The Death Knell

Chapter 880 Table Overturning Plan

"By the way, why do we keep talking in the rain?"

Barry looked at the people who were thinking with their heads down. When his brain was running, the Speed ​​Force would be triggered. In this case, his thinking speed was astonishingly fast.

He has finished thinking and concluded that just continue to listen to Deathstroke's command, so he is a little idle now:

"How about I go find some materials and build a shed for you?"

Su Ming looked up at the dark clouds above his head. The city didn't feel like it was dawn at all, but now it was even darker than at night.

"Don't you think it's very atmospheric for a group of mysterious people to have a meeting in a dark alley?" Su Ming pouted. Anyway, his style of acting is so dark, so don't play if you don't like it.

Arthur flipped his long hair chicly, and his blond hair with water drops cut across a plane in the air, and said with a smile: "So that's it. I thought you guys liked soaking in the water just like me."

Su Ming glanced at him through the gas mask: "The rain in Gotham is different from other places. Since you like clean sea water, I have to remind you first that if this is really the rain in Gotham, you should be itchy all over. of."

"There are many chemical plants in Gotham, and the air pollution is very serious. It is mainly sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide. The rainwater generated after combining with clouds in the air is somewhat acidic, but more importantly, it contains some unknown ingredients. Who knows who burned those factories? What......."

Thomas also mentioned that he is an old man in Gotham and naturally knows more about Gotham than anyone else. However, he seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly looked at the death knell with a horrified expression.

"It seems you have figured it out." Su Ming shrugged.

"This rain! This weather is wrong!" Thomas pointed to the sky.

"What's wrong with the rain?" Diana reached out from under her cloak to catch some rainwater, put it under her nose and smelled it, but found nothing.

It's still so spicy and irritating, like the cans of materials from a chemical factory being sent to the sky.

Su Ming sighed: "It's early summer now. Gotham is located on the coastline of the central and eastern United States. It has a warm temperate continental semi-humid monsoon climate. The rain all year round is almost concentrated in summer, but there is wind all year round. It’s just that the wind is blowing in a different direction.”

"So...?" Diana opened her eyes wide and looked at him like a cat.

"Ever since Barbatos and the Dark Knights inflicted heavy damage on Gotham, half of the chemical plants here have been shut down. Coupled with the shock caused by Wanda moving the earth, I acted as Batman to deter the bad guys. Gotham didn't have a single chemical factory left in production before alien Poseidon flooded the Earth."

Su Ming explains very clearly that this is the problem.

"Well... you continue." Diana was a little embarrassed, she still didn't quite understand.

Oliver took a deep breath and understood: "The floods covering the world not only cleaned the ground, but the rain clouds formed by the water vapor also moved along with the monsoons across the Americas. In this season, the wind has been silent. After stopping, the rain clouds that formed should also be from the Atlantic Ocean... So the question is, there are no chemical plants emitting waste gas into the air. Why do these supposedly clean rain clouds have the smell of chemicals? "


Diana looked surprised, no wonder they said the rain was wrong.

"The reason why they make us think the rain smells smelly now is because when the rain really becomes smelly, no one will be able to detect it..."

Thomas regained his composure, but he still looked at the sky. The dark clouds and rain were real, but the smell was an artificially modified impression.

Su Ming also nodded: "This is the last smile of the Laughing Bat. This is his back-up plan."

Oliver also joins the discussion: "The owl's final laugh is to spread the antidote or poison across the city via airships. Bruce's final laugh is to spray the antidote or poison over the city through Wayne Tower, like irrigation sprinklers on the lawn, so Wayne Tower It’s only that high. And the Laughing Bat planned to take advantage of the weather, because Gotham is always gloomy, and he took advantage of the blind spots in our thinking. This is usually the case, so we didn’t notice it!”

"Yes, if the rainwater is bland and tasteless, the rain that lasts for too long will attract our attention. Even if we can figure out what causes the tasteless rainwater, it is inevitable that someone will not figure it out and it will attract investigation, so he simply changes the rainwater The smell makes everyone enter into the thinking mode of 'taking it for granted'..."

Thomas was a little surprised. The Laughing Bat was also Bruce. Didn't that mean he was as crazy as the Joker? Why so smart?

"It's not difficult at all to make rainwater smell. You just need to launch some pungent chemicals into the rain clouds. Drones can do this." Su Ming speculated on the method of laughing wildly and looked at Rain from the sky: "After I went to the Land of Dreams, I understood what the problem was. Not only the eyes can deceive people, but the nose can also deceive people sometimes."

Su Ming felt a little emotional, not only the smell of perfume, but also the smell was sometimes caused by the nose.

"Why didn't our Batman think about artificial rainfall before? He spent hundreds of millions to build Wayne Tower in vain." Arthur held his trident and leaned on it to watch the fun.

Su Ming curled his lips, this question was on point.

This is the main world. As an outsider, the Laughing Bat has no chance to build a large-scale construction here to prepare for his final laugh, so he decided to use the power of nature to let the gravity and water circulation system achieve his goals.

The cost is extremely low. If he prepares the toxin, he probably only needs a small rocket or a drone, and the whole city will be destroyed.

As for Batman in the main world, well, maybe he also thought of such a method, but he still wanted a high observation tower, which not only could serve as a nozzle for spraying water, but also allow him to stand on the rooftop and pose. .

The moon was dark and the wind was high. He stood on the head of the water-spewing stone beast on the top of Wayne Tower with a lunge. When the breeze blew, he raised his dark cloak, kicked off his two calves, and flew in the direction of the bat light in the distance.

Isn’t it flattering?

Batman also behaves in this dark style. If you don't like it, don't play it. Aesthetic needs are also one of the advanced needs of human beings. Rich people just like that.

Barry scratched his head anxiously: "Now that we have seen through Laughing's trump card, what should we do now? Do you know who the third Dark Knight is? How to restrain him?"

Su Ming showed a weird smile and breathed like Darth Vader: "No, my good buddy, that's not my style, I chose... to turn over the card table!"

This is the best choice. The Laughing Bat is here to win, so why not make him unable to play?

Deathstroke is not Batman. Whoever has the bad habit of laughing wildly will directly get him negative points.

Thomas pinched his chin, squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement. As a consumer boss, Oliver can do whatever the workers say, and he has no objection.

As for Barry and Diana, they have long been accustomed to listening to Deathstroke's arrangements, but Neptune didn't understand anything at all.

So that's the deal.

"What should we do? Let's talk." Thomas stood in the water in Crime Alley with his arms crossed.

Su Ming also looked up at the sky, calculating something, and said: "As we all know, clouds will move with the wind. He laughed wildly and broke Bruce's last smile in order to prevent Bruce from detoxifying the whole city. So now we are together Repay retaliation, destroy the last smile of the maniac."

"I'm going to go find Superman and have him and Ron come over and blow some air."

Barry tried to run away, but Su Ming held him back.

"Luthor should keep an eye on Superman. Don't let him wander around. It will cause a chain reaction. I will handle the matter here."

"Although you can fly, how long do you have to blow?" Barry looked suspicious: "Why don't you blow me up so I can feel the force of the wind?"

Wind speed is also a type of speed, and as The Flash he believes he has a say.

So after he finished speaking, he brought the lower half of his face exposed outside the mask in front of Su Ming, intending to feel the wind with his skin.

Seeing such a strange scene, Diana forcefully pushed herself between the two of them: "How about I give you a breath?"

Barry scratched his head, why did Diana seem a little angry? Why?

"Well, you can fly too, so you can probably blow air, right?"

Su Ming covered his forehead, and heavy breathing came from under the gas mask: "Don't worry about this. Do you know the fundamental difference between humans and animals?"

"Humans can make tools." Oliver also covered his face. He guessed why Diana reacted like this. No wonder she has been following Deathstroke. No wonder some things have been explained now...

Su Ming raised his right hand, and the gauntlet outside one finger began to melt, revealing a ring, turning everything in the crime alley into golden yellow.

The golden light filled the air in the rain, like a candlelight in the middle of the night, but the emotion it exuded made several people around them frown.

"Yellow Lantern Ring." As Hal's good friend, Oliver had a deep memory of the red-faced man from the Yellow Lantern Corps.

Su Ming took off the gas mask on his face and wiped his hair: "The yellow light ring is the most suitable ring for me. It can use me as a lamp furnace to obtain energy. And it has the same unique properties as the green light. To be able to discover objects, I now need a very large fan that can cover half of Gotham."

"Then you need people to inflict fear on others, or feel endless fear yourself." Oliver continued.

"The good news is that fear is plentiful and it's a resource at our fingertips."

Su Ming looked at Thomas. Patriarch Wayne was just watching the performance of the young people. He felt that he might really be old.

"How do you know?" he asked.

"You are Batman, and you must have fear venom in your belt. Sometimes to fight other mental toxins, you need to fight fire with fire. Fear venom is the easiest to get in Gotham, and it is extremely effective."

Thomas nodded. The young man codenamed Deathstroke was right. He did bring fear venom.

It's just that it's not to fight poison, but in the previous Flashpoint world, he needed fear venom to fight Aquaman Arthur's sister-in-law, the queen of the underwater kingdom Zebel, the 'Siren'.

That woman was as beautiful as her sister, but she was jealous of her sister in her heart. After Mera in the Flashpoint world was killed by Wonder Woman, she saw an opportunity.

Siren wanted to be with her brother-in-law and become the legitimate Queen of the Seven Seas, so she often appeared on the battlefield to help the Atlantis army.

Like her name, she is a sea succubus who is good at confusing and controlling her enemies with her songs, allowing them to usher in death in beautiful illusions.

The safest solution at this time is not to use cotton balls to stick to your ears and eyes, because they may be knocked down during the battle and affect your combat effectiveness.

Thomas's method was to give himself a controlled dose of fear venom before she opened her mouth.

The most fearful things deep in your heart will emerge before your eyes, occupying every corner of your brain. After that, no matter how beautiful the song is, it will be as safe as hearing a ghost cry.

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