The Death Knell

Chapter 881 Shocking Light

"By the way, where has Scarecrow been recently? I haven't seen him yet. Who should I contact if I want to order some high-concentration genuine venom?"

Su Ming took a dozen syringes from Thomas and inserted them into his neck one by one. He still acted calmly and chatted with Oliver.

Oliver looked at Deathstroke with a grin on his face. Every time he saw him burying the pillow into his neck and pressing the putter all the way, Green Arrow could not help but shrink his neck:

"I checked Arkham's records before. He took advantage of the flood to escape. The last time someone saw him, he was said to be going to Luther's place for an appointment."

"Oh? It seems like I have to talk to the scarecrow if I have the chance." Su Ming nodded, pulled out the bloody syringe and replaced it with a new one, without changing his expression.

"If it's just for venom, the Justice League can help you develop it. We have a science team." Barry shrugged.

"No, can you tell me about the infringement of intellectual property rights so openly? I am the most supportive of genuine products. Doesn't it hurt if you touch your conscience?"

Su Ming replied grandly that this was not the reason, it was just because everything created by the Justice League had traces of bats crawling on it.

If they were asked to create fear venom, Bruce probably wouldn't refuse.

The most Batman can do is to prepare a few special antidotes for everyone in Zhenglian, then inform everyone that Deathstroke has fear venom in his hand, and then write a memo with detailed instructions on the ingredients, concentration, prescription, how to avoid poisoning, etc., there is In an unprotected computer host!

The venom made like that was probably only created by Su Ming for his own enjoyment...

"'s all Batman's fault, really."

Barry touched his chest, and it seemed that it really hurt. Yes, villains' patents are also patents, and villains are also human beings. When did he start treating villains as American citizens? He recalled sadly:

"Last time Bruce took out the Atom's white dwarf technology and asked Superman and I to copy it on his aircraft. We all said at the time that stealing other people's technology and knowledge was wrong, but Batman didn't care at all and even used the issue of the integration to force him to We chose, 嘘嘤嘤... I have learned bad things since then, and I will change it in the future to protect intellectual property rights."

Several people's eyes fell on Thomas one after another, making him feel itchy as if he was being pricked by needles. There was reproach, helplessness, and torture of human nature in his eyes.

He had to express his position: "Bruce did something wrong. I will educate him when I go back."

"Well, I can't blame you. I believe you didn't want to separate from him for so many years and cause him to lack education."

Su Ming looked at the bat symbol on the syringe in his hand and took another shot without stopping. Thomas' words were treated as a cold joke by him.

"Ahem." Thomas noticed his gaze and couldn't help but blush. He coughed twice and changed the topic: "You injected so much venom, why didn't you react at all?"

Su Ming sniffed and wiped the rain off his face: "Because I have a strong willpower and have better control over various emotions than others. Our Bruce is sometimes called the 'Lantern Rejection Man'" ', His willpower is also honed by fighting against various emotions, which is not a rare ability."

There are people who have no emotions at all, not to mention that the madmen in Gotham rarely have emotions. When madness fills the mind, who will feel emotions?

Has anyone ever seen a clown poisoned?

He is so completely crazy that any toxin will only make him more high. Pesticide is his fat house happy water, and the venom is so thick that it is like the salad dressing on a burger.

Poison Ivy poisoned him, and it is said that the clown made a happy "ooh, ooh, ooh" sound...

"So are these venoms effective? Are they still needed?" Oliver asked.

"That's enough. When you can see fear like a yellow ocean slapping your skull in your head, it means you are scared enough." Su Ming responded to him with a smile and waved his hand: "I'm ready Remove your willpower and activate the yellow light ring. You'd better find a place to secure yourself. I plan to blow the clouds away. When the fan blades blow upward, the air around us will flow rapidly."

Diana directly pulled out the Vulcan Sword and thrust it into the building around her, while Arthur smashed his trident into the ground. Green Arrow flashed out of the city, and Barry quickly left with Thomas.

Su Ming took a deep breath and pointed his fist at the sky: "The day is dark and the night is bright. The evil villains and traitors are afraid of my divine light. They will be burned in the fire and those who rebel against me will die. The death knell will ring long and the light will shock the world!" "

Under the strong emotion of the owner, the yellow light ring bloomed with strong light like the sun, making the surrounding alleys and streets outside the alleys as bright as day. Countless residents in the city woke up from their dreams, and without exception, they all Had a nightmare.

The person who had not fallen asleep due to various reasons suddenly felt as if he was facing the great terror of life and death. His face suddenly became as pale as paper and he was sweating like rain.

Su Ming partially hypnotized himself, amplified his feelings about the rules of 'death', 'destiny', etc., and used them to force himself to strengthen his emotions. This move inevitably affected the surrounding city, which was considered a short-term side effect.

"Lamp ring energy level...200%, rising...error...warning, an error occurred."

The light ring made the sound of a tape recorder being twisted, and accompanied by a subtle cracking sound, Su Ming still maintained his rationality. He would not make the mistake of making a lantern at dawn.

Several light rings on the gauntlet were exposed, namely red light, white light, and invisible light.

"Repair the yellow light ring!"

Several different rays of light lit up, but in the end everything was covered by invisible light. Although several rings kept making the sound of breaking into pieces, they quickly stabilized after the addition of x-metal.

"The energy level is immeasurable. Please return to Coward to obtain the dominance of the lamp group and make others surrender to your fear."

Su Ming curled his lips. The Yellow Lantern Corps was full of careerists, so he had no time to play the game of power.

At this time, his yellow light ring has evolved into a 'three-ring light ring', which is a special mutation. This is a power of fear that Sinestro could not compete with in the past. The last holder of this kind of yellow lantern ring was Mongo. If Sinestro hadn't used dirty tricks in the battle, he would never have been able to defeat Mongo at that time.

But for Su Ming, he can deal with Sinestro even without the light ring. Things like the light ring are just the icing on the cake, not a help in times of need.

Besides, thinking of those little blue men made him sick. He knew that when the universe calmed down, those guys would definitely come to trouble him.

The light and shadow just now were conspicuous enough, and there was no time to waste. He immediately raised the light ring to the sky. A golden light shot out from the surface of the ring, forming a huge fan in the air, and then began to rotate rapidly.

The huge fan literally covered half of the city's sky. When the fan blades turned, the terrifying sound of airflow made a sharp whistling sound in the cluster of buildings.

The dark clouds in the sky were blown to the sea without any accident, like batter after being stirred, turning into wisps of shapeless structures, gradually being torn into pieces and dissipated.

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