The Death Knell

Chapter 883 Superman and Batman

Clark is reluctant to talk about that topic, because he and Barry have the same views in this regard, and Batman and Diana have the same views, which vaguely represents the two concepts of 'how to be a superhero' in the main story.

No one can convince anyone.

Talking about this now is definitely a waste of time.

But Batman has spoken, and Clark has no choice. It's okay to escape once, but always avoiding it is not an option.

"Bruce, I know you do it for our own good, but people really aren't as dark as you think."

Superman walked up to Batman and looked at the incomprehensible program on the screen.

"Human beings are born dark, because it is entropy that shapes humans, and that is the source of chaos." Batman quickly retorted, without moving his eyes: "It's like a baby, even if it's born, it doesn't know anything. , he will also compete with his brothers for food and the love of his parents. In the process of growing up, it is family education, common sense, social ethics and laws that make humans human beings, not chaotic beasts."

"Or become Batman. By the way, what's the situation with the Laughing Bat?" Clark smiled and snapped his fingers.

"The Laughing Bat has Deathstroke taking the initiative to deal with it. Diana and Barry are with him, as well as Arthur and Oliver. He has taken away half of the power of the Zhenglian." Batman's face was expressionless, as if he just said this simply He didn't show any special emotions: "Don't try to change the topic, I'm not that stupid."

Superman's futile efforts were seen through. He scratched his head and spread his hands: "Well, I still stick to my previous point of view. When I see people in need of help, I must help."

"I have no objection to this, because it is a form of justice. But how to judge whether a person needs help is the focus of our discussion." Bruce typed the last line of code and tried to Running on the host: "People only need help when they are faced with something they are completely unable to do. And when you help someone rescue a cat from a tree, or help someone weed their garden, they don't really mean it. I need you to show up.”

Both Superman and Barry have this problem, that is, they are too warm-hearted. When they see others busy, they will immediately go up and help. "Leave me alone" has almost become their mantra.

"But if an old man wants to weed the garden, it may take him a whole day. For Barry or me, it only takes a second. It can be regarded as a piece of work." Superman hugged his arms, and his arms were bulging. Muscles filled the blue uniform.

"You can help once, you can help twice, maybe you can help the hundredth time, but what about the hundred and one time?" Batman sighed: "If you develop the habit of others relying on you, you can help the hundredth time." You didn't show up the first time. Do you know what humans who have been accustomed to think will think? They will not appreciate your help a hundred times before, and will only care about the difference this time. Small things may just be a few complaints, And great things will turn against you.”

Superman sighed, and the smile on his face faded a little: "I know, Bruce, but you can't stop doing the right thing just because of this. I will only try to do it a hundred times, and strive to do it a hundred and one times." Once again, if I really couldn’t take action at the time, I also believe that the people who have received my help will understand my difficulties.”

Batman nodded noncommittally: "Well, I don't intend to let you give up on this matter. Maybe just like Barry said, it won't waste much time."

"Then can we get down to business?" Superman was happy.

"No, there are other problems today, and that is that you are making people lose their sense of existence and their motivation to move forward." Batman turned back coldly: "Take today's incident of helping to evacuate abandoned vehicles on the road. Tell me? At that time, all municipal tow trucks were dispatched and firefighters were on the streets. They could move those vehicles by themselves, but you intervened. "

"I saved them energy and time. There is nothing wrong with that. Now the traffic in Metropolis has returned to normal. Bruce, if you are willing, I can help Gotham..."

"No, I can do what you can do, and so can the death knell, but do you know why we don't do it? Because it will take away the jobs of municipal workers and firefighters!"

Batman's face was still expressionless, but there was a hint of hatred in his tone.

"I don't understand. They still have their positions and their salaries. I have to work at the newspaper office seven days a week. If someone can occasionally replace me for a few days without affecting my attendance, I will definitely thank him. You You know, Superman can get tired too, and going to work is definitely the most tiring thing for me.”

Superman told a joke, trying to lighten the mood, as Batman always took things too seriously.

"Yeah, just like when a fire breaks out in Midtown, Barry will immediately rush to the scene to rescue everyone. Before the fire truck starts, Barry has even bought blankets and drinks for the poor people. Over time, Midtown’s current fire department is slower to respond than the Italian Army was during World War II, and people have lost motivation and sense of responsibility.”

"Is this...because of us?"

"Do you know what they would think? I know, 'Anyway, if there is a fire, there will be superheroes to save people and put out the fire. It doesn't matter if we go late, it's just a formality anyway.' Yes, after the development, they were too lazy to move. I wish I could build a lightning light on the roof of the fire station, turn it on when a fire breaks out, and wait for Barry to solve the problem."

Superman took a breath and frowned. What Batman said seemed to have become a fact. According to the old saying, the people in Midtown and Metropolis had been spoiled by Barry and him.

Batman always speaks out about the dark side with a straight face, and most of the time he's right.

"Maybe we can talk to them? Give them some encouragement and make it clear that the city still needs them."

"Yes, then they will think that you helped in the past but will not help in the future, and they will begin to resent you. Among human beings' self-destructive tendencies is laziness. This is human nature. Everyone is willing to get something for nothing, and when they lose something, they will gain something for nothing. Once you have the opportunity, you will blame others. By the way, you do have humanity, I am very happy."

"This... you don't look happy at all." Clark was dumbfounded. This sounded like a big problem: "Then what should we do?"

"Let human beings do what they can, and don't cause bad consequences because of their good intentions." Batman turned around and leaned on the host. He was already ready: "If you really have a kind heart, then see a beggar with sound hands and feet." Don’t give money to the victim and call the police immediately to really save him.”

Clark was silent for a while, and finally shook his head slowly: "No, I can't do it. I believe that human nature is kind. You are misleading my judgment by treating your assumptions as factual statements."

Batman walked away, intending to get out of the sewer: "You already know my opinion, and it's up to you whether you listen to it or not. But with what the earth has experienced in recent days, we really need humans to have the motivation and confidence to save themselves. , this is what you are killing."

"I will pay attention to the scale in the future, but if someone needs to be saved, I won't care if he is a good guy or a bad guy, and I won't care if he will resent me in the future. Life is the most important." Superman hugged Batman and took him with him. As he flew out of the sewer, the smell down there was really bad.

After only staying for a short while, he felt uncomfortable all over and wanted to take a good bath.

"Although I don't kill people, some people die without mercy. Everyone has to pay the price for what they have done, even me. This is justice." Batman fell to the ground and shook his cloak. Walking towards Ron.

"If you only save good people without trying to save bad people, this justice will be biased and it will become meaningless." Superman still disagrees with Batman's statement.

After being deceived by Batman hundreds of times, Superman has become very resistant to Batman's words.

He didn't know why Bruce would bring this up today, but he wouldn't blindly obey.

The Justice League is a place where we seek common ground while reserving differences, and everyone has their own justice.

Wonder Woman’s reckless justice, Batman’s dark justice, his own philanthropic justice, and the Lantern’s orderly justice.

The key is justice, nothing else matters.

"Haha, Diana called killing 'saving their souls.' Justice does save the bad guys." Batman retorted, his black shadow stretched long on the ground by the high lights.

But Clark didn't pay attention to what Batman said, and instead showed a ghostly expression.

"Batman, are you laughing? You just told me a cold joke." Superman pulled Batman's shoulders and asked him to face him, and then used his clairvoyance ability to check Bruce up and down.

No problem was seen, there was no tumor in his brain, and he was not an imposter.

But why does Batman laugh? This is impossible.

"...I'm fine. Maybe I've been with Deathstroke too much recently and picked up some of his bad habits." Batman turned around and broke free from Superman's hand. Because he was a teammate, Superman didn't Use any strength: "You also know that I have passively learned a lot from you."

Superman didn't notice anything unusual, and naturally didn't realize that Batman was changing the subject. His attention was attracted: "It sounds like you get along well with him? He seems to be really different from our Deathstroke."

Batman wanted to deny it, but when he remembered that it was Deathstroke who rescued Thomas, he changed his mind: "It still needs to be observed, but I believe Diana will not let him go astray. Based on a man's vanity, almost no man To disappoint the opposite sex when you are surrounded by a beauty like the Queen, this is the reproductive instinct of human beings, just like a peacock spreading its tail, it is all about showing off and courting mates."

Superman shrugged. He knew that Diana following Deathstroke must be Batman's dark plan, and he was using human nature to cause trouble. It was really...

"Then I hope Deathstroke's aesthetics are the same as yours. To be honest, Louise's strong woman index is already my limit. I really can't imagine what Amazon will be like."

Batman raised his hand and greeted Ron: "Following around to influence Deathstroke's behavior in favor of the Justice League does not mean that they need to have that kind of relationship. With Diana's character, she will not accept such a plan, so she I don’t know anything, I just indulged her spontaneous behavior.”

"So..." Superman raised an eyebrow, and he hooked Batman's shoulder, trying to get some news.

Batman let him hug him like a piece of wood, and spoke coldly, as if the previous laughter was an illusion: "I didn't say anything... Ron, summon the people near Metropolis All members of the Justice League, Justice Community reporting, we need to focus our efforts."

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