The Death Knell

Chapter 884 Hell melee

"I knew it would look like this... adjust the arrow formation, target Blackstone Castle!"

Su Ming and the others who came out of the portal received a warm welcome before they had even established a foothold. They were not the aborigines from hell, but some uninvited bird-man guests.

"My lord commands you to obey!"

"My lord commands you to obey!"

"My lord commands you to obey!"

Unlike the last time Hell was attacked by Heaven, this time there were more angels, and their densely packed wings covered the sky, just like looking up at the sky during a locust plague.

Only through the occasional gap could one see the fireball hanging high in the sky. It was the sun created by Lucifer using rules. Other than that, there were fast black shadows and the sound of flapping wings in all directions.

It cannot be said that Hell is completely unprepared. It seems that the Hell Lords did not just play mahjong with Zha Kang during their last meeting. They also have amazing military power.

The battle between Heaven and Hell is called the Eternal War, which occurs once a thousand years and lasts for a hundred years in the Bible.

If there are not enough troops, how can there be enough raw materials in such a primitive meat grinder battlefield?

This caused chaos on the battlefield, with those with wings and those with bat wings fighting together, long swords and battle axes, armor and sharp claws, all together creating such a scene.

There were flames and blood everywhere, and broken corpses fell from the sky like a meteor shower. From time to time, pieces of corpses fell on the heads of several people, but they were all pushed out by Barry's quick hands.

When it was time to charge, Arthur was naturally at the front, while Diana held the shield and went to the rear. To be honest, she was a little reluctant to face McGuinn, that woman, no, the female devil... .She has some bad habits with twisted personality.

But Deathstroke said to let the devil deal with the devil, which sounds like the most ideal judgment. Since Mackenzie owed Deathstroke a favor, let her pay it back early to avoid getting entangled later.

Green Arrow and Barry are responsible for protecting Thomas, while Su Ming checks for gaps and blocks some special enemies.

Last time I only saw four-winged angels, but now six-winged archangels have appeared on the battlefield. Thomas, as an ordinary person, is really a bit mysterious on such a chaotic battlefield.

Although he knew that he was also Batman, he was really old after all. Su Ming needed his mind to verify some things sometimes and make sure everything was foolproof, but he didn't think of letting him rush forward. That would be a bit silly.

However, Thomas had no intention of obeying his elders. He rushed with several young people while holding two small pistols and shooting at the birdmen in the sky.

His marksmanship was very good, and he could hit wherever he pointed, but his bullets were obviously not high-end enough, and the high-level angels he was hit couldn't even scratch their skin.

"Dr. Wayne likes duck hunting?"

Su Ming's God Killer suddenly turned into a giant fly swatter. He swatted a four-winged angel that was attacking in front of him on the ground like a fly. Strangler took the opportunity to go over and bite off the upper half of the angel's body.

As a host, he didn't take it seriously. Instead, he still had time to chat with Thomas while dealing with the high-level enemies on the other side.

Old Batman was a little speechless. Hunting was indeed a noble activity, and these angels taking off from the horizon really looked like wild ducks flying out of the reeds.

"It's a pity that the skin of these wild ducks is too thick. They are probably a new species."

He put on a new magazine and continued to fire towards the sky, but Su Ming secretly gave him a thumbs up in his heart. There were not many people who could follow his example. Besides Wade, there was now another Thomas.

It would be nice if Bruce could learn more from his father and stop being silent like before.

"I'll lend you my shotgun, but I don't have many bullets. Try to pick high-value targets."

Su Ming pulled out a giant rifle as tall as a person from his waist bag, and its brilliant color instantly attracted Thomas' attention.

He was not looking at the obscure artistic relief on the gun, but at this miniaturized individual Gaussian weapon.

Logically speaking, the technological development progress of this earth should be similar to that of the Flashpoint world. Why have experimental weapons that were supposed to be installed on ships and used as naval guns now become individual soldiers?

And it's full of ancient Greek style. What does this have to do with Wonder Woman? There seems to be something strange about the timeline of this earth and the direction in which things are developing.

Thomas's thoughts were not reflected on his expression. He immediately took the gun. The heavy weight made him pause for a moment. You must know that he just saw Deathstroke holding it as easily as a toothpick. When it came to him, This is not the case in the hand.

Diana was at the end of the team, so she naturally saw the gun. Not only did she recognize the divine gold, she also recognized that it was the workmanship of the Vulcan.

When did Deathstroke have such a good relationship with his brother?

You must know that although Vulcan is kind-hearted and does not have a big temper, as a Greek god, being approachable has never been their label.

In the past, only a few people could order equipment from him, such as major gods like Poseidon or Hades, or the more warlike Ares and Athena.

Apart from them, only himself and Donna were left. Even if Hera wanted her son to make jewelry, Vulcan ignored her.

Why did he make a rifle for Deathstroke, and it was obvious at first glance that it was a finely crafted thing?

Is it because...

Diana wiped the blood from her face, feeling a little happy for some reason.

Thomas immediately shot down a bunch of angels. The trajectory of this gun was straight, and its power almost did not decrease as it penetrated the target. This was a very terrifying weapon.

It's just that the manual bolt loading is a bit troublesome...

However, he knew that Deathstroke was the leader of this team, and his words were more effective than his son Bruce to a certain extent, so he lent him a good gun at this time, which showed that the other party still recognized his usefulness.

Being valuable is a good thing, and the possibility of being betrayed or abandoned is much smaller.

Thomas was thinking about some darker questions as he shot forward. He couldn't help but be careful. The things he had experienced in the Flashpoint world were far beyond anyone's imagination.

"Nice gun."

"Ahem, I'm just borrowing it temporarily. This is a work of art and I can't give it to you."

While Thomas and Deathstroke were killing angels, they were chatting and moving towards the castle. The building that looked like a pile of rugged black rocks was at the end of the road not far away.

In view of seeing Batman going on a killing spree, even though they knew he was not the one they knew, both Barry and Green Arrow still had a strong sense of contrast with this.

Was it really the right thing for him and others to take him out of the Flashpoint world? What if he later teaches Bruce to start killing people too?

If Su Ming knew what they were thinking, he would definitely be amused. If Batman could be changed so easily, would he still be Batman?

He was almost certain that Bruce must not have been obediently taking the IV at home after they left, but must have slipped away. Since he cannot be discovered by his father in Gotham, he will definitely find the remaining people in Zhenglian...

Su Ming's eyes suddenly widened when he thought of this. Does this mean that Batman believes that he and the others can defeat the Laughing Bat? He actually learned to trust people?

The change happened so fast, like a tornado.

It seems that the clown's toxin has still affected him, and Thomas' antidote seems to be of no use.

I have to move faster, at least to catch up before Batman loses control...

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