The Death Knell

Chapter 891 Next Target

Watching the excitement is not a habit only found in China. In a place like Gotham, where trouble happens every two days, there are still some people who love to watch the excitement, or who are not afraid of death.

Seeing a monster being beaten up into the sky by the Justice League, a series of explosions and flames were so dazzling in the morning light, and the flaming red lines stretched straight into the sky like huge trees. Some nearby pedestrians and residents immediately took out their mobile phones to take a picture.

Yes, the network and power have not been restored yet, and many people's mobile phones have been damaged by water. However, there are always people who hold their mobile phones at all times and carry them with them wherever they go like treasures, and they are well protected.

No matter what, let’s take a picture first, and when everything is restored later, post it as soon as possible to earn clicks.

Su Ming also didn't want a few people to be interviewed, so he took the people away immediately after the portal was thrown out.

The new location was at the Gotham Police Station in the south of the city, on the roof of the building where Gordon often met Batman. He turned off the still-running Batlight and touched the slightly hot shell.

"The Laughing Bat is not with Gotham Nightmare. This guy is really smart."

Su Ming slowly took off his gas mask, took out a cigarette and smoked it. There was no trace of emotion or disappointment in his tone, it was very flat.

"Batman, like me, is a lone ranger most of the time. They don't like to cooperate or get together. They have absolute confidence in their own strength."

Oliver folded his arms and leaned on the rooftop passage.

"What conditions did you provide to the rat catcher? He seems to be quite positive." Su Ming nodded and asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

Green Arrow smiled: "A condition he can't refuse, such as a limited but stable supply of cigarettes every month, is the magic weapon for him to maintain his position in Arkham, that is, his power."

It is certainly easier to be a stable agent than to let rats steal cigarettes. Arkham is surrounded by rivers, and rats smuggling cigarettes will inevitably cause huge losses.

Su Ming nodded. Green Arrow is indeed trustworthy. Modern Robin Hood does not shy away from the current situation of the dark side and can use it to his own advantage.

"Our next target is the Bat Owl. When dealing with the mage, be careful with counter-injury spells and try not to give him a chance to cast spells. That's up to you. Use flash and bow and arrow harassment to prevent him from casting spells smoothly."

Oliver agreed confidently, took out a few small bottles from his belt and began to quench the poison for the arrows. It was not a strong poison, but just aconitine.

This drug, used to treat tachycardia, can cause cardiac arrest when the medical dose is exceeded. At the same time, it can stimulate the vagus nerve to become overly excited, causing swelling of the tongue, numbness at the base of the tongue, stiffness of the limbs, and incontinence of urine and feces.

Poison arrows can be said to be a magic weapon against sorcerers. Green Arrow learned this from his precious sister.

Mackenzie was walking around idly, her attention seemed to be always on the few pedestrians on the road, and she seemed to be looking at fried chicken legs, licking her lips from time to time.

"Stop messing with human souls. Please help me make sure Gotham Nightmare is dead." Su Ming turned to her and clapped his hands to attract her attention.

"Haha, you have been rushing to the front with cold weapons, causing the other party to misunderstand that you are a warrior, and then suddenly showing off your super sorcerer's skills, making that poor guy unable to stand up with one blow... You are really despicable. Ah, it's just like us." Mackenzie scratched Su Ming's chest with her nails and chuckled.

Su Ming slapped her hand away and said calmly: "The winner is the king or the loser. There is nothing despicable in tactics. You haven't answered my question yet."

Maizi looked at his nails and blew a small breath on them: "Hey, the sun is still far away. Although the magic boost is fast, the speed needs to be accumulated. I will tell you when it is vaporized."

Diana frowned: "So you still want to act with us?"

"Of course, it's a rare time for me to come to Earth, and you won't even give me a piece of flesh and blood. Do you know there is a saying in the East that 'It's easier to invite gods than to send them away'? Amazon Queen."

Mackenzie twisted her waist twice and slapped the extinguished long sword in her hand. The hot blade brought a slight tingling sensation, which made her happy.

Diana curled her lips, made a sound, turned around and walked to Deathstroke. It was really difficult to communicate with the devil.

Su Ming thought for a moment, and then decided to take the next action. Although Maizi was not that useful, there was no doubt that she was a powerful warrior and had demonic spells.

Just because she hasn't cast spells before doesn't mean she doesn't know how to do it. On the contrary, her soul magic and fire magic are the devil's innate abilities.

If someone is willing to work for free, he naturally has no reason to refuse. Although he talks harshly, Mackenzie has always been very measured in his actions, and it can even be said that he completely obeys the command.

She wants to find Lucifer as soon as possible. This is her current weakness. With such a handle in Deathstroke's hands, all she can do is be cruel.

It is false to say that he wants sacrifices, but it is true to urge Deathstroke to solve the Gotham incident as soon as possible.

However, Su Ming is not a free person. In order to thank her for her help, he now asks Barry to go across the ocean to collect some information on the top ten tortures and send it back to hell for her to study.

As for whether she uses it on others or herself, it can cause pain anyway, and that's it.

After thinking about the joint here, Su Ming nodded towards her, indicating that she could stay. Then Su Ming patted Barry and put his arm around Barry's neck.

"You do something for me first, and then go find Ron and Superman. We won't need the Speed ​​Force here, and they may need it more."

Barry sighed. He didn't know how to use weapons, and he didn't kill anyone, which made his current position a bit awkward.

The Deathstroke team is full of killers. Oliver, Thomas, Diana, and Arthur all have murder in their minds, not to mention Deathstroke and the witch.

He seemed to have discovered something. The non-killing superheroes were all left to Superman and Martian Manhunter by Deathstroke, while the ruthless ones were all gathered together.

Just now, four people were slashing around Gotham Nightmare, and there was no place for him to intervene. Even if he used the speed force to push in, he still had to worry about whether he would be accidentally injured.

If it's Deathstroke's words, the melee slot is full...

"Okay, if you ask Oliver to call me if you need me again, now tell me what help you want me to do?"

Su Ming hooked his neck, talking about this and this, and the expression on Barry's face became more and more weird. Collecting the design drawings of ancient oriental torture instruments? Why is this?

However, Deathstroke had no intention of explaining. He just finished speaking, patted him on the shoulder, gave him a cheering look, and then gathered the others to discuss the plan.

It's actually not difficult to pull a sorcerer out of Gotham, but Su Ming wanted to get rid of the Laughing Bat first, leaving them leaderless before dealing with others. That was easier.

But now, the wild laughter is well hidden, so all he can do is cut off his wings one by one.

And it is estimated that Laughing and Bat Owl will not be together again. Logically speaking, Laughing will not know the cost of spreading people, but he still did it.

Whether it was the madness of the clown toxin that made him behave like this, or whether he had other plans, was the biggest question.

But don’t think about that much first. First, take out the Bat Owl and kill it.

"By the way, Deathstroke, what did you mean by shaking your head at me in the previous battle?" Arthur controlled the water to wash away the soil on the armor. He is still thinking about this matter.

"Well, I asked you to sell him a flaw." Su Ming shrugged and nodded in recognition of his contribution: "You did a good job, pretending to be stupid as if it were true."

"Really? Haha." Arthur scratched his wavy hair and showed an awkward smile after an accident.

"Okay, everyone, listen to me. Our next target is Bat Owl, an owl priest who works for the Court of Owls. Just make the basic preparations to deal with sorcerers as usual. Let's determine his location first."

Su Ming stubbed out the cigarette butt and put it away, took the information from Barry who had returned, and said goodbye to him. Then he clapped his hands to signal everyone to come closer, and once again teleported everyone to a mysterious dark room.

You can smell some fishy smell of sea water all around. This should be an abandoned room somewhere near the coast.

Because the spider webs were above everyone's heads, and the rotten floor had a foul smell after being soaked in water. The scattered pieces of shabby furniture around seemed as broken as if they had been stepped on by giants.

"The Court of Owls..." Thomas walked out of the portal and touched the stubble on his chin. His old face showed the look of recalling the dark past: "I heard my grandfather say it when I was a child. They, but I thought they were just a legend.”

"The court, the parliament, they are not legends." Su Ming quickly explained: "They are a cult group composed of Gotham elite groups and developed globally. They believe in Barbatos, the god of darkness, but After Barbatos treated them as fools and abandoned them last time, their organization as a whole fell into confusion and is now lurking."

Oliver also spoke: "We have conducted some investigations. In this timeline, the death of you and your wife may be at the hands of the court. And Bruce said that his great-great-grandfather was the Wayne family 150 years ago. Alan Wayne, the patriarch of the family and the architect responsible for the construction of Gotham City, died at the hands of the Court of Owls."

"The body was dumped in the sewer and was eaten so clean by rats that it could only be identified by its gold teeth."

Su Ming put away the Sandman's gas mask, and covered his face with the helmet of the Strangler icon again. The red one-eyed goggles lit up in the darkness:

"It feels like it's been a long time since I last fought against the court. In Gotham, you can't get around the owl."

Diana was not interested in rats. She liked large prey. Rats had little meat and she would not kill them in the past.

She can kill in order to survive, but killing weak creatures just to show her strength is not her style.

"Let's talk about how we found the enemy. Let's leave the story for another time."

"Okay, let's talk about the composition of the new Dark Knights. The first is the Cruel Knight. Laughter is attracted by his arms and technology, plus his ability to use firearms, so he recruited him to join the group."

Su Ming followed the good example and changed the topic:

"Next is Gotham Nightmare. Kuangxiao likes its ability to harvest souls and its ability to summon 'other species'..."

Oliver nodded, he already understood: "The reason why Laughing made Bat Owl join the gang must be because of the connection between him and the Court of Owls. So what is there about the Court of Owls that he values?"

"Quite a few, at least there are many secrets in Gotham that only owls know, such as the existence of the oldest set of Final Laughter, such as the huge army of mummies, such as Amber Gold and Bat Gold, or criminal connections... ....."

Su Ming answered with a smile. He knew that Green Arrow already understood. The two of them had similar ideas, so the conclusion should be the same.

Sure enough, dark people should deal with dark people. It's really worry-free.

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