The Death Knell

Chapter 882 Two words

The golden light slowly dimmed, but because all the dark clouds in the sky were blown away, the faint morning light finally appeared on the distant horizon of Gotham.

Looking at the small bright red fireball floating on the sea, although this was not the first time Su Ming used the power of the light ring, it was the first time he felt the value of this power.

In the past, these powers were used by him as weapons and weights to defeat the enemy, but now when he looked at Gotham bathed in the sun, he felt the added value of combat power.

Changing the world is sometimes so casual and so logical. Maybe someone can really benefit from your actions, although the warmth may be short-lived.

He wanted to fly to the sky to see this city, a city where it was difficult to see the sun, but this impulse was overcome by reason.

The Laughing Bat is hiding in this city. Not to mention the big movement just now, even if it ruined the opponent's plan, we must prevent the enemy from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

He turned to look at Diana and Arthur, who also had faint smiles on their faces. If there was a chance to bathe in the sun, who would want to be covered in darkness all the time?

"Let's leave here. I already know how to make people laugh wildly." Su Ming walked towards the other end of the alley.

"How to do it?"

Diana followed him, while Arthur carried the trident like a monk carrying luggage, listening to the conversation between the two indifferently.

It doesn't matter, as long as he knows where the enemy is and when to charge, that's it. Why bother thinking so much.

"Now that we have considered how they entered the main world, whether it was by drilling holes in my defensive magic circle or transforming themselves into another form and being summoned, there is a high-level plane behind them, and there is a demon. It’s almost certain. And as long as that crazy Batman uses the power of hell, I will have a way to lock his location.”

Su Ming solved the last laugh of the maniac. Now the most imminent crisis has been greatly alleviated, and the satellite can also operate normally. As long as the technology and magic methods are combined, and with the help of the old Batman and the Flash, he wants to It's not a big problem to find a few people from Gotham.

Although the sewer system here is very complex, it is now soaked by Arthur's flood. Even if they can survive in the water through some means, many things cannot be done underwater.

For example, if you want to prepare a poison, how do you do it underwater? Or if you want to be more convenient, it’s not easy to do it in the water.

Although the Laughing Bat is crazy, he is not crazy enough to swim in excrement. You must know that after the whole city is filled with water, the filth in the sewers will not obey Arthur's control and may float anywhere.

Wouldn't anyone who has never seen such a dark person like Su Ming think of swimming in the sewer?

Kuangxiao went to deal with the Penguin and snatched the sewer map. It was probably the last laugh that he planned to destroy the Court of Owls, but Su Ming directly asked Arthur to send a wave of floods to help him do it.

Then Laughing used Su Ming to destroy Batman's final smile, and Gotham completely lost its method of detoxification.

However, Su Ming retaliated just now, destroying Laughter's arrangement. If he reacted quickly enough, the next countermeasure might come quickly.

Su Ming couldn't give him a chance anymore. He said he wanted to knock him off the card table, so he had to hurry up now.

After all, the threat of the Legion of Destruction and Papetua is the one that will destroy the world. Judging from the speed at which the origins outside the wall begin to devour the multiverse, everyone will not be able to survive for a few days.

Diana asked him to take out the satellite terminal and look at it. Now that the weather has improved, the signal has also improved a lot, at least he doesn't have to rely entirely on guessing.

After looking at it properly for a long time, Diana reluctantly returned the terminal to Deathstroke.

"They may be hiding in some building, I found no trace of them."

"Didn't I tell you, just find demons? That's not our expertise. Just let people who are good at magic do it." Su Ming stuffed the terminal back into his pocket, opened the portal and went to meet Barry and the others outside the city. .

"Are you planning to contact Shadow Pact?" Diana asked. She knew that Bobo was now working for Deathstroke, so the Shadow Pact team was equivalent to Deathstroke's direct control.

Su Ming shook his head. The most powerful person in the Shadow Contract was Black Alice, but without a template for her to copy, she was not considered a sorcerer.

She is the DC's Konoha technician, best at defeating enemies with their own methods, but even if someone copies her homework, they can only take away abilities, but not abilities and memories. Her own grasp of hell magic is too shallow. .

As for Night Shadow and the Fallen Witch, one specializes in shadow magic, and the other is possessed by an ancient evil spirit, neither of which is quite right.

The most suitable candidate in this situation is naturally Zha Kang, but after helping him deal with the seven deadly sins, he ran away without knowing what he was doing.

Miss Colorado is also missing now. No trace of her can be found. She may be with Lucifer.

"Forget it about Shadow Pact. His opponent is Batman. If he plans to be a demon, he is destined to be the strongest one. Shadow Pact is still a bit younger."

Diana nodded. She was really helping to find a solution. Although her suggestions were always rejected by Deathstroke, she still enjoyed it:

"Then let's go find Xiao Zha. She is extremely powerful now. The magic of reverse speech is almost the same as the spirit of speech. Some things can come true just by saying them."

Su Ming still shook his head. If we only looked at the power of magic, the presence of the upside down person would be enough.

It would definitely not be that simple for the opponent to avoid the protective magic circle, the Inversion Man's detection, the Shadow Pact's monitoring, and the induction of the Magic Floating Cloak.

"Although Zatanna is strong, her mental endurance is not good. The last time she saw my little cousin's face, she vomited and fell into a coma. This weakness is too obvious."

Hearing that Deathstroke said that his good sister Xiao Zha was worthless, Diana glared at him angrily: "Then who are you going to ask for help? The sorcerer I am familiar with was involved in the fight between Hecate and the Upside Down last time. They are almost dead, don’t tell me that you plan to go find those people from the Lengyan Society or Pentagram."

Yes, there are actually many powerful mages, but from Diana's point of view, they are all bad guys.

Unlike demons who simply want souls, sometimes human thoughts are the most complex and dark.

Su Ming gave her a strange look. It seemed that she was really trying her best not to let herself come into contact with those people: "Since we are looking for a demon, can't we just ask our own demon for help? There was a hell lord who owed me a favor before. It’s a favor.”

The portal flashed, and Su Ming and the others successfully merged with the other three, and he opened a new portal again.

"Inverted Man, Main Street of Lucifer's Hell Plane."


Clark saw Ron as soon as he entered the base. The green-skinned Martian was really conspicuous, but it was different from usual. Ron looked worried now and was sitting on a fire hydrant by the roadside thinking about something.

Because of the sudden construction of this building, pavement and curbside utilities were included.

The red fire hydrant paired with green skin somehow always feels strangely beautiful. It turns out that not only does red and blue look good together, but red and green are also good.

Superman thought with some optimism. In his opinion, blue tights were the best clothes. Batman's black outfit really didn't fit his taste.

"Hi, Ron." Superman landed next to him, stretching his shoulders that were strained after drilling.

Ron raised his head and watched the red cloak fall beside him. A big S logo flashed in his red eyes, which represented hope on Krypton.

"Superman, welcome back. Is everyone okay at home?"

Superman showed a perfect sunny smile and gave a thumbs up: "Yes, thank you, they are all good. Next time you come to my house, let's try Martha's pie together?"

"I will." Ron looked down at his skin. Even if he went, he would have to change into a human. Although they are all aliens, Martians are not as lucky as Kryptonians: "Batman is there I’ll wait for you in the sewer nearby, go ahead.”

"What? Why a sewer?" Superman showed a strange expression. He had known Batman for more than ten years, and he had never seen Batman crawl into a sewer.

Could it be that something happened in Gotham that made him darker?

Ron showed a helpless expression, and he naturally felt strange, but since Batman didn't say anything, he wouldn't pry into the thoughts of his companions. This is the moral bottom line of a member of the Zhenglian.

"He said he was inspired by Death Knell and recently discovered the benefits of sewers. Maybe this is the difference between us and people on earth. I don't understand what he means."

Clark gently patted Ron on the shoulder: "No, we all live on the earth. There is no difference between Kryptonians and Martians. We are all the same intelligent beings. We hold beautiful ideals and become comrades. We can't figure it out. Batman's thinking is normal and has nothing to do with our identities."

Ron nodded and replied apologetically: "Yes, Clark, I know, it's just that I've been a little... confused recently."

"It's okay, Ron. If you ever want to talk about living on Earth as an alien, I'm always willing to help."

Clark smiled and waved his hand, flew to the top of the manhole cover in a whoosh, blew open the manhole cover, and the red and blue figure plunged down.

Batman was playing with an instrument he had never seen before in the dark, and the light from the screen made his face turn white.

"You're a little late, but there should be no trouble on the way."

"No, no, just helping to divert traffic." Superman scratched his face with his fingers. He always felt a little guilty when facing Bruce. Batman seemed to see through everything.

Batman tapped the keyboard frantically, and the code on the screen grew longer at an alarming speed: "I've talked to you and Barry about this problem. Sometimes helping others is not the right choice."

Superman knew Batman was here again, and he knew what the Dark Knight was saying: "We've talked about this before, haven't we?"

"Yes, but you two ran away before I finished speaking last time, so before we get down to business today, I have to make this clear."

Batman's deep voice echoed in the sewers, like a whisper in a dream.

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