The Death Knell

Chapter 886 Moving forward together

"Everyone knows our current situation, so let's start taking action. Our time is limited."

Batman huddled under his cape and finished his speech.

It was said that it was a meeting of the Justice League, but in fact it was just him talking about the plan, and the others were listening.

You can ask questions, but no refutation is allowed. Everything has been planned and will not be changed at will.

Ron and Superman both stood by his side. In view of the failure of their last plan, they were now embarrassed to question Batman's statement.

Even though this plan sounds crazy.

Seeing the second- and third-tier heroes surrounding a few people disperse, Batman stood quietly, silent.

In the last battle where the Earth sank, many heroes were seriously injured, both physically and psychologically.

They were sent to a place called 'Sanctuary', a secret institution used by the three giants of Zhenglian to treat and protect heroes.

They may gradually recover there, but obviously not now, so there are far fewer people able to join the plan this time.

Clark was still thinking about something Batman had said before, while Ron connected his mind to Batman, and his voice sounded directly in their minds.

"You think we fell into Luther's trap?"

"Yes, our judgment on the power of Dark Creation may be wrong. Luther's progress should be far beyond our expectations. He may only be short of Pappetua's power at this time, and we are at the Origin Wall. Actions are driven by him.”

Batman crossed his arms, his black cloak held up in two pieces.

"But this plan was proposed by Star Man, and he is reliable."

"He only has half of his brain, and the other half is in Luthor's hands." Batman has an expressionless face, and his communication of thoughts is very hidden. He doesn't care at all that Star Man is around: "If it was Star Man in the previous story books, he would be a hero. , but this one now is not necessarily the one we know.”

Ron took a deep breath: "To be honest, I feel very useless. My psychic abilities are now restrained by too many methods. There are too many fakes sneaking into the Hall of Justice these days. Fake Barbara, fake Deathstroke, fake Copperhead, if Starman is also fake..."

"He is not, but the possibility of being controlled is still 20%. We cannot ignore the risks, and facts have proved that things will always develop in a bad direction... We must stop the decline and build a stronghold on the Origin Wall. Before the news spread that the world would be destroyed after being bombed.”

Batman interrupted Ron. It was meaningless to talk about the past now. What mattered now was what to do in the future.

"Do you think Luther would do this?"

"Yes, he will definitely do this. Superman is the heart of the Justice League. If this matter is exposed, the Justice League will lose the trust of the entire universe and suffer unprecedented damage. This will definitely hit Superman. Clark believes Others, too, think others will reciprocate the trust, but things will only get worse instead of developing the way he wants.”

Ron's eyes flashed with pain, and he knew that Batman was right. When the Origin Wall exploded, the New Gods were collectively wiped out, and Senagon and several major lantern groups also tore up their alliance with the True Alliance. , all insiders now hate Zhenglian.

If the plan is successful, they will not necessarily remember your benefits, but will consider it as their own contribution.

If the plan fails, then the pot is definitely yours, and they have no responsibility.

This is the bleak reality that being a hero, especially a hero on Earth, must face.

Ron is actually more adaptable to life on Earth than Clark, because he was a senior cadre of the Super Investigation Team and the Sky Eye Society before, and the darkness he has seen is not comparable to that of Kryptonians.

"We have to prepare in advance. If you are so sure, maybe use x metal to conduct a global broadcast. We can tell the matter first and tell the truth to take the initiative in public opinion?"

"It's useless. When you know that the earth is going to be destroyed and the multiverse is going to be destroyed, do you think humans can calm down and listen to you?" Batman's two corners of his mouth turned downward: "They might drink strong alcohol in the house. Waiting for death in bed, you may cry and kneel down to pray. Of course, more people will plunder those supplies that they think can help them survive longer, but they will not listen to what others say."

"It seems that both language and thinking are useless in the face of madness..." Ron En was a little disappointed. Although he knew it in his heart, he would inevitably feel a little emotional when he really faced all this.

Batman remained motionless: "Unless we solve the fundamental problem in advance, repairing the Origin Wall is out of the question, but we can defeat the Legion of Destruction, defeat Papetua, and perhaps find a way to preserve the multiverse."

"Maybe we can ask Deathstroke?" Ron suddenly said, as if he remembered something: "It was him who saved me from the cosmic tuning fork last time."

"Him? You want people around the world to listen to your explanation. He can come up with a way for you, such as tying everyone to the tuning fork or the dark spire again, so that they can't move, and then using X metal or Magic brainwashes them."

"Sounds a little dark."

This does solve the problem, but this is not the style of Zhenglian. It is a bit too crazy to kidnap people from all over the world. And this doesn't seem to be Deathstroke's plan, but rather a speculation coming from Batman's mouth...

Batman didn't pause and immediately continued: "I won't do that. We have our own code of conduct for the sake of justice."

"For the sake of justice." Ron still agreed with Batman's statement: "I will contact the relevant personnel and prepare props."

After saying that, Ron jumped into the air, turned into a long and thin noodle shape, and flew away from the small hole that Superman flew in before.

Clark just came over. He had been wanting to ask questions for a long time, but both Batman and Ron were obviously distracted. He guessed that the two were communicating in secret.

But now it seems Ron has been convinced by Batman.

"Well, Bruce, can you explain to me what the concept of dimension is? There are many parts of your plan that I don't understand."

"I actually don't know much. You should ask Deathstroke. I feel that he has a lot of information that we don't know. But as long as our plan is implemented in the first step, we can learn some things that were unclear before. This distance."

"Can such a plan work?" Clark was a little helpless. Batman came up with something he didn't know much about as a plan. It was too risky.

Batman walked aside, took out the Bat Terminal and started to set some things. He also threw a lot of small balls. He didn't know what they were. He said:

"We don't know much, and so does Luther. What we need to do now is to bring both sides to the same plane, instead of being content with the status quo of backward intelligence. In this case, we have no chance of winning. Only by getting out of this circle of thinking, Go to a whole new level and fight for a chance of survival.”

Clark thought for a while and finally nodded. It would be fine if someone on his side understood the concept of dimensions, whether that person was Batman or Deathstroke.

"Okay, I listen to you, what do you need me to do now?"

"Destroy all the covered buildings here and create an apocalyptic scene. This is your mission."

Batman said calmly, and at the same time, he controlled the sky of the entire building to change, projecting a desolate and dilapidated vista. The clouds in the sky seemed to be torn into strips by the airflow, and a doomsday atmosphere emerged spontaneously. .

"Huh? I'm not very good at demolishing buildings." Clark looked embarrassed. It's not that he doesn't know how to destroy, but they all have owners, right?

"Don't worry, I bought all the buildings in this neighborhood. All you have to do is hit them hard. Everyone else has been evacuated and is safe." Batman replied expressionlessly.

"Why are we doing this? Many of the buildings in this area are landmark buildings in the metropolis and are of great historical value." Superman scratched his head.

"There is a sentence in the Mars prophecy that Ron brought back, 'Black snow will come in the winter of the second decade of the new century, and everything will burn in front of her.' That was supposed to be next year, and we are going to simulate it now What it will look like next winter, this is a tactical necessity."

Batman still explained. If it were anyone else, he would not answer:

"If you don't want us to become history, just do it. I also need to prepare for artificial snowfall and cooling, which will take time."

Superman shook his head, smoothed his hair in frustration, and flew away.

But the dark bat just stood there, and he had to think about what the black snow meant.


"This city... the darkness is boiling, and they cling to every building and street in a special form."

Mackenzie walked out of the portal, her high-heeled leather boots completely submerged in the water, but her eyes were not just water, she saw more things through the twisted moisture.

Purple-black negative energy, like clouds or thick smoke, was entangled in the streets and alleys of Gotham. Even with the sun hanging in the sky, the city was dark in her eyes.

"This thing that attracts special forms of negative energy is called amber gold. When the Court of Owls expanded Gotham City, they added raw materials mixed with amber gold into most buildings, maybe steel, maybe cement, maybe even It’s a living person.”

Su Ming followed her. The exit of the portal was located in Grant Park in the north of Gotham City. Not far to the north was the Knights Stadium, and a few blocks to the south, across the Splain River, was the Arkham Sanitarium.

This can be regarded as a new city for Gotham. The earliest old city established was South City, so almost all the buildings here have been tampered with by owls.

"Haha, I've never been to Gotham before. How could I miss such an interesting place? The City of Angels is really far from here. Someone spent hundreds of years building a giant dark magic circle. So funny."

Mackenzie licked the corners of her mouth, and tears of blood flowed from the rotten side of her face.

"We all know the magic circle used to summon Barbatos, can you do your business now?" Diana separated the death knell, and she decided to talk to this crazy woman herself.

"Huh? Although I agreed to repay Deathstroke's favor and followed you to the main world, I didn't say when I would help him find it." Mackenzie showed a sly smile like a little girl: "I'm a little hungry now. Go and find me some living people to have a taste of, are their souls as dark as this city?"

Wonder Woman clenched her fists.

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