and such as the self-healing ability and smelly blood, they do not look like vampires and The hybrid of a werewolf is more like a demon..."

"Then someone left us wrong knowledge." Oliver frowned. It was a hybrid of a vampire and a werewolf. When did he know this information?

Obviously I have never seen such monsters in the main world before, how did their knowledge enter my mind?

And Diana and others also discovered this horrifying fact, because Thomas obviously doesn't know anything about this kind of thing. If they really exist and are that old, Thomas in the Flashpoint world should certainly know about them, because he is a bat. Xia!

Su Ming stood in the rain holding his weapon, letting the cold rain fall from his body.

"Don't blame yourself, because I was also tricked. Their intelligence was confused with my past memories. This is exactly why they attacked the Kingdom of Dreams. Through dreams, they modified all of us' cognition. That’s the scary thing about dreams.”

"So, if Dr. Wayne takes a nap now, these memories will appear in his mind when he wakes up, as if he already knew them?"

Diana understood. How terrifying is this ability to modify memories in a dream?

Once a bad guy masters such an ability, he can even turn people in the entire multiverse into madmen overnight. This is much stronger than the anti-life equation.

As for brainwashing tools, the Justice League is most familiar with Darkseid's Anti-Life Equation, which is a prop that completely changes the cognition of living things on a certain level.

The equation of life that Heavenly Father wants to study also has the same purpose.

Thinking of this, Diana thought of white light and light rings again. It is said that the combination of seven-color light rings is the equation of life, so wouldn't it be...

So she looked at the death knell with joyful eyes.

Su Ming shook his head and smiled bitterly. He only slept once after returning to DC, and that was with Diana... It must have been the trick at that time, even though it was on the overwritten earth.

Even though he didn't recognize it at the time, the ten-color light ring was still phase-shifted and put on his hand. However, it was of no use. He was still hit when he should have been.

Now I can’t even trust my own memory, it’s really embarrassing.

Fortunately, everyone around him has been busy and no one is sleeping. The same should be true for the Zhenglian Army, right? Well, the Hall of Justice has been blown up, how can you still think about sleeping?

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