The Death Knell

Chapter 885 Queen of Pain

"That's no small favor, mercenary."

Mackenzie wore a living armor wrapped like flesh and blood meridians. The skull sword in her hand split an angel in half. She inserted the sword on the top of the fortress, which is the highest point of Blackstone Castle.

She stood here, on Lucifer's palace, looking at Lucifer's kingdom. She inherited his angelic power, and she had to pay the price for it.

That is to protect this place, forever.

"You mean to let me go to the main world with you to find a demonic Batman that 'may' exist."

"As a demon, you have the power of an angel to restrain chaos. No one is more suitable than you." Su Ming stood beside her and also killed several angels that flew over.

This position is too conspicuous. While the entire battlefield can be seen clearly, it is also clearly visible to everyone on the battlefield.

If the angels considered the difference in strength, they might not have any idea of ​​catching the thief first, but unfortunately they are too crazy now.

The gap in strength was filled by the madness in his mind.

So they rushed towards the Lord of Hell like moths to a flame. Mackenzie has now inherited Lucifer's angel power. Although it is not all his power, it is not the power of these angels who don't even have names. At the mercy of.

The likes of Gabriel and Raphael are not out of the mountain. No matter how many ordinary angels there are, they are just a number to Mackenzie, and the angel army is delayed here. Naturally, other hell demons will not stand idly by.

It is impossible for them to take the initiative to help Mackenzie, but even if there is no deal, it does not affect them from taking the opportunity to sneak attack on Paradise.

Hatred of God drives people to become demons, and this hatred can be exploited as long as it is directed by someone with a will.

There is no need to think too much about Mackenzie's skills. Even when Lucifer was still there, she was his chief think tank and the regent of this hell. When the nightclub beauty was playing, she had always maintained the most powerful one. The hell plane is functioning normally.

"But you have also seen that it is impossible for me to leave hell in this case. Even if I go to the main world, my strength as the devil will be greatly reduced." Mackenzie put her hand on the hilt of the sword and listened with her eyes closed. Various wailings came from not far away, and a beautiful smile appeared on her face.

Of course, that's assuming you don't look at the rotten half of her face.

Naturally, Su Ming would not go back home because of such a statement. He was no weaker than the devil in his understanding of this place. He knew many unknown things.

"Did you not just play cards with Constantine during the previous meeting? If I guess correctly, what agreement should have been reached between you, Satan, and Izanami, the three strongest demon gods."

The strangulation absorbed the blood and minced meat on the armor, and the black and yellow armor was still as bright as new, but the gray gas mask gradually turned red during the battle.

"Oh? Why don't I know." Mackenzie shook her head with a smile, and she flipped up her long black hair: "Although Constantine is dirty, smelly, and annoying to talk too much, I have to say that he is better than Most demons are interesting, and they have been restrained in hell for tens of thousands of years. Now I just need some fun, and mahjong is not bad either."

Su Ming laughed, which sounded like a huffing sound under the gas mask: "Come on, Maizi, you can't fool me, because you are not the only one who cares about this hell. If what I expected is right, Izanami Reinforcements will arrive soon."

"Why? She hates me, hates Lucifer, and she won't come to help me." Mackenzie didn't care about the name Deathstroke called her. Although the title was slightly intimate, how could someone like Deathstroke be close to others?

Su Ming used the black light ring to resurrect several relatively complete angels and commanded them to kill each other. He said calmly: "Because she is the son of Lucifer. Although none of us can see the date of Lucifer's death, But Izanami is an Eastern Demon King. She has very traditional ideas. She believes that her son will inherit this hell, inherit her own hell at the same time, and become the true king of hell. Ah, a son inherits his father's legacy. Even I can’t refute this argument.”

"Hmph! She regards this place as her family's property, but Lucifer and her have divorced. He is the original light in the world and is immortal. Any rules are meaningless to him. Besides, her stupid son has no body at all. The qualifications to be a king.”

Mackenzie said disdainfully, but did not deny Deathstroke's statement.

During the last meeting of the Demon Lords, she did use the territory as a blackmail and asked Izanami to provide a reinforcement agreement.

According to the agreement, when Heaven attacks here, if Izanami doesn't want his son's future territory to lack the largest piece of territory, he must send troops to protect this place.

But how did Deathstroke guess it? Only three people knew about the agreement at that time. Could it be that Satan leaked the secret?

But Satan himself will send people to counterattack the empty heaven at this time. What benefits will it bring to him to tell mortals about this?

Su Ming spread his hands: "But you have to admit that Lucifer and her son are only seventeen or eighteen years old this year, but that boy has mastered all seven deadly sins. He is a veritable humanoid devil. Although his life was before the age of fifteen, Never dealt with any demons, never been to hell, but he lives in Gotham."

"so what?"

"Hang around alone in Gotham? That is crueler than hell, hallelujah. Not only did he not die when he debuted at the age of seven, he has also done all the common criminal businesses in Gotham, and he has done them well. If he hadn't been like him My father is just as impatient and impatient, and now there is one more big boss in the city."

Mackenzie curled her lips. Deathstroke seemed to have investigated it, and his discrimination against Takehiko was seen through: "But so what? He went to college later, just like a mortal."

"If you want to be his stepmother, you don't care enough about him." Su Ming shook his head and breathed out, sighing: "The latest news is that he dropped out of school and found a few girls. Forming a rock band, if not for so many changes in the main world, he should have taken them to a black clinic for abortion recently. You don’t think that I will come to you without preparation, do you? What do you think I am? I just debuted The Exorcist?”

Mackenzie covered her forehead. She wanted to hide it, but Deathstroke's intelligence about Takehiko was no weaker than hers. He was indeed the best tactician among human beings.

"If you want to ask me for help, this is not the right attitude." She said, watching the street below gradually turn red and flooded with blood. She didn't want to leave, she wanted to feel the pain.

"I never ask for help from others in vain. This is a deal. Oh, no, the correct way to say it is that you owe me. It was my sword that cut off your flesh and blood and pulled out your ancient thorn. It was I who let you You are whole. Now...I demand something in return, as all devils do."

Su Ming crossed his arms, looked at the other people who formed a circular formation not far away to block the angel, and said coldly to Mackenzie.

"You are the first mortal who dares to talk to me like this. Aren't you afraid of death?"

"You can try to kill me, but before that, you have to know that I have the mission of 'death' to find Sandman and Lucifer. Well, as the original angel, Lucifer can not care about death, but you can't , Dear Maizi, you are the body shaped by the chaotic hell, everything will die, and you are no exception."

" know me well?"

"No way, I have no interest in other people's mistresses, not to mention she is a bitch with half her face ruined." Su Ming laughed.

"Your words hurt my heart, you opened up all my scars, and you are right. In all aspects, there is nothing I can do against you... This regret, pain, torture , so sweet... You make me feel pleasure, and the mental pain is far more than a hundred times the physical pain..."

Mackenzie turned around and stretched out her jade hands with black nails to touch her face, the rotten half of her face.

"So the deal is established?"

"I will help you this time, but those who always tell the truth will not end well." Mackenzie pulled out the skull sword on the ground and said with a smile on her face: "I hope you won't come to me for trouble next time." , otherwise the price you pay will be quite high..."

"Haha, if I succeed this time, I will get Lucifer back. He doesn't care what the cost is. And if I fail this time, everyone will have nothing to do in the future. Naturally, you still can't do anything to me."

Su Ming put away the God Killer and said lightly, why should he be the Supreme Mage if he is afraid of the Hell Lord? Although Mackenzie is strong, she only relied on Lucifer's power, not her own, so she is now at the multiverse level.

And she was less than 10,000 years old, too young for the Demon King.

"Hiss... the words you said are like thorny stones, making me angry and ashamed, but unable to do anything. A little more, humiliate me a little more. A brave warrior like you who has courage and support is really It’s so hard to find…”

Mackenzie clamped her legs and twisted a few times, a blush appeared on her pale face. She closed her eyes in intoxication and made a request to Su Ming.

Not far away, Diana turned her head and looked here with a look of displeasure on her face. She knew that this woman was sick. She liked others' pain or her own pain. Isn't this a perversion?

Su Ming also felt a little nervous and panicked. No wonder Lucifer ran away to play in the main world before. If there was such a sick and trembling deputy who kept pestering him, no one would be able to bear it for thousands of years.

"Next time I have a chance, I will introduce you to a person who not only suffers himself, but is also very good at causing pain to others. His torture skills and intelligence are second to none among humans."

Su Ming turned around, opened the portal, and made a gesture of invitation.

"Asmodeus! Come to me!" Mackenzie shouted. Almost as soon as she finished speaking, a cloud of smoke mixed with sparks suddenly exploded around the two of them.

A huge, red-skinned demon appeared in the smoke. He didn't speak when he came out, but just glared at Deathstroke.

Su Ming waved to him: "Hello, we meet again. It seems that Satan traded you to Maizi, but your feminine appearance was quite good before. How did you regain your true form?"

This is the original demonic lust, one of the seven deadly sins. It is a monster that can be either male or female and is good at charming humans.

The last time we met in Limbo Prison, she was a beautiful woman with a curvy front and back. She was summoned and tried to confuse Su Ming. But this time it was obviously the real person participating in the battle.

How should I put it? His real body is three meters tall and has a waist circumference of three meters. He looks like a red meat ball with fangs and curved horns.

"Human, I curse you, you..."

"Um, oh, okay..." Su Ming pretended to pick his ears, then yawned, patted his mouth, and answered in a coping style: "If the curse was effective, Satan would have cursed Constantine to death. Now, please save your energy, or are you feeling itchy again? Do you want to have more intimate contact with the soles of my shoes?"

"That's enough. That's it." Maggie Ken raised a hand to stop the demon: "I will go to the main dimension once. If Izanami's people arrive, let them join the battlefield. The eternal battle cannot be lost. .Also, Deathstroke, you have to remember that the Seven Deadly Sins are mine now, so don’t explore too much.”

"To be honest, I'm curious about what you paid for the Seven Deadly Sins, but that's it. They're just a few guys who don't even know how to use a smartphone. You can keep it if you like. Now let's get on the road quickly. Our opponents may I’m tired of waiting.”

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